In the beginning

In the beginning

Doesn’t work, abandoned by developer. Save your money

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Early Access Games.

In the beginning on Steam



I whole-heartedly recommend this game with a few caveats.

-The game is early access and is being worked on my a single developer.

-This game will not be completed quickly. The game will not always be updated quickly (although he has been doing quite well so far. An update every couple weeks usually).

-There will be bugs (although generally not game breaking, they can be a challenge and if you do not want to deal with it, I would wait).

-While there are official servers. They are usually quite full. So, the other servers are entirely player run. They can be hit or miss. So, until there are more official servers / there are better server hosting tools / more dedicated server hosts are better equipped to handle the job, you may very well sink 2-3 weeks into a game and one day it is gone. This can be avoided by doing your research on servers before joining. Some server and their hosts are amazing such as Age of Porcos run by Shem and PigsLands run by Jey.

Real player with 5283.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Colony Sim Games.

New changes and recent major update have slowed the already awful pace of the game and made the overall progression and experience worse, to name off a few problems. I am giving this a negative just based on the early neolithic stage of the game alone, it is that fucking bad.

-You are now locked into where you spawn, you use to be able to move your starting tribe around a bit and maybe find a better spot at the risk of losing some or all of your tribe; you could even force settle onto another primitive tribe if they had a better spawn and after you reached a certain size you would have to fight them for the land. This ruins Arid players who spawn in the desert and rely on river networks to farm crops during agriculture and ranching phase of the game. Already players are just straight up abandoning and respawning if they get a godawful spawn.

Real player with 3036.9 hrs in game

Ymir on Steam

The Crust

The Crust

Welcome to the Crust — the game where you can be the CEO of a gigantic moon colonizing company. It is a large-scale economic simulator with elements of survival along with a rich setting and dramatic script.

No fate is determined. The progress is driven by people. It’s time for you to decide whether you become the one who brings changes — or the one who adapts to them. Whether to be mediocre and insignificant anybody — or to be a pioneer in the space colonization industry, leading your corporation to dominance and bringing necessary effort to make humanity an interstellar species.

Building the world of the future will mark a place for you in the history books. Only the strongest can survive on a giant grim permafrost rock surrounded by vacuum, deep space darkness, and deadly silence.

To be the second in the space race means to be the first who loses. Are you ready to take this challenge? The conquest of the Moon has already begun.

Read More: Best City Builder Colony Sim Games.

The Crust on Steam

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator

Weltreich is a political strategy simulatior where you rule the state by interacting with characters and with the map. Each of your decisions will necessarily entail a result. The game raises topical problems of the modern world, politics and humanity as a whole.

You play on befalf of the president. Answer journalist, create an army, balance between rating and wealth, cooperate with leaders of other states. Dictator or President? Develop your country in a liberal or authoritarian vector - the political compass will show the direction of both your politics and society.Control the state and society, research technologies with the help of a scientist.

After the apocalypse, only 3 bunkers stayed, in the place of each of which a state arose. To the right of the you, monarch Vasily Pynkin is building an authoritarian state, while on the left, the utopian leader Jakobe Prescott embodies quality and cosmopolitanism. Which side do you prefer? Will you cooperate with a dictator, democrat, or you choose your own, special path? Will you be able to build your own state, or will you start a war? Will you manage to hold on to power, or will you have to hand it over to the oppositionist? Develop your own political strategy in this post-apocalyptic simulation game!

  • You can resurrect deceased citizens or sell them to Satan

  • Follow the news world and social opinion in the newspaper

  • Base an army of mechanical robots and defend the border from dictators

  • Many endings, which are constantly updated

  • Check your and society vectors on the political compass

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator on Steam

King of the Universe

King of the Universe

In the 24th century BC, the Sumerians have turned the land of Mesopotamia from a simple Cradle of Civilization to the home of empires. It is your mission to take control of the kingdom of Kish and conquer your enemies, in order to become Lugal Kiški, King of the Universe.

The Sumerians, or “the black-headed people” (Sag̃-g̃i-ga in their native tongue), were the first people to invent both civilization and writing. Their well-organised and state-run societies make the perfect setting for a strategic video game. In King of the Universe, you will not only try to conquer your enemies, you will also have to take care of your own people.

Through military means you gather land and slaves, and through economic means you build new structures for your people. If your citizens do not produce enough supplies to quench your war machine, you will fail. If you do not protect your citizens from foreign invaders, you will fail. This game is about balance, and only by finding it will you become King of the Universe.

  • Tiles

    Claim tiles and build or destroy structures. Watch your people go about their day-to-day lives.

  • Wealth

    Garner Silver and resources, such as Food, Metal and Tools.

  • Troops

    Build an army, and order your soldiers around. Follow your individual troops with the camera.

  • Slaves

    Collect slaves when conquering foreign land, and use these to build new structures in your kingdom.

  • Citizens

    Keep an eye on the hunger and health of your people. Make sure every class in your kingdom has enough money to survive.

  • Pricing

    Decide the prices of wares in your kingdom, to control the economy to ensure profits for your state.

  • Trade

    Buy and sell with the other empires, to build relations and gain an extra income for your war machine.

King of the Universe on Steam

Chronicles of Vinland

Chronicles of Vinland

do not buy this game. you get 6 production buildings each can have there production speed and there storage upgraded.

a wall and one tower each with one upgrade path. and your main hut with two upgarde paths.

all you do is click on the buildings to colect material and upgrade the buildings. the natives will attack and there strength is tied directly to your chiefs hut. the outside world is a map with 5 tee pees on it you cilck on the teepees to get quests from them like upgrade this building or defeat this many attacks against you or give these resources. after a bit you just log out and wait a while then log back in and colect your resources do your upgrades then log back out. supper fun

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Most of the negative reviews are from the early access, so I’m not sure how the game used to be before the latest update. I’m enjoying it so much, in fact the game is pretty addicting!

The story based on the history of Vinland (North American lands) when vikings arrived there to explore it. You’ll have your settlement among the native Americans and try to earn their trust as well as friendship and eventually forming an alliance. To achieve that they’ll ask you to do some tasks like upgrading your buildings and workshops, or give them a certain amount of resources. Some of the angry and unfriendly natives will attack you, so you need to improve your village’s fence (Palisade) which I forgot to upgrade at first and focused only on the watch tower - Of course I lost a couple of encounters against the natives because of that and they stole tons of my resources.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Chronicles of Vinland on Steam

Outsourcing - IT company simulator

Outsourcing - IT company simulator

Unfortunately the build menus hide some options that are necessary for completing rooms and designating some rooms as well because the window is not scroll-able sideways/too small. This means that you cannot build the features required for the game to progress. It’s really frustrating and disappointing because it otherwise could be fun and engaging. Hopefully this will be remedied in a future update but I’m doubtful as this hasn’t been updated since release.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

  • Should be an early access game not full game.

  • no tutorial or explanation about what you should do.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Outsourcing - IT company simulator on Steam

Micro Annihilation

Micro Annihilation

Game was just released, but there is already enough content that you can play for few hours. It is interesting mix of XCOM / C&C.

While playing the game you find out how it would be if you would be the size of the ant and you have to survive the onslaught of insects. Sometimes it feels like zombie apocalypse but that there are ants instead of zombies.

You can contact developer on Discord and he will listen to your opinions and try to integrate them in his game. There is normally just few days between updates, so update interval is really short.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

This game takes me back to nostalgic days of Starcraft and Total Annihilation. Only now my units don’t always need me to babysit them to defend themselves. The conceit is fun, tiny people versus mutant bugs, and the gameplay is rather intuitive. I’m really enjoying myself :)

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Micro Annihilation on Steam

First Days of Atlantis

First Days of Atlantis

It’s definitely a step back from traditional city builders, but in this case that’s kind of a good thing. It’s challenging enough to pique one’s interest trying to unlock the higher tier buildings, but relaxing enough that it’s a good time sink if you just need something to do while you relax. All in all, not a bad little game, especially if you catch it on sale.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Great mix of City Builder and highscore hunt. I especially like the little details like boats, people and sheep (which you can pet btw.) that move around and make the city you build feel alive.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

First Days of Atlantis on Steam



Loosing progress at the Dia de los Muertos Event??

I build a city with more than 300 population for nothing?

You are Not worth of my time and my money anymore!!

Mark my words. Look at the playtime at writing this review (213hours) … not a minute more, not a cent more for the many future DLCs.

DLCs that are necessary (but not paid once), as clearly the game is MISSING stuff to be enjoyed, to be recommended.

There are still games out there, You buy at release day, You play, You enjoy …. And You don’t feel fooled. Humankind is NOT one of them.

Real player with 213.0 hrs in game

This is now my favorite Civ-like 4x game.



-Its tutorialization GUI and tooltips leave something to be desired. For example, the fact that Fog environment (tile modifier) on the ocean stops line of sight units from being able to fire through. Some things you have to just learn on your own. I wish they could update this for as much as possible.

-This might just be a flavor thing, but the way the game is set up, you can transition to entirely different cultures as you enter a new era. You can go from Assyrian to Swedish within a campaign, without ever having dominated or assimilated any different culture-groups. Sometimes, I wish this had been handled differently, like you could only transition into culture-groups you had somehow been culturally involved with by neighbors or assimilation/domination. But gameplay wise it is still very fun as it is. Just hampers the immersion slightly.

Real player with 155.4 hrs in game