Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter

Rate 8.5/10 Finished in HARD mode.

Before say why is good i state my favourite:

1- SS1 First Encounter


3-SSSecond Encounter

4-SS2 (or out of the list, was really bad for me)

If you already made the first encounter or Serious Sam 3 BFE, this chapther will worth it really, i played the not-HD version, it have tons of enemies and many new weapons to enjoy, and for god sake, its Serious Sam, so what are you waiting!

Now why i rated 8.5/10, the game is well made but have some flaws:

-Its starts slow, and how the game in the beginning develop is mechanical, the first 3 levels are slow and for me some too much playDOH/cartoonish enemies doesn’t help (That goes near SS2 that i didn’t like the gameplay at all). Instead near first boss and the boss itself is probably one of the best part.

Real player with 59.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Co-op Games.

Serious Sam The Second Encounter is a game that understand itself in a very deep and meaningful way. Much in the same way the First Encounter did this sequel makes no pretense of having a story or anything of the sort. This is about shooting aliens and looking cool while doing it, nothing more and nothing less.

Right out the gate you will notice the similarities to the First Encounter, not much has changed overall. The graphics has gotten a little sharper, the enemies a little faster, the locales more varied. Although this rehash of the original does pain me somewhat, I would have loved to seen more innovation than this, it does still succeed on the same basic levels as the original did. The Second Encounter is a no frills, full speed ahead first person shooter featuring a badass protagonist spouting off one liners that would have made Duke Nukem proud.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter on Steam

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter

Man, do my wrists hurt! And no, you clever so-and-sos, haha, very funny…no, it’s NOT because that long-awaited nude footage of Scarlett Johansson in that weird alien movie recently plastered itself all over internet-land.

It’s because I finally finished the last stage of Serious Sam: The First Encounter in a single sitting, and 6,667 enemies later I am F-U-C-K-E-D, both mentally and physically. Though the latter may, in all fairness, be mostly on account of the unfit, lazy turd that I am. I do have a strange, well-earned sense of “achievement” just the same, ‘cause this game ain’t no walk in the park, let me tell ya…

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Shooter Games.

My favorite FPS (if we don’t count the HD version).

It’s not like other FPSs that force you into cover all the time, which I find to be pretty boring, instead, as Croteam puts it, you’ll be dancing around slow moving enemy fire while blasting aliens in the face with a rocket launcher, a double-barreled shotgun, and a minigun. While dodging, you need to make quick decisions and the weapons sort of have a rock-paper-scissor mentality which you can learn thanks to the tips in NETRICSA and through experimentation; a lone Kleer? Use the shotgun to blast it to pieces. A group tucked together? You’d better use the rocket launcher. Having a few small fries supporting the bigger enemies? Use the tommy gun. There are so many choices you can make due to your incredibly versatile arsenal, it’s hella satisfying to survive in such conditions.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter on Steam

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

When i think back to my childhood, My mind instantly goes back to what i consider to be my nostalgia days.

Games like DOOM, Timesplitters Duke Nukem, basically raised me as a young lad.

But if theres a game that i have a raging hard on for other than Doom, its Turok 2 Seeds Of Evil a game that for the longest time was nearly impossible for me to get my hands on.

After legally obtaining it and totally not torrenting it, the original pc port was finally mine and it was time to experience one of the games i grew up with as an adult.

Real player with 353.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Dinosaurs Games.

When I played Turok: Dinosaur Hunter a few years ago I was impressed with Night Dive Studios’ ability to remaster classics from the past. The remastered game inspired me to buy Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. I didn’t play either game when they were released in the 1990s, so I wanted to experience both games. When I saw screenshots and videos of Turok 2 from 1998 I thought that the graphics were too blocky, and the lighting was murky. I can say that the remastered Turok 2 significantly improves on the graphics and the gameplay is quite intense.

Real player with 86.0 hrs in game

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on Steam

Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic Adventure 2

We all know what you’re here for. Adventure Two is a good game, with an interesting story and good, if not a bit buggy controls. But the Chao Garden is the reason to keep coming back. 9.5/10. Needs more slots for chao.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game

live and learn mfs

not perfect, lots of things got rough with time, but god isnt it just fun and satisfying. except the treasure hunting in later stages everything else is just plain fun, with sonic and shadow levels being so good making me replay them a lot. music slaps, not only does it fit the environment and level, it fits the current ongoing story events (be it green forest and white jungle as the best examples). the story and characters were crafted with such a care, thats absolutely absent in current sonic games.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam is the best first-person shooter to ever grace this planet. Why?

Unlike Doom, there’s no stupid complicated mazes.

Unlike Duke Nukem 3D, there’s no goddamn keycard hunts.

Unlike Quake, there’s more colors than brown, black, and gray.

Unlike Unreal, there’s no dumb enemy placements.

Unlike Half-Life, there’s great music playing all the time.

Unlike System Shock 2, there’s no needlessly complex interface.

Unlike Call of Duty, your guns are all unique.

Unlike Battlefield, there’s no dumb realism that slows the game down.

Real player with 848.2 hrs in game

**This review was written for 1.01, future patches may (but will hopefully) remedy the problems listed here.

Due to a character limit, the map-by-map bright island sections have been cut from this steam review, you can read them over on the full review here: **

So it has finally come down to this: a day I had not seen coming.

Revolution is finally out of Early Access, or so we thought.

I’ve been playing it with my knowledgeable old timer friends, and we all agree this is just mediocre. The best way I can describe Bright Island is as the 2nd coming of Dark Island.

Real player with 214.6 hrs in game

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution on Steam

Monster Jaunt

Monster Jaunt

This game has that classic Nintendo couch party vibe. I’ve played it with a few different groups of people, and it seems to work well with both frequent and casual gamers. The minigames have a good amount of variety to them, and there’s enough minigames to give it a plenty of replayability. One particularly nice touch is the adorable art of the hybrid creatures in the game. I’ve fallen in love with the panda/andaconda hybrid"pandaconda" and the fiery otter “magmotter”.

Favorite minigame:

  • Topagrathree

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

I would heartily recommend Monster Jaunt for anyone looking for a new party game.

The mini games give you a variety of challenges that mostly focus on skill and not pure chance. The board game is engaging and yet lightweight enough to be understood at a glance. Nearly the entire game allows for simultaneous play, so you don’t lose engagement while someone else it taking their turn. The Remote Play Together integration works wonderfully, as expected. Being able to play a local game across the country with little detriment is a huge bonus feature for a game like this.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Monster Jaunt on Steam

Painkiller Hell & Damnation

Painkiller Hell & Damnation

FIRST: If you don’t have played original Painkiller Black Edition (main base game plus BooH expansion) go now and play it because that’s the real masterpiece!. If you plan on playing only one entry in this huge saga then only play Black and forget about Hell and Damnation. Later you can go for Overdose and maybe Redemption (don’t bother with Resurrection as it is abismal and Recurring Evil it’s really forgettable). If you are on that hardcore rollercoaster of Painkiller saga after playing all of previous recommendations then you can give this a try!

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

For a start, this game is an absolute copy of the original Painkiller, and because of that, especially If you’re new to the franchise, I’d strongly recommend getting Painkiller - Black Edition instead of this. Reasoning? The original one (here it is on Steam ) has 24 levels + 10 amazing bonus expansion levels, compared to 14 of Hell and Damnation, which were taken from different parts of the original game. That’s much more content for a lesser price.

! Besides, the original Painkiller has the best credits theme ever, but that’s just for my taste. But, if you’re here for a bit better graphics and steam achievements, Hell and Damnation is probably your game of choice. OR IS IT?

Real player with 43.4 hrs in game

Painkiller Hell & Damnation on Steam

Unreal Tournament 3 Black

Unreal Tournament 3 Black

I bought a boxed copy of this game from Amazon on the day it was released around 9 years ago. Since then I’ve played literally thousands of hours of UT3 and have just over 4 million kills to my name. For sure there are better UT players than me out there but very, very few have as much experience.

In many ways UT3 was and is the purest on-line ‘traditional’ (i.e. not a military game like Battlefield or ARMA) FPS experience ever brought to the PC. The graphics, sound and general game play still look good today and hold up relatively well against the likes of the recently released Doom and other such games.

Real player with 156.8 hrs in game

This game is one of the best multiplayer shooters ever made (besides UT2004 of course).

UT3 is very fast paced compared to other first person shooters. Players have the ability to dodge and wall dodge in order to move even more faster & to avoid being hit by enemies. Players don’t have to worry about reloading their weapon either. Some servers may require you to pick up more ammo or weapons & some just have an unlimited ammo supply, but there is no need for hitting a reload key like in other first person shooters.

Real player with 103.6 hrs in game

Unreal Tournament 3 Black on Steam

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

Worms Ultimate Mayhem

After hundreds of hours and over 10 years, I figured it’s about time I sit down and write a review for this masterpiece in gaming history. This gem holds a very special place in my heart, and it will forever be one of my all-time favorite games. To me, this is Team17’s magnum opus. It doesn’t get any better than this. It is the reason I first began to engage with the Steam community years ago when I created the Worms Ultimate Mayhem Militia with my brother, and it’s the reason I have hundreds of friends on Steam today. To put it quite simply, Worms Ultimate Mayhem isn’t just a game, it’s one of my passions. I know the new Rumble has beautiful graphics and a much larger playerbase, and the 2D games like Armageddon are beloved and often regarded as best, but in my humble opinion this is the greatest Worms game there is.

Real player with 362.6 hrs in game

Worms 3D + Worms 4 Mayhem together, with remastered graphics? Awesome!

All is good, good except the lack of effort put into it.

I almost feel like they were doing something good but quit half-way because deadlines or something, they didn’t even do much follow up after release besides patching game-breaking bugs that didn’t allow people to play at all. If I’m recalling correctly the beta correctly, they were trying to put the teleporter utility back in, but ended up not for who knows what reason (although I never got to play it at that time personally due to game launching bugs, so I watched someone else also in the beta who could).

Real player with 176.7 hrs in game

Worms Ultimate Mayhem on Steam

LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame

LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame

Literally a masterpiece. Played the hell out of it on playstation 2. i love going through the story as batman and robin for it to switch at the midway point and do everything again but from the villains POV. Love it. the game will always have a special place.

BUT the PC port is laughable, heaps of gamebreaking bugs and you have to play with VSync on as it effects jumping.

The soundtrack is godtier and it never fails to give me goosebumps.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

I am writing this review just so i can complete the badge challenges for the 2021 steam awards

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame on Steam