Metal Slug 3 is one of the most highly regarded entries in a classic franchise that, along with Contra, has pretty much defined the “run and gun” sub-genre of action platformers and shmups.

The Metal Slug series has an emphasis on enemies crowding around (collision damage can’t kill you), conservation of power ups, and a variety of vehicles which appear throughout the game and change the way you move and fight for a limited time.

As for MS3 itself, it’s similar to Contra 3 in that it stands on a middle-ground between early platforming heavy run and gun shooters and the “boss fest” design of later games like Contra Hard Corps and Alien Soldier. The game is constantly switching up how you progress through stages, so it’s quite varied. There are also multiple paths through each stage, each of which plays differently.

Real player with 39.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Local Co-Op Games.

OVERALL: 9.5/10

The greatest METAL SLUG, while the first game kept a world war II theme throughout the game the second one added more crazyness to the mix, but the third one is litteral insanity ! A masterpiece of a 2D shooter/platform.

GAMEPLAY: 9.5/10

Get yourself a good pad or an arcade stick, boot the game at normal difficulty with 20 credits max and see how you fare against this challenge ! METAL SLUG 3 is like any other METAL SLUG (but a bit harder than other iterations): fast, precise, brutal and unforgiving. Only projectiles, moving tanks/vehicles can hurt you, this is vastly different from your usual 2D game where touching the sprite of an enemy hurts/kills you, this creates a trully unique gameplay. Hectic and chaotic as can be. Combine that with a whole array of weapons,“slugs” such as submarine, helicopter, jet, camel with laser turret or elephant or ostrich LOL ! And the classic slug of course ! Richest Metal Slug in terms gameplay variables. You have got to be tight and aware at all time, classic yet masterfully executed and with that METAL SLUG flair on top of it !

Real player with 36.5 hrs in game

METAL SLUG 3 on Steam

Gunstar Heroes

Gunstar Heroes

Excellent sidescrolling action - frantic and fluid with tight controls and a tight soundtrack. One of the best Sega Mega Drive games I have played. Highly recommended!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Local Co-Op Games.


Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Gunstar Heroes on Steam



OVERALL: 7.5/10

Great game, from a totally cult franchise, METAL SLUG. 7.5/10 because it’s mainly a remake of METAL SLUG 2, it’s definitely the weakest edition of METAL SLUG but still an amazing 2D shooter / platform for anybody not familiar with its even better counterparts METAL SLUG 1 and 3.

GAMEPLAY: 9.5/10

Get yourself a good pad or an arcade stick, boot the game on normal difficulty with 20 credits max and see how you fare against this challenge ! METAL SLUG X is like any other METAL SLUG: fast, precise, brutal and unforgiving. Only projectiles, moving tanks/vehicles can hurt you, this is vastly different from your usual 2D game where touching the sprite of an enemy hurts/kills you, this creates a trully unique gameplay. Hectic and chaotic as can be. Combine that with a whole array of weapons, “slugs” ranging from a camel with a mounted laser turret, to your classic metal slug (tank), to a top end military jet and now you’ve got yourself a game ! You have got to be tight and aware at all time, classic yet masterfully executed and with that METAL SLUG flair on top of it !

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Classic Multiplayer Games.

Why do people defend technical shortcomings in ports of retro console games, but flog modern companies when a PC release has any sign of console limitation?

The short of it is that this has “legacy” slowdown which just shouldn’t exist anymore. If any modern console game showed up on PC and had technical issues because it was a dump of a console game and not enough was done to hone it for PC hardware, it would be eaten alive. This game is a good game from a “retro” era, however shortcomings due to “retro” technology should get ironed out when something is released on superior technology and a price tag is attached. So despite liking the core game, I know realistically what it is, and I have to hit not recommended. What’s especially weird given all this is that one of the major improvements X made on 2 (it’s the same game being upgraded) was that it removed the slowdown - but in this version, the slowdown is back, so it isn’t even legacy slowdown here. It’s just a poor port.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game


Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter

Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter

Rate 8.5/10 Finished in HARD mode.

Before say why is good i state my favourite:

1- SS1 First Encounter


3-SSSecond Encounter

4-SS2 (or out of the list, was really bad for me)

If you already made the first encounter or Serious Sam 3 BFE, this chapther will worth it really, i played the not-HD version, it have tons of enemies and many new weapons to enjoy, and for god sake, its Serious Sam, so what are you waiting!

Now why i rated 8.5/10, the game is well made but have some flaws:

-Its starts slow, and how the game in the beginning develop is mechanical, the first 3 levels are slow and for me some too much playDOH/cartoonish enemies doesn’t help (That goes near SS2 that i didn’t like the gameplay at all). Instead near first boss and the boss itself is probably one of the best part.

Real player with 59.8 hrs in game

Serious Sam The Second Encounter is a game that understand itself in a very deep and meaningful way. Much in the same way the First Encounter did this sequel makes no pretense of having a story or anything of the sort. This is about shooting aliens and looking cool while doing it, nothing more and nothing less.

Right out the gate you will notice the similarities to the First Encounter, not much has changed overall. The graphics has gotten a little sharper, the enemies a little faster, the locales more varied. Although this rehash of the original does pain me somewhat, I would have loved to seen more innovation than this, it does still succeed on the same basic levels as the original did. The Second Encounter is a no frills, full speed ahead first person shooter featuring a badass protagonist spouting off one liners that would have made Duke Nukem proud.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter on Steam

8-Bit Commando

8-Bit Commando

We wanted the best, you know the rest.

A Contra look-alike, that does not stand to its predecessor. But is it THAT bad? Let’s find out! The game greets you with a nice soundrack and pretty good 8-bit graphics. Unfortunately the gameplay is ruined by bad controls especially in terms of jumping. And when you can’t land on a platform becouse of fucked up controls - you know that this game has an issue. A prefect run can be ruined by a single jump and then it’s back to the beggining or nearest check point (THANKS GOD FOR THAT). Also this game has a TIMER. And when such slow-paste game makes you rush the level becouse of the mistakes you made before - it doesnt’t help the situation at all. At least it has decent multiplayer.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game


Rather than improving upon Contra / Probotector-games due better tech nowadays, this game just feels cumbersome (I really don’t have more fitting word here).

Main reason why I don’t recommend buying this game due how blatantly unfair this game is.

Note, this doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be able to beat this game. But it is still still unfair.

  • First of, and the majour flaw: The checkpoint-system is for the most part pointless / not worth it. In fact, it is just better to restart the the whole stage most of the times since they’re really short.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

8-Bit Commando on Steam

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter

Man, do my wrists hurt! And no, you clever so-and-sos, haha, very funny…no, it’s NOT because that long-awaited nude footage of Scarlett Johansson in that weird alien movie recently plastered itself all over internet-land.

It’s because I finally finished the last stage of Serious Sam: The First Encounter in a single sitting, and 6,667 enemies later I am F-U-C-K-E-D, both mentally and physically. Though the latter may, in all fairness, be mostly on account of the unfit, lazy turd that I am. I do have a strange, well-earned sense of “achievement” just the same, ‘cause this game ain’t no walk in the park, let me tell ya…

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

My favorite FPS (if we don’t count the HD version).

It’s not like other FPSs that force you into cover all the time, which I find to be pretty boring, instead, as Croteam puts it, you’ll be dancing around slow moving enemy fire while blasting aliens in the face with a rocket launcher, a double-barreled shotgun, and a minigun. While dodging, you need to make quick decisions and the weapons sort of have a rock-paper-scissor mentality which you can learn thanks to the tips in NETRICSA and through experimentation; a lone Kleer? Use the shotgun to blast it to pieces. A group tucked together? You’d better use the rocket launcher. Having a few small fries supporting the bigger enemies? Use the tommy gun. There are so many choices you can make due to your incredibly versatile arsenal, it’s hella satisfying to survive in such conditions.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter on Steam

Dungeon Lords Steam Edition

Dungeon Lords Steam Edition

tl;dr - Dungeon Lords: Steam Edition is Dungeon Lords done Diablo 3 style. Fun enough to finish, but not what I wanted.

Based on my tastes, I should have gone with the Collector’s Edition of the game. If you’re more like me and like building the perfect character to face a challenge, or “roleplaying” a certain build even if it’s not the best solely for flavor and challenge - head to Amazon and buy a used copy of the Dungeon Lords CE. It’s not available digitally (believe me, I looked), and while I’ve never actually played it to confirm, I understand it’s much more “oldschool” in how it works. The CE doesn’t support widescreen resolutions, but then the Steam version doesn’t really support them either - any resolution over 1280x1024 makes the minimap “radar” style skill/spell worthless as it’s misrendered far off-target. A big bummer for a first-time player who doesn’t want to use a walkthrough.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

Dungeon Lords is a classic. I wasted countless hours as a kid playing Dungeon Lords CE and I’d do it again in another lifetime. It was a hell of a buggy and incomplete mess, yes, but it was extremely fun. However, this Steam version isn’t the same guy, not quite. In fact, I feel like this game got updated to be more streamlined, to appeal to more people and get more income out of this game, and it’s visible in several aspects.

First off, they changed the character creation screen and I think it looks worse. Less detail and information, and looks a lot more streamlined. I wouldn’t mind this if the original gave more info on the creation screen itself and if they didn’t make another mistake, that being changing how the skills and stats work. In the original, there wasn’t much to go off of because it wasn’t a thorough game and you mostly figured everything out for yourself, so stuff like speed and damage wasn’t explained further than “I kill X enemy in Y amount of time so that means I do Z amount of damage”. However, the original had you level up stats and skills via spending XP points, in that you could have 500K XP points at some point in the game, and a single skill point could cost 50K to level up. You had full autonomy over your own growth. In this update, some skills go up with use(defense skills don’t) and you can spend skills to partially level up skills(e.g. 1 skill point = 50% to next level), and you also get individual points for stats. This completely changes how growth works in the game as you only really need to use your points on SOME skills and you can upgrade the others via usage. The individual points for stats is a good idea but you get 3 per level and it seems like their effects have been drastically reduced for balancing reasons.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Dungeon Lords Steam Edition on Steam

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam is the best first-person shooter to ever grace this planet. Why?

Unlike Doom, there’s no stupid complicated mazes.

Unlike Duke Nukem 3D, there’s no goddamn keycard hunts.

Unlike Quake, there’s more colors than brown, black, and gray.

Unlike Unreal, there’s no dumb enemy placements.

Unlike Half-Life, there’s great music playing all the time.

Unlike System Shock 2, there’s no needlessly complex interface.

Unlike Call of Duty, your guns are all unique.

Unlike Battlefield, there’s no dumb realism that slows the game down.

Real player with 848.2 hrs in game

**This review was written for 1.01, future patches may (but will hopefully) remedy the problems listed here.

Due to a character limit, the map-by-map bright island sections have been cut from this steam review, you can read them over on the full review here: **

So it has finally come down to this: a day I had not seen coming.

Revolution is finally out of Early Access, or so we thought.

I’ve been playing it with my knowledgeable old timer friends, and we all agree this is just mediocre. The best way I can describe Bright Island is as the 2nd coming of Dark Island.

Real player with 214.6 hrs in game

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution on Steam

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☐ Kids

☑ Teens

☑ Adults

☐ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☐ Check if you can run paint

☑ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 50.8 hrs in game

The enemy AI is so god damn smart, they can smell Sam Fisher’s stinky farts and instantly find you

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® on Steam

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle

Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle

i bought this mainly for online coop but overall i enjoyed my experience.

what i liked

-collection of great games.

-2 player online coop plays has no lag, feels smooth like local coop in my opinion.

-drop in/drop out feature lets players connect midgame, you don’t have stay in a lobby doing nothing while waiting for online player to join, you can play the game while waiting and don’t have to restart from level 1 when someone joins.

-options to adjust game difficulty and ### of lives/continues.

Real player with 71.6 hrs in game

Rather than reviewing each of the games in this collection, this will be a brief overview of the bundle itself. I’ve only played few credits as of writing this, but it seems to be sufficient for a general feel of the collection. If my opinion changes I’ll modify this review as needed.

This is a collection of seven arcade beat ‘em ups: Final Fight, Captain Commando, The King of Dragons, Knights of the Round, Warriors of Fate, Armored Warriors, and Battle Circuit. The Japanese and international versions of each game are available. The inclusion of Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit is particularly nice as I believe this is the first official release of those games outside of arcades.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle on Steam