Supermarket Shriek

Supermarket Shriek

hilarious game

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

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A silly and humourous game where you ride a shopping cart with a goat. The premise and gimmick is that you are both screaming while in the cart and this is helps you move and maneuver around. So basically the whole game is filled with shrieking and screaming, which can get annoying after a long time of playing for some after the novelty wears off. But it is still quite funny for the most part. There are plenty of stages and obstacles to go through where you earn stars depending on the course, whether it be on speed or collecting objects etc. Some replayability along with it because of the 3 star rating system for the levels so at times you may come back to gain all 3 within the levels that was unable to achieve prior. The difficulty of the game is also good with the stages becoming more elaborate and complicated as it progress. More various and difficult obstacles that come up. Moving around in the cart is also quite fun as you jump over gaps, drift and zig zag around. There are also collectables to be had, for example you can gain headwear that can be equipped as you pass through levels and gain them, which is neat. Along with the singleplayer mode, there is also a co op mode as well as a party pvp mode where you can vs other friends in various events. So these do add some extra element of fun where you can play this rowdy game with others.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Supermarket Shriek on Steam