Insect Seeker

Insect Seeker

This game consists of finding the various insects hidden over the levels (a few other animals too).

All levels are photographs with real insects

-Natural sounds are present depending on the atmosphere of the photograph: Bird sounds, river, rain, waves …

  • Bonuses are present to help in case of difficulty: search areas excluded, type of animal or insect, which insect or animal precisely you must find.

-Once a type of insect is found, it becomes present in the bestiary with a large photograph and with its name followed by its Latin scientific name.

Read More: Best Cinematic Nature Games.

Insect Seeker on Steam

Fire Escape

Fire Escape

I really liked this game and I thought it had a few strong points. Primarily, the voice actors and the motives for the characters were well thought out and added a layer of depth to the game which many AAA games lack. The concept of the game, the different windows and selectively learning information, was something that I had never seen before. My one improvement would be to add a function that (when not in VR) allows you to put the phone down when you are on a phone call. Past that I had a great experience!

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

Played it in standard mode as I don’t have a VR headset, but I’m not sure if having the latter would make a much of a difference. I was drawn in by the comparisons to Rear Window but the concept wears thin after a while because, as others have pointed out, there’s actually not much to do. Ultimately, there are only two endings to the story, with replay value heavily depending on how badly you want to collect all the achievements (meaning endless grinding and reloading of chapters).

Also, it made my computer crash a couple of times and once even made it inexplicably power off mid-game. I gave up trying to get 100% achievements after that. If you do really want this game, I can only recommend getting it when it’s on sale.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Fire Escape on Steam



Barebones explanation about this game. This is not a demo!

In the eve of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I’ll be reviewing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes because some people still don’t seem to get it at this point (short version at the bottom of the review).

First of all, I’ve played most of the MGS games before this and I love them to death, so my opinion may be a bit biased.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, like way back when there was a pretty short and limited Gran Turismo 5 Prologue but was still sold as a full game. That’s not the case with GZ.

Real player with 38.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Action Games.

“You’ve already seen the “Overwhelmingly Positive” user reviews, haven’t you? Why are you here, then? Why do you continue to scroll through them while your memory betrays you? You enjoy reading reviews, that’s why.”

I’ll get straight to the point. This review’s main goal is to address common misconceptions.

Amount of Content:

Ground Zeroes offers 7 missions: one main story, four side missions with different objectives, two extra side missions that are aimed at the fans of the series. Each mission has two difficulty settings (hard unlocks after beating normal), secret collectibles/objectives and unlockable trials (challenges). Throughout all missions you’ll be dealing with only one location: Camp Omega, which is a fairly large facility. Each mission has it’s own time of day.

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game


Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human

Have you ever watched a TV series and thought to yourself, man, this character is dumb. Why would they go in there? Why would they do that? It is so stupid. For me, it happens more often than I would care to experience. But now, YOU can be in charge of your own TV series. That’s right, you can make the characters do dumb things and then know that you made them do it. Much more satisfying lol. So much power.

That is only half a joke, because that is what this game is. It is essentially a high budget TV production where you have some sprinkled ‘game-play’. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I quite enjoyed the ride and if you don’t want to read past this point, just know that if you want to experience a fascinating setting with a compelling narrative then this game is for you.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

So, most of the reviews I see are pretty positive or negative, but not super descriptive? And it really doesn’t do it justice, because this game… Well, it has a lot to say but also nothing at all. I want to preface with that I actually really enjoyed the game. I liked most of the characters, I like that there are so many branching paths in every scene, I LOVED the graphics, and I did actually like the gameplay. Overall, I don’t think you’ll be wasting money if you decide to purchase. It has a high replayability as well, which is just a lot of value.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Detroit: Become Human on Steam

Hitman: Absolution™

Hitman: Absolution™

best stealth game

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

In my opinion the best Hitman in the series.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Hitman: Absolution™ on Steam



One of the best open world stealth games i’ve ever played solid mechanics and motions the game is just a blast to play gameplay is fun and tense the ai is really smart and are pretty accurate but also not to hard besides a few missions, this is deffi one of the best metal gears gameplay wise, but yes it leaves a phantom pain since the game is not completly finished but is still a long game the story is great what there is of one and although other metal gears in the series outshine it in that sense none compare to the gameplay/graphics and lack of bugs this game has, this game has one of the best ports u will EVER see the optimization is crazy even if u are below the minimum requirements u should be able to run this game and well.

Real player with 332.4 hrs in game

This game, in my opinion, is fantastic.

The open-world stealth, and flexibility to handle situations how you want is very refreshing.

It does feel incomplete, and that seems to be somewhat controversial to the playerbase. Its pretty obvious that Konami rushed Kojima to box this up and ship it out for that holiday season, while demanding to split the game into two games (Ground Zero’s as the “prequel”).

Metal Gear Online is DOA, dont even bother.

The singleplayer is where you will get the quality from the purchase.

Real player with 238.9 hrs in game




Experienced on Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my review & gameplay here:

The Steam store page description really got me hyped for this game. I was expecting that game, unfortunately, what I got was rather disappointing. It’s not a bad game, it just wasn’t really interesting for me either.

I did 4-5 playthroughs and I want to say the average was 5 minutes long. Each time I did get different results, but none of them were all that captivating. You can move around the AI creatures, you can rotate the sky around to get a better view, or you can plant plants that will change the rotation of the planet. You’ll get different results.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I wasted 45 minutes looking for intelligence.

Didn’t find any, artificial or otherwise.

5 actors that do nothing but bully each other. Constantly. Trained or not. In the real world, you can watch mono-cellular organisms with more sophisticated behaviours under a microscope.

Storytelling is miserably ineffectual. In this movie with minimal external input, the camera regularly takes control to focus on… well, nothing but stupid cartoonish punches, really. And the actors have less evocative power than wooden door knobs.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Agence on Steam

epic maze

epic maze

*informational review

Procedural 3D maze TPS - needs polishing + interesting concept = A unique TPS maze with several customizations per game mode. Play quick 4x4x1 to large 15x15x15 mazes.

I liked the options to play, but they were a bit confusing at first since you just jump into it without much explanation.

Could use more enemy types for variation.

Pricing is the same as AAA games with 25+ hours of content, so there either needs to be much more content or a more reasonable price.

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Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

epic maze on Steam

Faerie Solitaire Remastered

Faerie Solitaire Remastered

I’ve given this remaster 10 hours now and made notes on the differences, and I feel like I can do a decent review now. Disclaimer: I love the original Faerie Solitaire. I got it on sale for 99 cents, and I love it enough that twice now I’ve deleted the game file that keeps track of the in-game feats (not the Steam achievements) so that I could have a more legitimate reason to play it more. I’m not nearly as enamored with this version, so I’ll start with the cons.



Real player with 71.3 hrs in game


I finally decided to give this solitaire game a try after seeing it mentioned as a favorite by users in their reviews of various other solitaire games. I waited for a while to see if it would go on sale, but this apparently has never happened.

Initially, I can see the appeal. In Faerie Solitaire, you collect “eggs” while playing levels, which you can then “hatch.” A creature is then revealed which will grow as you continue to play. Once the creature is “grown,” you can spend a combination of three different resources (also found within the levels) to “evolve” the creature. As far as I can tell, these creatures have no impact at all on completing the game’s solitaire levels – however, they provide an additional progress bar and goal to pursue for players.

Real player with 57.9 hrs in game

Faerie Solitaire Remastered on Steam

Ministry of Broadcast

Ministry of Broadcast

Wow. There are very few games that I will play and finish, but this one had me hooked.

Ignore the play time, it didn’t take me that long, I just left it running for a few days.

Ministry of Broadcast can be described as a platform puzzle adventure game. Graphically it’s simplistic, with pixel art, and very few options. Full screen or not. If you choose to have it not full screen, the window is tiny. Other than that, the graphics are serviceable, and in most cases, quite good. Would I like to see a higher res game? Yeah, sure, but these work and work well.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

MoB was a very interesting game I played the gameplay was great but in some areas i felt that the animations or the actions Orange made were a bit slow for the challenges they gave - more specifically in areas where there was a “timer” or where whatever you on was falling. Its kinda hard to keep up with these challenges when it takes 2 or 3 whole seconds just to get up. You could make these a bit faster or maybe you could give orange i-frames aswell during these small actions. Or you could make some of these sections with a lower timer and add more thought to the section rather than reflexes like most of the game is based around. The puzzles were REALLY well made and thought out which is the biggest chunk of the game. Its usually trying to find a way around something which can be difficult or maybe easy. Even when you mess up the game is very fair with check points and if you permanently get stuck you can always reset the puzzle which is usually where your checkpoint started. I don’t recall anytime you could get stuck like that but if you did rewind is always there. The difficulty always progresses at a good pace and the game doesn’t throw you with a huge difficulty spike. The game rewards patience and looking at your surroundings as well as out of the box thinking. However while this is great for the type of game it is I felt like the puzzles and challenges never did give more than one option to do get over a puzzle or obstacle. Aside from a very small portion i feel that the game could use more than one way to solve an issue Orange has to face. Like you can still have it puzzle oriented but also reward different ways to do a puzzle. I say this because I feel like after you beat the game there isn’t much reason to go back to it other than the boots because once you know how to get through the puzzle the challenge is gone. In other games with puzzles like these like say zelda. Zeldas main focus isnt just dungeons and puzzles meaning theres way more reasons to go back to it even though the puzzles are the same. In this game the puzzles make up majority of the gameplay. Now making the challenges challenging while also adding different ways to do them is hard in of itself. So i don’t drag the game for not doing this. Im just offering ways I think it could be improved. Either way the gameplay itself is really well made and polished for their first time making a game. Now the story is a bit confusing with not much details or explanation given. But i really think that actually adds more to the atmosphere of this dystopian. Which the atmosphere is really on point. It nails it making you feel immersed. The music is hit or miss or usually quiet but for the same reason it adds a crucial part to the atmosphere so its actually a good thing for the most part. All in all for 15 bucks i’d definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes puzzles or even trying out something new. It brings a lot to offer and it really well made. You’ll have fun with this game if you puzzles or dystopian stories.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Ministry of Broadcast on Steam