Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Critical Bugs Alert

It goes without saying this is a fun game. However, some critical bugs that may ruin your play-through exist on this Steam version unfortunately. If you do save without noticing those have happened, you will be stuck in game and end up to have to part with the save data. Therefore, I’ve decided to write this review to alert. Keep the below phenomenons in your mind, and never save when those have happened.

  • Ship goes missing

    The bug makes ships vanish that should be there. It’s impossible to advance the game anymore as you can see, If they are not displayed even on the world map. Close the game immediately.

Real player with 994.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Remake Games.

This is a remake of a remake, kind of. First there was Final Fantasy III on the Famicom, released only in Japan. They remade it into top-down 3D on the Nintendo DS back in 2006. This game is a port of the latter.

Compared to the DS version, there are some pros and cons. The main pro is that the DS version locked some miniquests behind a wifi system called Mognet, which no longer works, so playing the DS version it’s impossible to 100% the game. There is also an auto battle feature added to the PC port that can be very useful if you are going for all the achievements (more on that later.)

Real player with 110.3 hrs in game

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake) on Steam