It was a very fun and short game, but it took me slightly longer to Get Out! because I was doing the Commentary instead of focusing fully!

If you want to see my Playthrough, watch it here on youtube!

Pt 1:

Pt 2:

Thanks! If you liked it, please give out a like and comment what you think! Have a nice day!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Historical Games.

I really enjoyed playing this game,i love the black and white vibe

found it complicated but not too complicated,i recommend playing this:).


☐ to easy

☐ Easy

☑challenging in a fun way

☐ Hard

  • MUSIC -

☐ Bad

☐ Not special

☑ i mean i like it

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

  • PRICE -

☑ Free

☐ Underpriced

☐ Perfect price

Could be cheaper

☐ Overpriced

☐ Complete waste of money

  • LENGTH -

☑ depends how long you take

☐ No ending

  • FUN -

☐ I’d rather watch paint dry

☐ Hard to enjoy

☐ Repetitive

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

GET OUT! on Steam

The Prologue to a Dream of Home

The Prologue to a Dream of Home

One hundred years before the events of A Dream of Home, Dr. Seth Schumann’s reality simulation is nearly complete. With the birth of the Narcissus Project, Eridean scientists have discovered a means to project the soul as art. Who will finish Schumann’s unfinished masterpiece?

Read More: Best Cold War Experimental Games.

The Prologue to a Dream of Home on Steam

Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy

Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy

January 2087. Mankind has no time to lose. The time continuum is inexplicably unravelling by the hour, threatening to destroy the planet Earth.

Only one man can save time: temporal physicist Adam Cooper, inventor of a miraculous time travel machine - the Time Sphere. Cooper traces the cause of the time crisis to the events of November 22, 1963 and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a tragedy that should not have occurred in the normal course of history.

Determined to prevent President Kennedy’s death, Cooper assembles the Guardians of Infinity, a unique and diverse group of five individual agents who will journey back in time to November 15, 1963. You assume the identity of Adam Cooper. Your mission: to thwart the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and successfully return to the future with all of your agents.

You guide your agents and send them to critical cities such as Washington, D.C., Hyannis Port and Dallas where they must convince the President’s family, friends, and associates that his life is in jeopardy. Send your agents to see Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, or confront assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. This sets the stage for your climactic face-to-face meeting with President Kennedy where you must convince him of the impending danger awaiting him.

Can you save President Kennedy? Can you successfully return to the future? Can you discover the identity of the evil mastermind behind the assassination and the plot to destroy time?

Paragon Software’s Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy is a complex strategy text game challenging the imaginative mind. This revolutionary game features:

  • Unique character interaction with sophisticated human communication and emotional response so life-like you will think you are carrying on an actual conversation with your agents.

  • Over 125 historical figures from the Kennedy era to utilize in your plan to save the President.

  • A background novel explaining the time crisis in detail and setting the stage for your historical mission.

  • A highly classified picture disk containing top secret illustrations of the events leading to your mission.

  • A climactic meeting between you and President Kennedy.

  • State of the art, highly advanced artificial intelligence techniques.

Read More: Best Cold War Text-Based Games.

Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy on Steam



ICBM is a great way to kill an hour, along with a few hundred million people. It’s got a bit of a learning curve to it but it’s simple enough that you can pick most of it up in 2 or 3 games.

What I find interesting (and a little terrifying) about ICBM is how nothing is permanent and how the game always keeps you at the edge of your seat, because much like a real nuclear war, you could find yourself and everything you’ve built being vaporized by thermonuclear weapons at a moment’s notice. If you build an airbase, the enemy can nuke that. If you build missile silos, the enemy can nuke that. If you build submarines, the enemy nuke that. The game effectively works out to be a scramble between you and your enemies as you try to keep tabs on where they’re keeping their city-melting goodies, as well as protecting your own, either by keeping them well-hidden, or building enough defences that the enemy can’t smash through them until you’ve already turned their continent into a giant radioactive parking lot. Then there’s also the question of “Should I attack first or is that going to end horribly for me and 85% of my country’s population”, which then promptly leads to the question of “But If I don’t do anything, are all my cities going to be on fire in 5 minutes” which means you’re always guessing, or always trying to find out.

Real player with 385.2 hrs in game

I had to go back and change my original positive review to inform you not to buy this. Multiplayer community is dead and its been less than a month since the game lauched.

Game already has rampant hacking which ruins the game for everyone. Not to mention that the actual game itself is not really that fun after a few games.

Matches are 95% build up and 4% figuiring out who to attack and 1% fun combat. Most games you’ll build up for 35mins to literally not be able to use a single one of your nukes due to the game ending due to nuclear contamination via a massive barrage two guys release at once and even if you launched right then your nukes would not hit the ground before their nukes end the game.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

ICBM on Steam

The Last Wulin

The Last Wulin

The game is simple and fun.

The game cycle is fight a battle, earn xp and money, use the upgrade your buildings to gain more warriors, equipment and modifiers to decrease healing cost or increase income and caps. Fight next battle. Repeat.

But each round the bandits get stronger so if you don’t pick the right upgrades, or put your warriors in bad starting positions, then you won’t be able to keep up. So while it seems very simple, there’s planning and decisions to make that cost. I played for 18 minutes and lost three times. It was fun, look forward to learning more about it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Last Wulin on Steam

China: Mao’s legacy

China: Mao’s legacy

I would definitely recommend this game probably the best Kremlin Games has out insofar as the whole political dynamics are concerned (you are able to fully shape your country' s policies and the factions are much more ‘real’). The economy however could have been dealt with better and have a proper blend between it and Ostaglie (placing individual buildings alongside the investment).

Alike Ostaglie, relations with individual western European Countries are generalised as NATO and it would be better to not have done it in this way so we can see how the worldwide socialist movement is doing at the time, which in turn, could affect individual countries rather than having it all generalised as ‘NATO’. This would have been much better as China often had more interaction with Western Europe (with the initial funding of left-wing guerrilla groups then to investments) as the WPO did (which mainly tilted towards its own bloc, which China interreacted less with whereas the game sometimes focuses too much on Chinese-Soviet or Chinese-Middle Eastern Relations, whilst relevant it mises opportunities with Western Europe) as well as making the international playing field (which takes up a large bulk of the game) more active, especially seeing how the Years of Lead, the Spanish Transition, the German RAF and the French Maoists pan out with China still being a beacon of Maoism. Or it could show how China has been integrating more with the west and encouraging the growth of the EEC or NATO (if not becoming a member then associating maybe if you take a hard anti-Soviet line).

Real player with 131.3 hrs in game

I write this as a gamer who has played Kremlingames previous simulations, Crisis in the Kremlin, and Ostalgie: The Berlin Wall. As such, I can’t write this from the perspective of a person who will be exposed to this type of gameplay and Kremlingames' unique idiosyncrasies for the first time. I can only write subjectively from the viewpoint of someone who has played both games already.

First impression: it uses the same map as Ostalgie, with some haphazard modification to add Malaysia, Indonesia, Rhodesia, and the USA to the nations you can interact with. It’s better than the huge scrolling map of Crisis in the Kremlin, so I suppose I can’t complain too much. Go with what works.

Real player with 76.8 hrs in game

China: Mao's legacy on Steam



A very cute and fun game!!

Reminds me of galaga, except it has it’s own unique and fun gameplay 3

Made by an awesome person who takes time and devotion to make his games the best!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Metori on Steam