Fastest Hands In The WASD

Fastest Hands In The WASD

Really nice simple idle with good mechanics.

The devs are also really nice and every problem I had they fixed!

The prestige system is painless and you can see the benefits quickly.

The clothes are silly and the skins on the weapons look nice (wish there were more!)

The pets are also pure RNG and are a nice little sink to put extra plats into hoping for the best.

I was playing before they added most of these elements and each one has blended in well.

I liked the first version and have had it open since!

Real player with 1449.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Strategy Games.

TLDR - Worth the money for the idle mode, and the idle mode is very good! Other sections of the game are fun for a bit but unpolished. Keep in mind this review was made during Patch 11 so things will undoubtedly change.

Idle mode is great, and is one of the best idlers I’ve ever played no doubt. There’s enough content and fun references to keep you entertained for as long or as little as you want. The animations are fun and clever; the weapons, elements, critical system, and hats are very interesting too. If I had to make one critique here I’d say the pacing is a bit off; it starts out sluggish for the first 15ish waves (can be skipped after getting an in-game upgrade) and then by the time you’ve got your fifth or sixth gold hat you literally can’t click fast enough to spend the silver you’ve accrued. After your 50th prestige it is a racing game for how fast you can click, and you won’t spend your money before it’s time to prestige again.

Real player with 152.4 hrs in game

Fastest Hands In The WASD on Steam

Open Bar

Open Bar

Have you ever dreamed of being a bartender? Ever wonder what magical ingredients makes up those mystic cocktails? Now’s your chance! Welcome to OPEN BAR: The Game!!! With this first person, 3D, cooking style game, you are the bartender! Serve customers, take drink orders, earn tips, and most fun of all, actually make the drinks! Equipped with a full “OPEN BAR Bartender’s Handbook Drink Guide” containing over 100 real drinks recipes, including full color pictures and specifically listed ingredients, also access to a full “OPEN BAR STORE” from which equipment upgrades and power-up purchases can be made, you’ll have the chance to do battle with numerous heart-pounding levels, in a variety of locations of varying difficulty. At the core of being a successful bartender is having the ability to craft only the very best cocktails. Uh-oh, if a customer orders a drink, what do I do? What do I put in the glass? Which glass do I even use? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Any drink where the recipe eludes you, simply pick up your trusty in-game Handbook. Each recipe explains which liquors to use, mixers to use, which garnish or garnishes, if you need any tools to make the drink, and down to even which piece of glassware to use. Now, on to the tips! When a bartender serves a drink to a customer, it’s customary to leave a tip. OPEN BAR is no different! When you construct well-crafted cocktails and serve up shaken or stirred spirits in a promptly manner, the customers will generously leave you a Tip. You’ll collect Tips through out the level to earn Stars. Earn up to 3 Stars per Level!!! Earning Stars will unlock new Locations, new Drinks and more!!! Do you have what it takes to be a Master Bartender? Good Luck, and Happy Pouring!!!

Read More: Best Clicker Time Management Games.

Open Bar on Steam

Kawaii Memory

Kawaii Memory

Repeat the light sequence to pass to the next level!

  • 50 levels

  • 50 achievements

  • Relaxing Music

  • Sequences starting from 4 up to 13

  • Kawaii!

  • Are you ready to challenge your memory?

Read More: Best Clicker 2D Games.

Kawaii Memory on Steam

Click and Slay

Click and Slay

It is a fun game that has a different take on some games and it makes me want to play it

Real player with 383.5 hrs in game

Note I am an alpha Tester for this game

Ive seen this game slowly Grow and change and become what it is, Though it is but a simple Idle Clicker it is a great game with two small and great developers. well 1 great one and 1 that likes to pose in stairwells..

The mobs are so cute its hard to not have a favorite as you get through (my Fav being Skully)

I am so excited to see where this game goes and see what the Click and Slay crew can do in the future.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Click and Slay on Steam

Cossack and Magic

Cossack and Magic

good graphics, great soundtrack.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

So you’ve read the description and now you’re down here in the comments trying to figure out what’s it all about. Click the video above to see some of the gameplay, mechanic and hear my thoughts on the game.

Cossack and Magic is side scrolling tower defense game that’ll having you, “Damn, they got me right in the Cossack.” The graphics are delightful, the gameplay is fun but the biggest thing here is the music. The soundtrack is a nonstop slapper from title to end. Each stage gets progressively harder but I found the difficulty level spiked going in to stage four of the campaign. I was able to beat level 3 with only hiring two Cossacks but wasn’t able to get out of the gates in level four before being bombarded by the enemy troops.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cossack and Magic on Steam

Mission IDLE

Mission IDLE

I cannot recomend this game purely because it must be either focused or all other windows must be minimized.

This is an idle game you cannot idle and it feels super bad.

Worse- it doesnt mention any of this.

I might have around 24hours on record but this being the case, at least 10 of those hours was the game actually sitting there, doing nothing…………….. LOL


I contacted the developer about this and it seems there was a bug in the afk code that was causing this issue.

Real player with 175.1 hrs in game

This is a simple, grindy, idle game and this dev’s 3rd game. I like it. It isn’t complicated, but it’s very easy to get all the achievements in under 4 hours. You could keep playing to make your numbers bigger, which I was fine to try, but there’s a major bug that prevents this.

Even though the game is only 6 months old at this point, no one plays the game anymore so the dev isn’t going to work on it anymore. Understandable, but there are some huge problems with the game in it’s current state.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Mission IDLE on Steam



hmm, this is a pretty decent game for just an idle grinder. I just have a few issues with it.

One, i with that the shop, and smithy had a description for all the items and equipment. Some of them, like the pickaxe and the sword, i can intuitively guess what they do, but its really annoying to have to figure it out from checking the stats screen, rather than having text that informs you

Second, I wish that there was a way to spend a lot of stat points, or even gold at once. For instance, any casual afk session would easily net me over 600 stat points, but adding them takes forever, as I have to manually click over and over for just one level. Which leads me to having to click over 600 times everytime i decide to stop afking for a bit. Let alone how long it takes to make use of my gold. My finger starts to hurt as i try to speed through it.

Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

Check out my game play video on YouTube.

The developer definitely needs to ass in the game description that this is an IDLE game, I did see it after I click on the game in store and scroll down, but it IS NOT in the BASIC description of the game. This is absolutely as basic of an “IDLE RPG” as it gets, with absolutely no effort put into designing the game, no effort into adding content to the game, with no effort put into a story for the game. This is a game where you just click “mission” and watch “your character” “battle” a NPC, and watch for hours and hours until you’ve gained enough xp, and materials to build your character up to then click “mission” again, to fight the “next NPC” to watch the same thing and repeat the same thing over and over and over again. Horrible game, and my 7 year old son could have put more effort, and creativity into a game than this. I will literally only let this “idle play” when I get off my computer to go to bed, for the sole purpose of getting all of the achievements for the game, which again aren’t creative at all, “play the game”, “reach level such and such”, reach level such and such, and so on and so forth. Horrible game design and creativity.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Smalles on Steam

Balloon Saga

Balloon Saga

This game is in my opinion not worth the prize but you could add some features and make it worth it easily.

I dont think i needed that experience in my life but something in my view of the world has changed. I dont know what but i can feel that i am a better human. All in all 4/10

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Well Done for making it to my Random Steam Key Playlist, the game is very entertaining.

YouTuber: Fellowplayer

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Balloon Saga on Steam



Endro is a 2D endless survival game, where you control the creatures called “Endro” in order to defend them against the monsters that are attacking them.


  • 5 Different boss characters

  • 4 Different endro characters to choose from

  • 10 Different enemy characters

Endro on Steam

Four Animals

Four Animals

Four Animals is an arcade scoring game.

There are four pipes of different colors, from which animals of the color of the pipes randomly jump out and you need to move the pipes from side to side so that animals of the desired color fall into them.

Over time, the game pace accelerates and there are more jumping animals, you need to try not to lose.

Four Animals on Steam