Epic City Builder 4

Epic City Builder 4

I really do like this game. Its very easy to pick up and feels like the kind of game il be playing for a very long time.

Im 28 hours in at time of this review and im am very happy i brought this game. Its like city skyline….. but fun

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Political Sim Games.

Had an issue with not be able to save my capital but the developer was on it and issued a fix. I have spent alot of time well spent.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Epic City Builder 4 on Steam

Megacity Builder

Megacity Builder

like the older city building games but with a national twist. incorporates multiple little cities to run a country. can really get lost in the constructing and managing

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Political Sim Games.

Fantastic game! If you like lite sims, then this is your game.

It’s got a very detail orientated design for a game as lite as it is, its mechanics are nuanced and unique.

I strongly advise this game to anybody who is a fan of unique sims.

It has a bit of a learning curve, but never fear, its worth it!

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Megacity Builder on Steam

Pharaoh: A New Era

Pharaoh: A New Era

Immerse yourself in the history of Ancient Egypt with 50 missions and over 100 gameplay hours in Pharaoh: A New Era, a remake of Pharaoh (and the expansion Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile), one of the best city builders from the golden age of Sierra Entertainment. Stone by stone, build your city and manage all aspects of its development to ensure it prospers and makes you a powerful and revered Pharaoh.

Develop your city by cultivating the fertile lands along the banks of the Nile valley. Erect the iconic monuments of Ancient Egypt, including the pyramids, the Sphinx and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Build temples and mausoleums to help manage all aspects of your city’s health and culture as well as the predominant polytheistic religion of the time.

Ensure your city is prosperous enough to deal with economic or political crises, or even plundering by enemies. A Pharaoh takes care of its people and does whatever it can to earn the favour of the gods.

Pharaoh: A New Era celebrates 20 years since the release of the famous franchise with a complete remake, including more than 50 playable missions and over 100 hours of gameplay. Rediscover the map and mission editor mode that allows you to shape your very own Egypt over thousands of years.

The “Campaign” mode teaches you the game basics while allowing you to experience a unique story in the heart of Ancient Egypt and explore all aspects of life in a thriving city.

You have everything at your disposal to build an entire city and manage all its fundamental elements to ensure it flourishes: the economy, internal and external trade, culture, health, agriculture, education, etc. To help you monitor your progress, various indicators show you the overall well-being of your city and its residents.

The journey back in time is really brought to life with this Ultra HD remake, which upgrades the gameplay mechanics to modern standards and completely redesigns the captivating soundtrack and gorgeous isometric 2D graphics.

● Rediscover the classic city builder Pharaoh and its expansion, Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile, in an all-new remake

● Explore Ancient Egypt and its 4,000 years of history across 50 missions

● Marvel at Ancient Egypt’s most iconic and beautiful monuments with completely overhauled Ultra HD graphics

● Erect the Egypt of your dreams with the map editor mode

Read More: Best City Builder Diplomacy Games.

Pharaoh: A New Era on Steam



While inspired by the classic Impressions city building games, it would be inaccurate to say Nebuchadnezzar is just a reskin of Pharaoh. The game has its own mechanics that are distinctive such as the beautifully worded caravanserai or the planned market/bazaar walking routes (as opposed to the annoying random wandering of sellers in the Impressions games that required the use of roadblocks). There are a ton of resources in the game and the tiered housing levels have an interesting intertwined dependence on how these resources can be collected.

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Probably the closest any game has come to recapturing the old Impressions City builders (Pharaoh, Zeus, Emperor, Caesar etc).

This type of city-builder game focuses very heavily on production and distribution of goods to supply your population, where a mistake in logistics management can cause the whole city to come crashing down. If you’re expecting something more like a SimCity or Cities: Skylines, you might end up frustrated with the strong presence of logistics management aspects and harsh penalties for making mistakes in that department.

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

Nebuchadnezzar on Steam

City Country

City Country

City Country is a city-building game where you manage resources, population, knowledge. You control various sectors of the city like education, medicine, culture, tourism, trading.

You start at some point into the map. Citizens will equally be separated into Men/Women and Farmers/Workers. The population will be separated into 4 different categories: Farmers, Workers, Engineers, and Academics. Any population category will work on different buildings and will have a unique family house.

You have the option to produce whatever you like, and what You don’t like, you can buy it at any time, or sign a contract for a later system that automatically buys the product from another city immediately. After that, you should sell part of the production so you can take some fresh money into the city.

As a governor of the city, your job is to grow your city, improve your resource incomes, sell your resources and take fresh money, make your city better for life, and manage city sectors as best as you can.

Government Sectors

  • Trading: - Sign a contract with other cities (AI) when you have less than N amount of resource, buy M amount of that resource, and vice versa.

  • Education: - Decide what to learn, how long, and when to start people’s education.

  • Medicine: - Improve the health of the citizens, and their lives.

  • Culture: - Improve the knowledge of the citizens. And be a more attractive city for foreign peoples.

  • Tourism: - Make money when you attract tourists. Build Hotels. Some of them can decide to continue to live in your city.

Develop Your City

Knowledge (Technology)

Investigate new products for future production and unlock new buildings.

Production (Resource Management)

Choose what to produce from the Factory profile.

City Country on Steam

Craftlands Workshoppe

Craftlands Workshoppe

Been playing this off and on since early access started and I’m gobsmacked by the negative reviews by people with very few hours played.

There is a TON of content, yes it’s a bit grindy to start with until you understand the mechanics with workers but there really is a lot of game here for the price.

Orig review below:

This is a delightful shop management game full of interesting mechanics and strong progress goals pushing you to become A Master Of All Crafts.

At present in EA I haven’t encountered any game breaking bugs and it feels like its 75% towards being an excellent time sink.

Real player with 94.6 hrs in game

First Impressions - It’s fun but rough around the edges.

Craftlands Workshoppe dabbles in a bit of everything from gathering, crafting, consumables, trade, management, a semi-automated worker system, etc. There are a fair number of systems and game mechanics but, many feel hollow or half-finished at this stage in development. With that said, the current state of the game does show promise.


Not a whole lot is explained well and pacing really needs work to make progression flow better. Most of the crafting is progress bar/timer based while smithing features a horribly annoying minigame, which I found odd and out of place. I also think workers are overwhelming and introduced too early in the game, although, they are a time-saver as you progress and earn more cash. The big issue early on being they cost too much upfront to hire and in continual upkeep considering the starting profits. Lastly, gathering and crafting in general require an obscene amount of clicking which could be streamlined to prevent pointless time waste.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Craftlands Workshoppe on Steam

Port Royale 2

Port Royale 2

i started the game with high expectation, because many veteran reviewers commented favorlably.

I’m a senior old gamer, so retro graphic is ok, merchant part is repetive? it’s no problem.Rather, it’s fun.

Buy low and sell high and build facilities to produce goods…….all fun.

But one thing i can’t put up with……WHY MUST I FIGHT ENEMY FLEET WITH ONLY ONE SHIP?

i can build a fleet up to ten ships.

But when battle begins, only JUST ONE of my ships fights while enemy fleet attacks with 5 ships.

Real player with 348.1 hrs in game

There is no better economic simulator that exists that I know of. There are many good City Sims and Tycoon style games that wish they had the economic engine behind this game. Every one of the 65+ cities in this game have unique features and needs based on a complex mix of random events and your ability to supply them. I could go on and on about the complex yet easier to comprehend industry and economic simulation in this game, it is that engrossing and one of a kind. I am actually upset PR3 was so terrible compared to this gem.

Real player with 110.7 hrs in game

Port Royale 2 on Steam

One More Island

One More Island

The Queen of the Old World calls upon you! As Her Majesty’s domain expands, we require a capable administrator to guide Her latest colonies to prosperity. We will provide you with ships, colonists, and other tools necessary to tame these wild, virgin lands, and turn them into a prosperous colonial enterprise, all under the Queen’s watchful eye.

Naturally, the Crown will expect you to share the bounty of these new lands, pay your taxes on time, and continue expanding the boundaries of Her Majesty’s colonial possessions. Obedience may earn you rewards,but refusing to pay your dues or worse, declaring independence, will have dire consequences.

So, governor: Are you ready to colonize One More Island?

You are called upon to explore the frontiers of Her Majesty’s colonial empire, claim territory, then exploit it to its fullest to gain riches for the throne!

  • Set sail for the New World to plant Her flag and establish a new colony - as well as ensuring it thrives.

  • Each exploration is never the same, thanks to a world map generated dynamically from a combination of hand-crafted map elements.

  • Customize the challenge to your tastes, adjusting island size, land fertility, amount of natural resources and more, to make it as easy or as hard as desired.

As governor, you’re in charge. Plan out the colony, take care of your residents, and turn a small outpost into an overseas metropolis bustling with commerce!

  • Construct the buildings you want: The freeform building designer allows fine-tuning workshop placement and colonist’s paths to optimize the holy colony plan.

  • Look after the colonists' needs. Happy colonists work harder and faster, growing your, err, Her Majesty’s colonial empire.

  • Harness this legendary colony and these dedicated colonists to create production chains, producing necessary goods on the spot and growing the community.

There’s always One More Island to conquer. Explore the world, find new spots to establish more colonies, then tie them together into a self-sufficient network: An empire of your own making.

  • Build a new fleet to explore the archipelago, claim new islands for your domain, then link them together with overseas trade routes.

  • Optimize your production chains and increase their complexity to create entire industries independent of the Old World.

  • Research new ways to develop your fledgling colony into a New World superpower. Each civilization tier brings with it new challenges, new requirements - and new opportunities.

The Queen wants her share of New World’s bounty. Taxes are expected, as is ordained. But there’s always another option, one that your colonists might look upon favorably.

  • Manage your reputation at the royal court. Pay your taxes on time and meet their expectations or…

  • Do you dare to commit the unthinkable? Do you dare to disobey the monarch?

  • Do you dare try to form a new nation, breaking free of Old World tyranny?

Well? Where do you stand?

One More Island on Steam

Feudal Baron: King’s Land

Feudal Baron: King’s Land

The king has granted you the right to oversee a medieval city and the surrounding lands. This is not only a great privilege, but also a demanding task. You begin with only a handful of citizens, a modest settlement, and your task will be to gather the resources necessary to grow your city and design its layout wisely, and ensure that your subjects are satisfied with your rule.

Gold is a resource that makes progress possible. Take advantage of your vassals and create a profitable tax system, because not only do you need it to develop your city, but you also must satisfy the needs of the royal treasury, after all, your king is your liege. Use various buildings to utilise collected materials, craft tools, weapons and armour and sell them to the merchants.

Defending the land against the enemies of the realm is also one of your tasks. Prepare the city for the attacks of foreign invaders, collect goods to survive the siege and garrison the fortifications. If the defences fail, your settlement can be sacked, citizens killed and buildings burned down.

Medieval times are not easy for the rulers, you will face all sorts of calamities like fires, plague outbreaks or rebellions of discontented citizens.

Feudal Baron: King's Land on Steam

Let Them Trade

Let Them Trade

Let Them Trade is a minimalistic trading simulation in which you build a network of towns. What’s particularly special about that is that this network is only used by AI-controlled merchants! So it is in your best interest to keep up the towns' supply and demand of their resources, and pocket a big part of the traders' coin - via tolls!

Note: Let Them Trade and its Steam page are still in an early alpha state. Everything is subject to change. Wishlist the game and press the follow button to stay informed about future updates! Also, feel free to follow us on our various social media channels! :)

Explore the World!

What riches does nature have on offer for you? Where are the strategically best places for your cities? Explore a world rich with many different resources and choose the best ones to kickstart your economy!

Build Your Network!

Build trade routes between cities, overcome natural obstacles such as wild waters and soaring mountains, and be on the lookout for evil bandits. Only with wit and ingenuity, you will be able to build a trading network that maximizes your merchants' profits - and, in turn, your wealth!

Let them Trade!

Interact with a multitude of trader characters! Each with their own personality, their own field of expertise and of course their own preferences on where to spend their money. Butter them up and make their life as easy as possible:

  • Fend off bandits by hiring knights in shiny armors

  • Optimize trade routes so they pass by their favorite resources

  • Adjust tolls to make them happy - no one likes tolls! Don’t feed the toll! Just make sure that you don’t come away empty-handed!

State Of Development

We just finished the prototype. Now we’re searching for a publisher!

Special Thanks

…to the FFF Bayern for funding the development of the game!

Let Them Trade on Steam