One of those games that is both well programmed and well made to make nuclear war just another giddy joyride.

The game focuses on a world during the late 70’s and early 80’s, where nuclear war is taking place, and up to 6 nations can declare into it, the nations include The European union (and several other nations not currently in the EU) The USSR, (A and some parts of Kazakhstan) Asia (Not Ocenia, Australia, or Mongolia) Lain America (Not including Cuba) Africa, and North America including Canada and the United States.

Real player with 113.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Indie Games.

This was my first game bought online on steam… years ago. It’s an an-and-off relationship, and recently I got back into it a little, and the old fever caught on again!


  • not much required in terms of specs (although it can blow the fan a lot in certain situations)

  • UI has a great visual design

  • soundtrack is fitting

  • game mechanics depend on other players to work out one way or another: good online games are common

  • interesting game modes, for example: diplomacy. Everyone sees everything at the beginning, being in one team. Who defects first? Lots of maneuvering and chit-chatting among parties and backstabbing! Oh the backstabbing! Boy did we have fun with that!

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

DEFCON on Steam

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player’s Edition

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player’s Edition

This is an excellent game that combines playability with a design philosophy that rewards authentic gameplay. You give your subordinates broad directives and waypoints, which they will carry out to the best of their abilities. The game abstracts the busywork and assumes that your subordinates are handling their own responsibilities. Fire support can be automated in case plotting artillery targets becomes tedious. Battle command becomes the player’s main concern over micromanagement. It’s very easy to plot out a battalion or brigade-size action and coordinate timings between the component units.

Real player with 1271.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Hex Grid Games.

A very strange beast of a game, aiming to tackle myriad of unique aspects that are rarely represented in games of similar nature. Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm is not only a treat for fans of turn based strategy games, but also a must have for ‘Cold War-turned hot’ scenario fans, meaning those who liked Tom Clancy’s most famous book about same topic will feel ultimately at home with this game.

FC:RS gives us a plethora of operations and separate missions, which we can play against the AI, from any angle, or in multiplayer with hotseat mode as an option. Be warned though, it’s a hefty game, meaning battles may last hours of real time, and despite it being a sort of old school tile/hex based strategy, it very much aims to simulate the outcomes rather then entertain you as a ‘game’ in it’s strict sense. That said the simulation itself sets of to tackle so many aspects of modern warfare it still amazes me to no end how many features are being calculated over span of a turn.

Real player with 295.6 hrs in game

Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm Player's Edition on Steam

Call of Duty®: Black Ops

Call of Duty®: Black Ops

Everybody buying this: “Im getting this only for zombies.”

Me: “Appreciates the campaign”

One of my favorite campaigns in call of duty and zombies is great!

This game should get more people playing than other call of duty’s out there!

Real player with 387.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Action Games.

Good nostalgic game, gotta give it a thumbs down for the price. ACTIVISION YOU CHEAP BASTARDS, LOWER THE PRICE OF THE OLD COD GAMES!

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Black Ops on Steam

Codename: Panzers - Cold War

Codename: Panzers - Cold War

CPCW is an acceptable good Tactic-Strategy game. In my Opinion a good game to play on rainy weekends with a nice cup of coffee. Details:

Graphics - 8/10

The ingame graphic is awesome detailed. Enviroment looks close steps to realistic, nicely done with much love to detalis. Also the realistic reactions are nice to look at (example: Weather / grenade in forest burns trees down / ramming electricity pylons make’em flash and fall / after some gaming time the night comes and the tanks use activate headlights,….)

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

While it is a tad different compared to the previous installations from the series it still is a very good game worth playing.

It has kept some elements from the previous games but it feels more like Company of Heroes which is not at all a bad thing. It is still squad heavily squad based with infantry having different variations to a squad as opposed to specific squad for example the regular SMG squad can be a Bazooka Squad or a Mortar Squad as well, Ranger MG Squad can be Bazooka and Flamethrower Squad as well. Tanks feel a little better now in terms of armor and the impact of the shells as well and no longer occupy double their model size. They also have field / headquarters upgrades that you can buy with Prestiege, the in game currency which you get from completing objectives, upgrades like armor skirts, better guns, AA defense, etc.

Real player with 46.7 hrs in game

Codename: Panzers - Cold War on Steam

Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager

Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager

I almost let the most prominent Steam review here dissuade me from buying this game. It’s a shame that one so well written review completely misrepresents what this game accomplished and what game it really is. The reviewer really missed the point, or else it was before some updates and long since invalid. The game and its developers deserve better.

Puzzles just have one solution. This isn’t a puzzle. But it is much like chess, and there’s lots of ways to lose at chess when your opponent wants to win. Learning chess is fun, even if you never ascend to learning what the masters tell us: the number of openings with which you can plausibly win against a competent opponent is rather finite. Is chess still fun to play even when I don’t know the game that well? Yes it is. And if chess is a deal breaker for you, should you really be reviewing strategy games?

Real player with 146.2 hrs in game

This isn’t a game for everyone, but it certainly is the one for me.

In Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager, the player takes on the role of the administration of a space agency. Either NASA or the Soviet Space Agency, usually in competition with each other, or a fictional conglomeration of the two as the Global Space Agency (GSA). The goal, of course, is to land on the moon before your competitor, if playing NASA or as the Soviets–if you’re playing as the GSA the goal is simply to land on the moon by the end of 1973. Playing as the GSA replaces interagency competition with short term objectives set by political higher-ups, with give a small boost if achieved, but a moderate penalty if ignored. If a sandbox is desired with no pressure or competition, that is available too for all three agencies.

Real player with 121.3 hrs in game

Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager on Steam

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

It’s not just any random Vietnam battleground. No, it’s groups of people that have been in Vietnam way too damn long to realize what they are doing, shooting at each other with rusty-ass guns held together with bandages and duct tape. Squads are forced to stay close together lest the loners and stragglers are descended upon like starving guard dogs leaping upon a man made out of delicious smoked ham. Rock n' roll blared from radios attached to all vehicles will ensure that, at least once in your life, Creedence Clearwater Revival is the last thing you hear as your body is crushed underneath the tank treads. Every fucking reference to a Vietnam war movie IS IN HERE - AND YES, THIS MEANS YOU TOO CAN BLARE RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES AS YOU GUN DOWN THE VIETNAMESE FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HUEY HELICOPTER, MARTIN SHEEN, YOU CAN BE MARTIN SHEEN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

The Vietnam War was a Cold War military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. This war followed the First Indochina War and was fought between North Vietnam, and the government of South Vietnam.With the assistance of the US and other anti-commie contries. The Viet Cong, a lightly armed South Vietnamese communist-controlled common front, largely fought a guerrilla war against anti-communist forces in the region.

Battlefield Vietnam is an addon to the award winning Battlefield Bad Company 2. The game takes place during the Vietnam Conflict and is a spin off the the original Battlefield Vietnam. The gameplay is the same as BC2 but its still very good. They have improved helicopter controls and BC2:V has of the era weapons. Over all its a very good expansion and I give it a 9/10

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam on Steam

Object N

Object N

It’s FREE! …but, you get what you pay for.

I gave this a thumbs up only because it’s free…. ONLY. Because. it’s. Free.

I wanted to like this, especially since many people compared it to Half-Life, but …..

Half-Life is worlds better….Alternate Dimensions better, even.

This is more of a “Half-LIE”


“Half of A Half of a Half-Life” (One-Eighth-Life?)


a “I wish I had the 5-hours I played back so I could play Half-Life”…… kinda game.

This is NOT Half-Life, sorry….it’s not even close. There’s no explanation as to who you are or where, and no chattering scientists making foolish decisions as you listen in. You’re in some big industrial complex with zombies that attack you and non-zombie soldiers that (surprise) attack you. No aliens or mutants (unless you count the zombies) or anything that’s really interesting at all. Soldiers just say they spotted you and start shooting.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

DEFINETLY WORTH PLAYING! Starting off, I would like to say that the game is short, it’s about half an hour, or an hour long depending on you. The game doesn’t really tell a story, but it’s an amazing 90’s style shooter, that brings back memories to me, back to when I wasn’t even born. The game’s got this nostalgic feeling to it, and I love it. The game is honestly more fun to play multiplayer, because of it’s wonky movements, and game style. I’d love to see further updates to this game.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Object N on Steam

Wargame: Red Dragon

Wargame: Red Dragon

Awesome..Im a Total War Junkie, and this feeds my addiction perfectly!!!

Real player with 1609.9 hrs in game

One of the few games that can make me throw my mouse at Mach 2, but still come back for more. Worth every penny.

Real player with 420.7 hrs in game

Wargame: Red Dragon on Steam

Wargame: Airland Battle

Wargame: Airland Battle

This game has gotten some raw reviews lately by people whome have put very little time into this game. Others have voiced legitimate points over the games campiagn mode. This mode is very lacking but shows just a glimpse of what a campaign can really be if they move in a different direction (i.e. Total War). The maps are set up pretty good with great detail in vegetation and the size of the air space your planes fly in is amazing. Model detail for the vehicles and air power are great while the infrantry is mediocre whitch leaves alot to be desired. The difference between models of air craft is neglegable with no difference in aero-nautical and external hardware. They swap out the skins and say it is a different vehicle despite the fact they look the same.

Real player with 195.8 hrs in game

Before reeding, please accepte that i have bad Englsih :)

90 hourse online and 300 offline game time.

Short: This game are taking the RTS in a new lvl and twist. Cause the game have made it massive and “smal” in the same time. I feel the developer have made it realistic and smoth. And I feel like i have the countroll over whats happening while playing.

Long: I go after 6 thing i going to rank. GIGS-CO


I find it realy great. It is many thing that bring it easy to play, but in same time funny to countrol. One eks: can give many comands; move fast, move, attack, spread, regroup, split. This is very importan when it comes to winning or losing. (You can say witch direction thay gonne stay at if you are holding in left mouse butten).

Real player with 133.3 hrs in game

Wargame: Airland Battle on Steam

ARMA: Cold War Assault

ARMA: Cold War Assault

It is the last mission… We’ve beaten the Russians off to the end of the island, and now it’s time to apprehend the mastermind behind it all… General Guba.

Me and my spec ops team of eight finish our briefing: to find and capture General Guba alive before he makes his escape off the island. As we make for Guba’s headquarters in our M113 Armored Personnel Carrier, we see a friendly machine gun jeep, probably forming into the friendly assault that will schedule a little while later. As we drive further to our objective, I spot a dirt trail along the mountain path. We follow it to find two ruskies guarding an abandoned outpost with a Mil Mi-24 “Hind” attack chopper hiding in the back. The gunner of the M113 takes out the two in quick bursts and I tell my men to board the Hind. “Out of fuel” 3 in my squad tells me. I find a fuel truck hiding behind a wall and refuel the Hind. As we start the chopper me and my men get ready for what comes next…

Real player with 597.0 hrs in game

This is the game that got me into PC gaming over a decade ago.

I still remember the very first time I played it. This masterpiece felt like a true war simulator back then, since there were not many games like this. It was really realistic in terms of difficulty.

● Really immersive campaign. Multiple characters, each having their set of skills on the battlefield. The cutscenes in this game are so good and long. It actually feels like watching a movie of Cold War.Campaign is also quite lenghty, variety of missions, never a mission indentical to another.

Real player with 95.7 hrs in game

ARMA: Cold War Assault on Steam