Dream Time is kind of a puzzle solving game that developed by Bluedio game team. Setting up puzzle solving as the game core, you will act as the protagonist, LEO, to solve all puzzles and pass all challenges successfully by yourself and then experience his mysterious whole life. The game is divided into five chapters, each chapter is about one stage of life and contains some new clues. Where will these clues lead you to?A series of puzzles and challenges are set in the game, besides, lots of comic elements are also used, could you find them out? We hope you can get something from this game,When something disappoints you,don’t let you tears drop down. Be happy and brave, set some goals and make life more meaningful,We might to leave something to this world, even it is simple happiness,You should work hard all the time, change as you need to not force to,There will be some day we will meet each other, like reading a same book, watching a same movie, playing a same game.

Read More: Best Clicker Singleplayer Games.


Super Welder

Super Welder

So bad it’s good

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Mouse only Games.

Super Welder on Steam

Refuge For Troubles. Episode 1: Dear Stranger

Refuge For Troubles. Episode 1: Dear Stranger

I wanna start off by saying that I was given this game for free for the purposes of creating content, but this will not influence my review.

So to start I want to say that the art style is incredibly good. It immediately drew me into the world and multiple viewers were in love with the art style as well. Seriously it’s a complete 10/10, great job on that. However, once we get into the world, that’s where we hit some issues.

I really do think a few minor tweaks of this game are going to do you guys wonders. So to start a lot of my viewers including myself were complaining about the loudness of the music, I appreciate the audio slider but it was incredibly loud, so maybe you guys should consider turning it down to start with? The next issue I have with the game is it’s very unclear which items I can interact with in the world. In a point and click adventure that is incredibly frustrating. So what I suggest you do is add a dot, or a question mark, maybe an arrow to signify what you can interact with. Because I had multiple instances where I was wildly clicking trying to figure out what I can interact with, the entire thing was frustrating. The next issue is that, the opening area is so incredibly dark that I could barely see my inventory bubble, so you might wanna make it a bit brighter.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Adventure Games.

Refuge For Troubles. Episode 1: Dear Stranger on Steam

Ruthless Water

Ruthless Water

Was a kawaii chatroom, changed to parkour overnight. ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

1. This game’s thumbnail is clickbait

2. optimization is doodoo fart

3. Slender man can walk through walls

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Ruthless Water on Steam

The Gateway Trilogy

The Gateway Trilogy

Totally recommend it!!

Such a great puzzle game & obviously a lot of “outside of the box” creativity, thought, humour & planning has been applied by the producers of this wonderful game. I still chuckle when thinking of that poor guy hooked up to the computer while attempting to do math questions without getting zapped! lol….. I think i saw that they are the same producers who created the masterpiece called “The Dream Machine” which i am also presently enjoying. I don’t think any of the games i have bought up to now has made me laugh so much such as Alice’s explanation to Victor of her vivid dream on the cruise ship….the humour & again the creativity is outstanding. I can’t fault either game even if i tried (if a game(s) can be called a work of art then both these deserve the title.) Good going, producers & i will look forward to any future games done by u! BRAVO!!

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Crushing disappointment

I liked the first two Gateway games. They were short, but inventive, and had a wonderful atmosphere of dread and the feeling that you weren’t supposed to be there. Nothing was explained, but that was okay. They were just short little web-based games that you could finish in a few minutes.

So, given the first two are still available for free, the main attraction to this package is Gateways 3. It’s much longer than the first two, but is that a good thing? Well, it would be if there were any creativity. The bulk of the gameplay is made up of mind-numbing tile puzzles (The kind where you have to trace a path without backtracking). There are TWENTY EIGHT of them here, and they make up the bulk of the playing time. They’re frustrating, tedious, add nothing except padding to make the game last longer. And since the game has such awful pathfinding, it’s safest to more your character one, single, tile at a time…which makes everything take six times longer.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

The Gateway Trilogy on Steam

Alzheimer’s: Memories

Alzheimer’s: Memories

NOTE: This review is part of my steam curator review and is the extended version. Check my steam curator page at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/39607348-Random-Game-Reviews-by-Labprofess/ . Follow appreciated!

Alzheimer’s: Memories is a game about an old man diagnosed with Alzheimers, who is now trying to remember various aspects of his life such as his friends and family. Follow the “old man” from his perspective of how he views his reality and dreams. See how reality morphs in your mind and experience, the day to day life of a Alzheimer’s patient. I personally don’t know anyone with Alzheimer’s , but I met someone with Dementia of which I understand certain experiences of the game which are very personal to me. It’s interesting to know how reality changes completely for some people, something we as “outsiders” can struggle to understand. This game is a must play if someone you know is struggling with Alzheimer’s or another form of memory loss, but also just to learn about what Alzheimer’s is and how it affects the person who suffers from it.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Initially I found the game to be a little confusing, as I was used to the typical “fast paced action” of other titles.

However, when I realized this was a somewhat puzzle like game. It all clicked (pun not intended, a lot of clicking in the game).

I had a lot of fun playing the game, even though it’s short. It provides some wholesome moments for you and also can give you insight.

Very nice!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Alzheimer's: Memories on Steam



⚡This game was a really good time spent.⚡

Love the way the production approached the retro theme,

it made me feel nostalgic and I could relive good times.

//the story is very good and I was interested in unraveling the game’s mysteries.

//The game makes us a character and I love that in a game, I like to feel a part of the game and being a character in it myself.

so… several positive points, huh!?

in addition, the game has a very deep

reflection on depression,

anxiety and self-condemnation.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

So, this game is a very basic, simple OS simulator with a “game” that you can play within the PC. The PC does have some decent enough music in the playlist but not really all that much else to read or interact with (there are a couple files that you can read, but it only BARELY creates a story). The bulk of the gameplay will be located in the game that you can find in one of the folders. It’s got the basic “Slenderman” stuff going for it (go and collect 10 candles while a monster chases you). There is a stamina bar and timer to give it a bit more depth in the difficulty department (otherwise the game would be all too easy to beat). There isn’t really a story to the game, which there wasn’t meant to be (as a file shows that Oliver couldn’t think of a story before he died). I didn’t encounter any issues with the game, which is great. The story is pretty simple yet not very fleshed out as much as I’d like in games like this one. I could get the gist but didn’t really understand the why (for instance

! it’s clear that Oliver is being harassed/bullied but we are left with no clear reason for it).

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

GAME.exe on Steam

Ricky did nothing wrong

Ricky did nothing wrong

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it

⠄⣠⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⢯⡓⢻⠿⠿⠷⡜⣯⠭⢽⠿⠯⠽⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Christmas started








Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

my full play through here: https://youtu.be/X3Xuc3aWowA

A pretty good school project point and click having to open the menu choose the correct interaction close the menu testing what option you need when the options aren’t really explained outside of a picture makes the game pretty clunky, until you get used to it a lot of the options only have one or two uses anyways having a system where you click an item and it just gives you the option needed when the time comes for that item’s interaction might have been better than having to open and close a menu not a big problem but since there’s quite a few objects it gets redundant. The story is pretty decent nothing crazy, but I like the fact you get a genocide mode or a pacifist mode sadly the ending doesn’t change regardless.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Ricky did nothing wrong on Steam

Don’t Kill the King!

Don’t Kill the King!

Someone tried to kill the king, but fortunately they failed! However, the would-be assassin will return to try again, and it’s your job to catch them.

As a medieval gate guard:

  • Interrogate visitors and try to uncover any lies or inconsistencies in their stories.

  • Search any visitors that seem suspicious. After all, they could be smuggling contraband or worse…

  • If any hidden item is found, choose to confiscate it as illegal contraband, or discreetly take it for yourself.

  • After deeming visitors as innocent or guilty, choose to allow them into the city, deny them entry, or even throw them in the dungeon.

Do all the above while:

  • Trying to maintain the happiness of the visitors.

  • Earning gold to pay your bills.

  • Gaining reputation amongst the city guards in order to climb your way up to top.

Sometimes being a gate guard can be exhausting work, and quite frankly low-paying work at that. So a little bit of dishonest work to make some quick coin here and there wouldn’t hurt, right?

  • Gamble and play some relaxing Contraband Bingo with the contraband you confiscated from the visitors (or bought from the black market).

  • Invest in contraband stocks at the black market and check everyday to see if your stocks are climbing or dipping.


  • Each visitor will have their own set of occupations and personality types that will be randomly chosen each day which will affect their dialogue and how they interact with you. For example, one visitor may be an honest blacksmith one day and the next day you see them they might be a lying carpenter.

  • Special items can be bought at the black market which affect the number of visitors who are carrying items, decrease the likelihood of guilty visitors appearing, double the amount of reputation earned from your work, and more!

  • Achievements to be unlocked through special interactions and your hard work!

Don't Kill the King! on Steam

随风而逝/Story About Times

随风而逝/Story About Times

Good, Deep Game.

Requires patience due to objectives not being overly obvious and the gameplay being tedious. But I cant deny the hours I put in, the overall message is worth the buy in itself.

Thank you for all you’ve done, Thank you for accompanying me here

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Like walking through a novel. Loved every minute of it

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

随风而逝/Story About Times on Steam