

When we were offered this key, we honestly didn’t know what to expect–we’d beaten the heck out of Overcooked and Dungeon Defenders before, and this seemed similar, but we were skeptical.


This game hooked us quick and DIDN’T LET GO–it’s sci-fi a cousin of Overcooked with an emphasis on harvesting and defending, and couples will especially love this one and will probably find it a lot less frustrating than others in the genre. There’s some room for this to grow up, but it’s got more polish than existing games in the genre that have been actively refined for years. Check out the WeHeartCo-op review on YouTube, coming soon!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Campaign Action Games.

TLDR: fun game, but if you are unsure check out the DEMO :)

D-corp is a really nice coop tower defense game and it would probably be even better if I had friends to play it with.

While it seems meant to be played locally from your couch with a group of friends it does also support steam remote play and is pretty good to play solo as well (what I mostly did).

Some Pros:

  • Throwing things into pits or acid (including your now ex-friends).

  • Different themed levels, enemies, guns (towers) and elements to make each level feel unique.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

D-Corp on Steam



This is EXCELLENT. I bought it on sale, and would happily pay full price.

I loved Geometry Wars, Waves and countless other 2-stick shooters (also old enough to have loved Asteroids…), but this feels fresh. It’s perfectly polished, and the addition of constant mid-game changes to the arena shape gives you something new to run away from, learn, and sometimes use to your advantage.

No unfair deaths, no easy/lazy ways to grind through levels, no smart bombs, and in challenge mode just one life.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Campaign Abstract Games.

Trigonarium is a very solid twin-stick shooter that has never received the recognition and love it well deserves. If you find the Geometry Wars games to be too fast for you, but you enjoy the mechanics of Super Stardust HD, then this is the game you want to have a go at. Unlike many other titles in the same price bracket, this one appears to have been tested thoroughly: I don’t recall experiencing any bugs whatsoever.

This title is critically underrated and at only three euros it’s an absolute steal. I urge everyone to give it a whirl!

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Trigonarium on Steam

Bake ‘n Switch

Bake ‘n Switch

There’s lots of love and effort put into this game. The breads are super adorable!While you can play the game with 2 players, it definitely gets more fun if you’ve got a full party.There are a couple of levels that could be balanced a little better. In some you can get away with camp stacking the spawners which can get quite mundane. But you’ll realize there’s a wide range of difficulty once you play the stormy levels or try to complete each level with 3 coins.The highlights for me are the boss levels. My hands got real sweaty taking them on.

Real player with 79.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Campaign Action Games.

This game is deceptively difficult. How can so cute be so challenging?

The gameplay feels like a high bread (ha ha!) between Moving Out and Overcooked. Finishing levels is doable first try, getting 3 stars is a lot harder on many of the levels. Storm levels - geez, those are tough!

One thing I would love to see is adjusted star level scores for additional players (3-player should have a higher score needed for 3-star than 2-player).

Overall, an adorable game with challenging gameplay that feels like it will take quite a while to actually complete. Here’s hoping there are 4-star levels when we get there.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Bake 'n Switch on Steam

Let’s Cook Together

Let’s Cook Together

We love this game!

The mechanics are very unique and funny.

Throwing food around in panic while stuff on Your stove is burning, not realising, that Your partner has no free hands and the food just lands on their head… good moments…

We laughed and yelled so much while playing this game.

The graphics are nice and fun, the gameplay is quite challenging yet fair.

I very much hope, that there will be more restaurants in the future.

Very addictive!!

Real player with 216.9 hrs in game

If you like playing overcooked with your significant other (or 1 other buddy) you are going to absolutely love this. I can nearly garantuee it.

Dishes (and the order in which they appear) are not randomized. So, it often feels a bit more fair than overcooked because it is pure skill and does not involve the roll of the dice.

Biggest con?

You can only play with 2. No way to play alone unless you want to somehow play with 2 controllers at the same time. And also no way to play with 3 or 4. Which does feel like a bit of a wasted opportunity.

Real player with 141.7 hrs in game

Let's Cook Together on Steam

Retro Wars

Retro Wars


Take on an entire army in this 80s inspired retro top down vertical scrolling shooter.

Be a one man war machine or take a friend into battle for some fun 2 player local co-op.

Rescue POWs before they are executed

You will be heavily out numbered….

You will be heavily out gunned….

Advance through the levels tactically so you are not over whelmed!

Cautiously make your way to the enemy base on each of the 8 increasingly challenging levels and use whatever cover you find to evade enemy fire.

Use grenades to escape if you are pinned down by the enemy troops or trapped by an enemy tank patrol.


Single player and two player couch co-op action

8 campaign levels to blast your way through

4 difficulty modes which can be set independently for each player

Rescue POWs before they are executed in front of you

Parachute munition drops to be collected

Throw grenades at enemies to take out multiple troops at once

Destroy enemy vehicles for bonus points

Customizable joystick sensitivity

Use level objects as tactical cover

Retro 8 directional movement to take you back to the 80s

Retro Wars on Steam

Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide

Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide

Catty and Batty is a lighthearted game about the friendship of a cat and a bat solving over 50 different puzzles TOGETHER. It fits in a series of indie games I have come to appreciate for their romantic theme, cooperative game-play and casual difficulty which is perfect to introduce computer gaming to your girlfriend. Hand-drawn sprites and original music also provide a special charm.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

A wonderful short adventure about Catty and Batty using all the carboard boxes in the world to help a bunch of spirits to get home.

Everything in this game is charming - from hand drawn characters sprites to piano music.

Puzzles are inventive, you getting a new stuff every level, but they’re not hardcore, you can literally complete the whole game in one evening.

A perfect gift to someone you like and an oppotrunity to spend a relaxing and fun night playing it in Co-op.


Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide on Steam



Small and simple co-op but very fun

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Small co-op station game.

1 submarine, 2 players, 4 stations (steering, weapons, scanner, smelter), 1 level. essential, this feels like a minimalist version of Catastronauts that is also less exciting. You navigate the deep looking for keycards and scrap metal while fending off laser sharks, and when you enter the enemy base, it turns out they’re in another castle, and the game ends. Mind you, the concept isn’t that bad, and if the devs had put some effort into making a campaign and different enemies, it could be a lot better; but as it is, If you want to do couch co-op, I recommed springing for a better game that has more variety.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

S.U.B. on Steam

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

LiaDS is a very cool game. You are on a mission to restore love to the galaxy in your spaceship, with either one player and an AI helper, or local co-op. It has a pretty unique gimmick, in that you must move your characters from station to station in order to control parts of the ship you’re flying. What this means in practice is that most of the time one person will be flying the ship, while the other moves between the guns and the shields defending you. In special circumstances both players will have to man the defenses while the ship idles.

Real player with 138.9 hrs in game


  • fantastic gameplay

  • cool boss fights

  • cute art style

  • 4 campaigns (20 levels)

  • nice difficulty variety

  • a roller coaster of emotions


  • no online co-op


Sometimes a little gem of a game appears and rocks your gaming life. This is one of those games. Charged with flying a space ship against the forces of Anti-love you have up to seven stations to operate. Singleplayer is doable with an AI pet buddy who you assign to which station he should go to. However, the AI cannot fly the ship for you and some boss fights prove more difficult. Still, it is nice to have AI that actually works and you can finish the whole campaign with. Apart from one achievement you can do the entire game solo. But should you? Well … not really. This game is built around playing with another person (or people) and it shows. The intense way this game brings people together means you will both argue and celebrate together. I can recommend it as a team-building game as well. This comes from the fact that no player is useless. Whether it is operating the shields, engines or weapons, it all is needed to ensure victory. This shows especially true in boss fights. Large amount of difficulty settings helps make the game more accessible to new/casual gamers. But at the same time more veteran players can opt for the higher difficulties for an added challenge. Sadly, there is no online multiplayer. While I get the sentiment behind the point of having a real person play next to you (it is incredibly great) it sadly is not an option for everyone. Therefore online play would be more than welcome. Personally I had a HUGE amount of fun playing this game, in solo play, but especially with my wife and her bro. So much fun in fact that I would dare say this is the best co-op game I have ever played. It mixes all the right elements together and creates an experience like no other. If you have a person (or people) who can come over and play with you this is a must-have game!

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime on Steam

Streets of Fury EX

Streets of Fury EX

This is the most fun I’ve ever had with a beat ‘em up.

Streets of Fury EX certainly doesn’t have the ambiance of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, or the soundtrack of Streets of Rage, or the visuals of Capcom’s Alien vs Predator.

But what the game lacks in artistic and technical prowess, it makes up for with its zany humour, large cast of playable characters, and awesome gameplay depth.

Each character feels very unique, and though a few can feel underpowered, they’re still interesting in their own right. The combo system is super flexible - way more than I ever expected! Chain combos, special moves, dash and jump cancels, juggles, OTGs, and the coming update even adds parries to the mix. Hell we’re still finding new ways to do amazing, super damaging combos!

Real player with 333.0 hrs in game

I sunk a huge amount of time into the original Xbox 360 version of the game, and Streets of Fury is one of my favourite indie games from last gen. I was pretty amped to discover that they were planning on doing a PC version of this, so I’ve been patiently waiting…

Streets of Fury is a throwback to late 80’s - early 90’s arcade style beat-em ups done in the style of games like old-skool Mortal Kombat using digitized sprites. Streets of Fury sports a very competent and deep combo system that is simple and pick-up-and-playable for beginners, while more experienced players can string together ridiculously long combos that look like something out of a high level MvC2 or Skullgirls match…

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Streets of Fury EX on Steam




It’s fun, though the bots are well… still bots, but that’s to be expected, at least they aren’t bad, they just aren’t to terribly great either. (They’ll do stuff like get stuck in a room, or pilot your about-dead-ship into mines that could have very easily been avoided or destroyed… but they’re pretty good in general with the rest of their duties)

I’d really like to see more missions go into this game, but as to the ones that are up they are fun (though, they could do with a bit more variation… especially exploritory-wise, as traveling through space doesn’t seem to terribly interesting, but I’m not sure how you’d add more variety to that, besides maybe having a map where you have to carefully pilot around obstacles, or maybe pilot your way into a hanger/base of some sort).

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

I’ve had a blast playing this with my friends. I backed the kickstarter so I’m excited this is out. Currently there’s a good amount of released missions for a few hours of gameplay, but since it’s possible to highly customize your ship it’s still very fun replaying those same missions, usually with a different crowd. Since you can play the multiplayer locally and the game is very easy to get in to it works well as a party game.

In early access there are still a few bugs, but for the most part the game is bug free.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Undercrewed on Steam