Team Fortress Classic

Team Fortress Classic

TF2 is jampacked with bots so we should play this instead.

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Co-op Games.

Suprisingly alive, way more fun and interesting than tf2 will ever be.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Team Fortress Classic on Steam

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Critical Bugs Alert

It goes without saying this is a fun game. However, some critical bugs that may ruin your play-through exist on this Steam version unfortunately. If you do save without noticing those have happened, you will be stuck in game and end up to have to part with the save data. Therefore, I’ve decided to write this review to alert. Keep the below phenomenons in your mind, and never save when those have happened.

  • Ship goes missing

    The bug makes ships vanish that should be there. It’s impossible to advance the game anymore as you can see, If they are not displayed even on the world map. Close the game immediately.

Real player with 994.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Remake Games.

This is a remake of a remake, kind of. First there was Final Fantasy III on the Famicom, released only in Japan. They remade it into top-down 3D on the Nintendo DS back in 2006. This game is a port of the latter.

Compared to the DS version, there are some pros and cons. The main pro is that the DS version locked some miniquests behind a wifi system called Mognet, which no longer works, so playing the DS version it’s impossible to 100% the game. There is also an auto battle feature added to the PC port that can be very useful if you are going for all the achievements (more on that later.)

Real player with 110.3 hrs in game

Final Fantasy III (3D Remake) on Steam

HeXen: Beyond Heretic

HeXen: Beyond Heretic

IMPORTANT: This version of the game is in its native DOS state, and frankly that hasn’t aged well thanks to low resolutions and clunky controls. I recommend getting GZDoom to run this, put its compatibility mode on Doom (not the strict version, just the regular). For gameplay options, make sure jumping is enabled and crouching disabled, as levels were designed with that in mind. You can tighten up the shooting by turning autoaim off. To keep the art style of the game as it was intended, turn all texture filtering off, and use square pixel particles.

Real player with 100.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Class-Based Dark Games.

After far too long, I have finally completed HeXen. It’s the sequel to Heretic, but while Heretic was a fun DOOM reskin, HeXen gets away from DOOM’s influence and becomes more of its own thing, with multiple player characters, hub-based level structure, more puzzles, and a far darker tone. These changes bring plenty of pros and cons, and certainly create a unique experience.

There are three characters to choose from at the start of the game: the Fighter, the Mage, and the Cleric. (They have actual names, but they’re not worth remembering.) The Fighter is a melee character, the Mage is ranged, and the Cleric is a mix between the two. I played as the Fighter because I’d heard that he was the best, and it’s fun to just run around punching hundreds and hundreds of monsters with wonderfully cathartic gore and sound effects. The punch is the starting weapon (there are four total per class), and it’s strangely effective; I got by using it almost exclusively for about 60% of the game before the challenge ramped up enough to necesitate use of the other weapons. I may go back and play as the other characters at some point, though, because the game makes it clear that the playstyles differ enough to make repeats worthwhile.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

HeXen: Beyond Heretic on Steam

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat

My Personal All-Time Favorite Game

Hello All :) Yeah ive played this game from Beta days as a Half-Life Mod on the old WON days. This game is like the grandfather of WW2 games , Before COD and all other WW2 games there was Day of Defeat. I have a major love for this game. I also made alot of good friends amongst my battles along the way :) {“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”}

The game play is a bit older and slower then its predecessor of the day Counter-Strike.The Capture the Flag gameplay and Objective Play enforce strong team work and communication game play. The game has aged a bit of course but the key gameplay is still relevant today.

Real player with 3828.8 hrs in game

Day of Defeat for the PC is a World War Two multiplayer mod of Counter Strike, that is a lot of fun. There are lots of levels and even though the overall gameplay is just capture checkpoints just like in Battlefield 1942 this game has something that Battlefield does not, and that is a real sense of realism. It maybe the recoil that the weapons have or the envirmonets, this game just seems to work better than Battlefield.

The graphics are kind of bland, but they do a good job making them look somewhat like the envirmoents look like. There are tons of places to go and take cover and just like in counter strike after you play for a while you really get a hang of it. I will admit though, one thing that I did not like was that you really couldnt look down the sights of any weapon other than the sniper rifle that is about it though, well the British weapons suck, but this is a very fun multiplayer game that is free via steam and a must play if you like World War Two shooters or Counter Strike.

Real player with 2489.7 hrs in game

Day of Defeat on Steam

Romancing Monarchy

Romancing Monarchy

A good little game. Not so easy to play, because it needs some tactics about classes.

Bosses are strong enough to give a challenge.

After 5 hours spent, I’m far away from the end. Thank for this game. It is cheap, so i had no regrets to buy it. Honestly, I had never think that a little game like this gave me sensation that i search when i play a game. I’m not asking for more.

(if i wrote mistakes, sorry, english is not my first language)

Real player with 60.6 hrs in game

Loved it! Pretty good game! No need to wait for a sale at this price! It is under $3.50, so you have to remember you didn’t pay $50 for it, but it’s pretty awesome, I loved it!

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Romancing Monarchy on Steam

Day of Defeat: Source

Day of Defeat: Source

So my dad played this before is was born and listen i was born in 2009 and i don’t know when this game was released but this game is the only thing i have to remember him by so i played it and ngl its good so yeah thanks Valve for keeping this game up and helping me remember my dad

Real player with 71.4 hrs in game

loved it as a kid, theres still an active community

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Day of Defeat: Source on Steam

Days of War: Definitive Edition

Days of War: Definitive Edition

I had to change my review of this game after the recent changes made to it that came as a surprise and a clear indication and confirmation of a lot of things I have been noticing lately with Days of War and it’s developers.

When I backed this game on Kickstarter in March 2016, I was immediately drawn to it because of what I saw. I was 90% their target audience on who they where trying to attract. An old DODS player, not afraid of hard recoil and fast paced fluid play-style. However, with a hitch. I was a DODS Realism player so what attracted me the most was seeing every weapon in Days of War having a ADS mechanic.

Real player with 188.3 hrs in game


This game is absolutely and completely dead!


Not much of a recommendation - quite the contrary !!

— The game that was released 30. January —-

Everything below still stick, but now there are also levels and bots… but it’s still clunky and fugly and broken in a lot of ways in regards to achievements, guns and hit registry. It’s nice with the addition of new guns that you can unlock, but the guns are really not much of an improvement, the level requirements are nuts, and it’s also really annoying that if you don’t stay for the end-game summary your progress is lost in every way - I can understand that as a way to motivate people to keep playing, which would be perfectly fine IF it was actually a nice game.

Real player with 137.3 hrs in game

Days of War: Definitive Edition on Steam