Festivals - Headliners

Festivals - Headliners

Design your Event Sites, Book Artists, Build your Career as a Promotor and Produce your own Festivals in Festivals - Headliners.

Construct your Site

Build the festival site of your dreams with dozens of stages, food stalls, bars, and hundreds of decorations, billboards and lights. Put up fences and lay down paths to guide your guests in the right direction across your venue and include signing to manage any crowding. Use generators and power lines to form a temporary power grid. And most important of all, keep your fans safe.

Setup your Lineup

Every festival needs entertainment! Book bands, DJs and other talent to entertain your visitors, design awesome shows, include special effects, and make it a night your guests will never forget. And add fireworks. Lots and lots of fireworks.

As your career progresses, you make more connections, and get the option to book some very popular artists and acts for your events. Take good care of them, they’ll draw in huge crowds!

Be ready for D-Day

Start load-in early enough to be ready on time, but not too early or you’ll spend too much on rental. Don’t start too late, because you’ll never know what might happen. The event industry always has some “interesting” surprises for you along the way. Stay on schedule!

Staff Management

A festival is only as successful as the staff running it. They are your most vital asset, treat them accordingly. Hire staff in advance, so you know you have the best people on your team. Provide training and coaching to ensure they’ll stay with you for years.

During the event, provide them with good catering and plenty of breaks. As always, safety is important, so make sure everyone is wearing earplugs!


While hosting festivals is the most fun job in the world, money still has the be made to pay the bills. Not everyone is doing this for fun. You have to be careful not to overspent. As most festivals don’t make any profit in their first 3 events, don’t be to hard on yourself, but if you’re still in the red by year 4, you might want to consider a different profession. Also, not everyone is to be trusted. Watch out to make sure you’re not lured into anything illegal.

First-person / Third person

Of course you’ll want to witness the spectacle first-hand. As your the head of the event, your AAA card grants you access to every nook and cranny of the venue. Walk around among guests in first-person view, take control of the FOH booth where the lights are controlled, or join the talent on stage to wave at the crowd!


From the early release on Steam on, you’ll be able to share your festival sites on the Steam workshop to share with your friends! Before the final release, we’ll add options to add your own assets to the game, which you’ll also be able to share on the workshop. How this exactly is going to work is still a secret, sign up as a tester to learn more first hand!


  • 2019: Initial work

  • 2020: Work on background systems

  • Now - 2021: Get frontend ready for (beta) testing by end of year

  • 2022: (Early) Release

  • 2023: Initial DLC’S

Tester Needed!

We’re currently actively looking for testers! We hope to ship a first playable version in private beta soon, sign up using this form now to make sure you’re included!

Initially we’ll be testing on windows mostly, but if you want to test on macOS or a console, please let us know through the form, once we’re ready for you, you’ll be the first to know.

Read More: Best City Builder Sandbox Games.

Festivals - Headliners on Steam





NecroCity is a place that differs from any other place. This is a place where you will meet various creatures, ranging from small to giant ones. In NecroCity you can meet skeletons, werewolves, goblins, zombies, ghosts, and other ugly monsters. NecroCity is a city-building economic strategy game, in which the action takes place in a secret land, whose residents are divided into two basic classes: people and monsters. In the game, you will play the role of the governor of a dark city. Your main task will be to build and manage the city, starting with a network of roads, buildings, and fortifications.

Due to an extensive system of building improvements, you will be able to create your own amazing NecroCity. Remember that each building will be important for the world presented in the game. Gain the necessary skills that will allow you to control the inhabitants, and will also attract new categories of monsters. Make your city self-sufficient and go with your army to conquer another land!

Building the dark city

One of the main mechanics in NecroCity is building and managing the available space. Start your NecoCity adventure with basic buildings, such as Tomb or Crypt. Each building has its own unique task and is essential for the development of your NecroCity. Some of them increase your maximum population, others generate the resources you need. As you progress in the game, you will gain access to much more expensive, but also much more powerful buildings, such as the Necromancer Mansion or Undead Sanctuary.

To expand your city, you will need to extract and obtain resources from nearby mines and old tombs. Some of the resources may be available outside your city walls. To get them, send your units for this task. Use the obtained materials and resources to develop your NecroCity, thanks to them you will be able to expand your army or improve fortifications. Each of the buildings in the city will be an extremely important role in the functioning of the entire community. Thanks to the extensive system of building improvements, with the acquired experience, you will be able to improve the defensive wall around your city, add defense turrets and traps.

Defense of the city

The development and management of the city are not the only duties you have to take care of. NecroCity is located in a land that is also occupied by living creatures, mainly humans. Unfortunately, coexistence is not possible, people cannot accept the fact that these disgusting beasts live in their land. As a governor of NecroCity, you will have to provide the residents with peace and security. Defend your city against enemy attacks and take care of the safety of its residents. Create advanced defense systems around your city, including defense turrets, various types of traps, and many other available city defense mechanisms.


Management and defense are not the only aspects that await you at NecroCity. To fully ensure the safety and prosperity of your city, you will have to face the human kingdoms and conquer their lands. At the beginning of the game, your skeletons and werewolves will be perfect in combat. However, when the time comes you will have to face more powerful opponents - mounted and heavily armored knights, call your best units to fight. Regardless of whether you choose, the Necromancer or the army of the Undead to fight, your opponents will flee full of fear. It’s time for monsters to take over the world!

Take control of your NecroCity

Manage your city as best you can, develop it, and make sure that each class of monsters is satisfied with their position in the city. Manage your city as best as you can, develop it, and make sure that each faction of monsters is satisfied with their position in the city. Meeting the needs of all residents will be one of the key features for a good prospering city. Keep an eye on the satisfaction status bar of each monster category, thanks to which you will avoid internal conflict between them. The internal dispute between the monsters is the last thing you need in the ongoing war.

Creature classes and their abilities

In the game world, you will have access to many categories of monsters with different skills. Each of these classes will have a unique set of skills. Make the monsters feel good in your city because this will allow you to create class leaders, such as the Werewolf Alpha. An extremely important aspect of the game is the book in which all the behaviors, habits, and skills of the monsters are written. Thanks to the book, you will be able to plan appropriate space management and learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your community. Developing your character and gaining new skill levels will allow you to discover new secrets of these amazing creatures.

When you hear angry shouts at your gates, be ready. Here comes the doom.

The world of NecroCity is waiting just for you!

Read More: Best City Builder Colony Sim Games.

NecroCity on Steam

VR Balloon Flying over Tokyo and Hokkaido

VR Balloon Flying over Tokyo and Hokkaido

BE AWARE! This is not a game!

you can roam around as some kind of flying animal in different maps/scenery but all of them are very small.

I only keep this because of the “japanese style street” scenery.

Bamboo-Forest scenery woudl be nice, BUT there is a dfference in the water-refelction in left and right eye,

so no way to enjoy this.

It could be nice if the dev would invest more effort into beta-testing and bug fixing updates.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder 3D Platformer Games.

It is not working

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

VR Balloon Flying over Tokyo and Hokkaido on Steam

The Immortal Mayor

The Immortal Mayor

This is a really cute and beautiful game with a fun concept. I was interested mainly because it kind of made me think of Black & White which is a game I miss so much. But also, the unique setting of ancient China with a mix of Eastern mythology. This is not a style I see often in these kinds of games, and I find it refreshing!

In its current state I believe the game is enjoyable and still playable, but it is far from perfect and needs a lot of work. For instance, the balancing and management of resources seems a bit off and I still don’t have a consistent grasp on how to get it perfect. Any wrong move it seems your town will crumble in minutes. The current guide is wordy and doesn’t really cover it all. It took trial and error to figure out how to find a balance and how buildings worked with attributes from decorations.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Super super nice game. Chinese city building theme (OMFG) is just simply my sweetest dream.

Really interesting and creative way to upgrade buildings, which I have never experienced before.

You can simply move a mountain away to get more space (since you are GOD in this world :D) and add more resources for your people to exploit

OMG I just love it…

However, there are still a few things I need to mention:

  • The most annoyed thing is when you want to find a building that you have built (let say Tea room), you have no tool to find it but only your bare eyes. It really takes tons of time especially when the building is upgraded (its appearance will change).

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

The Immortal Mayor on Steam



First of all, this game is absolutely worth playing if you are into oldschool PvP MMOs. No other game allows such in-depth character customization. Sandbox elements are present but are not annoying to the end of being “chop trees to gather lumber”. “Sandbox” here is actually building cities and demolishing your enemies' cities in sieges, hiring AI mercenaries to craft items which is another good part of this game, crafting isn’t about gathering 10 dragon scales and 1 mummy dust by repetitively killing monsters, it’s more about having mercenaries of right races placed in your forges and having resources from right zones in general, even city building (if you happen to own / manage one) is as simple as placing the building on the city grid and waiting several hours for it to go up in one click.

Real player with 1573.7 hrs in game

Overall an exceptionally poor experience.

So why do I have so many hours you ask? 1) nostalgia and 2) I played with friends, but neither of those points are positives to the game in particular. And also do not be mistaken, for an RPG 80% of this playtime was sitting afk while leeching experience from macro-bots which is what everyone uses.

So this game is mislabeled as a PVP title. It isn’t. It’s actually a zerg v zerg title and those battles are decided by sheer numbers. If it was a pvp game, you’d have skills which synergize with each other to allow for good and creative builds. Builds which later you can learn to play and get better as you get more accustomed to playing your toon. Not the case here. At first glance you have SO many races, professions and disciplines to combine that the options eem endless…until you realize that every profession has no more than 2 ways to build it if you want to be in any way viable. Yes, you CAN be a minotaur that uses unarmed fighting, except due to weapon skill restrictions (built into the races) and stat caps you’ll never be more than 20% of the strength of a proper polearm minotaur.

Real player with 1121.8 hrs in game

Shadowbane on Steam

Castle Mascot

Castle Mascot

DId you ever dream to have a castle?

Let’s stand a castle on your computer’s desktop!

It has a weather system that will be the SAME from your city. Sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy… The weather will update every hour.

And the time of the castle is synchronize from real time of yours!

Fireworks every hour during night time!

A team of cavalry runs out from the castle every half hours. Where will they go?

Melodious sound from bell tower every hour… And more features to be discovered! Have fun!

Castle Mascot on Steam

City Country

City Country

City Country is a city-building game where you manage resources, population, knowledge. You control various sectors of the city like education, medicine, culture, tourism, trading.

You start at some point into the map. Citizens will equally be separated into Men/Women and Farmers/Workers. The population will be separated into 4 different categories: Farmers, Workers, Engineers, and Academics. Any population category will work on different buildings and will have a unique family house.

You have the option to produce whatever you like, and what You don’t like, you can buy it at any time, or sign a contract for a later system that automatically buys the product from another city immediately. After that, you should sell part of the production so you can take some fresh money into the city.

As a governor of the city, your job is to grow your city, improve your resource incomes, sell your resources and take fresh money, make your city better for life, and manage city sectors as best as you can.

Government Sectors

  • Trading: - Sign a contract with other cities (AI) when you have less than N amount of resource, buy M amount of that resource, and vice versa.

  • Education: - Decide what to learn, how long, and when to start people’s education.

  • Medicine: - Improve the health of the citizens, and their lives.

  • Culture: - Improve the knowledge of the citizens. And be a more attractive city for foreign peoples.

  • Tourism: - Make money when you attract tourists. Build Hotels. Some of them can decide to continue to live in your city.

Develop Your City

Knowledge (Technology)

Investigate new products for future production and unlock new buildings.

Production (Resource Management)

Choose what to produce from the Factory profile.

City Country on Steam

Isolated Life

Isolated Life

Don’t buy or install it, the owner says you can build underwater and that is because they have not made the water act like water and they have not bothered to do any more work on it since adding it to Steam. It’s a dead end money making scam game.

I have given it months to show some sign of work being done and that’s been zilch, nothing, no effort at all.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

BORING! And trapped in the boat now..ZZZZ

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Isolated Life on Steam

Lake Resort Flipper

Lake Resort Flipper



Start your adventure in Lake Resort Flipper by finding a run-down resort that used to be a place filled with happy tourists. Find the perfect place, set a purchase price and take on the challenge. Start with basic repairs, hire staff and consistently improve your management skills. Learn what the entertainment industry is all about and expand into new areas.

Buy a devastated resort and start your renovation with basic repairs, such as: cleaning, repainting walls, repairing utility elements of the building and much more. Watch your funds closely, make sure you plan your spendings wisely. Your limited budget won’t let you hire professional workers every time, sometimes you’ll have to handle some difficult repairs by yourself. Before you start repairing the electrical system make sure you read the instructions on how to connect the wires - safety first! Do as much work as possible by yourself in order to save money and gain vital experience as a real handyman.

When the first guests finally arrive at your resort, you won’t be able to be everywhere at the same time. That’s the time when you’re gonna need to rely more on your staff. Check carefully qualifications and hourly rate of each employee you take onboard. A sophisticated hotel management system will let you monitor all the HR matters - if your employees are satisfied with their positions, when their contracts end, do they expect to get a pay raise? Pay close attention to your employees’ satisfaction, the competition is just waiting to poach your best people.

A nice room with direct access to the beach may not be enough to encourage tourists to choose your resort. You have to invest in a variety of attractions! How about… kayaks, motorboats, jet skis, wakeboarding, water bikes, windsurfing, sauna and many other water and beach activities you can offer to your guests in Lake Resort Flipper! Don’t forget to expand your indoor facilities as well. Offer your guests additional services of a masseur or a trainer and let them spend some time in one of your restaurants and bars.

Remember that Lake Resort Flipper is not only hard work but also heaps of fun! Enjoy the attractions offered by your resort - try motor boats or jet skis by yourself. Your business is your passion, so have fun!

The more money you earn, the more expansion opportunities will become available to you. Manage your resorts wisely in order to maximise their profits. It will allow you to acquire bigger properties that offer a broader range of attractions. The path to building your lake empire will surely be a bumpy ride. Buckle up and hold on tight.

Lake Resort Flipper on Steam

My Free Farm 2

My Free Farm 2

I’ve been playing this game for more than 2 months now. Although I enjoy it, and plan to keep playing, I need to point out that there are more cons than pros to the game.


  • Animated animals: The animation and AI is spot on. I’ve spent quite a bit of time just watching the baby deer frolic.* Graphics: All the graphics are adorable. Sometimes I do wish I could turn off the weather. To the devs: yes, I noticed how the sun moves in the sky… very funny how it just goes round and round. If you want night, you need to build the Lighthouse.

Real player with 3325.1 hrs in game

Free to play farm builder…. SLOW pace, Typical Gem purchase/use to SPEED thing up. Of cource you can always wait, Harvest, fulfil order - get gold, spend on upgrading your farm. Decorations Drop NEEDED building items - screw,hammer etc to upgraded and expand farm. (limits on ### of tiles as well as each type.) Bigest problem so far TIME - seems LONGER than others of this type (need to decrease time 25-50%). Also anoying is having harvest limit on Trees, if kept , at least they should NOT cost needed expansion items (see decorations above ) too remove the Dead tree- which can not be moved once depleted. Lumberjack hut does not help this at all and is difiuclt to aquire without buying tools and spending RWmoney to get dimonds. Diamonds are nearly imposible to aquire, 1/level and 1 lumberjack hut quest and 1 other (only once) in 30 levels. All in all BIG TIME waste . Cost progressivly increases,as well as the time it takes to get tools from decorations. Changed from thumbs up to down. and uninstalled.

Real player with 412.2 hrs in game

My Free Farm 2 on Steam