Palace of Cards

Palace of Cards

The different card games are very well explained. And you can play for free for a very long time. Thumbs up.

But then…

Their prices are downright ridiculous and outrageous. Just for professional players.

Die unterschiedlichen Kartenspiele sind sehr gut erklärt. Und man kann sehr lange kostenlos spielen. Dafür Daumen hoch. aber dann…

Deren Preisvorstellungen sind geradezu lächerlich und fast schon unverschämt. Nur was für professionelle Kartenenthusiasten.

Real player with 516.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Casual Games.

I have always loved rummy as a whole but many rummy games/apps have so many new rules this game however follows from what i have known the correct original set of rules plus the ability to chat and watch our stats is also a plus i have this on my steam and my phone i love it i give it five stars outs of five !

Real player with 33.7 hrs in game

Palace of Cards on Steam



Yes, I don’t recommend it despite completing one of the campaigns (vitals), here is the pros and cons, if you can live with the cons go ahead and buy it, doesnt cost the world.

  • unique races with their individual card lineups

  • there is a learning curve to appreciate

  • I had no problems running it (on my old computer in admin mode)

  • challenging varied enemies

  • 50h playtime if you do both campaigns I’d say

  • it felt a bit like offline Hearthstone with 3D battles, the age shows tho

  • even if you turn off all the gimmick closeups etc, battles take their time

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

One of the old school classics.

Since the game was developed by Nival (Russian based), western market might not be familiar with the game.

However there are few points why you might be interested to play this game even though it has been 13 years since it was released:

  • Game is Hard. No kidding, even normal difficulty will have you thinking over on what kind of strategy and builds you must use to win every campaing map.

  • Game is played out on a strategic map (similar to HOMM) & tactical battles (collectible card game).

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Etherlords on Steam

Etherlords II

Etherlords II

-RPG elements are quite light

-Campaign is fairly on the rails

-Actual card-game combat is quite solid and the AI pilots its decks surprisingly well given how dated the graphical presentation of everything is

-Experienced Magic players, especially experienced booster draft players, will find the deck construction somewhat simplistic. Many cards are quite obviously at suboptimal rates or provide effects that are clearly not worth 1 of your precious 16 card slots.

-Many of the enemy decks are quite extreme in their focus, varying wildly from hard aggro to pillow-fort control to voltron suit-ups and most fights are basically puzzles, figuring out the exact mechanics of the enemy deck and making sure you have a defense/solution to resolve it.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Great Soundtrack Games.

I remember playing the demo for this game way back when it was released (and when demos were a foregone conclusion). Now I finally got to play the whole thing and it was just as good as I remember. There is a lot more story and voice acting in this game compared to Etherlords 1 and it’s as bad as I remember, but I like that. Bad voice acting is about the only bad thing in games that is still enjoyable.

It’s taken me more than 40 hours to beat the campaign, because the Etherlords games are slow. There is an option to speed up combat and summoning animations, but I never used that in either games, because I like to take my time when playing a game. The slowness is most felt in the battles, which are wars of attrition, where the one with the most creatures and/or the most HP usually wins. There are, however, plenty of ways to beat the odds and turn the tables, which is this franchise’s greatest strength. It’s a bit boring at first, but once you get more useful cards, you’ve got endless possibilites to experiment with deck builds.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Etherlords II on Steam