Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy

I picked this up on a whim, purely because I am a sucker for these hybrid dice games. While I do recommend this game, it still is a very flawed game and your appreciation of it will surely come down to your flexibility to cope with said flaws. A lot of games exist that are imperfect and this is one of them.

What is fun?

The core system of building up a unique dice pool, in real-time, with stamina and special powers is pretty fun. It feels at odds with itself at first but it definitely caters to it’s real-time gameplay mechanics unapologetically which I think is a good thing. You can tell from others' reviews that others do not like the RTS elements and wanted something slower, methodical, and more tactical). That isn’t this game which I think is going to just be a matter of taste.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Survival Games.

I’m more of a turn-based and tabletop gamer myself. This game seems to draw heavily on the mechanics of some very good tabletop dice games like Roll for the Galaxy and Dice Forge, but with real-time pacing. If you’re like me, the RTS pacing of Dice Legacy might be a bit much for you. In that case, I have some advice for a more laid-back gaming experience:

1. Start a new game on pacifist difficulty. It effectively disables the biggest source of real-time pressure, the hostile raiders, and lets you think through your moves at your leisure. The game far, far less stressful as a result, largely becoming self-paced. The economy of the game is still involved enough to get many hours of fun even with the raider threat removed. And you can always bump up the difficulty later if you find yourself mastering the rest of the game, and want more of a real-time challenge.

Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Dice Legacy on Steam

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil

Simple game. Yet rng, 5 factions, random events, riddles make it complex with deep strategy element.

I love city builders and making units in general. Game is very challenging I’ve played 17.5 hours a few days into purchasing and even though made it to final boss twice i still have not beat the game yet. Addictive game play and replay value is high.

Key to starting is focus on 1. gold 2. food 3. wood. i do not make any units until i’m attacked at the start. when i am attacked I focus on making a few units ie 20 archers maybe 10 thugs 10 militia then attack the small camps ie peasant militia and archer camps. make iron and stone mine and the remaining buidings. pick one faction to focus on and maybe have a subfaction as 2nd ary. for me i choose military and later capitalists. but there are relion freethinkers and nature ie guardians.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Roguelite Games.

Ok folks,

I’ve been playing games from a very young age. This game will work for you if you like a chill relaxed management game that will challenge you.

Graphics are minimalist but it doesn’t matter.

I recommend the game because the developers did a really really good job in pulling this together in a way that it will keep you entertained while really focusing on you management and decision skills.

Well done, it’s a buy.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Altwaldheim: Town in Turmoil on Steam

Oasis: Dark Forest

Oasis: Dark Forest

If you like Tower Defense and Base Construction games;

If you like to defeat a large number of enemies through a reasonable array;

If you like concise and refreshing pictures;

If you like the Roguelike element

This is the game you’re looking for.

This is a land ruled by darkness, and you are the only light. Here is the Dark Forest;

You must protect your holy tree, which is the foundation of all life;

Your trees will form a solid defense line against the Dark Forest and the Ghost Army from the darkness;

Your strategy, operation and willpower will determine the direction of the war.

In the Dark Forest,

Each level has a carefully customized terrain structure, but trees, monsters and resources will be generated randomly, so each game is a new exploration;

You will randomly get three evolution items when each rank of enemy is defeated. How to choose the most suitable update will affect the direction of the war;

You will get the opportunity to evacuate safely in specific ranks. Although you will gain more from continuing to fight, if you mistakenly evaluate the situation, you will be defeated and get nothing in this battle;

The resources you collect in the level will be used to evolve your Technology Tree, so as to gain more power in subsequent battles.

Please don’t be confused by the concise style. Although it is very easy to get started, the war situation full of changes and challenges absolutely needs to be dealt with attentively.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have feedback, questions, or problems with the game. We’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible and provide support if needed. Also let me know if you enjoyed the game, that means much to me!

Thank you for playing and your support!


Music by Jordan Powell

Read More: Best City Builder Tower Defense Games.

Oasis: Dark Forest on Steam



This game is a gem in the making. Standard EA gripes apply. Unfinished content, which gets added regularly, lack of colonist micromanagement, bugs (although not gamebreaking and most of them get addressed pretty quickly). The developer is very hands on and takes care of your problems quite fast if you take the time to send your save files or crash logs. For me, it scratches a few itches. It’s a colony builder/manager, with leveling up your colonists which you get every few days with new launches from the mother ship, where you choose which colonist clone to create and send to the planet. You can equip them, take care of their needs to make them happy, which in turn earns you points in the CUDS panel - basically a place to order resources for “likes” and “happy pills” for “dislikes” your colonists accrue. The game advancement comes in cycles called research, which is currently waiting for your colonists to accrue research xp passively and getting “influence” by doing quests which reward those points. There are 2 game modes, one with 3 daily randomized events in intervals of 12h, 17h, 20h - they can add good or bad stuff to the game, depending on whether you want to spend the influence you obtain to choose a better event. Getting influence also speeds up the separate research you do when launching a new flight to get colonists/resources, which can include unlocking the radar, getting more advanced clones, getting access to special ship parts like water tanks to bring water or gear modules to bring clothes and so on. Currently the game ends it’s research driven play after 5 or so research cycles and you’re left in freeplay mode, but it’s a nice amount of play to get there and it’s well worth the price. If you want to influence how the game develops by adding suggestions which the dev always takes into consideration and often implements quickly, get it early.

Real player with 114.8 hrs in game

This Rare Gem, has so much too offer.

With many survival elements, building your primitive colony base, hunting creatures of the wild, Fighting other enemy tribes, setting up work stations for each type of main resources, like clothing, weapons, medical and cooking. Setting out your colonist on quest / objectives to gain research point to unlock new items/objects/technologies. The list goes on and on.

Theirs a big learning curve, which might require you to restart the game a few times, and with each restart you learn from your previous mistakes/failures. But its totally worth it, knowing your sequences of steps/actions/quest taken, insured your colonist stayed alive another day.

Real player with 108.2 hrs in game

Ragnorium on Steam

Derelict Void

Derelict Void

If there’s one thing that makes you keep coming back to a game, it’s the perfect balance between ease of progression and the odd moment where all hell breaks loose and you gotta strive to survive. That’s exactly what Derelict Void is!


Good graphics and animations

Not too much clutter on the screen

Lots of choices and you know that you’re either going to die a valiant death or live to see another day

Learning curve is rewarding (more often than not)

The hydroponics area has some good stuff in it wink

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Derelict Void is certainly a game that will likely draw comparison to a variety of other titles. The game is apparently inspired by Frostpunk - though in my mind one could likely also see some draw for this game from the likes of Out There: Omega Edition for the emphasis on collection of resources and technologies, Cultist Simulator for its mix of real-time with pause turn based gameplay, and of course FTL: Faster Than Light for text based events. Chief to all these games though is that is all about survival in a hostile environment.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Derelict Void on Steam

As Far As The Eye

As Far As The Eye

This game was incredibly brutal until I discovered the Council building and the Knowledge resource, and then it became an incredibly fair and deep city-building/roguelike/4x game.

The biggest problem with the game is there isn’t a good reference for how all the mechanics work. I think it will be better once an online wiki is available.

My tips for a winning initial game:


1. Get 40 wood and build a sawmill. Assign one of your workers to be a gatherer and gather wood. Later, when you don’t need wood, switch this worker to be a food gatherer and build a fruit hut for 80 (you can do this earlier if you get a 4th worker). You should have enough rations for this, and the carpenter/fruit gatherer jobs share the first 3 levels.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

I too believe that this is a nice game if you enjoy roguelike games.

When I first saw the list of buildable buildings I was worried the game wouldnt have much depth, as there are exactly 15 buildings which can be built.

So .. I was worried I will just figure out how things work and lose interest in the game after a few days, because I found some safe winning strategy.

Luckily it was different!

The overall difficulty is quite high. After the tutorial campaign you get to play 4 tribes with increasing difficulty (you have to start with the lowest difficulty tribe). However, even that tribe took me quite some effort to win with.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

As Far As The Eye on Steam

Defend the Rook

Defend the Rook

Great game, highly recommend trying it out. It might seem a little easy at first for this type of game where often you are meant to die a bunch and slowly become stronger with upgrades. You have 1-10 ascension levels, but the first 4 are super easy and then 7+ becomes pretty tough. I’m not super excited about how it scales at 7+ because it feels like artificial difficulty, everything starts to cost twice as much so you can’t upgrade everything. I would prefer the enemies becoming more challenging rather than having less upgrades.

Real player with 68.9 hrs in game

Neat roguelite strategy game. Beat it on the highest difficulty, enjoyed figuring it out. I had fun with it and recommend it, but I’ll list stuff that bothered me:

-Your core loadout before any towers/traps are your castle and three heroes (warrior/rogue/mage) by default. You unlock variants of these classes as you play. It quickly became apparent to me that the easiest way to win was “buff the ranged characters” and turtle in the corner with defensive buffs. It’d be nice if the upgrades supported different goals. I believe I had one playthrough where my warrior carried me, and it’s because he had full map range, so he was basically a third ranged character.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

Defend the Rook on Steam



Wastelander is a roguelike turn-based colony-building game. Explore a barren alien world and build a unique colony by unlocking new buildings, and re-activating ancient alien technologies while defending yourself from destructive atmospheric storms. Can you build a unique thriving colony, and find a way to escape this deadly predicament before it’s too late?

In Wastelander you’ll start from nothing as a castaway on an alien world. As your colony expands you’ll find alien artifacts and buildings, perks, technology upgrades, and consumable items scattered across the map.


Create a simple colony as you explore your immediate surroundings.


Harvest resources and expand your base. Connect to alien ruins to unlock new buildings and alien technology.


Create a sweeping colony that spans the globe. Connect your base to all the alien ruins to escape the planet before the final mega-storm buries the wasteland and you along with it.


  • Simple turn based colony building gameplay that’s easy to learn, but difficult to master!

  • Scan your surroundings to uncover resources and other hidden alien items.

  • Build and expand your colony using your resources efficiently.

  • Construct defenses to protect your buildings from regular destructive storms.

  • Upgrade and unlock new buildings as you explore maps shrouded in mystery.

  • Use powerful abilities granted by ancient alien buildings

  • Unlock the secrets of the alien ruins to improve your technology and unlock a path to escape and victory!

  • Compete with other players' high scores on the “Daily Challenge” leaderboard.

Wastelander on Steam



I adore Towns. I know it’s not the popular opinion here, but I have spent a happy 300+ hours building and exploring and fighting. It was well worth the $10 or so that I spent on it a few years ago.

In Towns, you are in charge of an idiotic band of Townies who you instruct to gather resources, build buidlings, craft luxuries, cook food, and defend the town both as soldiers and civilains. In addition to keeping you populace well-fed and happy, you must defend against raiding bands of villians while delving deep into the dangerous underground to find more stone, iron, and gold. You can entice heroes to come and help you or instead swarm the monsters with well-armed townsfolk. The gameplay is heavy in resource management and building but has a satisfying amount of fighting and exploring.

Real player with 322.0 hrs in game

Ok, I have a lot of hours in this game so maybe you could say that I got my money’s worth - or maybe I just have a penchant for watching little pixel people go about their business(dying of starvation or eating everything in sight, dry-humping monsters to death or walking straight into a village full of hostiles) .. actually, I also go afk a lot and hang out in the kitchen.. that might be why :p

Anyway, I do not recommend buying the game in its current state:

  • very buggy

  • rough and unpolished(for example, last time I played the little pixel people had like 2 frames of animation when walking and looked like they were dry-humping monsters upon attacking them).

Real player with 176.9 hrs in game

Towns on Steam

Dungeon Dreams (Female Protagonist)

Dungeon Dreams (Female Protagonist)

Dungeon Dreams (female protagonist) Review

As a person who grew up playing Azure Dreams, (and one who still actually owns the game), Dungeon Dreams was a quirky, fun alternative game to those long lost days of lore. Players will discover key moments reminiscent of the old Azure Dreams such as the character of Grant, who like Ghosh, is just as obnoxious, arrogant, and hilarious - equipped with his own theme song at every appearance. One important detail that sound be mentioned is the vast superiority of the Dungeon Dreams soundtrack compared to Azure Dreams. Instead of the grating obnoxious sound track of Azure Dreams, Dungeon Dreams is trendy and upbeat. I had often found myself humming along with it especially during the battle scenes.

Real player with 327.7 hrs in game

This is absolutely the single best game of it’s style that I’ve ever played in my entire life, and I’ve been a gamer since 83!! This is a cRPG/Dungeon Crawler/Life Sim/Dating Sim/Time Management/everything in between!! This game literally has it all and then 1 up’s it all! It literally scratches every itch I’ve ever had in a game. This is My Time in Portia with adult undertones but with real cRPG/Dungeon Crawling equally involved.

There is building and expansion, serious risk vs reward akin to the classics like Ultima, dungeon crawling with just the right amount of grinding for XP and the rewards are very fair and balanced. There are multiple characters to party with and you must actively think throughout each dungeon dive. This is no simple button mashing here. The AI of the mobs is intuitive and forward thinking so one must react accordingly. The skill system exceeds my expectations in literally every way. There are the 3 typical branches, Fighter, Rogue, and Mage, but these branch into multiple subclasses with passive skills that stay active no matter what class is active!!!

Real player with 98.9 hrs in game

Dungeon Dreams (Female Protagonist) on Steam