Colours and Symbols

Colours and Symbols

Fun little Puzzle game. The presentation and visuals are very nice and some puzzles did catch me off guard. Only criticism is that some levels repeat a bit too long for my liking however that is just a nitpick since one level can have multiple variations that have their own strategy to complete.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Tutorial Games.

Colours and Symbols on Steam

Inventory Manager

Inventory Manager

A cute little idle game for a dollar. Gave me Flash game nostalgia.

It’s rough around most of its edges, but it does handle an enormous number of customers just fine, which is fun to watch. I’m also easily motivated by bars going up and the “made a sale” sound happening faster and faster.

Weirdly, in the end, my shop was just sellers, my initial bag, and a hundred grabber arms and distributors.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker 2D Games.

I’m not sure how i feel about this game. it’s a bit like a clicker, but without the clicking. you make numbers get bigger until you get to the biggest number, and then you win. I saw it through to the end though, so I must have not hated it? 18 hours played, but probably 12+ of that was leaving the game running to gather funds to get myself over the finish line

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Inventory Manager on Steam

Idle Armada

Idle Armada

  • Not a clone like many other idle games.

  • Continues to be updated and developer is active on Discord

  • Fun and has an ok balance for active and passive play styles

  • Enough content and unlocks to justify the price, new jobs have been added in updates since release.

Real player with 755.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker 2D Games.

An humble little clicker that does not promise much but delivers.

Although progression is very slow, it’s very pleasant to just see your fleet cruising in space, casually shredding any and all opposition to your grind.

The gameplay is quite simple, with two upgrade trees + a prestige tree, three base resources and three advanced ones. Grinding is relatively slow, but just enough to make you keep coming back after a few days.

The graphics, ripped from the 90’s classic Tyrian are very nice to the eye and blend well with the retro interface

Real player with 276.3 hrs in game

Idle Armada on Steam

God Awe-full Clicker

God Awe-full Clicker

This review will be updated every now and then.

  • 12th July 2019. Recently Offline progress was added to the game. It works fine as long as you log in to see it. Note that you do not gain offline rewards if you get the daily rewards pop-up instead.

  • 7th April 2019 I went for the God-like bonus, so starting here my account is technically no longer F2P, but the March review is still from a F2P perspective. (I was F2P up to Path 8107)

Edit: Forgot to specify that at the time of getting this premium bonus I had purchased everything from the premium shop other than one Pet and most Realms for freely earned Apples.

Real player with 2886.6 hrs in game

Recommended if you’d like to have something to do while watching videos or doing other less engaging stuff.

Very active devs. Quite transparent, responsive, polite. Frequent content patches.

There is a leaderboard in this game. If you care about that, this game is pay-to-win. If you don’t, it’s not. Premium currency is farmable and is a lot more accessible than other games with p2w systems. You can eventually collect all the premium upgrades with time and dedication- there is no paywall. But if you care about ranking, you likely won’t beat the guy straight dumping cash on the upgrades, unless he goes on a hiatus.

Real player with 1116.6 hrs in game

God Awe-full Clicker on Steam

Idle Warrior

Idle Warrior

Ok I’m really bad at telling what’s good in a game and I like this one but there are two things that are missing:

1st - no end game. you just keep at leveling your character, getting through higher leveled ennemies and that’s it. And one thing that I don’t understand: when you reach 100% critical hit chance you always land a critical hit (makes sense) but you one shot every ennemy…. The trouble is the ennemy attacks faster than you and everything is fast so you take a lot of damage, the only think that keeps you alive is your defense stat and your healing stat (the plant pet provides heal)

Real player with 420.5 hrs in game

This game is incredibly basic. Most idle games you want as a 2nd screen game while you main play another game. This is a game you’d run behind whatever 2nd screen game you might already have running. It is so basic and the progress is so incredibly slow you’ll leave this running for a day only to purchase about 5-6 upgrades.

Real player with 308.6 hrs in game

Idle Warrior on Steam

Mini War - Three Kingdoms

Mini War - Three Kingdoms

More of a puzzle game, where you use weapon-named heroes to try and complete the objectives of each puzzle. Most of which require at least two play-thoughs of a puzzle. Those with some idea of Three Kingdom heroes may be able to associate weapons and heroes a bit easier. Recommend.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Mini War - Three Kingdoms on Steam

Realm Grinder

Realm Grinder

I should probably begin by saying I have a weakness for idle games. The allure of always progressing and the goal of that next unlockable is appealing to me. I can’t describe properly why that’s the case. I’ve played many idle games. Clicker heroes, adventure capitalist, soda dungeon, the cookie game, time clickers and more.

Realm Grinder is the best by an absolute mile.

Does it do anything different to the other games listed? Not really, no. You’re still clicking on things to make things happen until you reach a point of allowing the game to be self sufficient and left alone until you want to update it and get bigger numbers. What Realm Grinder does differently to the other games is include a gigantic amount of depth. You’re not simply trying to reach the biggest possible numbers. Instead you are trying to reach goal after goal after goal. And everytime you think you’ve reached the limit, the game adds even more goals.

Real player with 7647.8 hrs in game

TLDR: If you like clickers that are more strategic and have lots of complexities to them, this is one for you. If you just like to click and not think about it, maybe give it a pass.

I decided to play this game after reading a negative feedback comment because it accurately described the game. I like my idle clickers that have times when you need to be active and other times when you can just leave it alone for a while. This does describe Realm Grinder.

You start the game with the basics and as you move on more dimensions of the game come into play. Each of these new additions adds to the complexity and forces you to be more strategic with your game play. Now, you can do this all on your own and figure it out by trial and error, or you can read the forums on Kongregate or the website which is entirely devoted to the game. There’s a plethora of information out there about all the different stages of the game, what to do when, and how to do it most effectively.

Real player with 5861.1 hrs in game

Realm Grinder on Steam

Achievement Clicker 2018

Achievement Clicker 2018

For this time, I won’t write a long review.. for two reasons.

The first one, well, is that probably this game won’t make it for long on Steam, I don’t know, it’s not my business.

The second one, is that this developer published in November, 2017 another game called simply Achievement Clicker.

This game is EXACTLY the same as that one. It’s literally the same game.

And I wrote a review about that one, so it’s definitely too much to spend other time reviewing things I already reviewed few months ago.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Juegito muy chistozo, aunque no creo que cai en la categoria de juegos. Pero bueno, aqui esta en la tienda, so dejaremos que es juego. Pero con quidado que no bayan a maltratar sus raton, oh teclado. Pegen con precaucion, alcavo los logros estan facilin de desbloquear. La musica esta chida y relajante al oido y no aburre con tiempo. En final un juegito simple lleno de Logros que el nombre del titulo dice oh mas oh menos da una referencia de lo que es. Aver que tal esta el 2019 que tambien lo compre junto de una vez, ya que.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Achievement Clicker 2018 on Steam

Bunker Down

Bunker Down

Its simple and fun. I think I have found 4 separate endings already, but there seem to be more… Finding the true good ending is HARD. I’m still trying, but i’m enjoying the characters ^^

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

It’s a pretty good game for what little there is. You must find the right combination on how to survive. I’m a fan of post apocalyptic games and this fits the criteria. Funny characters and hard to decide who lives and dies.

Review at:

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Bunker Down on Steam

Click Commander

Click Commander

Click Commander is a Real-Time Strategy game.

All you have to do is click to deploy units,but higher strategy is needed to victory.

Various units move differently with AI.

Complete many stages and master strategy.

Click Commander on Steam