I recommend this game ONLY to people who love Guilty Gear. If you’re just getting into the series, please for the Love of God start with Xrd or Accent Core.

This game is a 100% port of the original Guilty Gear for the PS1, and being a direct port is both it’s greatest strength and flaw. It’s a tough as nails fighter with mechanics that were questionable even during it’s release back in 1998. For example, you have two health bars per round, once one goes away you can just spam your Overdrive move an unlimited amount of times. Testament has a poison mechanic here that he has in other games, but the poison doesn’t stop at the magic pixel, it flat out KO’s you. The dust and instant kill mechanics that are popular in the series work VERY different here. There isn’t a dedicated dust button but there also isn’t a dedicated way to perform them, like pressing both Slash and Heavy Slash worked on X. Some character moves seem to do it on their own (I’ve seen May’s somersault move hit me with a Dust) In every game after this one, an Instant Kill only gave you a round. If you missed your instant kill, you lost your entire super meter and couldn’t instant kill for the rest of the round This game? You press Punch and Kick at the same time, hit the opponent, then if you input hadouken before the victim breaks free, you win the whole fricken match. If your opponent breaks free you can just freely try throwing out your instant kill to win again. Be warned, you can just as easily lose both rounds. This game is the only one in the franchise in which the AI also throws out Instant Kills. You still have your unlockable Justice, Testament and Baiken, however, just like the original release, you can ONLY use them in 2 player VS matches. This game unlike the future installments, does not feature a free battle mode to fight against a CPU opponents and lacks online multiplayer. The game loads very fast to the point where you can barely see the VS Screen with their movelist, thankfully pausing in this game lets you bring up your character’s move list.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Anime Games.

Guilty Gear: The Missing Link (Japan) is the very first game in the series that was on the original PlayStation console around 1998/99. Guilty Gear is an anime fighting game that has a more dark atmosphere to it aside from the cartoony art style and heavy metal music. Now I have played this game before and it’s my favorite one of the series, though the other installments I like as well. Guilty Gears is pretty fun to play against CPUs and with a friend. The game does not have the option to change difficulty. The difficulty is adaptive depending what stage you are on. From Stage 1 being the easiest and to Stage 10 being the most difficult. The game offers 10 playable characters to play as, and picking one of them you will battle against the other 9 in Stages 1-9 and lastly one of three bosses at Stage 10. Each character has their own fighting style, special abilities, as well as their weapons. The game features a Chaos Mode which is activated when a fighter’s health is at half point (Yellow Health). A red aura will surround the character and he/she is able to perform unlimited Chaos Attacks. All character possess an Instant Kill maneuver that will basically kill the opponent resulting an instant win even when the match just started at round 1. Some of these Instant Kills are more violent and brutal than others, with the exception of May’s Instant Kill having a different version of template being more kid friendly. They are the most powerful moves and you must commit quickly before missing the moment, or the opponent defends the attack. Basically press punch+kick at the same time and if it connects Sakkai (red screen) is activated for a moment, then roll the joystick down to right (if facing right) and an attack button to finish the sequence. If done successfully, you will see many cues and visual effects occur on screen. First usually is the attack the character will perform, followed by the Destroyed!! template will appear on screen, an audio cue that will say “Destroyed”, then the opponent’s Health flashes red and black while depleting resulting in a successful kill. Generally, this game has been one of my favorites since a child and it’s super fun. With my most played character as May since she is the youngest fighter and probably one of the difficult fighters to learn. I really recommend this if you missed this game or into fighting games and like to experience this classic.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game


Quake Live™

Quake Live™

If I can still have fun and be happy while absolutely sucking at a game then you know it’s good.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Arena Shooter Games.

Rating: 10/10

This game is an absolute masterpiece, it will forever be S-Tier to me. It’s a competitive game solely based on who has better aim, cutting out the middle man like most games. Though old, the graphics and maps are very stunning and iconic. This game is not for everyone because it’s hard to master the different weapons, a lot of the players are top tier, and the game sadly isn’t very popular anymore, so consider all when buying.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Quake Live™ on Steam



Great game. Today I have remembered what it’s like to play 16x16 and it’s really really fun. Shooting mechanics feel very smooth. Love it. I guess I understand why people still play this game.

Real player with 263.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Multiplayer Games.














Real player with 84.6 hrs in game

Counter-Strike on Steam

Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor’s Choice Edition

Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor’s Choice Edition

I have like 3000 hours on this game.

14 years later I’m still playing it with my friends, and “online friends” from the UT community, and other people I don’t know of course.

There are still people on the servers (not as much as there was years ago of course, but still, the community is undying and newcomers are frequent).

For serious gaming I especially recommend Team Arena Master mod, or iCTF, which are the best mods according to me.

Beginners may have a bad time when joinning some servers though, many people are already experienced. But as the gameplay is very simple to understand (and at the same time incredibly rich) you can quickly become a good competitor :)

Real player with 752.6 hrs in game

Sit down, son. You just stumbled upon the page of the best shooter ever made. Pay some respect.

Before the days of shooters that holds your hand and aim for you, that regenerate your health and show you what to do like a baby, there was this. Unreal Tournament 2004 - the most brutal, adrenalin-fueled shooter since Quake 3 Arena, a game so fast-paced its guaranteed you’ll burn your eyes from not blinking for so long. They say we only use 20% of our brains - well, if you play this game on the hardest difficulty, you’ll be using 100% i assure you. Holy hell son, this game uses so much of your brain it pretty much even cures autism. This game is filled with so much testosterone you have to shave your beard every forty minutes of gametime.

Real player with 262.8 hrs in game

Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor's Choice Edition on Steam

Quake III Arena

Quake III Arena

Fucking. Hell. Yes. The Arena is a cruel, cruel Mistress - she will build you up, only to break you, & just when you think you’re rid of her, she’ll drag you back into her clutches.

In short, for those of you who are woefully unaware, Quake 3 is hands down the pinnacle of the “Old School” ’90s FPSs designed by the original id Software team, using an entirely different Gameplay model than the Modern FPSs of CoD & BF. A more common term for it is “Twitch Gaming” due to the extreme level of reaction time required to truly match up against not only other players, but also the Bots. To quote Dark Souls - “Prepare to Die”, because you will, over, & over, & over.

Real player with 111.5 hrs in game









     ++’                                        ++'                                        ‘++

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Quake III Arena on Steam

Ultra Street Fighter® IV

Ultra Street Fighter® IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV is not a game for everyone . It is a very hard game. A hundred hours is the basic . Always people say you need to know combos No!

What You Need To Know This Game

+Basic Elements

+Game Systems



+Save/not save combos/moves For example Heavy/Ex Shuryuken is not save

What i like in ultra street fighter 4 is W-Ultra is the big standout here, giving you access to both of your characters ultra combos instead of one or the other.

Neither will do as much damage, but the utility it provides is almost irresistible for characters like Dudley for instance, whose Ultra 1

Real player with 817.8 hrs in game

USFIV is currently one of the most balanced 1 on 1 2D fighting games with a good fighting system, good amount of characters, moves and game modes. SFIV is a 2D fighting game like most of the previous Street Fighter iterations. It has various characters which increases the chance of some that may catch your fancy. There is even more characters in this ultra edition which is an upgrade to previous SFIV versions. Fighting speed in general is normal compared to other 2D fighters which leaves a good open window for command inputs in-between. This PC version have a decent system settings and controllers compatibility other than x-input (xbox 360/one based) devices and keyboards. For all characters the fighting system has 6 main buttons, blocks are done by holding back, standing, crouching and jumping attacks, throws, dashes, wakeup delay, characters get stunned after certain amount of attacks taken, a 2 stage charge attack (called focus) for each character which strength varies by the duration pressed, characters have special moves and there is extra bar (called super) which has 4 stages (bars) and can be used for having ex version of some specials by using one bar and a super which consumes all 4 bars, there is finishing move bar (called ultra) and each character has 2 ultras which can be selected individually or together, focus then dashing can be used to link some attacks (called focus cancel) and can be used to cancel an active attack for defense and backing up. Attacks are categorized into high, medium, low, overhead, throws, some characters has command throws also and fully charged focus is unblockable. All non-normal attacks will chip the health bar when blocked and can finish a round. All characters have taunts which can be disabled before matches. Arcade mode acts like story mode with few (1 or more) still images with narration as prologue and a small animated clip as epilogue with rival battles before the boss battle that has special before and in match dialogue. There is versus mode for local or computer battles and also there is computer versus computer matches. Training mode is on normal quality with ability to record actions for the dummy and can be locally controlled or computer controlled and all bars are modifiable, there is challenge mode which is a series of combos for each characters. Online multiplayer is decent now but with less players than the consoles versions as there is no cross platform multiplayer, all online battles have voice chat, there is ranked battles, online training, room battles and tournament like rooms with one active match at a time and all can be open invitation to all or friend invitations and in rooms you can set the number of slots for which type. Online battle can be selected to start and halt current offline matches when found, this applies to arcade and training modes. Online and versus matches replays can be saved although in limited amount and you can watch some matches for high ranking players and some recent replays for others all can be viewed by region or characters. There is a ranking system for your overall points and your character points. You can be unique online by having an icon, a title and a vs screen message and all are pre made. There is different customs for each character and a lot of them are unfortunately available as DLC.

Real player with 170.1 hrs in game

Ultra Street Fighter® IV on Steam

Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V

TL;DR Game was awful at launch, but has been really good for a couple years now. Most people that are complaining are either casuals that don’t know what they’re talking about, scrubs, or people that for some odd reason feel attacked when they see an advertisement or DLC char/stage/costume.

People don’t understand that these new versions and new characters requiring you to pay more money all over again is what Capcom has done from the very beginning. They’re actually being BETTER about it in SFV. In previous titles like SF2, Alpha, SF3, and SF4, when the new version of the game came out you had to BUY THE WHOLE GAME AGAIN to play the new characters and stages. You also COULDN’T PLAY THE OLD VERSION ANYMORE because everyone else had moved on to the newest version, which wasn’t just an expansion upon the old base game and was an entirely new physical title. For example, when Super SF4 came out, you HAD to spend $40 to buy SSF4 to keep playing because everyone stopped playing the vanilla version of SF4 overnight and that version of the game became vacant and useless to own. In SFV you can still play against the up-to-date community without paying for the newest DLC and not get left behind by the game and community. New characters and stages have never ever been free or cheap before in a Street Fighter game. To complain about this is just strange to long time SF players. Spending $120+ on the game by the end of it is just what we do because we like the game. SFV has given us the option to not have to do that now, although gaining in-game Fight Money is a slow grind. Viewing the Ads that the game has is a way to getting this Fight Money slightly faster. You can turn the Ads off if you don’t want to see them or gain the extra Fight Money.

Real player with 653.4 hrs in game

Made it easier for new comers. Don’t like how they skipped out on better character animation with some of the dlc, as well as some iffy character models. Overall it turned out to be a solid street fighter title worthy of a place in the street fighter legacy.

This game really brings out the fundamentals of fighting games.

Real player with 95.7 hrs in game

Street Fighter V on Steam

A Year Of Rain

A Year Of Rain

As a Warcraft/Starcraft and Command & Conquer Kid, I was positively surprised to hear there’s someone taking a stab at a new RTS.

It’s heartwarmingly reminiscent of those games. Yeah, let me go grab my fucking Pulitzer, I bet there is a category for stating the obvious. Of course most RTS games are akin to the merciless RTS Emperor sitting on the throne made out of the bones of anyone who dares step into their domain.

Reading it was Daedalic running straight into that chainsaw, I was prepared for another mixed bag.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

A Year of Rain

A new, unique RTS that had potential, but due to lack of publisher faith, was crippled at launch and abandoned soon after

So… This game is pretty good. It’s pretty much like a Warcraft 3 spiritual successor. Better than WC3 Reforged in a lot of ways.

As much as I want to love this game however I can’t pretend I’m not disappointed. The game was released unfinished, and abandoned very quickly. I don’t think Daedalic had any faith in it, they released it before it was ready and didn’t even give it a chance to build momentum and customer faith. They were hoping for a big launch with their unfinished early access game, didn’t get it, and abandoned the game rather than wait. As a game dev I understand the circumstance, but you can’t expect an EA title to sell like a finished one. It does come with a beefy campaign, that can be played solo or coop. It has full on voice acting, in game cutscenes, etc. Plus skirmish mode, and of course Online mode. So the content is there, it was mostly finished even, but as expected needed work, which is the whole point of early access. Pathfinding can be pretty bad sometimes, which REALLY hurts the play experience in an RTS. Other than that however the game-play is pretty polished and AYOR really gives WC3 reforged a run for it’s money IMO. I do hate the Coop AI, because I prefer to play solo and I have always hated Coop RTS campaigns with AI allies (like Red Alert 3) but still the game has SO MUCH potential it makes me depressed. I’m just disappointed that Daedalic seemingly launched this game to try and make back as much of their money as possible without ever really planning to support it, they basically lied about it, but in an underhanded way so they could shrug off blame.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

A Year Of Rain on Steam



Absolute bomb of a game. Just go play it its a fighting game drug.

Real player with 1592.3 hrs in game


Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R is one of the best fighting games ever made. It was just updated with rollback a little under a year ago and it just received a massive update to the player room system today that, if you just want to play a lot of matches with the time you have, makes it better (faster) than the lobbies used in more recent fighting game releases such as Guilty Gear StrIVe. This game is usually $15 and frequently goes on sale for about $3. The quality to price ratio is the best you’ll find.

Real player with 511.6 hrs in game


SABAT Fight Arena

SABAT Fight Arena

Welcome to SABAT Fight Arena. Place where street fighters clash. Choose your fighter and Sabat tournament. There is only one reason to fight - be the last man standing.

SABAT Fight Arena is a modern take on classic 3d fighter games. It’s a one of a kind competition complete with four-button control scheme which makes it easy for beginners.


In SABAT mode - choose tournament type and battle against fighters from all around the world.

In ARCADE mode - pick up a fighter from the 20 characters available and fight your way.

In PRACTICE mode - train and master your fight strategies with your favorite characters before going to battle.


-20 playable characters from 4 continents

-Arcade and Practice Mode

-Sabat Mode - Slavic, Roman, Oriental and American Sabats

-Great OST by Kevin MacLeod and Punch Deck

-Support for XBOX and PS4 gamepad (both require configuration)

-A lot of fighting

The classic 3D fighting game “SABAT Figt Arena” is now out on Steam!

SABAT Fight Arena on Steam