Yomi Domini

Yomi Domini

Had a lot of fun speedrunning this!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Action-Adventure Games.

Really fun adventure style beat em up, I had a lot of fun with the advanced combat system and slamming people into walls as the monk, hugely recommend.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Yomi Domini on Steam



This is an old and fun game that used to be sold by the standalone developer. It’s a shame strategies are not still posted, for it can really be challenging to win. Music soundtrack is pretty iconic… I don’t think the developer supports it anymore but if you’re into magic duels then you’ve probably spent worse money than this.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Perma Death Games.

It’s “TUG-OF-WAR” with fireballs and techno-liches.

Other games come to mind, like

“Aeon Command” (space battles)

“Samurai vs Zombies Defense” (goofy samurai warfare)


“Puzzle Chronicles” (the illegitimate child of Tetris and Mortal Kombat)

These game elements are constant:

  • try to hold the line

  • manage your defences

  • beef-up your attacks

  • spam your enemies to death

In Magi, you start by opening magical “channels.” These channels enable your spells and strengthen them. Then, it’s a real-time battle as you queue-up spells for casting. It’s like the building queue in Starcraft or Civ… only it’s your shield spell, or a magic missile, or summoning an imp. As your mage is casting one spell, you have time to set up the next. And the next. You can plan a bit… or panic. Apparently, I’m still fond of panicking.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Magi on Steam

Phoenix Force

Phoenix Force

If I could describe this game in one word… it’d be…


Look, I wanted to like this game, I love boss arena bullet hell games. One hit kill? Bring it freaking on! Taste the full color spectrum of mythical birds with unique elemental stuff? I’ll get my box of cereal ready! HELL YEAH WE’RE GONNA PECK SOME… oh.

So by boss Arena you mean have tough (high hp) enemy sway side to side with an attack gimmick. Ok…not much of a boss but ok…do they multi phase at least? Well if by multi fast you mean they throw in an additional attack and attack faster then…sure. They have a “Final” attack that if you do enough damage to them you can bypass…and that’s about it.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Top-Down Games.

First of all: This is not a classic Shoot’em Up, because all you will be doing here is one bossfight after the other. There is no real story behind it, and if there was maybe a small table of text in the beginning of the game, I have totally forgotten about it, as it doesn’t matter anyway. This game is about pure action and reaction spread across 100 levels and even more challenge levels (if you dare to try them).

Although each of these levels consists of a relatively small amount of assets when it comes to background or enemy types, they are mixed up constantly so the game manages through this restriction to give the player a completely new challenge on each end every level. Where in between there are next to no loading times, wich makes the game nonstop action and because of that very enjoyable and fast paced itself.

Real player with 17.2 hrs in game

Phoenix Force on Steam

Cruel Bands Career

Cruel Bands Career

Impressive game, and addictive! Full of incredible detail, it has a really charming dark / fun aesthetic & it’s not easy to master, believe me. Rewards repeat plays. Really worth it for the price.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Cool simple game.

Gameplay is not as easy as you think, you get only 3 lives to get as far as you can, and every time one of your band members “die” you have to start the stage over, game also requires fast reaction and strategic thinking since everything happens in real time.

Art is nice and tasteful, performance is as good as it gets, translation is ok.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Cruel Bands Career on Steam

Rathe: The Beginning

Rathe: The Beginning

ok sadly this game has only 1 plus point so far: the character creation. you can select your class, stats and it even has custom skins for each of the classes which is really nice and almost no game i know of offers this. this is also the main reason i gave this game a chance.

however i didnt play very far, the game is just not polished enough. 2 seconds into the game and the first bug came up:

if you walk too fast out of the room then first quest doesnt even start.

then there too many ghost doors and people. you can walk through them like they are not even there. or characters stand on walls inside some houses.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Rathe: The Beginning on Steam

The Key of Rednow

The Key of Rednow

I love the game

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

The Key of Rednow on Steam

War of Velana

War of Velana

War of Velana is a single player 16-bit RPG that combines world exploration and interaction with an orthographic grid-based tactical battle system. In many ways, War of Velana is in many ways a spiritual successor to the Shining Force series on the Sega Genesis. Elements of those games are the core, and combine with some design ideas from Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics to create a new tactical experience. In War of Velana, your characters have static classes and gain a variety of skills and equipment upgrades as you progress through the game. In between combat, you’ll be able to explore and interact with the world around you.


The world of Velana, in its current state, has four nations:

  • Alta, a royal kingdom of sprawling green fields, meadows, and riverlands.

  • Kovell, a nation with a wide plain of autumn-gold, a dark forest, and a northern tundra.

  • Ishdar, a small desert island nation of artisans and warriors to the far east.

  • Jakka, a jungle archipelago with towering mountains and devout monasteries.


Our story starts in Alta near the foothills of the Goravia Ridge, outside the small village of Pell. A pair of hunters close in on their mark. As they make their way back to the village, they run into Jon, a trader who frequents the northern roads. They help him repair his cart, but quickly realize that bandits have taken over their home. Events continue to unfold, the party bears witness to a mysterious encounter and potential sparks of a new war.


  • Arnen, a hunter from Pell Village. He is skilled with a bow and keen to help people. Arnen lives with his sister, Karissa.

  • Krell, a hunter alongside Arnen. He wields an axe and is learning to cook from his grandmother’s journal

  • Dolvis, a soldier from Dellador City. He is a sword and shield fighter and vows to right wrongs in the world.

  • Prym, another villager of Pell, she left for a number of years to train in magic at the Archive in Glasmere. She takes care of her sister Pryscilla.

  • Karissa, Arnen’s younger sister. She is a priest in the Velana Order and has been training in healing and holy magic for the last year.

Gameplay Overview

  • Grid-based tactical combat based on unit speed. Each unit moves in Turn Order, rather than Player-vs-Enemy phases.

  • Unit inventories can be managed in and out of combat. Equipping items and even trading them between units is possible and doesn’t count as a turn action.

  • Each class has different magic spells and weapon skills to learn. Though you may find two allies of the same class, each will have unique abilities and different stat growth ranges.

  • When a unit levels up, their HP, SP, and stats increase based on growth ranges for their class. Melee units will focus on Attack, Defense, or Speed growth whereas casters will focus on Magic and Resistance, in most cases.

  • There are many allies, items, and secrets to uncover all over the country of Alta. As you adventure around, you’ll be able to interact with most everything you see, talk to townspeople and visit all sorts of shops.

  • In battle, you’ll have an active party of 8 units to face off against enemies. You can configure your active party before or after combat, but not during.

  • There are many areas around the world where enemies gather. While you’re never required to engage them, you can choose to enter combat and hone your skills or earn some extra gold.

Demo Changelog

  • Added additional world text

  • Added food items

  • Added visual tutorials

  • Added additional world items/pickups

  • Added new late-level specials for Arnen, Dolvis, and Krell

  • Adjusted Guard SP cost and Exp gain

  • Adjusted level up particle sizing

  • Adjusted button mapping for keyboard (added WASD set, adjusted Skip/Snapshot buttons)

  • Updated colors for item icons

  • Updated Yes/No choice framing for better contrast

  • Remade Skip Mode UI pop up so it’s more noticeable

  • Fixed grass animation layering in Tratas Plains West

  • Fixed Karissa’s tombstone offset

  • Fixed lock when using Guard during skip mode

  • Fixed ! event audio issues

  • Fixed Sleep spell AI and damage shown

  • Fixed various typos

  • Fixed various minor visual issues

  • Fixed bug where healing a fallen unit revives them (sorry)

  • Fixed bug in self-heal HP/SP bar issues

  • Fixed bug where items equipped during battle disappear after battle is won

  • Fixed various bugs related to Skip Mode

War of Velana on Steam



Excellent performance, medium lenght storyline (~4hs) excellent voice acting, audio and fun gameplay.

This game feels like it has great production value all around, the coop is very easy to host and join games (no mid level joining though)

I played this game a couple of times with my son in coop and its been a blast, the mechanics are simple, but they mix them up a bit to keep things interesting… As the enemies are robots, there is no blood and although violent, id say its family friendly.

BUT the game does feel a bit on the “simple” side, and does get a bit repetitive, in my opinion because you are forced to use the same weapon the whole level. (you choose before starting) The weapons are fun but would have loved the ability to mix it up mid level. and they are all similar, so there is no variation there.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Classic Halo-esque style combat! And it’s Co-op! Very easy to get into VR FPS shooter, think Halo meets Space Pirate Trainer. 9 Levels of Non-Stop Action that ramp up to a variety of different enemy types that require different strategies to defeat without dying (especially if you go at it alone during the last few levels!). Although the gameplay is simple, the player is rewarded for doing more than just point and shoot combat. You get health and surge/power ups by tactically using your whip to pull enemies apart. Kill them and miss a chance at a higher probability of getting a much needed health regeneration vial or that last yellow vial needed to release your powerful “Surge” attack and feel like an invulnerable bad-ass for a few moments. Took about 5 hours to complete alone, could probably finish it in 3 with a partner in Co-op mode. The only thing that could use work is adding the option to have controller directed movement, instead of only headset facing.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Evasion on Steam

I Have Low Stats But My Class Is “Leader”, So I Recruited Everyone I Know To Fight The Dark Lord

I Have Low Stats But My Class Is “Leader”, So I Recruited Everyone I Know To Fight The Dark Lord

A simple, lighthearted tongue-in-cheek adventure that, though repetitive in terms of gameplay, was a generally fun experience for me. I don’t regret helping to fund this game on Kickstarter.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

This is another in the weird and insane lineup of games that Cannibal Interactive have put out. The gameplay is intentionally overly complicated and intended to be an experience rather then fun, and in that it certainly succeeds. With no grinding, no leveling, a SMB3 map system, and no real major item management you are left with two things: story and combat.

The story and writing in the game is a real strong suit. With fully fleshed out characters that if you can remember and tell apart, have actual meaningful relationships with one another. The game introduces all the characters right from the start so trying to juggle 99+ characters is a mindfuck, but worth it if you put the effort in.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

I Have Low Stats But My Class Is Leader, So I Recruited Everyone I Know To Fight The Dark Lord on Steam



Combine Aegis’s strength and speed with your skill to fight robot armies and change the course of history!

• A unique and mysterious heroine

As Paris burns and bleeds during the Revolution, you are Aegis, an automaton masterpiece made by Vaucanson, an engineer in the service of the Clockwork King. Make the most of your mechanical prowess to adapt Aegis to your style of play and become a fearsome warrior, a deadly dancer or a virtuoso of elemental arts.

• Dynamic and challenging gameplay

Engage in ruthless and intense fights against technological marvels that are as complex as they are unforgiving. Your nerves and skills will be tested to their limits at every moment spent battling these relentless enemies and epic bosses.

• Paris is your playground

The City of Light has been plunged into darkness and is in need of you. Use your energy, flexibility and tools to navigate the streets, rooftops, neighbourhoods and castles of Paris and reveal hidden secrets.

• A fascinating story rooted in history

Delve into an enthralling alternate history filled with formidable mechanical enemies and potential allies with questionable motives. You are the only one you can count on to untangle the knots of history and ensure the Revolution succeeds!

Steelrising on Steam