Quite fun, quite well executed, it’s a small game but what it does, it generally does well.

The one criticism I have to make concerns “gentrification”. I know what gentrification is, I’ve spent the last twenty years living in Liverpool, Leeds and Newcastle, all cities where gentrification has happened. The issue of poor people being priced out of their city is one that I’m aware of. It’s a complex issue - it’s bad for the working class population, but quite nice for the upper-middle-class upwards, because the whole city is reshaped for them; very often the city as a whole thrives. Forty years ago, Catherine street in Toxteth in Liverpool was the scene of rioting; today you pretty much have to be a millionaire to own a house there. The people who used to live there have been pushed out. As to whether you think that’s fair, that probably depends how wealthy you are, and whether you’re on the left or the right politically. It’s currently a live issue in Manchester; regeneration of the northern English former industrial cities was done by giving developers free rein to gentrify at will. The cities were risen from their ashes, essentially at a cost to their working-class populations.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Management Games.

This game is not bad, but it’s very unsatisfying.

I understand that you can’t really “win”, that’s the premise of the game.

I started several times and tried almost every possible approach to get all the first missions done, but it seems like that is not possible?! Or there is maybe like one combination/timing, which will make is possible and I wasn’t able to find out how.

If somebody knows, make a comment!

Now it just felt unsatisfying, that I was neither able to finish the missions nor the game in a good way and it was a more frustrating than enjoyable experience. If this is intended due to the urbanization story, okay, but I didn’t liked it.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

1980 on Steam

CyberGrid: Tower defense

CyberGrid: Tower defense

the game has issues both core game-play and bugs, they are so strong i cannot recommend this game

they are


no tutorial

game feels like its in fast forward 2X

resource buildings die way to fast

towers die way to fast

home base dies to fast

size of structures are not present when building, making “cannot place that here” so annoying!

very small map

tower bullets we frozen mid-air when changing target



unique game

at its core its broken the only way to survive is to spam anything across the map without thought, because everything breaks in 1-2 seconds, placement does not matter, i survived to wave 24

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best City Builder Shooter Games.

This game is not very good atm need improvements on all fronts there needs to be more than 5 buildings etc and upgrades hard at the start but learnable got to round 23 before losing by spaming the same tower over and over


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

CyberGrid: Tower defense on Steam



Bitpunky is a first-person sandbox game where you have to create and develop your own digital civilization! You will start with a small piece of land in the middle of the virtual space, you need to explore the outside world and get resources to develop your own world. Over time, a lot of research, technologies and improvements will open to you, you can automate many processes inside your city, as well as protect it from enemies from the outside environment.


Build and develop your own digital city, explore new blueprints and transform your small world into a huge metropolis


Outside of your city, there is a huge virtual space full of useful resources, but viruses and enemies are also roaming around it, ready to get involved in a battle at any moment


With the development of your city, you will have to work more and more, but here automation will come to your aid - set up the processes inside your city for a full life without your participation

Citizens life simulation

You can observe your citizens life - they live and work in your city, you have to set the different city roles for them depends on your current goals

Read More: Best City Builder Sandbox Games.

Bitpunky on Steam

Cold War Minister

Cold War Minister

You are one of the most powerful and influential people on Earth!

You are driven by the vision of establishing a world-class superpower led by one ruler.

As a result, you deal with significant influence, plenty of weight resting upon your shoulders, but powerful enemies, too.

So, how are you going to manage?

Keep your finger on the pulse thanks to many devices for recording and monitoring enemy movements. Options are many: sonar, radar, satellites, and scouts.

Take appropriate action to maintain your edge over your opponents.

Make use of your forces' potential and the assistance of your allies alike.

Manage your troops. You have a staff of generals, engineers, and seasoned operators ready to carry out your orders.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and war is no different. You have the means to get away from responsibilities and indulge in the pleasures your position offers like a true Russian!

Cold War Minister on Steam

Crescent Hollow

Crescent Hollow

I think that the game itself is has a lot of replayability in that there are a bunch of characters to play as with their own backstories. The graphics are good as you see in the trailer. Playing the game on keyboard and mouse is fine but it feels way more fluid with a controller and I do like the character design. The game needs work like all games on early access but the game isn’t as bad as some people make it seem. It’s a pretty fun game. The most interesting character at the moment in my opinion is Druid. I also think that the Ninja is cool as well. I have the feel that a lot of hard work went into this. Yeah the game can be tricky at times but that is what makes it enjoyable. I will update my review when I play more of the game.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

If I didn’t know any better, I would say this game is vapor-ware. This seems to have the absolute minimum amount of playability to be on Steam Early Access. Nearly no key does anything, and everything is put together by 4 toddlers. It takes literal seconds for the game to process that all of 5 words have appeared on screen, and until it is done processing such a heavy load, the player is asked to sit and look at all the visuals on screen. All that eye candy bouncing about, giving us players a visual experience like no other.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Crescent Hollow on Steam



How did I not review this game? Basically… for me… its a low tech city builder. Well, city is the wrong word. You have limited space, limited income, so you better plan accordingly. While the game isn’t severely complex it does take serious though into making the best decisions you can.

The game is worth the price and is best enjoyed with the tv or youtube going on in the background. I chose seinfeld.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Graphics: 7/10 (Good) | Gameplay: 7/10 (Good) | Music: 7/10 (Good)

Total: 7/10 (Good)

Its worth every cent of its price.


Inclement is a very addicting little farm management game with its very special style. Its graphics and especially its font take getting used to and the controls and menues are a bit fiddly, but after a few minutes of gameplay it is quiet fun. Its a great game to play while doing something else – not requiring your full attention. For the most part you are waiting for resources to be gathered in order to upgrade your farm so you can gather more resources. Still its a lot of fun to see your farm grow and to progress through the different aspects of the game.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Inclement on Steam