

At first I was just looking for a game to itch the scratch I’ve had for any good clicker/idle games. This scratched it with a ruby encrusted scratcher dippied in the blood of christ and the golden blood of gods. The game starts out like any Clicker/Idle; play until you get enough Souls to buy your Artifacts, buy all of them and start upgrading them. Also unlike other clickers, you don’t lose the damage boost from souls; once you get that % boost, you keep it.

The real game begins once you reach stage 650, which may sound heavy, but there are a good amount of players willing to assist (Join [EON] if you’re new). At stage 650 you get to choose a class and level them up to unknown amounts. Some do however have hard caps, but those caps are there to prevent them from being too strong.

Real player with 9590.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Adventure Games.

I was going to write like a three page essay on this game and why you should get this, but I’ll just do a quick list:

1. Developer is extremely easily accessible and is active in the community, which is a huge turn on for me.

2. Community in general is pretty vibrant and broad and extremely helpful and sometimes knowledgable about the game.

3. Game is extremely well defined and does what it says it does in the description.

4. When you get friends involved, game is extremely fun to play with together with friends.

Real player with 6895.3 hrs in game

ClickRaid on Steam

Idle Heist

Idle Heist

boring as hell. looks like there is 3 rooms and 3 banks. so, in total there is 9 different places. the 4 last achievements are done to make you buy some things in the game.

you see a counter, you click, npc doesn’t talk, now i see why that game lies about being “free” (which means in my mind: free as far as you don’t need to pay to end the game.) instead of “free to play” (which basically means: pay to get things faster but you can win the game without paying).

low polygon job, even higher resolutions in other games don’t make my computer be so laggy. see without within as an example. this game isn’t even optimized. come on, use pre-existing things like “unreal engine” or else…

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Adventure Games.

A low effort, asset flipped idle game built in Unity.


If you’re just looking for free achievements, this is actually one of the easiest idle games to farm and with an auto-clicker you can be done in under 20 hours instead of the 100’s of hours that others might take. (or thousands of hours if you don’t use automation or good buying tactics…)

But as an actual game? Sometimes I’m not even sure why I review idle games other than out of habit. There’s a few that have been mildly interesting, but the majority are pretty bog standard and this one is below that in most ways.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Idle Heist on Steam

Red Hands – 2-Player Game

Red Hands – 2-Player Game


Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Turn-Based Strategy Games.

Quite enjoying, interesting, funny and also cute.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Red Hands – 2-Player Game on Steam

Epic Clicker Journey

Epic Clicker Journey

First off, I have not finished this game yet. I haven’t finished the first map.

Honestly, I don’t think this game is too bad, at least considering it’s free. I can look past the silly drawn visuals and monsters. It’s not a hard game, it starts out extremely easy and gets harder as you go on. You of course need to level up your character, keep items (the item that heals you is one of the best), and possibly buy and level up a “fellow” (although that doesn’t seem be that important).

The biggest complaint I have would be that it turns into a grinder. At first locked areas are quick and easy to get past, requiring one key, then five, etc. But then you will hit one that needs 20, then 40. Each key costs 5,000 coins, so youll need 300,000 coins to beat the map. That takes some time. The problem with it taking time is, unlike, say, clicker heroes, here you are stuck playing the same few areas (or more realisticlly due to the amount of coins each area will give you) the same area over and over again, with the same six monsters over and over again. It gets boring. Nothing happens while the game is not running.

Real player with 625.1 hrs in game

jesus… this is one of those games i have to keep playing after i review it…

first and formost dont look for a story line here… and then… DONT LOOK FOR GOOD GAME PLAY

as a gamer this game is a mess even as idle games go i click away from the game and it stops dead on what ever screen its on… so i cant click away if i wanna idle this game so it leads me to playing it for all of 2 freaken seconds then going to go get food while i let it go. therse also a multiplayer concept that is just not there.

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game

Epic Clicker Journey on Steam



Carperation is a racing game with item and unique ability for each vehicle. Players can use different items or ability to win: not only can you boost yourself, you can also interrupt your opponents with different featured items and attack them! In the game, there are a lot of Hong Kong styled vehicles, such as taxi, jumbo taxi, rickshaw, three-wheeled ice cream bike, etc. Their unique ability can be utilized for defending, hacking, attack, etc. Split-screen and controller are supported. The game is very suitable for playing with friends, family and relatives, especially during party and festival.

Hongkongese (香港)

Carperation 係一個可以用道具同特殊能力嘅賽車遊戲。運用唔同嘅道具加上部車自身嘅特殊能力係比賽入面勝出。除咗可以幫自己加速之外,仲可以妨礙同影響對手。遊戲入面有好多唔同帶有香港特色既車可以揀,例如珍寶的士,人力車,三輪雪糕車。佢哋各自都有唔同嘅特殊能力,有防守嘅,有攻擊嘅,有干擾嘅,仲有更多。而且遊戲支援分割畫面同手制,非常適合party同節慶嗰陣同親朋戚友一齊玩。

Carperation on Steam



Ok because I am the first one to write a review for this game i didn’t want to give negative. there are some problem that make this game a bit frustrating,but before that let me tell you i just play the basic mode and else, nor timer or multiplayer so i won’t judge them.

-first the pieces of the puzzle attach to your cursor and you can change it you are forced to find its place,although you can look at the complete puzzle but it’s really bad you can’t choose which one of the pieces you want to place it first

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Puzz/LR is a 2D jigsaw puzzle game with a few cartoony robot pictures. The game has a gimmick where the pieces snap to your mouse pointer in order (I think). It’s hard to be clear about it because the interface is really, really buggy.

The game grabs your mouse pointer and locks it so you need to alt + tab a couple of times before you can use your mouse on the desktop, so that’s a game development sin right there. There’s also no widescreen support, just 4:3 pillarboxed. So either this game was made using a 4:3 CRT from 1995 found in a dumpster, or it was made for people using CRT’s from 1995 that they found in dumpsters… either way, dumpster.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Puzz/LR on Steam



After reading so many negative reactions i must say … how about u try it longer than 1-7 hours before u start complaining

I just gave myself a few challenges like this one: building only 1 city instead of 9

(and i wanted to see how a fully builded city looked like anyway)

I just click a bit twice a day and i use my 5x attack option on a barbarian city pending from lv1-9 (can kill up to lv5 for now)

And 1 year later and im still doing great.

Real player with 3129.6 hrs in game

This game is for money spenders and bullies. If you want to be subjugated to strict rules of barely being able to do anything without the iminent threat of being bullied, than this this game is for you. Bully tactics for money players, and harassment issues galore. Play this game if you like to die and start from scratch often, or have to make great effort to avoid constant bullying by money spenders.

Real player with 246.2 hrs in game

Tentlan on Steam

Time Clickers

Time Clickers

TL;DR: The best of the idle/clicker games on Steam so far.

The infamous casual genre of clicker games emerged on Steam during the year of 2015. Time Clickers was one of the big three, accompanied by Clicker Heroes and Tap Tap Infinity.

I started playing all of them solely because of their supposedly “easy” yet time consuming achievements. Being a simple genre, I will proceed to shamelessly compare it to these two during the course of this review.

Basic features

In all clicker games you get to click a lot or if you don’t like that, develop an idle build or start using autoclickers to do your bidding. Time Clickers is no different in that respect. What sets it apart from other clicker games is the form of MacGuffins, since they are abstract, different coloured blocks that you have to actually aim to click and shoot. By shooting and destroying blocks you get gold that gets you upgrades to destroy stronger blocks. Continue ad nauseaum, or until you have all the achievements.

Real player with 2854.9 hrs in game

Time Clickers is a clicker game.

However, unlike other games in the same genre, the player has to shoot things to level up.

That’s the major difference with this production, so far as clicker games are concerned.

Each level has a randomised structure, or structures, of blocks in the middle of the screen.

You shoot them to gain points; the more points you get, the more effective you can make your weapon.

And you can get more weapons as the game goes on.

Every few levels there is a boss level; the difference being that you have to destroy all of the blocks by a set time.

Real player with 1637.3 hrs in game

Time Clickers on Steam

Time Warpers

Time Warpers

Time Warpers takes the design philosophy and mechanics of an idle clicker, and just builds a bigger, fuller experience. And the end result is easily one of the more elegant implementations of idle clicker elements to date. The idea is to have a massively multiplayer online first-person shooter PvE experience, with a huge progression grind based in idle clicking. Yes, there are many moving parts here, and I’ll try to explain this as best I can.

First, we must consider that there is a spectrum between complete idle clicking/AFK and complete active playing. Time Warpers allows the player at any given point to choose where they want to exist on that spectrum. And really, your place on that spectrum will depend on your strategy and goals. You want to idle this in the background to grind some levels? Sure, we can do this for the most part. You want to run through FPS-style and actively progress with even more benefits? Yep, we have that option, too.

Real player with 1908.8 hrs in game

Updated review. I gave this game 11/10 before and haven’t played in months, so why the salt? Let me explain.


-Mastering this game’s movement and zooming around at the speed of light is some of the most fun you can probably have in a video game.

-A true multiplayer incremental. Holy wow. Hats off.

-Customize your weapons for maximum fun.


HOLY POWER CREEP. They flat out RUINED this game. Keep reading below to see what I mean.

The incremental part of this game was barely passable before, and every update just made it more and more bloated. Runs are now way, way, way too long given the amount of actual content the game has. The in-map collectibles (which become tedious once you’ve completed two or three loops of the entire map) were made pointless because you can now collect them just by looking at them.

Real player with 1321.3 hrs in game

Time Warpers on Steam



“But it’s just an idle game.”

I’ve been playing Zombidle for over a year now (since its first builds in July 2015) and throughout the year, I’ve become more and more involved with the community. Even still, I am a heavy player of Zombidle, just in the beta test alone I’ve racked up ~280 hours, though as is the nature of the game, it’s open most of the time doing it’s own thing.

The game itself is awesome, it’s kept me engaged all this time (not an easy feat, I get distracted easily!) As you progress, you are always unlocking more things to do, whether it be the first time you discover that the game world you’ve seen thus far is but a fraction of what there is, when your main source of power now falls to the wayside as you discover and unlock greater sources.

Real player with 13742.9 hrs in game

I know what you are thinking: “Oh god, ANOTHER idle clicker game? Pass!”

No… stop right there, come back, and try it.

How can I best put it? Early on may feel very slow, and the game seems like your standard clicker game, it changes once you progress to a certain point. When you can start crafting, which is… at some point down the line. You’ll have to play to see it for yourself!

Aside from that, the auto-click spell? It’s not 10 clicks/taps a second, it’s way more than that! And while there are no things like Clicker Heroes' Hero Souls, you have Hell itself willing to build you buildings that provide DPS, Skulls (your in-game currency), DPS to Click/Tap damage, and better Devil Deals.

Real player with 7421.9 hrs in game

Zombidle : REMONSTERED on Steam