Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard

This is a challenging game, made fun with a group of friends.

Though even then it is a bit of a slog, as it implies 10 people need to online at the same time for hours on end to achieve a common goal. You find that perfect zone and boom, suddenly the entire time you are jamming with friends and working through the various quests.

I will say that the game is not without its faults. Like I said earlier its a bit of a slog especially if you are playing with complete randos. I must’ve lost count to going to sleep with a Day 50 or Day 80 game only to wake up the next day and the world is destroyed.

Real player with 153.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Tower Defense Games.

They should have lets us build our own base! Such a waste of waiting for all those years! Gameplay is fun at first but after a few games it get bored….. Just doing the same thing over and over again, and I don’t even bother with the building.

Real player with 71.2 hrs in game

Tribes of Midgard on Steam

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

I’ve been playing this game on and off for quite a while now so I thought why not write a review:


  • beautiful handcrafted maps with multiple points of interest

  • multiple environments from northern forests, to sandy beaches, lava castles and medieval villages

  • enemies often have different skins depending on their environment

  • great lighting and shaders

  • particle effects aren’t as over the top as in most other H&S games (I’m looking at you Diablo III)

  • The camera is a little too close to the character

Real player with 129.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Multiplayer Games.




| “more Action than RPG”, which suffers from redundant, shallow and uncharacteristic gameplay that ultimately boils down to being an endurance test, full of weird difficulty spikes, and tedious pacing |

   [i](a 7‐point scale)[/i]

   [b]overall[/b]                        [b]achievements[/b]

⌛ time to finish:  20-25h    ⌛ time to 100%:  60h

🔥 difficulty:      5         🔥 difficulty:    4

🍫 fun-factor:      3         💨 missable:      yes

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard on Steam

Final Stand: Ragnarök

Final Stand: Ragnarök

Absolutely love the game, disregarding anything wrong (granted its in early access, cant expect perfection). Definitely willing to play this game for the long to help out with exposing things to make it better. this game has very high potential and I am excited to see its growth.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Online Co-Op Games.

awww shieet look at them skills / the music is dope / the gameplay is dope / the horde of monsters are dope / the portection of towers | healing stations etc is dope / the characters are dope / the powerups dropping are dope / the items that you can use in the game are dope / graphics are dope / multiplayer in this game is dope / the store is dope / career stats are dope



Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Final Stand: Ragnarök on Steam

Zombie Vikings

Zombie Vikings

Only 6.1% of players have completed this game, and there are reasons for that. While this review is ultimately negative, it definitely qualifies as one of those mid-line negatives. (Thanks, Steam. -_-) My wife and I enjoyed the game overall (she more than I), but there are so many problems with it that I couldn’t recommend it in good conscience. The following are some of the more prominent problems that we encountered throughout the game:

  • A game-breaking bug in the Tomb of Bork. We were unable to exit giant mode because the sign wasn’t there–twice. We were only able to complete the stage on our second attempt because the game glitched again, causing us to fall in a pit and consequently exit giant mode.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Status: Completed (played in 2-player co-op)

A truly fantastic game, which deserves much more attention than it got.


Top-notch, gorgeous to look at hand-drawn graphics. You can practically make some screenshots during cutscenes and choose any of them as your wallpaper, they’re THAT good. Never wanted to skip a single cutscene (skipped only if needed to replay the level again). It’s like watching a cartoon, a really good one.

The levels are extremely detailed and unique, never felt like going through the same thing all over again.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Zombie Vikings on Steam

Viking: Battle for Asgard

Viking: Battle for Asgard

Looking at the quite bad ratings this game has received, one thing should be made clear: at its core, Viking: Battle for Asgard isn’t a bad game.

I do understand the reason behind the mostly negative reviews however, the game had a lot of unused potential and does seem like a rushed product. It’s a shame, because the graphics are nice, the islands (where the game takes place) are fairly big and the mythological Viking setting seems good enough.

So what’s wrong with the game then? First of all the environment (as beautiful as it is) feels empty: no wildlife, no random events. The landscape with high cliffs, ghost ships near the shore and small groves looks exciting, but it quickly degrades into emptiness as we progress. Still the game is worth to take a look and even a playthrough.

Real player with 54.2 hrs in game

Well. So many mixed feeling I have for this game.

Some time I cannot decide a thumb up or thumb down because the game was so plain with no particular good and bad attribute. But for this game it’s the complete opposite. There are way too much Pros and Cons to consider and made rating of this game super difficult.

Let’s talk about some of the good first.

There are some massive battles in this game that so many units will be involved like a tactical battle of Total War title. (no wonder it’s in the total war bundle). Insteady of controlling your army in squadron based combat you still only just control your main protagonist. Even the smallest enemy can put up quite a good fight against you if you are not careful so it’s not super-fast paced like Dynasty warrior or Fate Extra.

Real player with 48.3 hrs in game

Viking: Battle for Asgard on Steam



I really enjoy the historical setting of this game, however Britannia is no where near as well crafted or as engaging as most of the other titles in the Total War collection. It is slow-paced and the battles are a cakewalk, even on Legendary difficulty. Look to Shogun II or Rome for a challenge. Marginal recommendation.

Real player with 394.1 hrs in game

A nice little total war game. I appreciate that the game is quicker to play than standard total wars while keeping the main game play. You can play a campaign through in an evening when you know what you are doing (as oppose to a week with some other games in this series). I like to play this as a pallet cleanser between Total Warhammer campaigns. Their are a few annoying quirks with the game (like building guardposts makes your govenors disloyal) and some of the mechanics are not well explained, especialy around estates. But the key charm of this game is planning ahead and building effective armies from small pools of warriors, then leveraging those units to best effect using formations and combined arms tactics.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

A Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA on Steam

Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy


Ancestor’s Legacy is a hybrid game of RTS and Real-Time Tactics(RTT) Gameplay, though it likes to side a bit more with the RTT genre.While this game has base building, it isn’t in the typical sense. The player is given a main base camp that has a build menu. After clicking the button to build a structure, the structure is built by peasants at a location predetermined by the game. The base camp is also not the main place the player will get resources. A variety of villages of different sizes are scattered around each map with resource points attached to them. Each faction has different specialties. Units can be leveled up and be given armor to increase their power. The squad limit is set at 10. The game uses a Rock-Paper-Scissors style system to make some armies great at defeating others, but each factions version of the army has their own individual stats. The graphics are phenomenal, the sound design is great, and the campaign is excellent.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

These people nailed what a limited base building unit capped RTS should be. There are choke points, open fields, water that slows you as you move through it (including swamps), trap building, terrain elevations & weather effecting line of sight (and fire), special traits per unit per factions that still feels balanced.

It executes exceptionally well on limited base building RTS with unit creation and replenishment and rewards well thought out RTT gameplay as all units level and can be upgraded thus rewarding teamwork and unit specialization with the population cap, traps, and size of the map encouraging strategy whilst limiting unit production to the starting base and permitting unit replenishment at any captured (ally) village for a nominal fee.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy on Steam



There aren’t many RTS game nowadays. So, this one is like… a rare gem. One of the most brilliant contemporary RTS out there.

The objective is simply to win, by which means though is entirely up to you. You can choose a mercantile clan and obliterate your enemies from the map or a war-mongering one and wins the wisdom victory, for example. It’s possible, but not ideal, but again we have to make do with what we have. The game offers like so many clans to choose from (many of which are DLCs though). Your town hall, the main building, regularly generates your population. One at a time. You construct a building and assign a worker to it. You explore the map, each zone in tile with designated resource(s). You colonize a tile and construct a building you see fit. During winter each year, you suffer production penalty. And everything moves along the passage of time until one clan rises to supremacy, or everyone else falls. Oh, and all the while some special events occur: Kraken attacks, abnormally harsh winter, annoying earthquake, etc. One of the best things about this game is that you don’t have to micromanage your resources and workers so meticulously. The town hall only produces one person at a time and each production building can hold but a few assigned workers, so everything is easy to put under control.

Real player with 636.7 hrs in game

gave 250 hours of my life to get an extra chromosome very worth

Real player with 263.0 hrs in game

Northgard on Steam



250 hours played 500 steam hours logged. I cannot recommend this game in its current state. There are too many bugs that take up hours of time due to lost resources, kits, pets, etc…, all for every saga to end with a few people from one faction forced to grind spirits alone just to reward those who quit days or weeks ago with the rewards they didn’t earn.

There are dozens of servers with less than 10 people online (all factions combined), this leads to a complete lack of PvP. This lack of PvP leads to a very boring grindfest with no thrill or adventure. This is after the largest patches that changed the spirit system, which was meant to encourage PvP. The huge amount of official servers combined with the enormous amount of private servers leaves the average server population far below the 20 v 20 v 20 cap which means increased grinding and decreased PvP.

Real player with 667.2 hrs in game

As other people have been saying, it’s fun till someone starts griefing and intentionally taking faction loot and droping it in the middle of no where or giving it to opposing factions. Experiencing one of these people now named dantheguy.

Also the personal housing really breaks defending against the reckoning. For example we are a solid 36 hours behind on all research and main base defense because everyone just runs off and makes their own little fort more often then not taking resources from the main base to do it.

Real player with 505.5 hrs in game

Rend on Steam