D: The Game

D: The Game

As a fan of the late Kenji Eno (R.I.P) and the now defunct WARP Studios games, I was really happy to see that D (WARP’s first game to be released outside of Japan) is now easily accessible on Steam.

D was originally made for the short lived 3DO in 1995 and was ported to the Sega Staurn, PS1, and MS DOS (which is this version). The gameplay is akin to 1993’s Myst, with the entire game being an fmv. Yet, unlike Myst, everything is fully animated. So if you want to get somewhere, you are going to have to walk there using a pre-set path. It’s kinda slow, but it really helps build the atmosphere.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic 1990's Games.

I own this game on Playstation, 3DO, Saturn and now on Steam, and I don’t regret paying for it again, even though it hasn’t aged well, and even though this is a fairly mediocre DOSBox port.

D is an on-rails horror-suspense game from the 90s. You play as Laura Harris, daughter of Dr. Richter Harris, a famous physician who, for some reason, has suddenly decided to murder everyone in his hospital and disappear inside the building. You have two hours (in real time) to figure out why, with no saving, interactive movie-style.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

D: The Game on Steam

Future Proof

Future Proof

This is a wonderful game of interconnected puzzles, there are lots of hints, riddles, and items to decipher. There are tons of ways to beat the game some silly, some very thought provoking and sad, and some really funny. The game has great humor too and it pays attention to details, like when the everything gets darker as your time runs out.

About the game play, this game is very difficult, and it is full of mystery. You will be trying your hardest to get through puzzles while the clock is ticking. Every death you’ll come back knowing more. Every time you’ll get a little further and you’ll probably never get far enough to know everything (unless you look it up). The game has so many puzzles twisted together as you progress through one you’ll find pieces to another and eventually you’ll find all the pieces to one and go that path and get to the end and realize you don’t like the way it ended or you want to make it end another way. This game has really good replayability. You will get to the end and start again so many times. This game is probably one of my favorite puzzle games and I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants a good puzzle and a hard puzzle.

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Time Travel Games.

Welcome to Greensvale, a city full of mysteries and weirdness! Hidden under the normal looking surface you will quickly ask yourself a lot questions:

  • Why is there a cow in the garden?

  • How does it come that I see strange hints everywhere?

  • Had this city always these portals?

  • And why have not all people been evacuated 12 MINUTES before a fricking meteroid is hitting the town?

Ah right, the meteroid ….. so let’s get to the point. You are playing Sean, a teenage boy escaping out of school to run home and help your parents with the evacuation. Only to find out they are already out of town. So now you are standing here: 12 minutes before the town will be annihilated and the only escape route broken down. 12 minutes to find a way to survive or how to avoid the approaching doomsminute.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Future Proof on Steam

The Corporate Machine

The Corporate Machine

The first thing I need to say is READ THE MANUAL! If you’re like me and tend to play a casual game or two to get the hang of things it’s very easy to have no idea what you are doing and lose the game. A quick skiim of the manual will give you an idea of what is what and how the game runs.

I very nearly wrote a bad review after my first game after giving up in just five minutes, I hadn’t read the manual and had no clue what I was doing.

The graphics and sound options on the game are not great, basic graphics and no volume control are something of a turn-off, but you can do what I did and turn off the game’s music and ignore the graphiocs quality.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Building Games.

I got this with stardock legends pack, so it was so cheap. It works on my win 10, and I don’t update it unless it asks me so it works perfectly on win10. First with the cons, the training isn’t working as it shows when you press f2 ( it’s been showed in help, f1) so I played a game at beginner than “difficult in pain”. After few lose I managed to own the world. So there should be some ways to endure the others. Ok you will say me to use cards and lucki but cards require too much resources for a losing company. Maybe I’m telling this because MOBA games and their competitive game strategy is popular now, however, I still think there should be balance. Also I wish to have suggestions to continue after 55% global market sharings. Or there would be other choices such as technology winnig. And pros, if you like this kind of games you will like it. You really need to control market, demand and sellings should be balanced very well, otherwise you lose. I really liked it. I wish ppl upgraded it till now, but this gem also lost itself in the marketing :/

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

The Corporate Machine on Steam