

As game; which is built to give you fun; this game is quite hard to get into intianlly due to its ww1 and you can get shredded by the other side with mg13 spray the drops you body with weight of enough lead you now have scrap value to buy a new watch. But as simulator of WW1 warfare, probably it is the best you can get.its Extremely historically accurate, But this certainly is NOT battlefield 1 clone.

The maps are basically a mix of trenches and vegetation; there are no props, no embellishment; it is purely a wasteland with corpses, burned vegetation and relics of horses and tanks. In the middle of all of this; you and your team advancing toward objectives with no easy way to distinguish who is who.

Real player with 137.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Wargame Games.

Was almost dead for a while but it’s back to glory now. A lot of stuff got reworked, mechanics work more smoothly, and it’s just too much bloody fun. Get back in the trenches, cowards!

Real player with 61.6 hrs in game

Verdun on Steam

Supremacy 1914: World War 1

Supremacy 1914: World War 1

If you are having a map without extreme gold abusers, this game really has it.

War feels like a true war, diplomacy, production, army size and versatility, distances, infrastructure, espionage, sabotage, betrayal…

This game is extremely hard and you have to be very patient to learn it. You must find old veterans who might teach you the art of this epic game.

There are very few games which put such a challenge on your skills, depending of your role - leader of a coalition, or a member.

This game will show you your limitations quickly if you attempt to win the greatest challenge - a 500 player world map, which takes ~3-4 months to complete.

Real player with 3564.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Massively Multiplayer Games.

My own experience after years of playing (since it was a browser only game):

u start the game and u are too powerful in the tutorial round..u can win easily if u play a bit smart

u probably had fun so u start another round..your army is equal to other at beginning this time (which is good..things should be justified right?) and u make progress and expand..things sound alright but suddenly one nation starts to expand and progress way quicker than others..u are wondering and being amazed to see how some people play so good but things sound a bit weird at the same time..he starts attacking multiple countries and win against all of them..he is getting too strong and 2 or 3 times bigger and stronger than rest

Real player with 108.6 hrs in game

Supremacy 1914: World War 1 on Steam

Iron Harvest

Iron Harvest

Reminds me a lot of Company of Heros except not as many unit options or customizable skills.

Real player with 61.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Alternate History Games.

I would recommend Iron Harvest. the campaign is good for an RTS (not starcraft 2 level of story) but compared with more recent RTS' it’s up there and not just a tutorial for multiplayer. gameplay is similar to the Company of Heroes if you like that style, there are four factions (1 dlc faction) to play as, with the mechs I think being a game highlight with unique designs, styles and gameplay for their factions. voice work is good with an option for a ‘native’ language rather than overriding polish, russian and german characters under one language.

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Iron Harvest on Steam

Rise of Flight United

Rise of Flight United

now when i got this game i didn’t understand why it had mixed reviews, i watch videos on youtube and the flight simulator community eats this game up like a fresch cherry pie, they seem to love the hell out of it and talk so highly out of it, so when i saw the mixed reviews i was kind of suprised, and didn’t undersand and now I do… now before i get too that lets get too the Pros of the game.


the pros of this game are simple, if you are a avid flight simulator player like myself you will enjoy the higher graphics the game has to offer, clean, smooth, the game has VERY nice graphics and seem to be somewhat realistic in appearence on the aircraft, the cockpits also are nicely detailed with working gauges, instroments and controls, and just like any other flight simulator getting kill after kill is addicting. damage effects are pretty spectacular too watch, peaces of wing come off, fires spread rather than just rapidly burst, props break, holes develope on the aircraft pretty much where you hit your target, very very nice… skins for the aircraft are also relatively easy too mod aside from the fact you have to have a higher setting for your editor so your skins don’t look all pixely.

Real player with 640.1 hrs in game

Rise of Flight is a World War 1 flight sim that is a game made for flight sim enthusiast’s, thus the game tenders to a small audience and genre. The game upon start-up is a tad confusing for someone who has never really had a flight sim, but being a normal gamer I ventured into the unknown playing a quick match. After taking awhile to find the “Start Mission” button I was off.

The game is visually stunning, even for me with a relatively old gaming rig. The detail to the airplane is stunning and really helps capture the feel of playing in one of these vintage aircraft, from the seat to the gunsight everything seems authentic and comes alive as you fly around and if you have any interest in airplanes this game takes you right in.

Real player with 182.3 hrs in game

Rise of Flight United on Steam

Toy Soldiers: Complete

Toy Soldiers: Complete


Unfortunately. A masterpiece is becoming the commonplace work by unnecessary decoration.I would like to play original ToySoldiers1 without a bug.

I am playing Toy Soldiers and Cold War by XBLA.

Finishing of a clearance of all the difficulty all the stages except DLC of unpurchased Cold War.

A recommended reason is in the expectation for Toy Soldiers1 and Steam Workshop which are probably mounted from now on.

Then, how is Cold War?

Real player with 62.3 hrs in game


  • Tower defence with fully 3D environments, creeps and weapon behaviors

  • Turrets are varied and use ballistics, as well as AI aiming, instead of automatic guaranteed damage outputs

  • Player can control fully fleshed out turrets or vehicles to take part in the defence, not just a gimmick

  • GI Joe/Cold War 1980s trimmings, with historical weapons and creeps and a good amount of tongue-in-cheek

  • Visuals and sound are excellent (for a game from 2011) Players can also joyfully destroy most level features, leaving levels looking war torn.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Toy Soldiers: Complete on Steam

Blue Max: Aces of the Great War

Blue Max: Aces of the Great War

Forget glory, friend. Think survival.

The “Pour le Merite” or Blue Max fighter pilots were something to be both admired and feared. An award given to the best German pilots of World War I, if you ended up in the sights of a Blue Max plane, you knew your flying days were over.

Originally released in 1991 by Artech Digital Entertainment, Blue Max: Aces of the Great War is a classic flight simulator that takes you right into the fray as a World War I flying ace. Choose from 8 different planes, such as Fokkers, Sopwiths, Spads to take down enemy planes or capture surveillance behind enemy lines. If real time flying simulators aren’t your thing, Blue Max can also change dogfights into strategic turn-based battles, taking your challenge out of the sky and onto a 3D tactical map.

Step into the cockpit in Blue Max: Aces of the Great War, and experience the strategy and thrills of the best fighter pilots of their time.

  • Take your dogfights to a 2D tactical map, executing turn based strategies against your opponents with an unique 3D simulation to visualize your best plan of attack

  • Fly high in 8 historic fighter planes such as Albatross DIII, Fokker DVII, and more!

  • Multiple 3D angles for more visibility when dodging and diving in the heat of a dogfight

  • Shoot down enemy planes or fly skillfully over enemy territory for surveillance as you engage in captivating gameplay featuring multiple mission options and several historical locations.

Blue Max: Aces of the Great War on Steam



So this game is tons of fun, I gotta say, it’s fantastic to play with a group of friends because, as always, Uno is great fun. The card packs and new rulesets are also fantastic and really change up the pace of the game and make it even more fun, beyond what normal Uno can provide.

That’s about all it’s got going for it though. The coding of the game itself and the networking are absolutely atrocious. For absolutely no reason, people will drop from games, be incapable of fully loading into games, crash on startup, etc. etc.. Many core features (like calling out Uno) are broken to a degree that makes a potential win into a complete loss. Needless to say, the entire game is pretty much broken somewhere somehow despite the fact that it’s literally just Uno. I have no idea how you screw up Uno this badly, but these developers apparently made that a reality. If it was just one or two of these bugs in isolation, I could put up with it, but the quality of this game makes me feel like unpaid interns created it and that it’s literally just a project for Ubisoft interns to work on that generates them some cash on the side. There’s no care at all for quality put into it, which I mean sure, it can’t be that popular of a game and isn’t a flagship, but it still flagrantly displays it’s made by Ubisoft and is grossly broken. Not that I expect anything else out of Ubisoft, but for god’s sake, it’s just a damn card game, how do you make it so that just to play an online card game it can take 20 minutes of restarting games just to get it to work, only to then have people just disconnect at the start or mid-game for no reason despite them having no connection issues at all on their end?

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4,

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

UNO on Steam

Axis & Allies 1942 Online

Axis & Allies 1942 Online

No game has made me hate my friends more……………love it

Real player with 300.4 hrs in game

Whether it’s nostalgia for the board game, general interest in WWII history, or mere affection for turn based strategy games, you’re going to fall into both love and addiction with Axis & Allies 1942 Online.

Real player with 44.7 hrs in game

Axis & Allies 1942 Online on Steam

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat

My Personal All-Time Favorite Game

Hello All :) Yeah ive played this game from Beta days as a Half-Life Mod on the old WON days. This game is like the grandfather of WW2 games , Before COD and all other WW2 games there was Day of Defeat. I have a major love for this game. I also made alot of good friends amongst my battles along the way :) {“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”}

The game play is a bit older and slower then its predecessor of the day Counter-Strike.The Capture the Flag gameplay and Objective Play enforce strong team work and communication game play. The game has aged a bit of course but the key gameplay is still relevant today.

Real player with 3828.8 hrs in game

Day of Defeat for the PC is a World War Two multiplayer mod of Counter Strike, that is a lot of fun. There are lots of levels and even though the overall gameplay is just capture checkpoints just like in Battlefield 1942 this game has something that Battlefield does not, and that is a real sense of realism. It maybe the recoil that the weapons have or the envirmonets, this game just seems to work better than Battlefield.

The graphics are kind of bland, but they do a good job making them look somewhat like the envirmoents look like. There are tons of places to go and take cover and just like in counter strike after you play for a while you really get a hang of it. I will admit though, one thing that I did not like was that you really couldnt look down the sights of any weapon other than the sniper rifle that is about it though, well the British weapons suck, but this is a very fun multiplayer game that is free via steam and a must play if you like World War Two shooters or Counter Strike.

Real player with 2489.7 hrs in game

Day of Defeat on Steam