It was a very fun and short game, but it took me slightly longer to Get Out! because I was doing the Commentary instead of focusing fully!

If you want to see my Playthrough, watch it here on youtube!

Pt 1:

Pt 2:

Thanks! If you liked it, please give out a like and comment what you think! Have a nice day!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cold War Hand-drawn Games.

I really enjoyed playing this game,i love the black and white vibe

found it complicated but not too complicated,i recommend playing this:).


☐ to easy

☐ Easy

☑challenging in a fun way

☐ Hard

  • MUSIC -

☐ Bad

☐ Not special

☑ i mean i like it

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

  • PRICE -

☑ Free

☐ Underpriced

☐ Perfect price

Could be cheaper

☐ Overpriced

☐ Complete waste of money

  • LENGTH -

☑ depends how long you take

☐ No ending

  • FUN -

☐ I’d rather watch paint dry

☐ Hard to enjoy

☐ Repetitive

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

GET OUT! on Steam

Supreme Ruler: Cold War

Supreme Ruler: Cold War

Maybe i’m just weird but this game can have me in a trance for hours micromanaging every little aspect of my campaign to conquer the globe… sometimes through proxy wars, maybe a backdoor deal here and there, and when all else fails I find myself mass producing tanks and rolololing over the various nation states of the cold war world. I never fail to laugh when north korea manages to win the korean war in 1950s sometimes they lose sometimes not, but either way one korea will remain and there will be no 38th parallel line. All in all I find myself understanding how they might’ve thought during the cold war.. the superpowers that is.. I stockpile all these nukes but because of my progress as the soviet union or USA or anyone really I am always too afraid to use them… but that doesn’t stop me from saving and then nuking everything anyway and then reloading when I am ready to seriously continue or I can attempt to rebuild from post nuclear war.. Good game.. I’ve spent 500 hours on it.. at minimum wage in the US.. that’s roughly 3,661 USD I could’ve made. No regrets

Real player with 505.1 hrs in game

1949: Australian Dictator gets into power and comences a huge resources build up.

1950: gets alliances with India, USA and West Europe. invades New Zealand and invades Indonesia.

1951: Korean War breaks out and Dictator of Australia invades the South to get a slice of the pie. After North Vietnam annexing Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam, Australian dictator invades South East Asia and takes them down in just 3 months.

1952: With a growing Economy and Military, the USA and West Europe desolve there alliance with the Australian Dictator. India keeps the Alliance, due to trade and aid.

Real player with 249.7 hrs in game

Supreme Ruler: Cold War on Steam

Dirty Wars: September 11

Dirty Wars: September 11

Chile, September 11, 1973

The Military Coup of Pinochet’s army overthrows President Salvador Allende’s democratically elected government, marking the beginning of 17 years of horror and genocide. Exile, censorship, torture and the forced disappearance of people who oppose the new regime are performed on a daily basis.

Maximiliano and Abigaíl, a young couple who decide to stay in Chile, join the resistance against the dictatorship, sacrificing everything to enter a life of secrecy in which they must face multiple challenges.

Dirty Wars is a video game that combines stealth mechanics, puzzles and interactive dialogues in a closed and immersive world with defined objectives.

You play as Maximiliano and Abigail, who must overcome difficult objectives in order to opose the regime, in a time where only one side had all the weapons and the use of information and counter-intelligence are much more valuable.

There are no inventory systems or acquired skills, in the resistance the only weapon to survive is your intelligence and your ability to understand the security rules that will keep you going in the fight against the dictatorship, an unequal fight that will take years.

The compartmentalization is the iron law of resistance. No member can know personal information about an other, or anything that the dictatorship can use. Anyone could be captured, tortured and forced to give out information at any time.

In moments of great tension and danger, armed confrontation is not an option. Use the elements of the environment to hide and avoid being heard by the repressive forces.

Dirty Wars is a Chilean video game for the world. Introducing a completely Chilean and Latin American story that shows part of the culture, art, music and aesthetics from this corner of the world.

Read More: Best Cold War Female Protagonist Games.

Dirty Wars: September 11 on Steam

Arms Race - TCWE

Arms Race - TCWE

Arms Race - The Cold War Era is pretty promising with the way game mechanics work and the AI is good. The recommended strategy in the guide section doesn’t work reliably for me and I ended up using a different strategy. The AI is also pretty good at adapting to what you are doing. The limited 3 budget changes ends up meaning every decision has long term implications.

Most games turn out slightly differently due to the AI choosing different tactics and the randomness of global crisis events.

The game isn’t as full fleshed as say Hearts of Iron but I feel like the mechanics are well thought out and the AI provides a challenge even on easy. It does a good job of abtracting the cold war and reducing decisions to the macro level (‘meaningful decisions’) compared to HoI3/4 which features considerable micromanagement. I personally prefer macro level games (less micromanagement) but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you prefer to play M&T in EU4 vs base EU4 or if you prefer to play Darkest Hour/HoI2 vs HoI4 then this is the game for you.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

This is a fun little game which plays a complete run in about 2-3 hours.

It runs through the whole of the cold war and includes extensive historical detail and research - history geerks will enjoy looking through the tech trees and space race just reading some of the interesting commentary.

The game itself is primarily about resource allocation - the resources being influence (generated by diplomats) spies, and military. These three resources allow you to control the board through a variety of diplomatic coups and military intervention.

Real player with 14.9 hrs in game

Arms Race - TCWE on Steam

Death Trader: Cold War

Death Trader: Cold War

This game was great! It was super fun and im suprised its not more laggy and gltchy than it is, i was sceptical buying it but im glad i did, lots of fun, you need to fix a few bugs but i loved it otherwise and suggest you buy it! One thing I would like to see is things like being able to change the time you start like 1960, 62', 65, etc. I would also like to see more weapons from more country’s, I would like a variety in this game.

Real player with 31.1 hrs in game

Oct 28

The game has a few kinks but the dev(s?) have been quick to patch. It is worthwhile, especially on sale. I’ve not been able to get more than 2 years into the 30 that the game has due to bugs but I’ve gotten a lot of fun out of it.

Nov 8

I can now play 15 out of the 30 years of the game before it crashes or becomes unplayable. The majority of the early bugs are gone, the gameplay is more user friendly with a better ui/tooltip, was a fun game before but it’s even better now. The devs may have released it prematurely, even as early access, but it’s been rapidly improved.

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Death Trader: Cold War on Steam

Twilight Struggle

Twilight Struggle

I’m coming up to 1000 hours of online play over a twelve month period. Despite the lack of support from Playdek, this is a great game well worth buying. Hands down, one of the best strategy games ever released.

This is an excellent port of the boardgame and is the better alternative for frequent play. I save my hard copy for special occassions because this is just so convenient. Set up and play are a snap. AN entire game can run in just under an hour. Even better, it functions well on tablets so you can play in bed or generally while relaxing. Much better than being stuck in front of a desk or laptop.

Real player with 1304.9 hrs in game

I’m going to write two reviews, one for fans of the board game of which this is an adaptation, and one for people who have no experience with TS at all.

If you have never played TS before, I highly recommend you play against a human opponent (preferably one who is a competent player) before you try going up against the AI. You’ll have a few moments of fun, for sure, and if that’s all you’re looking for you would probably get a better value for your money elsewhere. But in the process of having that fun against the AI, you’ll learn all kinds of bad habits which, ultimately, will make you a worse TS player. I recommend definitely should NOT buy this game UNLESS you have a friend to play against, but if you do, then I think you SHOULD consider buying it.

Real player with 144.6 hrs in game

Twilight Struggle on Steam

Crisis in the Kremlin

Crisis in the Kremlin

Well I’m a Chinese and it’s my first time to write a comment on steam, so if I say something wrong or something you don’t like please forgive me.

For me I want to recommend you to use Romanov or Gromyko. Actually all 4 characters in 1985 have chance to win including Gorbachev, yesterday I play as him and it’s not impossible to save the country but use him will have two problems. One is reformer look like too strong to resist in the CPSU, other one is you cannot extract resources in Africa because you need to make conservative and Stalinism majority to open the mutual-aid in foreign policy part, but you can’t legalize Stalinism when you play as Gorbachev. For Grishin, a conservative, well I think is no problem to use him but I’m Deng supporter. And maybe it’s not a good news that Gromyko died in 1988 though he is really, really good man. So personally I choose Romanov. Year 1985 or 1986 is a better choice because you can change the country more easier.

Real player with 266.2 hrs in game

It’s incredible really for a game to be so vague in how the mechanics work, so rough in design, so lacking in proper translation (seriously, the translation is a real problem here), and yet, I’d still definitely recommend it to any modern history buff or, of course, any aspiring Red with a taste for revisionism, and what Red doesn’t like a bit of Revisionism? I know I do.

Graphics: Nothing too much to mention here, they’re largely functional, and while many of the event pictures are nice Soviet posters or photographs, beyond that it’s very much just a text adventure with a red border. Not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, but don’t expect a 3D sprite of Yeltsin to go stumbling across the top of the screen in his signature drunken fashion. (Hm, suddenly I feel a real sense of loss)

Real player with 264.5 hrs in game

Crisis in the Kremlin on Steam

Project Blue Book: Hidden Mysteries

Project Blue Book: Hidden Mysteries


  • good artwork for scenes, hidden objects, and characters

  • interesting storyline and plot

  • cutscenes and audio that get the player immersed

  • the player is given a “why” to what they are doing, rather than just mindlessly finding objects

  • Steam achievements

  • good price compared to some other hidden object games (I’m looking at you Artifex Mundi)


  • minor bugs

  • limited options to alter gameplay to player’s wants/needs

Pro/con (player dependent):

  • Explicitly hidden object orientated (if focusing on progressing in the game; the minigames are optional)

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Survive-able if you stand tutorial you can’t turn off.

Well I guess it expected for Blue book hidden object.

I was hoping for more. Like animated videos.

Like or dislike: Wait after 1 hour.

Other opinion:

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Project Blue Book: Hidden Mysteries on Steam

Vietnam ‘65

Vietnam ‘65

Vietnam ‘65 is a turn-based strategy war game set in the la (sic) Drang Valley of the former Republic of Vietnam. (South Vietnam, if you prefer.) You start with a US Army base with some units inside, and expand from there. Expansion involves setting up a fire base to extend your zone of control and (if you prefer) forward bases where you believe they’ll do the most good. From there, you fight against Viet Cong (VC) and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) units of various types, send US and South Vietnamese (ARVN) infantry into villages to get intelligence on the enemy and/or raise support from the locals (called “hearts & minds”), purchase more units (or perform some actions) with the game’s version of currency (called “congressional support”), make sure units are supplied, and hope that you have at least a 50% score in hearts & minds when the mission ends. End of mission screens (win or lose) feature a US Army officer’s uniform and medal case that shows the rank you’ve achieved and progression to the next rank, along with progression to earning future medals and decorations.

Real player with 81.6 hrs in game

November, 1965 South Vietnam.

In the past two years the Vietcong (National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam a.k.a. the Viet Cong), with support of the North Vietnamese Peoples Army (NVA), established a foothold in southwest Vietnam, along the Cambodian border.

Running supplies and reinforcements from north to south Vietnam. Since December 1964 the South Vietnamese army repeatedly suffered major defeats against North Vietnam, to the point of breaking.

To prevent that a first deployment of just 3500 Marines in a defensive role in March ‘65, quickly escalated to 200.000 GI’s by December ‘65. Marking the beginning of a full grown offensive ground war, of the US and his allies, against North Vietnam. In a plan to destroy the enemy and his infrastructure in 12 to 18 month.

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

Vietnam ‘65 on Steam

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Darkest Hour would merit an award not only for its terrific value but also for the care put into its playability and historical accuracy. Historical events will generally always occur but sometimes at a different moment than anticipated depending on a number of factors. It is generally impossible to avoid having Stalin’s purges as the Soviet player, or election results in France for instance. But in spite of this, outcomes may be very different from game to game because of all other factors that may come into play. It is a complex game that requires a lot of attention, but that is also very rewarding to play.

Real player with 2008.6 hrs in game

I have 250-something hours in this game, and it is truly worth every cent i payed for it, i think it was like 2$ CAN. As Hoi4 can never hope to run on my system so this was my first hearts of iron game and i think its a good introduction for the series. It does have a steep learning curve and requires some mental capacity, but it is sorta simple when you look at it and its parts.

Some reviews say that the game is rather linear, that is sorta true at a glance depending on how you play. You can choose to play any nation at a variety of start dates and choose multiple paths to go down for your nation, (though not nearly as extensive as hoi4s foucus trees). there are options to go down alt-history in the base game, through the great number of events and decisions. they are limited though, it is impossible to have a communist USA for example, without the use of a little thing called console commands, which opens up alot of opportunities. make canada a fascist industrial powerhouse rivaling germany in might? you can do it, you can cheat your way through alot, but my advice is to use it only for developing minor nations or capitulating a already defeated enemy, or bypassing the script and creating your own scenarios.

Real player with 812.1 hrs in game

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game on Steam