Red Baron Pack

Red Baron Pack

I recommend this game WITH EXTREME RESERVATIONS. This pack comes with three games: Red Baron Classic, Red Baron 3d and Red Baron 3d multiplayer (which I’ve never booted up.)

If you’re buying this for classic, the game seems to work fine. Both Classic and 3d do not come with a hotkey list, as near as I can tell these are direct ports and the originals would’ve had physical copies. However the hotkeys are available online here

for classic and here

Real player with 69.8 hrs in game

Ever since I saw gameplay footage of IL-2 I wanted to play a war flight sim. I was already obsessed with planes so it was a natural progression to start playing the sims. Now I dont have a nice computer, just a laptop that was not meant for any kind of beautiful sweeping landscapes of the IL series. IL 1946 can’t run on this thing. So I did some digging and found Red Baron 3D. While I was set on a WW2 sim, I am completely on board with Red Baron 3D. It is a little simpler compared to the more crafted sims we can get now, but it hits all of the check marks for me. Campaign is frustrating and fun, as you go through the weeks and months of the war. Some days your plane will fly high above the enemy and you can enjoy the superiority that your plane has over inferior enemy planes. Then next month the other side slips in a new plane that can outclass you and you are struggling just to survive missions. Its awesome. The load times are damn near instantaneous, and the flying is fun. I could go on and on about this game, and I wish the mods that the community made for this game back in the early 2000’s were still around. You’ll enjoy this sim 100%, and at 9.99 its just to good of a purchase to pass up if you are on the fence about it

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

Red Baron Pack on Steam

Wings! Remastered Edition

Wings! Remastered Edition

14 hours in, 130 Missions, 264 Kills in normal mode…

I would like so much to recommend this game but I can’t… This is NOT our beloved Wings (Amiga).

The Amiga game was HARD! I remember being toe to toe with the great heroes of WWI, a thrill when you manage to surpass the score of one of them. I would spend the entire mission time trying to shoot one plane will my mates killed every one else. The AA where very accurate, specially in balloon busting, and the strafing missions where hell. In this remastered, every one in my squadron has 30+ kills (but not when flying with me - with me they are totally incompetents, in 7 enemies planes I kill all 7) and I easily make “ace in a mission” (5 kills). Not once Oswald Boelcke or Georges Guynemer where close to me or to my squadron mates. In a month, in real life, the allies downed 300 axis planes in total. I had 100 and the rest of the squadron 100+

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Remake Games.

Everyone who owned that game in the early 90’s will love it. The graphics changed but unfortunately you can still play for the Royal Flying Corps only and not for the Germans.

What changed to the original version:

There are 2 funeral scences (In the old version there was just one but you could see the age of the killed pilot)

you can choose the colour of your aircraft (green or yellow)

ability to change the difficulty

The controls by keyboard are a little bit difficult but there is an option to use a joystick (couldn’t test this option)

Real player with 15.2 hrs in game

Wings! Remastered Edition on Steam

The Last Express Gold Edition

The Last Express Gold Edition

I think this may well be the greatest game ever made. Yes, the controls are clunky as all get out. Yes, for people used to today’s games the ultra-high-tech-for-1997-digital-rotoscoping technique looks extremely antiquated. Yes, you’re dropped into the game with no idea what to do, and you’re going to fail. A lot. But at the same time “The Last Express” includes:

  • Probably the best-developed characters in any adventure game I’ve yet played (the weakest is arguably Robert Cath, who the player controls, but even he has an intriguing and irritatingly-largely-unrevealed-due-to-lack-of-a-sequel backstory). By the end of the game you know what they want and what makes most of them tick, and since certain bad things are more or less guaranteed to happen to a number of them the result is the equivalent of an emotional shovel to the face.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Real-Time Games.

Ahead of its time but stuck in the past

First read about this game way back when it came out, in a magazine I still have, where the reviewer was left in complete awe because of unique design for an adventure game. Ever since it occupied a small cluster of neurons in the back of my head, waiting for me to play it and its moment to shine. I should say I never played the original so my review will only address this 2013 port, with some inferior exceptions others have noticed.

It plays like Myst, from 1st person perspective with static scenes as you move around, but is set in realistic environment of an vintage luxury passenger train called Orient Express. The whole game takes place in the same 4-5 vagon carts with beautifully rendered backgrounds. You move by clicking edges of screen with mouse cursor that contextually changes functions to forward, backward and left or right turn, with interaction prompts for opening doors and object/NPC interaction.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The Last Express Gold Edition on Steam

Steam Squad

Steam Squad

I decided to write a review (though usually do not do), I liked the game, and here’s why:

Passing the game is not easy, missions of the first company are not very hard, but further became much more difficult. You can’t save during a mission, so you have to play carefully and cleverly (I’ve gone only 12 levels). Before the start of the mission you just in general terms imagine what awaits you, and already it is necessary to choose the squad on a mission (cool that the game offers total freedom in terms of units equipment), it is very exciting.

Real player with 39.1 hrs in game

Steam Squad is a “Steampunk” Turn Based Strategy game, currently available as early access (in Beta - currently v0.371b)

Whilst the game is based on “The Great War”, it’s historical content does not include the Entente and Central Powers forces per se, but the British and “Exotic Asian” (Han) forces instead, this dynamic is interesting - and refreshing and sets a very plausible scene.

The main character in the story is a British Captain - Ken Whitehall, and his troop of “Gentlemen”, whom are battling the “Han”. The storyline follows Ken and his men, through different missions as they undertake the battle and stop the march of the Han.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Steam Squad on Steam



A surprisingly affecting music video describing the memories of dying soldiers in the Great War. Though brief, perhaps a bit too repetitive, a few more scenes would have helped a great deal (you will see the same scenes several times, wait for the fade out and credits to reach the end). Interesting that the composer, Julie Buchanan also did the music for The Other Half. For more about the Great War, listen to Dan Carlin’s Blueprint for Armageddon.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

This is a heart wrenching game. Although simplistic in nature, it’s atmosphere really makes you feel for the soldiers and makes you want to rewind over and over in the hopes that the bullet just might miss them. There isn’t any dialogue or character names but you get a feeling that each and everyone of those soldiers has a story and a family that misses them. This reminds me so much of “All Quiet on the Western Front” (Great book and movie, you can get the movie on youtube for free) in which you have a group of friends join up and slowly die one by one. The cut scenes sort of build on the semi-story of your individual character and in a way make you connect with him. I had to rewind time and pause after the final bullet came, I sat there and contemplated what I’d just witnessed. I highly recommend this game.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Temporality on Steam

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat

My Personal All-Time Favorite Game

Hello All :) Yeah ive played this game from Beta days as a Half-Life Mod on the old WON days. This game is like the grandfather of WW2 games , Before COD and all other WW2 games there was Day of Defeat. I have a major love for this game. I also made alot of good friends amongst my battles along the way :) {“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”}

The game play is a bit older and slower then its predecessor of the day Counter-Strike.The Capture the Flag gameplay and Objective Play enforce strong team work and communication game play. The game has aged a bit of course but the key gameplay is still relevant today.

Real player with 3828.8 hrs in game

Day of Defeat for the PC is a World War Two multiplayer mod of Counter Strike, that is a lot of fun. There are lots of levels and even though the overall gameplay is just capture checkpoints just like in Battlefield 1942 this game has something that Battlefield does not, and that is a real sense of realism. It maybe the recoil that the weapons have or the envirmonets, this game just seems to work better than Battlefield.

The graphics are kind of bland, but they do a good job making them look somewhat like the envirmoents look like. There are tons of places to go and take cover and just like in counter strike after you play for a while you really get a hang of it. I will admit though, one thing that I did not like was that you really couldnt look down the sights of any weapon other than the sniper rifle that is about it though, well the British weapons suck, but this is a very fun multiplayer game that is free via steam and a must play if you like World War Two shooters or Counter Strike.

Real player with 2489.7 hrs in game

Day of Defeat on Steam

Medal of Honor: Airborne

Medal of Honor: Airborne

A timeless WWII classic that is a must-play for any WWII gamer who wants a good ‘ol fashioned shooter with a unique first person cover system and great gameplay.

One note before you buy this game is you may get a “video card not supported issue”. I believe this was fixed because on my new PC I got a popup to set up game settings, similar to Rust and The Forest, and I’ve had no issues, but I can’t 100% confirm you won’t get this issue. If you do get it there is a few simple fixes relating to your .exe and setting up custom launch options and it’s just a simple google search.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

As far as single-player campaigns go, this is my favorite Medal of Honor game out of the half-dozen or so that I’ve had experience with (finished the 2 PSX games and Allied Assault on the PC, and played some of Pacific Assault and the 2010 reboot).

My reasons for enjoying Airborne so much aren’t because of anything particularly special about it. It looks decent for a 15-year old game, the maps are well-designed, and the guns are fun to shoot. But it’s more because most of the annoying crap which is so common in FPS games of the late 2000s is mercifully missing from this one. Some examples:

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

Medal of Honor: Airborne on Steam



So this game is tons of fun, I gotta say, it’s fantastic to play with a group of friends because, as always, Uno is great fun. The card packs and new rulesets are also fantastic and really change up the pace of the game and make it even more fun, beyond what normal Uno can provide.

That’s about all it’s got going for it though. The coding of the game itself and the networking are absolutely atrocious. For absolutely no reason, people will drop from games, be incapable of fully loading into games, crash on startup, etc. etc.. Many core features (like calling out Uno) are broken to a degree that makes a potential win into a complete loss. Needless to say, the entire game is pretty much broken somewhere somehow despite the fact that it’s literally just Uno. I have no idea how you screw up Uno this badly, but these developers apparently made that a reality. If it was just one or two of these bugs in isolation, I could put up with it, but the quality of this game makes me feel like unpaid interns created it and that it’s literally just a project for Ubisoft interns to work on that generates them some cash on the side. There’s no care at all for quality put into it, which I mean sure, it can’t be that popular of a game and isn’t a flagship, but it still flagrantly displays it’s made by Ubisoft and is grossly broken. Not that I expect anything else out of Ubisoft, but for god’s sake, it’s just a damn card game, how do you make it so that just to play an online card game it can take 20 minutes of restarting games just to get it to work, only to then have people just disconnect at the start or mid-game for no reason despite them having no connection issues at all on their end?

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4, draw 4,

Real player with 13.4 hrs in game

UNO on Steam