Fidget Spinner Editor

Fidget Spinner Editor

July 11 2021:

As of writing this review many things in my life and the world are changing. Not only is the COVID-19 pandemic coming to a close and the world is finally opening up, but I am also preparing to move. However one thing has stayed the same throughout these past months. My dedication to this wonderful and truly magnificent game “Fidget Spinner Editor”.

Let me preface this review by stating this… I am entirely biased toward this game, and this entire review will be describing this game in positive light and elaborating/building on my previous two reviews of the game

Real player with 3000.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Strategy Games.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fidget Spinner Editor. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the Spinners nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- its personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fidget Spinner Editor truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Spinners existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Myarcadegames genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Fidget Spinner Editor on Steam

Open Bar

Open Bar

Have you ever dreamed of being a bartender? Ever wonder what magical ingredients makes up those mystic cocktails? Now’s your chance! Welcome to OPEN BAR: The Game!!! With this first person, 3D, cooking style game, you are the bartender! Serve customers, take drink orders, earn tips, and most fun of all, actually make the drinks! Equipped with a full “OPEN BAR Bartender’s Handbook Drink Guide” containing over 100 real drinks recipes, including full color pictures and specifically listed ingredients, also access to a full “OPEN BAR STORE” from which equipment upgrades and power-up purchases can be made, you’ll have the chance to do battle with numerous heart-pounding levels, in a variety of locations of varying difficulty. At the core of being a successful bartender is having the ability to craft only the very best cocktails. Uh-oh, if a customer orders a drink, what do I do? What do I put in the glass? Which glass do I even use? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Any drink where the recipe eludes you, simply pick up your trusty in-game Handbook. Each recipe explains which liquors to use, mixers to use, which garnish or garnishes, if you need any tools to make the drink, and down to even which piece of glassware to use. Now, on to the tips! When a bartender serves a drink to a customer, it’s customary to leave a tip. OPEN BAR is no different! When you construct well-crafted cocktails and serve up shaken or stirred spirits in a promptly manner, the customers will generously leave you a Tip. You’ll collect Tips through out the level to earn Stars. Earn up to 3 Stars per Level!!! Earning Stars will unlock new Locations, new Drinks and more!!! Do you have what it takes to be a Master Bartender? Good Luck, and Happy Pouring!!!

Read More: Best Clicker Time Management Games.

Open Bar on Steam



What is “PickCrafter”?

PickCrafter is a clicker game with idle elements that was based on Minecraft and its clones. The game’s unique mechanic is that there are many picks, which you can activate for short bonuses. We get to that below.


The graphics of PickCrafter are relatively basic, but the particle effects etc. are very nicely made, giving it an appearance of a kind of living world. Don’t get me wrong, you usually just crack block after block. But there are also boss fights, and the pickaxe powers, and abilities, which all are nicely made. In addition, events are run half the time (usually an event starts Friday evening and lasts for three or four days, in rare cases they are longer). If they have specialized graphics, they also fit.

Real player with 4267.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Clicker Singleplayer Games.

Usually clickers become easier and you can go further every time you start over - keeping some of the benefits you’ve earned. Not in PickCrafter. The restart currency (“ender pearls”) is locked at three pieces and after a few upgrades that make the game go faster (require less blocks to advance and such), you need way more than just three pearls as these barriers also keep rising. So by the time you’ve accumulated enough pearls to lower the bar one inch, it rose five. That’s where I’m stuck by boredom after prestiging 40 times. Doesn’t help that a lot of things like pickaxes are barred behind tasty paywalls AND require steady “runic” (ingame cash currency) investments to remain useful. I’m usually motivated by this to try to come extra far but the greed is too strong in this one. I understand, the dev wants to make money but this design is borderline shady and it should be thought over. Except three zones that only can be accessed by teleport skill or ender pickaxe (and only as long as they’re active, we’re talking seconds here): once you’ve reached the last area and start over, you’ve seen it all. A fun minecraft-related clicker for a few days but not worth besting at.

Real player with 1093.1 hrs in game

PickCrafter on Steam

God Awe-full Clicker

God Awe-full Clicker

This review will be updated every now and then.

  • 12th July 2019. Recently Offline progress was added to the game. It works fine as long as you log in to see it. Note that you do not gain offline rewards if you get the daily rewards pop-up instead.

  • 7th April 2019 I went for the God-like bonus, so starting here my account is technically no longer F2P, but the March review is still from a F2P perspective. (I was F2P up to Path 8107)

Edit: Forgot to specify that at the time of getting this premium bonus I had purchased everything from the premium shop other than one Pet and most Realms for freely earned Apples.

Real player with 2886.6 hrs in game

Recommended if you’d like to have something to do while watching videos or doing other less engaging stuff.

Very active devs. Quite transparent, responsive, polite. Frequent content patches.

There is a leaderboard in this game. If you care about that, this game is pay-to-win. If you don’t, it’s not. Premium currency is farmable and is a lot more accessible than other games with p2w systems. You can eventually collect all the premium upgrades with time and dedication- there is no paywall. But if you care about ranking, you likely won’t beat the guy straight dumping cash on the upgrades, unless he goes on a hiatus.

Real player with 1116.6 hrs in game

God Awe-full Clicker on Steam

Flag Color Number - Painting and Coloring

Flag Color Number - Painting and Coloring

very good games, very good names of games, very good flags. Very good my favorite cuntry - turkmenistan is inside games! +rep would buy again if sales

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

I do love coloring games, I really do, but this game feels terribly unfinished:

• controls are clunky, I even got some kind of motion sickness;

• there is no options menu;

• there is no save feature;

• there even is no exit button. 🙈

Don’t buy it in this state.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Flag Color Number - Painting and Coloring on Steam

The Gorcs' Forge

The Gorcs' Forge

A very cute and fun management game. At the beginning you can get stuck but once you learn the basics of the game it turns really fun. I also love the soundtrack and the story. Recommended!

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

I spent a while playing the game and I love the gameplay!

I know is still in Early Acess, but the mechanics are so fluid and functional. It’s a strategy game with a mix of casual management style. The Gorcs Forge needs a couple of improvements and bug fixes, but is doing fine for now.

It took me about an hour to finish the game and I have to say… More PLEASE!

I could play it for hours! =D

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

The Gorcs' Forge on Steam

Idle Pins

Idle Pins

Edit 02/11/2021: Three things related to monetisation have happened. First, leaderboards have been removed. That’s good, they were useless anyway and clear cheaters mostly populated the top spots. Second, the daily premium currency (Derium) given has increased dramatically, roughly doubling over the first month. While the amounts are still very, very small, it’s something. Good job.

Lastly, I cursed the game when talking about RNG based purchases, because there is now a slot machine for the Halloween event. The listed chances are 1.23% for a good drop, 29.88% for a not very good drop, 68.9% for absolutely nothing. You also get a tiny consolation prize with each roll, all for 100 Derium. If you wanted to buy Derium it would take roughly 8,100 to get one of the good drops, costing around $20. More absurd monetisation from the developer, sadly.

Real player with 1220.6 hrs in game

This will be a fully honest and unbiased review, i personally enjoy the game as i did with the original.

Personally i consider this game a pretty good balance between the active and idle sides of the incremental community. (if you complain about the game require to much active then, simply put the game isnt made for you, as its more geared towards the more active side of the incremental community. dont expect something like melvor, expect something like realmgrinder in terms of activity) The game however isnt entirely active and does have a somewhat long waiting periods, not timewalls per say, but just waiting periods. none the less, despite the fact i prefer EXTREMELY active games like perfect tower 2, and The Prestige Tree. this game has somehow entranced me despite the larger waiting periods.

Real player with 304.3 hrs in game

Idle Pins on Steam

House Builder: First Job

House Builder: First Job

I really think this game has great potential! I loved playing the first two jobs and can’t wait to see what else there will be.

The building crafting mechanics unfortunately got rather tiring over time, as I constantly yeeted the raw tiles for the roofing when I tried to get them into the oven, so that I needed to make new ones. Also, the distances are hard to guess when using the hand tool/drag-and-drop, which for me made it difficult at times to get the clay into the form.

I would like to be able to collect the raw materials as well (not just the finished ones) and clicking them into their crafting destination, instead of having to drag-and-drop them, risking to lose them whenever I move aound too quickly.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

House Builder: First Job

…is a crafting simulator. Build a shelter in the northern ice lands or the African jungle, using basic material from your surroundings.

⚙ Game Description & Mechanics ⚙

Two locations are made available for you to choose from, although the game implied that you start with Greenland and then move to Middle-Africa. Both offer a very different building style: the igloo requires that you to keep a warm fire burning while gathering ice blocks cut from the ground, and a mudbrick house made requiring rocks for the foundation, bamboo sticks and vines for the structure and clay and water for the walls and roof. Both locations have a dangerous beast lurking around (a bear in the first, a lion in the second) from which you need to keep your distance of.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

House Builder: First Job on Steam

Craft Craft Craft!

Craft Craft Craft!

Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Craft Craft Craft! Review

Good things:

Good thing is that someone take their time to make this game as it is a good learning experience for future. I’m sure many developers created many weak bad games before they got one right and made something good. Graphic is ok and all the assets looks fine so I hope they didn’t cost too much to buy.

I think if someone loves clicker games he will love this game as it is just a clicker with an extra steps that force you to click in more places than one. You buy resources by clicking and you go to other screen to process those resources than you go to another screen to forge things from these resources and than you go to the next screen to sell these items and get more gold to start doing this process all over again. After a while you can also use forged items to create an army and attack some villages and these villages if conquered can give you resources if you click once every 2 minutes and they can also be upgraded to give a little more resources. And that is the whole game loop. Craft things to sell them to get more gold to craft more items or give items to army to conquer something and get more resources.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

After the tutorial you will learn everything about game. You can do trades, craft weapons and sell them or you can build an army with them. War system is simple, trading is not my thing so I build my army and now I am trying to conquer the other cities. Good game to pass the time.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Craft Craft Craft! on Steam

Crafting Idle Clicker

Crafting Idle Clicker

I used to play this a shit ton on phone. One of the most interesting idle (with optional semi-active) incremental games out there. There is a lot of depth to it, especially compared to other incremental/idle games.

With regular events, that are identical in basics (as the basics is your regular play) the details and crafting combinations are vastly different and require you to think what item do you upgrade first? With the events, your regular play is spiced up very nicely. While the events are fun and short, they do have the potential to give amazing rewards for your regular play. So participating in them is optional, yet a major benefit!

Real player with 1827.6 hrs in game


So more time in the game and it’s just added to more frustration. The more I play the more obvious it is at how this game is designed to be a cash grab. Thankfully I’ve never made a purchase for gems - I simply won’t support their greed - but I have been trying to save up any free gems I earn so if I want I can get whatever perk I need at the time.

IF you are paying for gems or trying to save up beware! When clicking to produce more “goods” the developer has introduced a pop up that is designed to open exactly over the click area! It happens so fast and there is zero chance to avoid this which means you are going to waste gems on a useless 15 minute double production perk. How shady is it to have a pop up window that is designed to make you spend gems when you don’t want to? Very.

Real player with 184.4 hrs in game

Crafting Idle Clicker on Steam