Cymatically Muffed

Cymatically Muffed

The good:

Lots of fast fun frenetic action, plenty of game modes.

Audio track is decent.

Good menus, extensive controls and customization.

Responsive, capable developer.

The bad:

Hard to see some items, visual style is lacking and can make things unclear sometimes.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Campaign Controller Games.

I’ve played the local multiplayer several times with friends and have had a great time playing. The variety of game types and settings provide a lot of options for replayability. I can’t wait to play the campaign once it is released, especially since it can be played coop. Cymatically Muffed is reminiscent of older classics while still providing new and exciting mechanics of it’s own. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Cymatically Muffed on Steam

Super Hydorah

Super Hydorah

Great attention to detail with beautiful pixel graphics, a catchy retro synth soundtrack and amazing game play. While taking inspiration from many of yesteryear’s 2D shmup classics, Super Hydorah definitely adds enough of its own flavor to make it a unique experience. The game feels more like a love letter to the golden days of arcade gaming rather than a formulative rehash.

The game play is challenging but fair, giving it that addictive feeling which makes you itch to have just one more go every time you screw up. And since you can only blame yourself for dying, you know that you should be able to improve and do just a little bit better the next time around.

Real player with 81.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Campaign Action Games.

I am not gonna say anything that has been already said. Super Hydorah is a top ten game. Level design, secrets, arms, music, difficulty… All amazing and very well balance.

I would like to mention the continue system, if you understand the philosophy of the developer and the connection his work has with the arcade world, you will understand this system.

When you lose the game you will have the option to continue, if you decide to continue you will lose different things: some ship upgrades, points, you will go back to the beginning of the stage, and also you will see a different ending if you finish the game.

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

Super Hydorah on Steam



This is EXCELLENT. I bought it on sale, and would happily pay full price.

I loved Geometry Wars, Waves and countless other 2-stick shooters (also old enough to have loved Asteroids…), but this feels fresh. It’s perfectly polished, and the addition of constant mid-game changes to the arena shape gives you something new to run away from, learn, and sometimes use to your advantage.

No unfair deaths, no easy/lazy ways to grind through levels, no smart bombs, and in challenge mode just one life.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Co-op Campaign Local Co-Op Games.

Trigonarium is a very solid twin-stick shooter that has never received the recognition and love it well deserves. If you find the Geometry Wars games to be too fast for you, but you enjoy the mechanics of Super Stardust HD, then this is the game you want to have a go at. Unlike many other titles in the same price bracket, this one appears to have been tested thoroughly: I don’t recall experiencing any bugs whatsoever.

This title is critically underrated and at only three euros it’s an absolute steal. I urge everyone to give it a whirl!

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Trigonarium on Steam

Uncraft World

Uncraft World

After seeing Rooster Teeth do a video on this, I bought the first two Uncraft Me! games on the Xbox 360 a couple years ago and found them addictive, despite (or because of) the challenge and the “reward” (wink wink) at the end of each level. So, you could imagine my happiness when I found this game had finally been ported to Steam.

I have found that the game plays easier when using a game controller, like that for the Xbox One. I would not recommend using a keyboard to play this game, or you will find yourself having a much harder time controlling your character, thus causing you to die multiple times, and not beat the level until 20-30 minutes later.

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

UPDATE: In 2019 I tried to play the game again and saw I was missing 1 skin. Went to the forums to learn where it is unlocked and instead learned that the developers of this game have given up on development. Not in so many words, but that is the long and short of it. So it’s going to be in early access forever.


Ok so after “finishing” the last 2 levels I’m happy to say that I would not recommend this game anymore.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Uncraft World on Steam

Animal Rivals

Animal Rivals

Animal Rivals is a collection of local split screen multiplayer only party minigames where you control a funny/toy animal. Games are things like obstacle courses, action/box destroying games and so on.

The quality here is very poor unfortunately, and there’s no network play, which isn’t really right for 2017 when this was launched. The game doesn’t work right off the bat and loads into a black screen, so you have to press “R” then hope you can tweak the game resolution such that it will work and not just crash out.

Real player with 65.4 hrs in game

Black Screen of Death.

Actually, I got past the black screen by hitting R which reset the settings. Unfortunately, that also means you can only play at the base settings.

Once you get past all that, you are confronted with a completely bland and dead game.

Skip this one unless you have a group who wants to play this together for whatever reason.

If you found this review helpful and would be interested in supporting my Curator group, it would be appreciated. Cheers.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Animal Rivals on Steam



Nice gameplay with tight controls. Reminds me a bit of Towerfall with guns. The lack of maps becomes apparent almost immediately. There are about five maps in versus mode and they get repetitive really quickly. I feel like I’ve experienced all that the game has to offer in the versus mode after under an hour of gameplay. We had fun while we played though. Here’s hoping for some content updates soon.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It’s bad

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

MPaliens on Steam

Brotherhood United

Brotherhood United

I had a lot of fun with this one. You could feel the inspiration of classic 2D sidescrollers of the past like MegaMan and Metal Slug in the over all game feel and design. I enjoyed the art style of the game, but could see how it might be a turn off for other gamers. If you’re an achievement chaser, there is a bit of replayability in this one. Otherwise, it’s pretty straightforward in regard to play through time; a few hours of your time will clear the game.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Beautifully Fun Homage to classic sidescrollers.

Fans of metal slug, contra, metroid and alien hominid will love this title.

run and gun nostalgia at a steal

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Brotherhood United on Steam

39 Days to Mars

39 Days to Mars

Review by Davide Spagocci http://www.i TA360.COM

You can play 39 Days to Mars also as a Single Player alone, don’t make the mistake to not play this game only because you read the co-op description,this game is totally worth it played as single player and is for me an unforgettable,unique and wonderful gaming experience also if im a sp gamer.

The gameplay is very fun you can use the controller thumbstick same if they is your left and right arms ( so for move the 2 cursors for reach objects to interact ) then you can use the the left and right triggers same if they is your left and right hand and by pushing the triggers you will close your hand for grab or use objects.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

39 Days To Mars is a sweet, cute and adorable little gem, that will melt your heart with its kindness. Being an extremely short indie game, designed to play on couch with your best friend or a girlfriend, it still manages to deliver you a lot of emotions and gives you an ability to forget about this cruel world and plunge into the atmosphere of this beautiful game.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

39 Days to Mars on Steam



Arguably my favorite game going right now! Do you want to revisit old school game play? Check! Want a fun game to play in a Co-Op environment? Check! Want an awesome 80s style soundtrack? Check! How about a gruff and clueless boss to give you missions? Check! The mechanics are super solid, the graphics are perfect for the genre, and the game is challenging and fun! Especially when you’re sitting right next to your twin on the couch and THEY WON’T GO IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!!!! This is an awesome indie game and it deserves your support. Would you rather spend $65+ on the latest MK title that is then gonna rip you off with a bunch of micro transactions or spend $15 on a full, brand new game, and support indie developers everywhere. I know which choice I made!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game


Review by Games for Lovers - only GOOD local co-op games!


You want to play something with your significant other?

I am not sure I want to recommend you this game - because it REALLY needs perfect cooperation, otherwise you will fail. And you will fail a lot… so this might be DANGEROUS for not-so-stable relationsships. You have been warned!

After a terrible accident, the body-parts of two dead police officers are stiched together to create ONE police officer. Legs, arms, even the brain… two players control each one side. Only cooperation lets you move, shoot, defuse bombs, drive cars and even SPEAK!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

TwinCop on Steam

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Best RTS on Steam!


+Nice graphics that still look mighty fine even after all the years

+Energizing soundtrack that changes according to the battlefield situation

+Reworked and well thought-out resource system that promotes base expansion

+All the factions are all fundamentally unique and don’t have a single similiar unit

+Really good in-game voice acting

+Clear and understandable interface

+Co-op campaign!

+Action-packed battles that require both macromanagement and microcontrol!

+Gamechanging unit abilities! Not a single ability is truly useless

Real player with 598.8 hrs in game

Red Alert 3, for the first time in C&C history, featured a full coop campaign for all three factions. The Red Alert Spin-Off of C&C always was my favourite setting and Red Alert 3 didn’t receive the critical acclaim and fanbase it actually deserved. It played exactly like Red Alert 2, which personally is still my all time favourite C&C game right after C&C Generals.

The FMV scenes were cheezy as always and George Takeii did a brilliant job just playing himself in a samurai robe.

I have many fond memores for Red Alert and it still plays marvellous today.

Real player with 65.9 hrs in game

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 on Steam