

This game is a great experience when introducing a loved one to video games.

It unfolds at a peaceful pace. This is not a platformer, yet it has platforms. It is not a walking simulator, yet there is walking. This is not a visual novel, yet it unfolds like a great book ending. It is not a puzzle game, yet it has puzzle logic. I would place it in the vague category of adventure games as it has its unique traits that took sparsely from different genres.

I played with my young kid and we loved it. The atmosphere is unique and fills the narrative to the point that the lack of dialogues carries on perfectly in my opinion.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Hand-drawn Games.

Highly recommended.

I played this with my 4 year old and we had a great co-op experience. Naturally, I gave my little one the Controller and I took the good old keyboard myself.

I also role-played with my character. Basically, my character was always scared of everything and 40% confused and I used this to have long conversations and discovery activities with my little one.

The best part my little one liked is the “things we could do collaboratively”.

So I highly recommend this for parents who want to spend some time with their little ones.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Voyage on Steam



Fix the bug where you cant even pick a memory pill and revive friend, when you firstly got revive, also i cant pick cards its doesn’t give me to pick after my friend revive me, maybe 30 spams on mouse click may hold this, but still can you fix that thing guys i really like the game and i hope you gonna release new maps and updates, but please fix this map so i can enjoy my stay in this game and my friend’s, thank you.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Survival Horror Games.

SPOILERS i find the ending to be quite confusing, i do not understand how or what became of eric in the ending after we save him. Who was the manic man chasing him around before as he mentions someone chasing him in his notes. Where is his father in the story. Other than these issues the game was well made but the plot poorly thought out. Crazy monkey if you could please answer my questions that would be great.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Psycho on Steam

Santa Claws

Santa Claws

Give the perfect gift

Even Santa can have a mental breakdown. Let’s face it our modern world is becoming too much for the old guy. He is just one cookie away from….(find out in the game). This season give the perfect gift to your Steam friends. Sure, this game is cheap and devoid of substance, but its entertainment value is unmatched for its price. My son, after playing, is no longer looking forward to seeing Santa this year. I’m kind of glad because it costs a ton for pictures with him at the mall. Enjoy

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Singleplayer Games.

Had a lot of fun playing this game, can’t beat the price and its festive for the time of the year! I got on the naughty list just by eating the candy canes, now those gingerbread men will forever be the ones that got away. Here is my play through, the maze took a little bit of time but I figured out a way to dodge Santa:

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Santa Claws on Steam

White Noise Online

White Noise Online

White Noise Online is multiplayer-based Slender-type game, by which I mean it’s a horror game where you go around collecting eight randomly placed objects while avoiding a monster that’s hunting you. Slenderman isn’t actually involved here, and there’s some twists to the formula here to keep it interesting, but the baseline is that this is an online co-op Slender-type game, and that fact will either sell you or turn you away from the game.

You play as one of over 20 characters in some very dark environment collecting cassettes. Strange statues line the environments, and a strange glowing monster chases you through the depths of darkness, with an intent to kill. However, the story here is rather non-existent, with the only narrative coming from an opening scene before the title screen, and the audio content that plays on the cassettes themselves when you pick them up.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

The concept of the game is decent. You wander around with friends and try to find the tapes before the monster kills you all off. But, the execution is pretty terrible.

First off, I’ll share my personal wackiest moment in the game. We were traveling around the map, over half way done. I go through a door, but alas it was trapped door. The game bugged and I got stuck. I spun around looking helplessly while a friend came over to inspect what was going on. I see the monster coming on the other side! Oh no! Then I start sinking into the ground to where I’m about face level with my friend’s shoes. Then… CATAPULT into the ceiling. I’m free! I take off running and the monster was apparently stunned by the remarkable stunt and didn’t instant kill me. However, other two friends get loss in that area and we go back to get them. I get stuck in the same spot. The monster didn’t have much mercy this time and reduced me to whatever he turns you into rather fast. My friend calmy walks through the doorway stepping on my body without issue. GG Doorway of anti-blonde Shaggy motives.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

White Noise Online on Steam

Climb Fall Human Guys

Climb Fall Human Guys

How to get this one achievement???

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This game could easily fool anyone as a Triple A title. With it’s extremely astonishing graphics, highly detailed characters, it’s so easy to get sucked up into this world of creativity and imagination. Let’s start off with the gameplay and controls ; the objective is simple , “Find pizza in the highest place”. You’re going to have to walk , jump , climb your way to victory to “Find the pizza in the highest place”. These controls are the least clunky I have ever seen , they are extremely smooth and easy to understand. Oh, and don’t get me started on this game’s soundtrack. It is a musical masterpiece , with it’s wide range of tracks, all of them are all lovable in their own ways. I rate this game a 10/10.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Climb Fall Human Guys on Steam

Digital Zoo Gallery

This is a pretty amazing concept for an art gallery. There are three sections: the dinosaurs, the aquarium and the art gallery. The dinosaur exhibit was awesome, like Jurassic Park, only with added art. The jungle was lush, the dino animations were pretty cool, and it’s tied with the aquarium as my favorite.

The aquarium starts you off in a smallish exhibit room with some animated and static artworks. You can then explore the aquarium room and tunnel to your heart’s content. Honestly, this looks amazing and better than some diving games I’ve played.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Beautiful, relaxing and uplifting.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending 30 minutes exploring the 3 different areas today.

My only criticism at this stage - please add some more music for each environment; although the tracks are a very good fit, because they are short they quickly become repetitive, and even in my short visit today were starting to become irritating which really detracts from the experience. Adding just a few more tracks to each area would solve that.

I hope that you continue to expand the art and areas.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Digital Zoo Gallery on Steam

Escape Simulator

Escape Simulator

Great and fun co-op game. the puzzle difficulty is just right. the interactivity with the environment is good (you can pickup some objects, throw them, inspect them together with co-op friends, but some object can only be drag around). Looking forward for the new level update from the developer and high quality workshop level from the community. I hope the developer would expand the capability of the level editor to facilitate that.

Update :

Ok, so the additional 58 hours since the first review was mostly (80%-90%) consisted of me trying to play around with the editor and eventually created a level in the workshop which you can find here :

Real player with 59.9 hrs in game

Escape Simulator is one of the few escape room games that can be played with one or more friends, in online co-op mode. In fact, while the game can be experienced in its entirety in solo mode as well, it was clearly designed with the multiplayer feature in mind.

Escape Simulator is structured in very small one-room levels that are all available to play from the beginning (there are no requirements to unlock them) and which are grouped according to their theme. At the moment of the release, the game features 16 levels in total (a tutorial, and 5 levels each, belonging to an Egypt / space / Victorian mansion theme) with more to come in the near future (5 more levels have been announced as a free port-release path). Aside from this, players can create their own rooms and share them with the community, since the game also has a Steam-integrated workshop.

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Escape Simulator on Steam



this game, is absolutely incredible. i cannot explain it. on my first journey my friend showed me where all of the cape things were, all of the pictures on the walls, everything. they saved me from the dragons in more ways than one, even after i flew right into the back of one of them, my friend came back and showed me a safer way to get through. they showed me how to speedrun the 4th or 5th level by spamming bing bongs and flying up, this is the only game ive ever felt compelled to write a review for. i thought we messed up when we froze, heartbreaking stuff. 10/10 will bing-bong with a stranger on the internet again

Real player with 80.9 hrs in game

I met small fren, then I met many small fren, then met some bigger fren, then some not fren. In the end though i met A true friend in struggle. We helped each other. This game made me feel more bonded to anyone then any other game I have ever played. 10/10, 100/100. I cried myself to sleep. I got into this thinking, “Probably just an over-hyped game.” When I first started walking I noticed that the sound quality on the walking wasn’t good. Not of that mattered in the end, because art isn’t perfect, but for goodness sake’s if this game dose not come close to it.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Journey on Steam

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

This game was over hyped, over praised and given way too much exposure. It just barely lasts an hour and a half. You could probably boost an extra hour on to that if you want to find ties but that’s only if you really feel like you need to.

A lot of people say that this game is “laugh out loud hilarious” and while I understand that humor is subjective I didn’t find myself laughing like everyone else. Every now and then I’d crack a smile.

Something I hear being thrown around a lot by Octodad fans and journalists is that this game is just so “fresh”. The controls are “bad”. It’s hard to move Octodad, which of course as we all know it’s designed to be this way. Doing mundane tasks such as mowing the lawn or making coffee is now apparently “hilarious” because we can’t control our character. Don’t get me wrong, I like this idea too and it’s fun seeing Octodad flail all over the place but it gets stale fast. So, sure, Octodad is “fresh”, but that freshness lasts about as long as leaving a slice of bread on the counter (i.e not long).

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

You are a family man, looking after your wife and kids, doing all sorts of every-day tasks such as mowing the lawn or going food shopping, and taking a trip to the aquarium. The only catch? you are an octopus. You can’t let anyone find out so you must act as human and casual as possible.

With fun and goofy controls to control Octodad’s tentacles to get by without anyone knowing is definitely great fun, and mixed with a fun storyline with some great dialog, it was a real treat to play. What makes this game even more fantastic is the ability to play co-op with 2 to 4 people with each person controlling a limb or two! This makes for a great couch co-op experience, and greatly adds to the challenge of the game. Hidden ties help you to constantly search and explore, and the wonderful achievements give some extra challenges along the way. A thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially with a partner.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Octodad: Dadliest Catch on Steam

This Side (Early Access Game)

This Side (Early Access Game)

I believe this game has potential in the future, but there is a lot of work to do.

The main reason that made me quit the game was that “as a guest” in a match, you experience A LOT of rubber banding. I tried to get past 1 corridor in the mines for 7 times in a row, and my camera kept getting updated to way far back. I don’t know where this game servers are located or even how they were structured but they are terrible and don’t provide stability.

Definitely not worth $20 at this stage, so I’m getting this refunded.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Looks and feels like a tech demo. Barely any gameplay mechanics. Not a horror game. No fun at all.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

This Side (Early Access Game) on Steam