

In depth puzzle game with a fun story and cool mechanics. Definitely worth for the experience.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker 2D Games.

Very fun game, but level 4-10 is unbeatable because a block appears to be missing. It really was very fun up until then, but I can’t give a game a good review if it’s not beatable. I assume it’s beatable on the mobile version, so I recommend you buy it there. The level design was very good, and it introduced mechanics very well. I truly wish I could give this a good recommendation.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Disjoint on Steam

Puzzles with cats

Puzzles with cats

Lucky me has the dubious privilege of writing the first review for “Puzzles with Cats”.

Puzzles with Cats is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, wow wow Games. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. It’s nothing but a cash grab. This is wow wow Game’s fourth copy+paste of a GameMaker Studio template/asset.

This time they’ve ripped off a basic template for an ultra simple jigsaw puzzle game with some stock art of cartoon cats that they copied off the internet. Asset flips and other “Fake games” (as Valve calls them) are harmful to the industry, because they pollute the marketplace and reduce the visibility and exposure needed by genuine indie developers.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Design & Illustration Games.

sure why not. it will keep you buissy for at least 10 minutes

buy when there is a discount

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Puzzles with cats on Steam



You get what you paid for, 2K achievements at minimum price. If you’re an achievement hunter looking to increase the number of achievements on your profile showcase, then I highly recommend buying this. Else don’t waste your money. This is not a game, it’s just a way of distributing achievements.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Indie Games.

If you are tired and have a bad mood, forget about everything, turn on the brain and play. This game is for you! Destroy the cubes with the help of the neoshar. Throw the ball right at the target and score points. Put your record!

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

NeoBalls on Steam



SpaceBlocc is a colorful minimalistic spaceship building game. A mysterious world you have to escape before it destroys you.


Choose among 7 different parts to build your ship. By correctly managing your weight, thrust, and energy available you will be able to travel a different speeds. Slow and fast both have their advantages and disadvantages. Too slow and you will get destroyed by asteroid rains. Too fast and you won’t have time to destroy obstacles before colliding with them.


You start with only the minimum. Unlock new parts as you progress through the game. These parts are required to advance to next levels, and obviously will make your ship stronger.


Rescue astronauts that were a bit too bold. Some are just out there ready to be picked up. Some decided it would be fun to have to be rescued in more dangerous areas.

SpaceBlocc on Steam

Colours and Symbols

Colours and Symbols

Fun little Puzzle game. The presentation and visuals are very nice and some puzzles did catch me off guard. Only criticism is that some levels repeat a bit too long for my liking however that is just a nitpick since one level can have multiple variations that have their own strategy to complete.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Colours and Symbols on Steam

Idle Poker

Idle Poker

It’s a pretty decent idle/clicker/incremental game with fun progression and prestiges. The endgame can be pretty grindy unless you are extremely lucky. There are also lots of mistakes in the English, but it was never so bad that I couldn’t understand it as a native speaker. I’d say it’s definitely worth the price!

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

It’s cute for a little while but it fails in giving me something to “do”. in the sense that once you ascend ten times (a primary gameplay loop of idle games), you unlock the final ‘tab’ which just another variant of the poker game to very slowly earn rubies to boost the experience. But like anything with poker, you need to either know how to play entirely or just hope the RNG goes in your favor. I lost any real interest or reason to play after that point.

Got it on sale and got my money’s worth, just wish there was more to it.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Idle Poker on Steam

Infinity ZigZag

Infinity ZigZag

Infinity ZigZag is a Unity Asset flip, what Valve calls a “fake game”. The “developer”, INFINITE BRIDGE, took the Zig Zag 2D Unity Store tutorial/demo/game asset pack from the real developers, Bizzy Bee Games, changed the name, and dumped the result onto Steam. They’re attempting to scam people into buying this, so they can get your money for someone else’s work.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Infinity ZigZag on Steam

Mini War - Three Kingdoms

Mini War - Three Kingdoms

More of a puzzle game, where you use weapon-named heroes to try and complete the objectives of each puzzle. Most of which require at least two play-thoughs of a puzzle. Those with some idea of Three Kingdom heroes may be able to associate weapons and heroes a bit easier. Recommend.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mini War - Three Kingdoms on Steam

Ultimate Spinner Simulator - Unstress Yourself

Ultimate Spinner Simulator - Unstress Yourself

This game is really great its like a mix of autism and jesus. This game gave me a boner. Maybe i love this game just because i eat fidget spinner but wow


Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

This game is the cheapest unstressing therapy you can get. I spent 40 minutes to reach to 1000 in unbreakable mode. Music turned off after beating 550, but I turned on my own calming zen music and it was fine! :) I recommend it to all of you!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Ultimate Spinner Simulator - Unstress Yourself on Steam

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game

I started playing this game a couple of months ago and after just shy of 1800 hours I am not putting this down as not recommended and the reason why is this.

The update on July 19 2021 just added online accounts, competitions, bonuses from said competitions, new challenges and such and for people who are most definitely not into competition in any way shape or form and or any online accounts what so ever plus now the game is going to have advancement tied to online activities.

As a result anyone who does not utilize the online portion of the game is automatically at a disadvantage and will progress at a slower rate then the crawl the game has already become.

Real player with 1795.4 hrs in game

I spent months of my life on this game, sometimes I would leave it in the background and do other things, some times I would spend hours dedicating myself to maximum leaf blowing efficiency. This game is an unholy amalgamation of all things unrighteous in this world. No one, and I mean NO ONE deserves the state of limbo that you are THROWN INTO VIOLENTLY while being sucked into this depression trap of a game. “It’s okay, It’s okay..” I tell myself before I sleep every night. All I can dream of these days is the leaves, the leaves, the leaves…. the leaves…. they haunt me constantly as I go throughout my daily life I can’t remember the last time I went outside to listen to the wind blow softly against the trees. I can’t hear a fan without remembering. I just want to be happy, I want to start a new life without the leaves is that so much to ask? I can’t help but feel fear and regret whenever I see this game in my library, so much time so much time, tik, tok, tik tok, I just want to be free from these feelings, when will God bless me with the gift of freedom, when does it stop when does it stop when does it stop, I can’t help but wonder who is the devil that managed to hide this game under the radar of he who banishes all evil things to the demon realm, how much do you hate this world, o foul creator of this abomination? tik. tok. tik tok.

Real player with 703.2 hrs in game

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game on Steam