Return of the Phantom

Return of the Phantom

A classic point and click adventure - You play as a detective who’s investigating a deadly accident which seems to be the work of a Phantom of the Opera copycat. Great atmosphere and beautiful visuals

Real player with 14.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Historical Games.

I was reminiscing my childhood while i was playing this. It’s just a simple click-and-point game with retro BGM and graphic. It used to be so hard to beat it and pretty terrifying back then. But, it’s so easy and i enjoyed every part of it now..

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Return of the Phantom on Steam

The Crimson Diamond

The Crimson Diamond

The Crimson Diamond is an EGA text parser mystery adventure game where you play as amateur geologist and reluctant detective Nancy Maple. Nancy is born and raised in Toronto, Canada, where she works as a clerk for the Royal Canadian Museum. She dreams of attending university to study geology and mineralogy, and she’s prepared to venture into the unknown to achieve her goals!

Follow Nancy as she travels north to the ghost town of Crimson, Ontario to investigate the discovery of a massive diamond in the area. Eavesdrop on conversations to learn more about the eccentric cast of characters who find themselves gathered at Crimson Lodge. Explore the lodge and its environs to evaluate the diamond claim, and maybe solve a mystery or two along the way! The Crimson Diamond is a cozy mystery that encourages reading and engaging in the story over devious arcade challenges.

  • Explore Crimson Lodge and the surrounding wilderness

  • Listen and talk to a cast of characters with different personalities and motivations.

  • Uncover secrets, discover hidden areas, solve mysteries!

Read More: Best Classic Story Rich Games.

The Crimson Diamond on Steam

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments

I have played a couple of Sherlock Holmes games before so I decided to get the Sherlock Holmes bundle during a Steam sale.

I enjoyed the game very much but there is some frustration with the game as well.

First off as expected you are Sherlock Holmes you go around solving crimes with your trusted companion Dr Watson, you take cases that are offered from Inspector Lestrade of Scotland yard.

I like the set up of this game you have your home/base on Baker Street as expected even with Toby the dog and Mrs Hudson, your own room where you can change your looks or get a disguise.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Crime Games.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series developed by Frogwares has been going on for more than a decade now. It’s had its ups and downs, but the general tendency was upwards. After Frogwares reached their peak in the previous game, The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, they decided it was time for a general refurbishment of the series. So they picked the last two games and put them into a mixer, along with The Walking Dead (by Telltale), The Cave and L.A. Noire. Can the result live up to this legacy? If you bear with me for a moment, then I will tell you.

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments on Steam



Prominence is more than just a game. It’s whole new sci fi arena. After you get through the game, your wondering when the movie is coming out. You have these people, and this technology, and this history, and its all woven together and introduced in the game. And it’s complete - you have relationships between people and leaders and workers and hopes and dreams, and technology failures, and work arounds, and all of it centers around a certain star, and all of that is revealed one peice at a time as you play. The art in the game is excellent artwork, and it works with background story. You have the drab look of the lower level, and the pristine look of the upper levels. The chipped yellow paint on the ladder in the elevater shaft, the natural beauty of the hydroponics lab with the large open window looking into space, the large brown CO2 tanks, and the awkard round thing that turns them on…the entire game has so much detail in the artwork - I dont know how the designers knew how to make it seem so real. All the characters have different personalities that fit their jobs so well. All of it reminds me of the way that different people worked together when I was serving on a ship in the US Navy. The girl in waste processing who is tired of getting reminded of how to do her job when someone forgets to open the valve outside of the main room. The security personell who stir their drinks with the stun batons, and break them, and the guy in the engine room who gets pissed becasue he has to fix them. There is so much stuff like that going on. And that’s just the background. The actual game plays great. Even on my 13 year old single core machine. Figuring out stuff is a challange, there is a lot of items and rooms and things to keep track of and sort through. I’ve gone back and played through many times. I write down names and notes to better understand the story, and the people. Some of the tech in it is raw, basic stuff that is fun to work with, like the terminal computer, or like the card reader / encoder. The music and sound effects are excellent. I like turning up the volume on my 200 watt / per channel system, and clicking on a locked door over and over again to here the sound effect. The locked CO2 absorbers have a really good sound too. The voices of the characters are awesome. The voices, and the way they say stuff, you can tell that the developers hired a bunch of different actors to get it right. The medic, who has to tell someone that they have a day to live due to a lethal radation dose, but seems to get excited in the next sentence when she’s explaing the technology, and that guy who is dying, OMG, you get to hear him giving updates as he runs around the ship trying to fix it, running into a hopeless situation that gets worse and worse, but he’s pushing through the pain with an inredible sense of duty…I just keep on playing the game and listening to all of these lines over and over again. I highly recommend this game.

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

Prominence: an outstanding Point and Click game

  • Immersive engaging story

  • Graphics, breathtaking

  • Atmosphere

  • Play Length

  • Extra Goodies

  • Sounds and music

    Best sci-fi game ever for me!

    Can you save the human race?

    What a great Point and Click game; it is fair to the player; you have all the information you need to solve the puzzles. No lunar logic was involved in the making of this game.

    The devs put so much thought into making this a game for players; you do not wander from one puzzle to the next solving puzzles that have no relevance to the game.

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Prominence on Steam

Sumatra: Fate of Yandi

Sumatra: Fate of Yandi

I adore “Legend of Hand”, and so I dove in to Sumatra: Fate of Yandi. Its a quiet, contemplative type of adventure game with some messages here and there, and I overall I very much enjoyed my time. I’ve been around in Indonesia, the cities in Java mainly and not the jungle, but there is enough in common in terms of people in culture that felt right to me. Its also a unique setting, as I’ve not run across another adventure game set in a SE Asia island. By the way, Borneo would be an awesome spot for a game…Its got rainforest, beaches, a huge mountain, all kinds of cool animals, and 3 different countries own various parts of it.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Initial playthrough: 4 hours


  • Learn real things about survival, nature, and human culture in rural Indonesia. I got a strong sense Cloak and Dagger did their research.* There’s a satisfying sense of progression, as the game contains very little backtracking.* Cloak and Dagger instill a mild off-beat quirkiness in their games, which makes them feel fresh.


  • Some will find it too linear, but I personally enjoy the sense of focus and progression this creates.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Sumatra: Fate of Yandi on Steam

Still Life

Still Life

I played this game a few years ago and enjoyed it well enough. I like mysteries and puzzles and while it had its flaws it was entertaining for the most part but on replaying it I don’t think it’s all that good. The story just doesn’t interest me.

There’s a lot of bad character writing. I don’t really like either protagonist but if I had to choose I’d rather play as Victoria. I don’t like her that much but she’s not Gus. She’s the same protagonist I’ve seen in twenty police procedurals. She’s not horrible but she doesn’t have much individuality.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Wow. I had a blast playing through Still Life. After just finishing Post Mortem I was glad to see it really was a prequel to this game. Though I had alot of issues with Post Mortem I am super glad I played it now. They link the two stories really well. I’ve become quite invested in this series and characters now and it hurts to read that Still Life 2 missed the mark apparently.


  • First of all, damn son them pre-rendered environments are sexy! Almost on par with Resident Evil remakes. I am so gutted this art style has been lost to time. The fixed angles are placed just right and there are some truly artsy and cinematic shots used.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Still Life on Steam



Viviette falls somewhere between The Witch’s House and Resident Evil. It’s actually made in the GameMaker so you will notice a huge improvement over RPG-Maker titles. The animation, effects, and gameplay are more complex, while preserving that JRPG aesthetic. I played a lot of “top-down” horror, but this might be the best representative of this genre when it comes to overall quality. Resident Evil seems to be a big inspiration for its puzzles, as the game incorporates keys with names, emblems, and pushing statues. Not only the artwork here is fully original, but the game also has so much attention to detail when it comes to the environment. The narrative has a compelling mystery, fun character interactions, and many disturbing events. This is one game that you should definitely play with headphones because it spends so much time building suspense and atmosphere.

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

Ahh. Viviette.

A modern day pixel art gem in the survival horror genre. Had this game been released on the PSX or even perhaps the SNES, it would without a doubt be seen as a classic in the same vein as titles like Clock Tower or Resident Evil.

The puzzles in this game can be more than a little difficult at times, and others are very simple. You’ll find your progress hampered at times trying to find the next clue, but don’t fret. They’re usually very close by, within a room or two distance and just begging you to give them more attention to detail. Unfortunately, you may not be able to. While you’re examining objects the monster hunting you will not stop. You may close your inventory or dialogue box to find that it is right behind you.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Viviette on Steam



I’ve betatested this game, and am now playing the full version for the first time. I may update this review after I’m through, but so far, this is what I can say about the game:

To summarize, this is a very interesting, story-driven, lovecraftian, atmospheric, cyberpunk adventure game, with great locations and attention to detail, that will appeal to any Lovecraft fan, and may just win over anyone who is not one already.

Now, onto the more detailed review:

This game is awesome. Once again, these developers deliver a truly lovecraftian story, set both in Lovecraft’s universe, and in the one they create and expand upon with each coming game. I’ve reviewed all of their previous games, and I never get tired of saying this: these guys know their Lovecraft. They really capture what was his most characteristic and interesting aspect, distilled into all of his tales: the atmosphere.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

! Just in case anyone ever reads this, I’m playing on v0.140 for reference. I’m giving this a thumbs up in part for the genre combination, and for conarium, a good game without too much in the way of a downside. I’ve read a few negative reviews about the end, which i wouldnt mind so much if I got to see the protagonist actually float into the sky eye of nirvana, just end sooner, or something(or just tease a sequel or something, it doesnt have to be cyber, but why not?). I’ve more of a problem with the beginning, let me notice ive got no shaman cinnamon, load into my chair and go to that street with jovarium sunset bar first so I can take a cyber stroll down the punk street to get some meta saffron from the electro apothecary, and maybe swing by the dystopian 7/11 for some digital donuts, and holo-cigarettes. you could have me cyber holo summon up the supplies(or get them from the locker) when i unplug from my nifty padded hacker chair and then put it in my wicken blade runner pantry down stairs. I could avoid a cyber dystopian cop by keeping my distance so i know they want to keep the octopus truth hidden from me. Then at the end near the train station, have my guy go like “wow! nobody would ever believe this train thing! those corporate goons were hiding this all along!”, otherwise the whole cyber punk part falls by the wayside. If you don’t want to add a more cyber start, maybe have the plot dump orb, not immediate go into the thou, and thees. You gotta ease me into thees, lowes, and theretofores, I was just playing some gta, and its a nasty shock. Also the voice FXs on the mushroom headed guy needs another pass, go listen to the starcraft archon merging is complete track guy for reference. Also the first encounter with red mystic goat skull head guy next after the raven explosion friend needs a voice fx rework too, either more cybery, or go listen to the haunting ghosts from deadspace voices or something idk. Also maybe a little more concern on finding my clone whacked, or just some more text logs on that. Also check your text logs for grammar and spelling mistakes. saw a few:/ I’m just posting on steam, you’re publishing. On the upside though, pretty environments, fun mash up of two of my favorite genres, and neat mini games. cool scitar, wind chimes, and chanting music. Fun retro computer consoles, but dont over use antewhateverthat word was, and dont copy paste the same admittedly well done description of indescribable horrors(even if it is a lore acceptable copy paste). I think some of the problems in this game comes from lovecrafts horror often being so different from a lot of cyber punk in it’s fear of the unknown, knowledge, inevitability, slow creeping mutations and occasion body horror. Though cyber punk(and maybe i’m just getting dystopias confused with cyber punk here) are often concerned with conspiracy(hooded cults, big future organizations), inevitability or alterations of self by technology, the focus tends to be more meditations on the ills of technology as opposed to forbidden knowledge in general, ignorance of hidden costs, or dependence on technology. I think there is great potential in the meeting of of the genres, but I don’t believe that Transient really takes advantage of that. It’s a shame because there are some overlaps there, and it would be pretty awesome(get some lovecraft style descriptions of cronenberged cyber monsters, maybe dwell on wires/gears meeting gross flesh the way love craft did on tentacles? Maybe cyber punk lessons brought home with fish/lizard themed horror?) particularly with some occult in there. I had fun though, so even if I can see where it could have been way better story/message wise, thumbs up. I just like this neon, smokey, conspiracy, and occult combination a lot, but played great, zero errors.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Transient on Steam