

Clanfolk is an elaborate life sim set in the highlands of medieval Scotland.

Live off the land using historically accurate tools and processes to survive while building a growing settlement for your Clan. Every tile on the map has a purpose. Where you place your settlement, and how you build it, really matters.

Clanfolk will execute your grand building plans while also intelligently fulfilling their own personal needs. Get to know your Clanfolk as they live their entire lives in your care.

The world is fully simulated, and the largest threat is nature itself. Initially, food will be plentiful and the nights warm. There is lots of time to plan and enjoy the medieval homestead atmosphere. As the seasons change, resources will dwindle and careful planning becomes critical. Surviving your first winter is highly unlikely.

Colony Sim

The Clanfolk’s homestead will begin as a wilderness surrounded by mountains, forests, grasslands, and lakes. Over time it may develop into an industrial farm, or a livestock ranch, or a bustling trading post, or a quiet forest Inn, or maybe a hidden mountain fortress.

  • Build sealed structures out of Floor, Wall, and Roof tiles.

  • Structures track lighting, warmth, beauty and various unhappy smells.

  • Windows allow ambient lighting into rooms.

  • Use wall torches and fires to heat, light, and occasionally burn down straw houses.

  • Venting system to allow fire and body heat to travel from room to room.

  • Door locking system to keep Clanfolk, visitors, and livestock where they belong.

  • Storage container objects to keep the ground clutter under control.

  • Crafting can be prioritized, scheduled daily, and also controlled by maintaining a desired supply.

  • Till the land, plant seeds, water them, add fertilizer, harvest, re-till the soil, and start again. All automated to the level you desire

  • Care for livestock from birth. Keep them warm, dry, fed, watered, and clean their stalls.

  • Learn just how hard it was to make a linen shirt. Grow the flax, thresh out the seed, throw the stalks in a river, let them rot for months, strip the loosened fibers from the stalks, spin the fibers into thread, weave the threads into cloth on the loom, and THEN sew your linen shirt!

Life Sim

Clanfolk live their whole lives on the Clan homestead, from birth until death over multiple generations. Clanfolk follow daily schedules, waking up before sunrise, taking their morning meals, washing up, and maybe having a conversations before the day’s work starts. Throughout the day, they will work as hard as their mood and health will allow. In the evening, they finally all come back together to eat, drink, have a chat, maybe play the flute for a while, then off to bed, hopefully a little better off than the day before.

  • Clanfolk needs include: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Warmth, Cleanliness, Bathroom, Social, Fun, Beauty, and the inexplicable need for Plaid

  • When needs are not within safe ranges, then afflictions may result. These afflictions can range from having a bad mood, to a cold that slowly deteriorates into pneumonia.

  • Clanfolk have many skills which are improved through use. Skills can be prioritized or disabled to give Clanfolk different job roles to best utilize their skills.

  • Babies inherit some skill proficiency from their parents. They are mostly time vampires, but they are cute and keep everyone’s' mood up (during the day)

  • Babies grow into Juveniles that begin to provide labor. Juveniles are idea sponges, working slowly but learning much faster than adults.

  • When Juveniles become Adults, their learning slows, but Adults finally work at full speed. Ideally, their childhood will have been spent on jobs that they enjoy, making them experts by adulthood. Another benefit of adulthood is the ability to have children to grow the Clan.

  • Eventually Adults become Seniors. Seniors work and move more slowly than Adults, but they have the highest skills and provide learning bonuses to others working near them.

  • Finally the Seniors will be unable to work and will need to be cared for. Clanfolk are able to understand the needs of other Clanfolk and are able to take care of the sick and injured, fulfilling all their needs when possible. Once the Senior dies, they can be buried in the family plot, and the cycle continues.

World Sim

The seasons in Clanfolk never seem long enough. Winter is always approaching and your time needs to be spent wisely. Each Season has ranges of temperature, rain, snow, wind, and even windchill. Some seasons are for growing and others for harvesting. Winter is for staying inside a warm room and processing the materials collected throughout the year.

  • All four seasons have smooth transitions between them, ever advancing and changing each day.

  • Sparks start fires that spread throughout the environment based on moisture and object flammability.

  • Plant growth system that is aware of ground moisture as well as fertility level, which can be changed with watering and fertilizer.

  • Overlays to quickly show fertility, moisture, heat, and beauty.

Neighbor Clans

Visitors will occasionally arrive from neighboring Clans surrounding the homestead. Over time your reputation with these neighbors can grow based on how they are treated as guests, workers, or traders. As your reputation increases with these Clans, contact will strengthen, providing better opportunities.

  • Each neighbor Clan comes from a different Biome with different products and desired items for trade. The savvy player can run a profitable trading post if there is enough trade traffic from different Clans.

  • As seasons progress, different items become more scarce and therefore more expensive.

  • Neighbor clans have intrinsic skill bonuses based on their Clan type as well as their Biome. When looking for the best workers (and potential partners) keep these in mind.

  • Neighbors do not send their best and brightest visitors until relations between the player Clan and the neighbor are strong.

Read More: Best City Builder Colony Sim Games.

Clanfolk on Steam

Slow living with Princess

Slow living with Princess

As a big fan of adventure and fantasy games. anime, and web/light novels, this game is totally my wet dream lol and no, I have neither read the novel nor watched the anime, and I haven’t finished the entire story YET ;) wink

With a bit of isekai vibe (I don’t even know why I get it from this game), you start your new life in game as a adventure and a drug dealer or a pharmacist as a kids friendly term. Though you can pretty much sell everything and anything in your apothecary, like sometimes your customers will come and rob you off the egg you’ve been saving to make eggs and bacon…

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Early Access Games.

Huge fan of the manga and now the anime. Very fun RPG that is reminiscent of Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley. You gather herbs and other resources as well as fight monsters in dungeons in order to obtain supplies for crafting and potion making which you will need to sell in the character’s personal store.

For an early access game, there is a LOT of content. Took me 27 Hours to complete all available main quests and side quests. Was also able to complete a majority of the wishlists for the other characters with the exception of some items which are too rare to obtain. Also only missing 1 achievement, but I did not want to grind a few more hours when I essentially finished all the available storyline quests.

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Slow living with Princess on Steam

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King ( Realm Guardian ) is a voxel strategy game.

You will play a role in a fantasy world and become a lord, rule the land, and protect your people. Assign tasks to everyone. Gathering, hunting, farming, keep your people stay away from starving. Crafting, constructing, build a stronghold to resist the dead army.


The terrain of Realm Guardian is voxel based. One kind of cube correspond to one kind of resource. You can DIG a cube to collect its resource ( miner ), or consume resource to BUILD a new cube ( builder ).


Deer will eat plants when they are hungry. If there are no plants to eat, they will starve and die. So do wolves. As the bottom of the food chain, Plants will keep growing in a slow rate. Of course if men kill all the wolves and protect deer, all the plants would be ate, and deer finally die for starving. Besides, water is another problem. Wolves from different packs may fight for the only water source. ( Don’t worry, human beings won’t fell thirsty because the author didn’t finish this function :P ). Just like the true nature, sun raise up and fall down every day ( Seasons are in planning ). Deer are more active in daytime.

The King

The king won’t do most of works. All he has to do are rebalancing resources, assigning works ect. The King can talk to one to assign task for him. Of course it will break their current work ( The author feel unhappy when he worked in a game company, he interrupted by designers very often )


Flag banner to claim regin. Flag more banners to enlarge the realm. Most of works ( e.g. mining, building ) can only do in realm. Banners would also support population limit.


Peasants would sleep when they are sleepy ( If free bed exists ). Peasant who lack of sleep will get low work efficiency. Nighttime also bring bad influence ( So does author, he hate overtime work ).

When peasants in danger, they will run into the safe area the king designed.


  • Chamberlain could report to the king and auto assign tasks to civilians

  • Builder could build blueprints designed by the king

  • Chopper could cut down trees and carry logs into storage

  • Craftsman could craft items or stuffs

  • Forager could gather food or small items like cobblestone in from forest.

  • Hunter could hunt for animals, loot their body

  • Miner could dig redprints marked by the king

  • Smith could forge metal items

  • Tailor could make cotton into complex items

  • Chef could produce processed food

  • Farmer could farm the land and harvest crops.

  • Archer, ranged soldier

  • Infantry, melee soldier


In the early stage of a game, most food come from foraging. But in the middle stage, farming becomes more important. The meaning of chefs are procduce food which support more energy. Especially food would be rotten as time goes by, produce dried food is also a good choice

Read More: Best City Builder Voxel Games.

Hard to be a King on Steam