C-TAS: A Virtual Chinese Learning Game

C-TAS: A Virtual Chinese Learning Game

Rated positively because it was made by a ‘random high school student’ who had 100 dollars to give to uncle gabe, and that’s really what we’re all here for, to give money to gabe. It only has two little pop quizzes, but for a second there, I thought I was going to learn Mandarin and defect.

! If you can’t beat em, join em. https://youtu.be/SdG85MrSaU8

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

C-TAS: A Virtual Chinese Learning Game on Steam

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

My hours. help.

I wrote something for real!

These hours are legit, I played this game a lot in the past to avoid some tragic stuff in real life. I was young and didn’t really have my gaming consoles anymore because of my brothers and I had a really bad pc, which i still own. TF2 was one of the games i could play pretty well on this pc but with horrid graphics, but it was one of the more fun games I installed. I met some real cool and nice people on this game as well as people who i plan to keep by my side. The community back then was more humble compared to nowadays. You have competitive gamers who spam their bind keys with unfunny/gross jokes and very obnoxious people who are either yelling at you or telling you to do specific things to win the game. When really, it doesn’t even matter if you win or lose. However, you also have those people who are really awesome and you may meet some nice friends along the way! Although you never know what kinda person you’re going to meet on this game. In my honest opinion, if you want to have a game to just waste time on (and money) or just mess around with people you know (which is what I do now), this is perfect. Esspecially the mann vs. machine co-op. I mainly play that now. Although to me, the game lost its touch, update wise, and I moved onto other games.

Real player with 13198.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Funny Games.

This game carries such an emotional valence for me that I hardly even know where to begin. Let me tell you about the match I just played. Then try this game.

Two teams spawned in locker rooms, with an assortment of specialized classes ranging from gunmen to support to explosive experts. With a feeling of determination all set out to prove themselves in the battlefield. In the fierce thunderdome of ctf_turbine, bullets ricocheted and jars of pee rained. As a soldier myself, I was able to rocket jump around the map and deliver swift explosive death to nearly any class. I just had to remember to watch my back for spies and be wary of enemies with medics. The battle flowed back and forth with both teams taking turns occupying the thunderdome of a mid that is ctf_turbine, neither willing to give up. This continued for half an hour.

Real player with 9128.2 hrs in game

Team Fortress 2 on Steam



After playing this game for roughly 4-5 years I can honestly say it’s my go to MMO. My main is a reaper which I like the rotations and skills used, it’s a class I find more unique then most other games online. At 1st I had a lot grps complaining about my dmg and my rotations and I actually thought I was playing my class properly. Truthfully though, I did some research, looked up the skills and rotations and found out that other players were correct and I was actually a terrible reaper.

But after sometime, research and putting skills in the correct area of the tool bar, I got better, much better. The game itself in all the years it’s been around has improved in some areas, considering how it used to be when I 1st started to now, you can see the developers put sometime into it and made things for the better in TERA.

Real player with 3710.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Massively Multiplayer Games.

It’s going to be F2P next week, so there is actually no reason not to play it. It is, after all, the MMORPG with the best Combatsystem (and the most beautiful as well… especially the Castanics. If you know what I mean. ;) ).

It’s more like a Hack n Slash with one of the Melee Classes. lol.

I can only recommend checking it out if you are into MMORPGs.

/edit 06.02.2017

This recommendation is from January 2013, so take it with a grain of salt. I don’t know how it is now, what gameforge changed and if it’s good for those who play it without spending a dime.

Real player with 826.4 hrs in game

TERA - Action MMORPG on Steam

Bloody Efforts

Bloody Efforts

Imagine your own mighty Heroes and make them REAL in Bloody Efforts.


_There were two Ancient Gods - Known and his older brother Unknown. The elder God created a whole world with mighty Elements and the younger one gave this world a life with all forms we know. Unfortunately, there was a conflict between the brothers, which turned into the battle. Clash of the Gods disturbed the world balance and brought many cataclysms upon all the races. The Elements began to fight each other and what is worse, a new ominous being appeared – the Hollow.

Until then, only a fraction of humanity managed to survive. Probably everyone would have been dead a long time ago, but something unexpected happened to the races. A new kind of people appeared, called Apostles. They are significantly different – stronger, faster, but the most remarkable is their ability to subdue power of the Elements. Some of the Apostles fight to restore order and peace once again. Others cooperate in achieving common goals. There are individuals who want to find remnants of the Gods or even get along with the Hollow, devoting their souls in exchange for new horrific powers. And who will you choose to be?_

Game features:

  • Free to Play

  • 2D GaaS Multiplayer Fighting Game

  • Wild fantasy world inspired by oriental culture

  • Quick and dynamic Combats + calm and mindful preparation of Heroes

    and Bands between Matches

  • Many various Team and Solo Modes (competitive as well as chill & fun)

  • Account level-based progression with lots of unlockable Content

  • Soldat + Little Fighter 2 + Soul Calibur + Super Smash Bros + MOBA + our vision = Bloody Efforts

More than just a Fighting Game:

Limitless Customization and Challenges

Comprehensive Fighter Builder allows to create awesome unique Heroes (both appearance and playstyle) or imitate already existing pop-culture characters and play them in Bloody Efforts. Playing another match may bring a completely fresh playstyle and tactics from new opponents.

Switch Fighters during the Game

Player needs to strategically choose their Band of 6 Apostles before the Match. Apostles are not equally matched and fit various roles (Warriors, Shooters, Tanks, Mages, Supporters, Assassins etc.). They get serious advantages or suffer disadvantages in different battle scenarios.

Killing is not everything (MOBA-like)

3-phased Modes with various Objectives make an opportunity to think tactically about the next move. Defending the base, setting the trap or outsmarting in Apostle choices can be the key to victory.

Bloody Efforts on Steam



I’m only a couple hours in on release day, and will update review accordingly if my conclusion changes, the deeper I get.

I don’t tend to read anything when I start a new game, and that fact didn’t make me feel lost at any point. I quickly figured out what was going on. Even with simply jumping in, like I do, the game immediately drew me in, and made it rewarding to keep going, as most idlers do.

I really like the card system, as opposed to the normal “hero” upgrades.

Even though there are a lot of cards in both decks that you have access to, at the start-ish of the game, to look at, and consider, the game keeps it pretty straight forward, and the management feels very simple and easy.

Real player with 7307.0 hrs in game

If you like my reviews, drop me a follow: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/5504022/

DPS IDLE seems to be a nice game at its core and you can easily feel it is still in EA as the balancing is far off.

The graphics are okay. Sadly the game doesn’t really tell you anything about what feature does what. If you never played an idle game before, you’ll probably stuck quickly. Else you will see nothing really much new.

Now the part why I give this game a no is the monetization.

The prices for the given features are extremely high.

Real player with 299.3 hrs in game

DPS IDLE on Steam

Rustbucket Rumble

Rustbucket Rumble

I like Rust Bucket Rumble, its a simple game, simple art, simple controls, but I think it all comes together in a fun way. you team up with three players and fight another team of three. you try to stun the enemys and drag them to your recycler to be built into a giant robot, that then proceeds to march across the map eating enemys and smashing the enemy base. There are 6 characters currently, it seems that 2 go on rotation at a time for free players. I Have yet to find any real issues with the game besides connection stability, that at least needs some work, lag and disconnects are rampant/ IT doesn’t help that leavers get no punishment, but beyond that I think the game is enjoyable and would recommend it to any free to play player.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game


-This game is fun as hell.

-The art style is fitting and in my opinion enjoyable.

-The classes despite some TF2 inspiration are mostly unique in their own right and have very strategic uses.

-There is a unique death system where enemies have to drag your carcass back to their base and throw you into a scrapping machine before you can respawn (and run off) in order to gain points. This makes the mechanics surrounding death and gaining points more interesting than just about any other shooter. (As well as leading to some comical situations.) I wish more games would be inspired by this mechanic.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Rustbucket Rumble on Steam

Block N Load

Block N Load

Please do not think of Ace of Spades, Minecraft, or Team Fortress coming in to this, treat it as it’s own game, because it is. All gameplay elements are well balanced, and tie together incredibly well. In the context of pure gameplay, there is little you can say against it. It is the best game I’ve ever played, and that likely won’t change for a long time, I’m certainly a candidate for being the #1 fan.

Currently the biggest problem is the playerbase. It is quite low, and slowly diminishing. I’m sure the developers will be looking at ways to pick this back up. If you’d use a USA, or UK server, you shall be okay, but otherwise I’d suggest not purchasing the game. Queues may take a little longer than other games due to the low playerbase. However, if you’re in a long queue, please do not leave, it creates a perpetuating issue that is only solved by players being patient.

Real player with 4357.1 hrs in game

First of, dont get me wrong, I love this game, I wouldnt have played it for 2000+ hours if I didnt. I made quite a lot of friends through this game in the last three years and learning to play each hero is fun.

The gameplay is one of a kind, it’s a unique mix of building and class based objective gameplay, however, there are some serious issues with this game:


There are none. The practice ground can give you a few pointers about movement and the tutorial video provides tips about basic game mechanics, but the base setups shown in the videos are absolutely useless. Your best bet would be to search some gameplay footage on youtube and study the defenses and tactics of some high level matches.

Real player with 2474.0 hrs in game

Block N Load on Steam

God Awe-full Clicker

God Awe-full Clicker

This review will be updated every now and then.

  • 12th July 2019. Recently Offline progress was added to the game. It works fine as long as you log in to see it. Note that you do not gain offline rewards if you get the daily rewards pop-up instead.

  • 7th April 2019 I went for the God-like bonus, so starting here my account is technically no longer F2P, but the March review is still from a F2P perspective. (I was F2P up to Path 8107)

Edit: Forgot to specify that at the time of getting this premium bonus I had purchased everything from the premium shop other than one Pet and most Realms for freely earned Apples.

Real player with 2886.6 hrs in game

Recommended if you’d like to have something to do while watching videos or doing other less engaging stuff.

Very active devs. Quite transparent, responsive, polite. Frequent content patches.

There is a leaderboard in this game. If you care about that, this game is pay-to-win. If you don’t, it’s not. Premium currency is farmable and is a lot more accessible than other games with p2w systems. You can eventually collect all the premium upgrades with time and dedication- there is no paywall. But if you care about ranking, you likely won’t beat the guy straight dumping cash on the upgrades, unless he goes on a hiatus.

Real player with 1116.6 hrs in game

God Awe-full Clicker on Steam

Dirty Bomb®

Dirty Bomb®

Dirty Bomb is a fast paced shooter with parkour elements and great gunplay with large, multiple objective maps.

For each match you build a squad of 3 mercenaries (“mercs”) you can switch to with each respawn cycles. This gives you a lot of variety in how you approach certain situations and which role to take in the team. Although each merc can perform any action the game requires, different mercs excel at certain tasks: medics can revive downed players quickly, engineers can repair, plant and defuse faster and combat mercs have “bigger” guns and more health. However, every merc is fully capable of winning a fire fight, so there’s no need for medics to camp it out in the back.

Real player with 2985.3 hrs in game

Update: They don’t. Stay clear of these reprehensible developers at all costs. They are run by extremely condescending and egotistical degenerates that:

talk down to to paying customers and lie to their audience to cover up incompetent game design and complete lack of a roadmap;

add characters to the game to its detriment so they can crutch on them in public lobbies;

ignore player feedback while not having any personal ingame experience;

remove dissenting PTS voices;

skip the QA process resulting in entirely nonfunctional updates;

Real player with 2947.3 hrs in game

Dirty Bomb® on Steam



Fight for your side, fight for your future, fight for your life.

BRINK is a brilliant game launched in 2011 when the market was saturated with shooters from every major and minor developer offering very little over their predecessors than a graphics ‘upgrade’, unfortunately this meant BRINK was and still is overlooked by many.

What set BRINK apart from other shooters, and still does is a fluid movement mechanic [S.M.A.R.T], its equal rarely seen in games even now in 2020.

Combine this with the great mix of classes, guns and the objective based maps playable form both sides, it’s a wonder BRINK never took over a larger portion of the market, and unfortunately means it’s been left to quietly sit in the background, a gem of the past, buried beneath the yearly copy and paste FPS games from big publishers promising the world.

Real player with 482.5 hrs in game

Well, Game went Dead quite fast, and Promised more than it could hold, but it is a solid game, not good, but not terribly bad.

there are 4 classes, and while everyone has it own set of skills, you can play like you want, you can be a skinny soldier who runs aross the map like the TF2 scout giving ammo to everyone, a heavy spy with a minigun who disguises himself as an enemy, or just a averagely bulid medic with a shotgun, and you got quite a nice collection of cloths, so you can make your own unique character, may it be a street-cop, an engineer, or a heavy SWAT-Like Unit,and color the uniform how you want, as i said, your own unique character,

Real player with 85.8 hrs in game

BRINK on Steam