Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander

Imagine a 6 year old boy just learning how play video games being sat down and shown this game. giant robots, lasers, cannons, etc… It boggled my 6 year old mind. I spent much of my early childhood playing this game on my brothers steam account. of course as i got older i moved onto other things such as minecraft because i had no friends my age who played strategy games like i did. as time went on i eased back into strategy games such as Civ 5, hearts of iron, men of war, planetary anhilliation. Then i met a friend in 7th grade that had the same love of strategy games like i did. He had just moved from florida to wisconsin and i was the first friend he had at school. Him and i were sort of bullied and we grew very close. I later learnt that he loved the game supreme commander as i did. i bought the game for my own steam account and the game that fostered my love of video games and strategy was soon remembered. He and i spent hours going home after school and playing this game. unfortunetly as i graduated i moved to california and he moved to virginia. Me and my friend slowly stopped playing video games as my friend had started switching to consul games. by the time i was in california i had stopped playing supreme commander again and played other games. then about 1 month ago i saw my supreme commander game in the top left corner of the screen. i clicked on it and the nostalgia came flooding in. this game helped me evolve into what i am today. I sat there thinking back to playing this game when i was little but sucking at it, but i remember having a blast. then i remembered my friend from middle school, how we came so close, the drifted so far away. I will always cherish this game, i will always remember this game for the true joy it gave me. i dont know if anyone will read this review considering it is 2019 now, but if there is someone out there who reads this, just know that this game is special and i want you and everyone else to experience it. if you want to play against me sometime add me on steam and send me a message or on discord Bashar al-Assad#8760

Real player with 253.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Multiplayer Games.

The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation. If you loved playing T.A. back in the day, then you’ll feel right at home.

9 out of 10 - A phenomenal RTS game that, in my opinion, is far better than other titans in the genre. It may not have the graphics or popularity that Starcraft does, but the overall mechanics, maps, economy, and general gameplay feel much more polished (please don’t @ me). Who wouldn’t want to watch 250+ tanks, submarines, gunships, bombers, assault bots, and warships obliterate each other in a tremendously satisfying fashion? Seriously, maybe check out a random ‘Let’s Play’ video on YouTube if you’re interested.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Supreme Commander on Steam

The Red Solstice

The Red Solstice

I’ll skip the stuff about it beeing 8 player coop and sooo on and start talking about the stuff that might not be mentioned as often in short reviews:

The game offers multiple difficulties.. however the base difficulty is intended to be rather challenging for Players.

Which is definitly a good thing since it’s all about improving your own skill and after many defeats rewarding yourself with your very first win… somewhat darksouls-esque..


So far there’s a total of 8 classes and depending on what the player wishes to accomplish every class has one or more distinctive roles.(Tank, Healer, DmgDealer,Scout….)

Real player with 2514.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Real-Time with Pause Games.

I played this game when it first came out and I immediately fell in love with it.

It’s a slick tactical shooter. With hordes of alien zombies trying to kill you. Meanwhile your team of husky voiced men attempt to complete your objectives.

Again it’s a great game. I stopped playing it for some time and decided to get back into it and immediately fell back in love.

Great set of classes

Assault-great all rounder very good beginner class. he’s great with light weapons and rifles and he even smokes a cigar. Do you want to live forever?

Real player with 1210.3 hrs in game

The Red Solstice on Steam

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Best RTS on Steam!


+Nice graphics that still look mighty fine even after all the years

+Energizing soundtrack that changes according to the battlefield situation

+Reworked and well thought-out resource system that promotes base expansion

+All the factions are all fundamentally unique and don’t have a single similiar unit

+Really good in-game voice acting

+Clear and understandable interface

+Co-op campaign!

+Action-packed battles that require both macromanagement and microcontrol!

+Gamechanging unit abilities! Not a single ability is truly useless

Real player with 598.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Multiplayer Games.

Red Alert 3, for the first time in C&C history, featured a full coop campaign for all three factions. The Red Alert Spin-Off of C&C always was my favourite setting and Red Alert 3 didn’t receive the critical acclaim and fanbase it actually deserved. It played exactly like Red Alert 2, which personally is still my all time favourite C&C game right after C&C Generals.

The FMV scenes were cheezy as always and George Takeii did a brilliant job just playing himself in a samurai robe.

I have many fond memores for Red Alert and it still plays marvellous today.

Real player with 65.9 hrs in game

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 on Steam

Wand Wars

Wand Wars

Wand Wars is a really polished game, and probably the best party-game I’ve ever played.

While there’s a clear Lethal League feel to it, it’s clearly more accessible, because the game mechanics are so simple. The problem with Lethal League is that even though it’s an excellent game, it has that fighting game aspect that makes it very complex. You’ve got to learn safe zones, angles of shooting, bunts, with or without jumps, special moves, etc… and consequently, when you hit 50 hours of playtime, your friends will be no match for you anymore.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

I love playing four player co-op games that are suitable for groups of varied skill level. This game manages brilliantly, another title with simple controls but surpisingly deep gameplay. Plus superb art and visual effects, stuff that makes the gameplay feel super satisfying when you land that sick off the wall double kill. In addition to the main mechanic of playing dodgeball with a big ball of magic you have power-ups and the ability to turn other players into chickens (take that Kyle). Lastly the game comes with a good selection of maps, each with its own unique twist. One map has fires you can light with your chicken spell, light them all and you summon a minion to help you; another features bubbles that you must break to get the powerups. All in all this is one of those games that will have all your friends asking when they can stop by and play again.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Wand Wars on Steam

Colony Siege

Colony Siege

This game is not worth a Thumbs Up, it is worth a Maybe.  But sadly Valve does not give us that option, and somehow has come to the conclusion that rating a game is a simple Go / No Go affair.This game clearly demonstrates why there needs to be a middle ground option.

There is definitely potential here, and I am getting some minor enjoyment out of it.  I think the Defense Grid meets Supreme Commander thing is a bit of a stretch, but I can clearly see what they were referring to.  There is certainly the aspect of building your own path and shaping the battlefield that Defense Grid did so well.  And you can build a vehicle factory that allows you to build units like Supreme Commander did.  But that is where the SupCom similarities end.  Ok, yes, you can upgrade defense towers, but that wasn't unique to SupCom, it is a normal part of any Tower Defense game.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Colony Siege did a lot of things right, but…

This is a decent TD game - but some design decisions are holding it back from being a good or even great TD game.

First the good -

1. The checkpoint system is very well done, and when you’re not prepared, you’re not back to square 1.

2. The commander flying around and participating in the battle, building & repairing things is a good change to the TD formula. You feel more vested.

3. Ability to place towers in the mini-grid like arena is done well, and I like how towers can join each other to create a barrier that allows you to maze.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Colony Siege on Steam

Gun Bombers

Gun Bombers

I am addicted to this game. 59 hours in, and I still want more. I got 3, so I could play with my kids, and they destroyed me. So I decided to practice in single player mode, and I am having more fun trying to beat my high scores than I was playing multiplayer. The addicting parts are 1) finding gems or gold, and 2) trying different strategies to last longer.

Admittedly the graphics are not very good, but the gameplay is fantastic and devilishly hard.

Real player with 168.0 hrs in game

This is a fantastic throwback to the original Mine Bombers. Got a copy for myself, my brother and one of my freinds, convinced a few more to get it and had an awesome time playing. I don’t generally write reviews but this game deserves it. I highly anticipate what features come out for it in the future as it is early access.

This gets a huge reccomend from me, get it, grow the community I want to blow of more people.


You will have to forward ports 55555 in order to host.

it does not get along with certain antivirus programs for some dumb reason.

Real player with 43.0 hrs in game

Gun Bombers on Steam



When I came to Zero-K a few years back, I thought it was just another TA clone with improved graphics. It turns out that I have a weird taste for RTS graphics and Zero-K’s graphics supposedly suck. Either way, this game is about depth if anything. I’ve played over 5000 matches, yet there are still strategies and tricks to explore.

I’m mostly a fan of competitive play, so this is what this review focuses on.

Comparing ZK to other strategy games, you’ll notice that it has a lot less rules. While there is a very basic economy that needs to be carefully maintained for competitive play, there are hardly any “wrong” openings. In the early game it’s very important to scout your opponent’s opening and react accordingly, as games can be decided very quickly. This phase demands good micro and APM to make the most out of the few units you have.

Real player with 5537.4 hrs in game

Completely ripping out my old review on this game for a new one. Into the rabbithole we go!

I would say, as a TL;DR right out the gate, that this is hands-down, the best RTS I have ever played for coop and campaign content.

The amount of content in this singleplayer/coop campaign is MASSIVE. Hours upon hours upon hours of content for most players. While speeding through it is entirely possible, it’s usually not how new players explore the game.

Additionally, the actual tactical diversity, choice, exploration, and creativity of the game’s mechanics is unparalleled by any RTS I have ever played. Easily.

Real player with 702.8 hrs in game

Zero-K on Steam



I don’t understand why there is so much hate for this game. This game consists of 10 remastered missions, multiplayer, freeplay and the campaigns from Emergency 5, 2016 and 2017. I thoroughly enjoy this game so I will give an honest and truthful opinion of the game to assure you make the right purchase.


Campaigns from Emergency 5, 2016 and 2017

Remastered missions from older emergency games

Lots of micro-managing for a fun fast-paced game

Freeplay (4 maps)

Multiplayer (I haven’t tried it yet)

Real player with 38.1 hrs in game

Edit: I bought this game again after getting a refund because I found: Bieberfelde - Next Generation. The mod completely changes the game and for me makes it worth while owning this game.

My review of the base game:

I got this after playing emergency 4 for quite some time with the LA Mod. While graphics are much much better and there is a little less micromanagement with some automation overall I feel it’s lacking something. If you liked the base game of EM4 then you might like this. But if you are used to the detail and control that the LA Mod provides then this game will probably feel a bit feature light.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

EMERGENCY 20 on Steam

Galcon 2: Galactic Conquest

Galcon 2: Galactic Conquest

If you are looking for an RTS immersive game that has been followed by a dedicated group of gamers through various versions (Galcon, Galcon Fusion, Galcon Labs) going back 15 years… and the current version (Galcon 2) which can be played cross-platform from android and IOS devices as well as PC… And has players on nearly every continent with servers running 24-7… and a multitude of game modes (even a legit poker mode that you can use your galcoins which you earn simply by playing), and a community that has everything (making international friends, drama, strategy discussion, etc)… and is constantly being updated (usually within the game, no new versions to download needed)… this game offers all this and more. It is highly addicting once you get sucked into it. One of the greatest features is the clan based galaxy map wars which last 12 days every 2 weeks. It really is a great, timeless, and unique game that anybody can play (noobs can play co-op mode vs bots, some who have been dedicated to just that for years, but they too contribute to clan based war efforts and love it). Be warned however… there is a lot of drama and fierce competiveness in this game, lol. You can only chat in your clan channel (if you join a clan) until you ever make your first purchase of galcoins, which is worthwhile if you let your vault bonus coins build up first. Galcoins are used to donate to clan, for betting on others who play (or yourself), in poker, or to buy slick cosmetic upgrades like planet skins and a plethora of fantastic ships (opposed to the default triangle ships). If you join a clan, during wars your clan occasionally unveils hidden prize stars and you can use special new ships for free, or buy them forever for pretty cheap. You can also earn galcoins from participating and ranking in tournaments players set up, which also is how you can win wing upgrades to your profile icon. There really is a lot to this game… and the masters in this game are essentially jedis, but everyone can be beat eventually in group based games. In any case, if you give this game a chance, you may find it will be the one game that you’ll still be playing years down the road. And did I mention… it is fun!?

Real player with 668.2 hrs in game

DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME: Please read below to understand what less than 3 hours of gameplay might entail.

This is a fair warning for anyone looking for a relaxed and fun strategy game: DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME.

Played for a few hours. Have been harassed 5 or more times with no option to chat with players unless I pay apparently.

1 way chat is a disgusting way to allow players one way harassment with no option to defend ones self.

Furthermore, playing normally means you’re suiciding if you attempt to defend your planets, even if they attack first.

Real player with 212.3 hrs in game

Galcon 2: Galactic Conquest on Steam

Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign

### Summary

Free roam squad based RTS/RPG with a cyberpunk setting running in the classical veins of Syndicate. Start from the ground up with a weak squad and limited supplies, and slowly work your way up the food chain to take on the big corporations. Acquire a mass of guns and upgrades to help you accomplish your goals. Decide whether you want to use stealth, sheer firepower or a mix of both to complete your objectives and rise to the top.

Plays a lot like Dawn of War II with a Blade Runner theme whilst being fresh and unique. Highly recommended!

Real player with 74.2 hrs in game


CO-OP MULTIPLAYER!!!! Game was ok-good before. now it is AWESOME!


Looking for a sequel to Syndicate Wars?

Unsure whether this is for you?

It’s a very tough call.

A bullet-point comparative breakdown.

Satellite Reign is the best revival yet seen of its predecessor. At about 30hrs in to the final release I am enjoying it, despite it leaving me wanting. Aside from this game’s amazing visuals - which are indeed damn near perfect, the biggest differences between this game and Syndicate are in its comprisal of main gameplay mechanics.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

Satellite Reign on Steam