Big Farm Story

Big Farm Story

I’ve never left a review for a game, but i felt i should leave one for this game. Firstly, I actually enjoyed this game. With that being said, i do think it has a lot of room for improvement. The biggest issue being the cost of crops vs what they can actually be sold for. I found that 90% of crops could only be sold for maybe 5-7 coins more than what it cost to grow them. And even certain crops say they make more when sold in the market, the difference is maybe 3-5 coins more than if they were just sold normally. This is also a common problem with other profitable items. There’s hardly any real balance, which makes it hard to make any real money even after grinding this game to a pulp in 60 hours after it’s release. The second issue i found with it, is the lack of actual story line. It’s a very slow progression to get anywhere, and then when I got to Chapter 6 I found myself saying “That’s it?” There’s not much to the characters either besides doing quests for them and earning friendship tokens, which just made it… boring. In terms of uniqueness, it is a very basic, linear story. Not really much to it. The MMO aspect was different though, but also random? I enjoy the idea of it, but in actuality the only real play ability with other players is visiting their house, and planting Friendship hummus to get more friendship tokens. Besides that I found it to be almost pointless and more of an inconvenience when trying to interact with quests in the town center. With all that being said, something about this game kept wanting to play more. It is similar to Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, so it is an overall very mellow and easy game to play. I found it to be very stress relieving because it is so easy to play and get along with. I also believe this is developers first PC game after focusing on more phone games, so it definitely has the phone game feel. Which all the more stresses the fact it has lots of room to improve. I would absolutely come back to check it out after some larger updates in the future, but as of right now I feel I’ve finished everything that is worth accomplishing in the game. I’m excited to see where this game ends up in the future.

Real player with 59.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Life Sim Games.

Big Farm Story is a cute farming game still under development so I’ll be a little bit patient with the current game’s flaws. The story starts off like most of the farming games, you receive a letter from your grandfather asking you to take over the farm because he has something else he needs to check on. Once you arrived at the farm, you find it in a bad state after the recent storm, but your neighbor’s son Benny offered to help you. Your mission now is to find out where your grandfather is.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Big Farm Story on Steam

The Narrator is a DICK : Longer, Harder, and Uncut

The Narrator is a DICK : Longer, Harder, and Uncut

A short game with a rather motivating narrator who fuels your anger and salt to get better. A lot of the jumps in this game are precise and fast! The neat thing about the remastered VS the original, you can play as npc’s you have encounterd along the way, you can even be a octopus!

I would highly suggest this game to anyone looking to kill a couple hours but dont mind getting mocked a bit

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Funny Games.


The Narrator is a DICK: Longer, Harder and Uncut is the same rage fulled, smashing the keyboard and screaming into the void game we all know and love. BUT this time there’s a twist… You can look like a dumb ass dying on the same goddamn spike in front of your friends with multi-player.

With new players to unlock (my dog, Peter, is in the game if that’s not enough to make you buy it) and new scenes with longer and harder obstacles to overcome this game is great to play by yourself or now with others.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

The Narrator is a DICK : Longer, Harder, and Uncut on Steam

Unknown Castle

Unknown Castle

guide 2 ghosts in an abandoned and obviously haunted castle, looking for secrets, treasure and the castle’s history. it’s a short game with 31 levels, can be completed in about 2 hours, and after some extensive pre-release patching (based on bug reports and feedback mostly by me, as far as I know), I can now sort of recommend it. more of a thumbs sideways really, but if it’s the kind of game you enjoy, it’s okay, especially if you have somebody to play with.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Puzzle Platformer Games.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Unknown Castle on Steam

Death Tales

Death Tales

After 4 hours of gameplay here are my thoughts.

The game is visually stunning and amazing to look at. I thought the colors would be weird, but it flows and is captivating. The art style is both whimsical and creepy at the same time. The soundtrack and sounds are not overpowering and very thematic (as a content creator I turn them down a bit for streams & vods but for normal play you don’t need to). Mechanically the gameplay is smooth and the challenge is appropriate. You will get lost in the gameplay and be drawn into the world. The equipment choices and power ups allow for a variety of playstyles - scythes, hoods, armor and spells are plentiful and have all sorts of fun uses. Speedrunners can run through areas once just to collect gear to give them an edge, and completionists can run a stage multiple times to collect all of the rewards. There are also events, shops and quests to add to the depth.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

Hack and slash you way through a colorful world of Fantasy and platforms with over 40 pieces of armor and gear (my favorite is the Unicorn set which I now have 2 parts of!!)

You are a new Reaper gone rogue and you will fight different creatures in epic color!

The levels and the different scythes,armors and enemies with there one effects/abilities! I LOVED IT!

I loved every second of it, I will play this a lot! Thank you so much for making a game that I fell in love with after 5 min of starting it! STUNNING!!

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Death Tales on Steam

Dad’s Coming

Dad’s Coming

After a whole afternoon at home with your sibling, the kitchen’s a mess, your room’s in disarray, you haven’t hung the laundry: a normal day. SUDDENLY… you see on that phone notification that your dad will be coming home early - you hear the garage screeching and opening and… RUN!! DAD’S COMING!!

Meet Bob, the goofy brother who’s scared and clumsy because he can’t contain the anxiety of thinking about the horrible consequences of his actions - not playing video games for the rest of the night. It’s chilling!

Kate, on the other hand, was born for this. It’s been years of intensive training of putting everything away and pretending she’s asleep while her mother’s on the way from the hallway to her bedroom, never once being discovered! And this time’s not going to be different.

To be able to clean up this mess and pretend that nothing happened you will need to:

  • Cooperate by throwing items between rooms until you place them in their respective places

  • Be careful not to break windows or fragile items like grandma’s urn - your mom won’t be too happy if your grandma breaks twice!

  • Keep an eye on Jack, the siblings’ cat! He is always messing around and knocking things over.

  • Use the means in each house to be even quicker, such as service elevators!

  • Watch out for blackouts when it’s raining! Sometimes you will have to reactivate the circuit breaker!

  • And much more!

Dad's Coming on Steam

Arnold Bounty Hunter

Arnold Bounty Hunter

“Arnold Bounty Hunter” - it is a fantastic adventure according to genres like Beat ‘em up / Shoot’ em up / Platformer, which was created as the spiritual heir of the iconic classic games of the era of the NES (Battletoads, Double Dragon). The heart of the project is diversity and complexity. Each level contains unique mechanics and is not similar to the previous levels.

The main characters of the game are Arnold and Miko, bounty hunters. They receive a contract to capture a very dangerous criminal, the leader of the Star Corsairs space pirate clan. But having begun the task, they fall into a trap, and crash on a little-studied planet LV-4.26 in the Zeta Grid cluster. To survive and complete the task, Arnold and Miko will have to endure many dangerous adventures.

Arnold Bounty Hunter on Steam

International Space Banana

International Space Banana

I just got this because of the minute hour dude. I kept coming back to this like an abused partner. the level with the shifting gravity was particularly brutal. worth it on sale lol.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

honestly just get it for the dialogue alone. This game is great! Yes it can be rage inducing, Yes it will make you want to buy all the banana’s at the super market and blend them out of pure hate. But I still highly recommend it!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

International Space Banana on Steam

War Mongrels

War Mongrels

Не ну это пиздец.. дошел до 8 главы…


Вырезал всех, но блядь ключ не так использовал и все… пройти миссию нельзя… Ни вынести ворота, ни тупо обойти всем зекам… Это атас..

все остальное, про антисоветчину или антифашизм согласен..

Вы уж товарищи поляки определитесь, кто у вас плохие…

Немцы, которые вас сжигали, русские которые вас освободили?

Или у вас воевала одна армия крайнова, которая на секунду была организована Англией и в принципе была против СССр и рейха..

Зато у нас воевала Польская Армия, официальная армия вашей страны, которую мы одели, вооружили и помогли освободить свой дом..

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

STORY: I will skip this part to avoid spoilers. But it is meaningful and very realistic for WW2. LEVEL DESIGN: levels are huge, much bigger than D3. They are set in various range, from ruined towns, battles, villages, concentracion camp, prison, military base … .Graphic is most awesome part, for sure best graphic in rtt genre. There is more night levels than D3 and ST. Levels have more gimmicks and environment kills which give on richness of it. Visual representation of war is astonishing. CHARACTERS: All have 4 skills and 5th spot is for something special in some missions. They mixed traditional character archtypes skills and split out on 7 characters. There is no knockouts in this game, but there is stunning. MANFRED: Knife/Whistle/Watch/Rifle – knife is for melee kill, whisle is to lure and wider range, watch is also lure but with narrow range and it is more used for some setups that to lure and rifle is standard with very wide range of noise. That is problem in demo levels which are smaller than rest so that is what Sardukar point about that half map come after you. Can climb vines. Can disguise as soldier but officer see through disguise. EWALD: Fist/Bottle/Brawl/Machine gun – bottle to lure, brawl to kill 2 guards similar to Mugen sword attack. And he can use bazooka in some levels.

Real player with 48.4 hrs in game

War Mongrels on Steam

Bee Simulator

Bee Simulator

Bee Simulator, a cute game that helps you understand just what a bee goes through, an insect that helps to pollinate so many flowers and plant life so well, better than any other insect out there and how the world around them affects their livelyhood and natural habitat. This game has a decent take on the world of bees with a nice couple of mini games that flesh it out for you.

Just a quick disclaimer: I rarely swear in a review, but this game deserves it. I’ve got a lot of patience for games as I try almost all the games out there, but fuck man, this game got me upset at stages.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

The game is mostly minigames. The main story and side quests have variation from the minigames, so it’s not just those. But most of your time in the game will be minigames. I gave this a negative review, but it wasn’t too bad of a “time waster” game.

Races you fly through blue rings to follow/catch another flying insect. There are speed boost pickups to slightly fill your speed boost gauge, and slowdown pickups to avoid. If you miss a ring you lose a failure token, but you must go through the next ring or lose. There are also obstacles throughout the “courses”. The “Easy” difficulty is super easy and short. The “Hard” version is much longer and needs more skill.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Bee Simulator on Steam

Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game, my judgment, and the rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler-free, so you don’t need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Interaction (16 out of 20)

So, as far as the gameplay is concerned this game is the interactivity festival in a good way. Since Beyond: Two Souls is mainly focused around the actual delivery of the story, it is expected for the number of interactive elements to be higher than what you’d usually see. One thing that might surprise a few people is that everything you interact with has a purpose, and there’s no single object that you interact with being there just to fill the space up. Unlike other similar story-based games, there are no interactive components that are wasting your time for the sake of prolonging the playtime - everything is pretty much associated with the story itself. The only thing on the interactive side which doesn’t make sense is that the game is (in certain sequences) almost unplayable without a controller. Considering that this game was a console release at first, without any plans for a PC release does help me look past some of the decisions that were made for the PC release. The only frustrating thing is that the developers did not even try to alter the originally designed mechanics and make them at least a little bit easier to cope with on the PC. Let’s be honest, the PC is the platform where most of the players do not own a controller, to begin with.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

I burned the house because she said rock music sucks

I am Quantic Dream fan since Fahrenheit, after I played it I fell in love with narrative games and couldn’t wait for more similar games. Heavy Rain came out after some time and again I enjoyed it very much but it had flaws. And then Beyond Two Souls have been released. Wow I loved everything about this game, it’s hard to find to say anything bad about it.

Beyond Two Souls tells a story of Jodie and her entity Aiden. Don’t expect realism here, it’s kinda similar to Life is Strange 2 in some way or Fahrenheit. A girl with supernatural power. Aiden is always with her, he doesn’t leave her, he protects her and even lets her see souls and past events. In her childhood Jodie was taken by the scientists to do tests and experiments and her life has been a real roller coaster. No need to talk about the story much because of spoilers on every step so you need to experience it yourself.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Beyond: Two Souls on Steam