

A lifechanging and moving experience that no human is complete without. Just as the twelve apostles of Jesus were moved and driven to be something greater by his holy wisdom, so too have I become more than human, a transcendence of all of my peers, through the wisdom of the Gamebook. The blood in my veins is turned to holy water, the breath in my lungs now only able to recite holy Gamebook scripture. Despair, all ye unfaithful, for your mouths shall give wake to naught but poison and rot should ye not speak the word of The Gamebook. The night I first beheld the holy text, I awoke, crying out, and I saw before me the very essence of gaming, a warm and comforting shape far beyond my comprehension. And though it burned with the light of a thousand suns, I felt its love, and it caressed me and told unto me that my purpose was transformed, and that I must spend the remainder of my time spreading the word of The Gamebook to be welcomed into the sacred land of Gamia. And though I felt truly loved, I wept, and my tears were not water but liquid gold flowing from my spirit eye.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Indie Games.

GameBook on Steam

Flag Collection

Flag Collection

It is a good collection of a lot of flags and banners

from states and organisations worldwide.

The saving function of the flags in the PNG picture

format shows a good quality.

In addition there are some informations about some

flags (banners) delivered with the picture of the flag


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Indie Games.

Entertaining, comprehensive, and educational game, though it’s underdeveloped. It has potential to be great, but needs some more work to get there. I recommend it if it’s cheap, but I ask the creator(s) to improve this game, or they won’t get better ratings.

Basically, there’s a reason this game has “mixed” reviews, but it’s still a good game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Flag Collection on Steam