Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship

So… almost two years later, and I’m reviewing the second game in the Cars video game series (shhhhhh Radiator Springs Adventures never happened SHHHHHHH). Let’s go.

A year later after releasing Cars: The Video Game and Rainbow Studios, after technically developing two versions of the same game (I’d say three, but Incinerator Studios made the Wii version of the first game), were at it again with an entirely new game acting as said first game’s sequel. How did it turn out?… Mixed, to say the least. Let me explain.

Real player with 1344.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War World War II Games.

I cannot even begin to express my gratitude towards this video game. This video game has gotten me through the toughest times in my life. This video game helped me get a girlfriend. This video game was the missing piece in my life.

Back on one day in 2007 or 8, I played this game for the very first time on my dads computer. With the original disk. I distinctively remember letting out the biggest fart in the entire world. It didnt end up being just a fart though. It was a massive shit. I then became lost and could not play the game due to lack of interest, and the big life goals of finishing kindergarten and starting first grade.

Real player with 198.3 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship on Steam

ARMA: Cold War Assault

ARMA: Cold War Assault

It is the last mission… We’ve beaten the Russians off to the end of the island, and now it’s time to apprehend the mastermind behind it all… General Guba.

Me and my spec ops team of eight finish our briefing: to find and capture General Guba alive before he makes his escape off the island. As we make for Guba’s headquarters in our M113 Armored Personnel Carrier, we see a friendly machine gun jeep, probably forming into the friendly assault that will schedule a little while later. As we drive further to our objective, I spot a dirt trail along the mountain path. We follow it to find two ruskies guarding an abandoned outpost with a Mil Mi-24 “Hind” attack chopper hiding in the back. The gunner of the M113 takes out the two in quick bursts and I tell my men to board the Hind. “Out of fuel” 3 in my squad tells me. I find a fuel truck hiding behind a wall and refuel the Hind. As we start the chopper me and my men get ready for what comes next…

Real player with 597.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Action Games.

This is the game that got me into PC gaming over a decade ago.

I still remember the very first time I played it. This masterpiece felt like a true war simulator back then, since there were not many games like this. It was really realistic in terms of difficulty.

● Really immersive campaign. Multiple characters, each having their set of skills on the battlefield. The cutscenes in this game are so good and long. It actually feels like watching a movie of Cold War.Campaign is also quite lenghty, variety of missions, never a mission indentical to another.

Real player with 95.7 hrs in game

ARMA: Cold War Assault on Steam

Cold Waters

Cold Waters

After playing Cold Waters for a little over 110 hours, I regret that despite giving the game its due diligence, I must award it with a strong down-vote. When I purchased Cold Waters, I was expecting a reasonable successor to Sub Command. Unfortunately, with exception to the Unity engine and visuals, it falls short across all categories.

First, problem set up is well, a problem. When beginning a battle, the player never finds himself in a favorable position in front of the target(s). In fact, the player will always be placed slightly forward or aft of abeam the mission objective, several thousand yards out. This forces the player to increase speed, to close distance, to increase the effectiveness of his already ineffective weapons. This will always result in detection, and ambushes are thus made impossible. Even during a campaign, if a commander sets himself in front of a strike group or landing force, when the engagement begins, he will be placed as previously stated, normally sailing at 10 knots, instead of all stop or rigged for ultra quiet.

Real player with 151.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

As a big fan of air and naval warfare simulation and strategy\tactical titles, I was naturally drawn to Cold Waters.

I came to this from a DW\SH background like many others it seems. However I was under no illusion that this is a successor\replacement\copy, this is new title doing things it’s own ways. Which is excellent, Coming to Cold Waters with any assumption that this replaces “Insert your favorite subsim here” will probably lead to disappointment. An open mind is needed blinkered to the past as much as possible and you can see CW for the little masterpiece that it is.

Real player with 143.5 hrs in game

Cold Waters on Steam

Tunguska: The Visitation

Tunguska: The Visitation

This game is very hard, but in a strategic way. It requires no aiming skill or reflex, and you have plenty of time thinking about what to do to solve each combat scenario. Sometimes it’s more straight forward, and other times you have to die a few times to figure out the right way. It’s all about attention to details - some enemies wear armors, for example, and you can tell it from their appearance. But if you ignore that intel and just start shooting without the right kind of ammo, you’ll just be waiting ammo. There is a lot of details in the dialogues and journals, and you must pay pretty close attention to not miss important information.

Real player with 74.4 hrs in game

6 hours in, and I really like this game. I first heard about it a couple of years ago on a Stalker forum, and my first impression from the previews was good. Now that I’ve had a chance to play the game, that first impression has been reinforced. Tunguska’s setting is moody and atmospheric. The gunplay and stealth are straightforward but challenging, and the overall result is a fun top-down twin-stick “shooter.” Quotes because there’s more to this than running and gunning – there are some light RPG elements, and a heavy element of exploration.

Real player with 71.9 hrs in game

Tunguska: The Visitation on Steam

b 2

b 2

This game saved my life.

I am 27.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiraling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 194.9 hrs in game

I remember back a few years ago when I discovered a rather quirky indie game simply known as “b”. That game really changed how I think about and view a lot of things. Without trying to spoil any of the story, it taught me to be more appreciative of things in my life.

Thusly, I was extremely excited to learn about the sequel. It came to me in a time when I was hitting a sort of crossroads. I felt lost, and was really unsure of what to do with myself. I had lost my way. This game helped me out so much. It helped me remember how much I loved beeing alive.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

b 2 on Steam

Commander ‘85 Prologue

Commander ‘85 Prologue

First of all, it is a very good game graphically, Secondly the story is a bit or even quite fitting, Thirdly if you like hacker type games (or if you like computer related games you can give it a chance)

Finally, it is a bit confusing game, but I think it is playable, there is already a 1 hour game time.

Thank you for reading my review, if you like it, you may like it.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Judging from the prologue / demo, this looks quite promising. It leans heavily on nostalgia, which is the game’s strong selling point: There are lots of references to the 80s and 90s (books, board games, a Sony Walkman, VHS tapes, Kodak cameras, Nintendo’s Game & Watch “Parachute” game - which was actually my very first G&W game!), etc.

Then, of course, there’s the home-micro itself, clearly drawing inspiration (visually) from the Amiga 600, while its name is an obvious reference to the Commodore 64. The main scenario takes a cue from War Games, and aside from the pseudo-hacking stuff, you can even run some programs & play games on it (also harking back to classics like Breakout, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Capcom’s 1942, etc.).

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Commander '85 Prologue on Steam



Escape from Voyna: ALIENS FROM AREA 51 is an action packed realistic single player shooter set in the era of the Cold War on russian soil. After many nuclear tests the land is devastated and apocalypse spreading. You, a secret agent stranded on an island try to escape without getting caught by enemy soldiers.

During the time of the Cold War the major powers attempt to secure their power by attempting to build the biggest and best nuclear weapons. Those were tested on remote islands. Due to a misfortune, you land on one of those islands. As an american secret agent you must not be caught by the russian special forces of the RSWS.

You sneak, run, shoot, collect and scout the huge game world. One of the over seven different weapons is bound to get you out of any sticky situation. After the game start you first need to get your bearings and find your way - there’s always more than one way out. Find the quickest and easiest, because this game is hard. It’s a tactical shooter. Weapons have realistic recoil and should be used for single shots most of the time. There is no HUD showing your life or ammunition, no crosshair or hit marker. Hardcore ain’t for casual players.

You need to find food or medical supplies to heal yourself.

The game features a large amount of realistically modeled weapons. Recoil is modeled in as well, so make sure to aim before your shots go astray.

Ammunition is limited!

Your enemies are going to give you a headache. The AI hears your steps and shots. It will hunt and pursue you and shoots accurately. Watch your cover, because the AI will act as a team. You should sneak up, learn the patrol routes and maybe dodge certain enemies altogether. Life is short, and the AI aims well. Most of the times escape or avoiding is the better option.

Breathtaking graphics based on Unity DX11

With Unity Engine and DirextX 11 we created a beautiful, living world you just want to immerse in. Enjoy the trees, grasses and stunning light effects. Get the maximum out of your PC and experience AAA worlds.

Realistic 7.1 surround sound

Experience realistic gun sounds of AK and friends in 7.1 surround sound quality. Let the ambience of the surroundings enchant


Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare

I really had high hopes for this game, not because I thought it was better than World of Tanks or War Thunder, but because it had a mode that those other two games does not, that is, PvE. When you grow tired of the 15 vs. 15 idiot-fest that the other games become, you can play Armored Warfare and fight computer controlled opponents. Sure, you still have to deal with 4 other humans, but usually one or two of them go link-dead during the battle or stay along the edge of the map and out of your way.

Real player with 1026.6 hrs in game

A good idea run into the ground by greed, incompetence, and toxicity.

This game was originally made by Obsidian and despite meddling by My.com to make it more like World of Gold Shells, a lot of the old Obsidian magic still does shine through in the PVE content.

Unfortunately, this game is currently in the hands of My.games which is an incredibly cynical, lazy, and just generally unethical company.

Pay-to-Win Matchmaking

In addition to the usual pay-to-win upgrades and OP premium weapons which exist in many such “live-service” games, the devs now even sell pay-to-win matchmaking to “allow for more comfortable gameplay” for people who use premium currency to purchase “Battle Hardened status” for their vehicles.

Real player with 1024.8 hrs in game

Armored Warfare on Steam

Super Fight

Super Fight

One day people will treat this game with the reverence that it truly deserves and that is to be spoken about with the same respect as we speak about the Mona Lisa and the Sistine Chapel.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

I thought the days of scam games like these ended long ago.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Super Fight on Steam




Single Player

You must fight your way to an enemy territory and return with the objectives alive .

One of them dies , its game over .

You will start with a basic weapon in a safe house close to the area the agents are located .

By exploring you can find ways to buy better weapons or collect coins .

Next time you play try to beat your score and make more kills.

Multi Player

A Team Deathmatch game in 3 open world maps (It can be updated with more maps).

3 round with 20 mins in each round.

Only one sniper and rocket luncher in every round ,

After the match ends the team with the most kills wins and the host is choosing for the next round in the same map or another map or just quit the multiplayer .

In the lobby you will have a text chat system where you can communicate with the others as you choose team and player .

Through the game (when in gameplay) you will have a voice chat and the text chat will be unavailable.

You can play without a mic connected but you will not have the option to talk with others.

The maximum players in every mach is 16 and must be at least 2 . Dont play with only 1 player , if you want to do this , do it at your own risk.

You can use portals to fast travel through the map.


Some changes in multiplayer menus

2 new multiplayer maps has been added

next updates will be “closed” maps

RescueTeam on Steam