

A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Capitalism Games.

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam

Zero Days VR

Zero Days VR

Nice documentary about virus and the new way of wars

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

It’s an interesting story , esp if you have any interest in IT tech. As a VR experience fell completely flat I’m afraid. Paid £5.50 but felt lik eit’s a £1.50 product (if you have that tech interest). All of what;s covered and more you can gleam from wikipedia if its the story you want. If it’s the VR experience that’s drawing you in there are soo many more that will wow you for the same or less money.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Zero Days VR on Steam

2020: THE RIDE

2020: THE RIDE

I hated 2020, but this I loved. It’s beautiful in a surreal sort of way, though I feel bad saying that, given the grim subject matter. Still, it’s free, and I agree with the statement at the end. Nobody asked to get on the super fun ride 2020 was. But each of us gets to choose if we stay on.

Works fine on the Oculus Rift, I noticed tiny bits of lag, but I also hook my headset to a potato.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic VR Games.

This is an extremely boring game with bland visual effect, really suck.


Manual achievement:


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

2020: THE RIDE on Steam

Ministry of Broadcast

Ministry of Broadcast

Wow. There are very few games that I will play and finish, but this one had me hooked.

Ignore the play time, it didn’t take me that long, I just left it running for a few days.

Ministry of Broadcast can be described as a platform puzzle adventure game. Graphically it’s simplistic, with pixel art, and very few options. Full screen or not. If you choose to have it not full screen, the window is tiny. Other than that, the graphics are serviceable, and in most cases, quite good. Would I like to see a higher res game? Yeah, sure, but these work and work well.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

MoB was a very interesting game I played the gameplay was great but in some areas i felt that the animations or the actions Orange made were a bit slow for the challenges they gave - more specifically in areas where there was a “timer” or where whatever you on was falling. Its kinda hard to keep up with these challenges when it takes 2 or 3 whole seconds just to get up. You could make these a bit faster or maybe you could give orange i-frames aswell during these small actions. Or you could make some of these sections with a lower timer and add more thought to the section rather than reflexes like most of the game is based around. The puzzles were REALLY well made and thought out which is the biggest chunk of the game. Its usually trying to find a way around something which can be difficult or maybe easy. Even when you mess up the game is very fair with check points and if you permanently get stuck you can always reset the puzzle which is usually where your checkpoint started. I don’t recall anytime you could get stuck like that but if you did rewind is always there. The difficulty always progresses at a good pace and the game doesn’t throw you with a huge difficulty spike. The game rewards patience and looking at your surroundings as well as out of the box thinking. However while this is great for the type of game it is I felt like the puzzles and challenges never did give more than one option to do get over a puzzle or obstacle. Aside from a very small portion i feel that the game could use more than one way to solve an issue Orange has to face. Like you can still have it puzzle oriented but also reward different ways to do a puzzle. I say this because I feel like after you beat the game there isn’t much reason to go back to it other than the boots because once you know how to get through the puzzle the challenge is gone. In other games with puzzles like these like say zelda. Zeldas main focus isnt just dungeons and puzzles meaning theres way more reasons to go back to it even though the puzzles are the same. In this game the puzzles make up majority of the gameplay. Now making the challenges challenging while also adding different ways to do them is hard in of itself. So i don’t drag the game for not doing this. Im just offering ways I think it could be improved. Either way the gameplay itself is really well made and polished for their first time making a game. Now the story is a bit confusing with not much details or explanation given. But i really think that actually adds more to the atmosphere of this dystopian. Which the atmosphere is really on point. It nails it making you feel immersed. The music is hit or miss or usually quiet but for the same reason it adds a crucial part to the atmosphere so its actually a good thing for the most part. All in all for 15 bucks i’d definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes puzzles or even trying out something new. It brings a lot to offer and it really well made. You’ll have fun with this game if you puzzles or dystopian stories.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Ministry of Broadcast on Steam



I really enjoy this game, It truly nails the cyberpunk blade runner feel. No other game on steam can match this. People are giving negative reviews like its too dark, my goodness just adjust your gamma. This game has amazing detail for a small studio of only two people. They made another game blade net that was amazing as well, very unique, cyber punk feel game of hide and seek with a twist. People who leave negative reviews with only 0.5 hours of play you guys need to re think what you are doing. I have tried every cyber punk game on steam and this game really gives me that vibe, it is totally worth the low price of 19.99/17.99 its ok to point out bugs and issues but this game deserves a positive review. Look at it like this this game has so much potential but if people keep coming and dropping negative reviews after only 5 minutes of playing the game is going to do bad, and the developer might just give up, but if you play the game give good feedback more people are likely to buy the game and the devs will have more energy and resources to make more content. thank you to the devs for this game, it really enjoy it, thanks for all your hard work

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

What I love is that the world within the game seems so much bigger than what you see. Its atmospheric, dystopian Tokyo feel is served by an excellent soundtrack and unique narrative. Driving around was not only an entertaining part of the gameplay, it gave me an opportunity to explore the nooks and crannies of a city I had never really seen the likes of before.

I think the developer deserves kudos for building a universe that is stylistically reminiscient of Blade Runner without being trite, and filling it was sufficiently interesting things to do to capture my attention for a few hours. With some refinement and a little more time to incubate, the game would be a really hefty competitor in the cyberpunk genre. It has solid foundations and delivers on the intrigue of its concept, especially for an indie game. The uphill part of the battle is building a convincing in-game universe, even if it is a little sparse here.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

ENCODE on Steam

Oniria Crimes

Oniria Crimes

Oniria Crimes is a strange and interesting game from Ckolmos, a small studio from Madrid, Spain. If you aren’t too fussed about expecting a meaty main story, there is plenty of vibrant voxel art and deep lore to make this game worth playing.

This game is set in Oniria, city of dreams, a sort of shared-consciousness virtual reality world inhabited by people in their sleep. There is plenty of talk about “awake-world” in the game, but we never see it; the full game is spent exploring this dreamy urban environment. The lore of Oniria runs very deep, and a big part of the game is figuring out just what this world is, how it works, and what makes it tick.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

A really good game with a very interesting background that makes you use your brain.

Totally recommended and if possible I recommend to play it with a partner, it’s a lot of fun to be both trying to solve the case and getting our own theories out !

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Oniria Crimes on Steam

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study

First to the creator(s) of the ICS, you should be aware that there appears to be a bug with the cassette recordings. Every time you find one and play it, it also plays all the ones that you have found and played before, simultaneously, making understanding anything pass the third one nearly impossible. Onto the review.

This is an interesting experience. The idea being that an AI is the one conducting the Case Study on you is both intriguing and perhaps a bit alarming and I mean both of those ideas in as to whether you accept that at face value or if you accept that as part of a fictional narrative. I was actually most interested in finding and reading the log notes about the “childhood” and growth of said AI, and I got a good snicker at the mention of bonono monkies (i dont have to google, i actually saw a N.G show on them so totally got it ;) As for the Subject of the case study, this idea of sympathy types, while the particular labels used to describe said types might be newish, the idea behind it is not. I was reading about where people fall into self, tribe, and human kind in self help and spiritual enlightenment books back in the 80’s and 90’s. And those authors were NOT representing the knowledge as something new; but, rather as something very old and mostly forgotten or purposely suppressed (Those in power naturally tend to keep those below them divided and weakened through the use of Us vs them, whether thats Individualism vs Communism or Tribalism in one form or another.) The one thing none of those authors ever did was threaten to use the knowledge being shared to bring about an apocalypse and try to divide up the world based on results of some case study. Really not sure what to make of that.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Opening video has a couple good lines.

The rest is random questions that don’t make any sense as a test of morality. Not to mention that just by walking around you get 80+ ‘Humanity’ rating.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Adventures in Morality: An Interactive Case Study on Steam

Black The Fall

Black The Fall


  • The game’s symbolism covers almost all of communism’s stupidity and cruelty. Death slave labour camps that killed countless innocent people, dysfunctional ghetto cities, pointless industrialization that destroyed people’s health and nature, mandatory communist rituals and propaganda - you have it all.

  • Very strong ending section of the game, perfect emotional storytelling through gameplay, powerful atmosphere.

! DON’T READ IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED THE GAME. One of the few games that made me cry - in fact, the only game that made me cry like a child while still pressing keys on the controller. I don’t want to get your expectations too high, though, so I’m marking this as a spoiler. But God, what a cathartic ending.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

I’m a big fan of these types of games. The very first one like this I played was “Out of this World” (called Another World in Europe). It was nice to see an homage to Out of this World towards the end of this game. Overall however, this is a poor game in this genre.

  • The Good -

Theme: I always love a good exaggerated portrayal of the horrors of communism.

Scenery: The 3D landscapes are beautiful.

Visual Polish: It’s there.

Puzzles: There are a decent amount of clever ones.

  • The Bad -

Overall, this game lacks variety in almost every aspect.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Black The Fall on Steam

Dirty Wars: September 11

Dirty Wars: September 11

Chile, September 11, 1973

The Military Coup of Pinochet’s army overthrows President Salvador Allende’s democratically elected government, marking the beginning of 17 years of horror and genocide. Exile, censorship, torture and the forced disappearance of people who oppose the new regime are performed on a daily basis.

Maximiliano and Abigaíl, a young couple who decide to stay in Chile, join the resistance against the dictatorship, sacrificing everything to enter a life of secrecy in which they must face multiple challenges.

Dirty Wars is a video game that combines stealth mechanics, puzzles and interactive dialogues in a closed and immersive world with defined objectives.

You play as Maximiliano and Abigail, who must overcome difficult objectives in order to opose the regime, in a time where only one side had all the weapons and the use of information and counter-intelligence are much more valuable.

There are no inventory systems or acquired skills, in the resistance the only weapon to survive is your intelligence and your ability to understand the security rules that will keep you going in the fight against the dictatorship, an unequal fight that will take years.

The compartmentalization is the iron law of resistance. No member can know personal information about an other, or anything that the dictatorship can use. Anyone could be captured, tortured and forced to give out information at any time.

In moments of great tension and danger, armed confrontation is not an option. Use the elements of the environment to hide and avoid being heard by the repressive forces.

Dirty Wars is a Chilean video game for the world. Introducing a completely Chilean and Latin American story that shows part of the culture, art, music and aesthetics from this corner of the world.

Dirty Wars: September 11 on Steam

Operation: Pinkeye

Operation: Pinkeye

Operation: Pinkeye is a first-person shooter throwing back to shooters from the 90s by the likes of Rareware and Free Radical Design.

Set in an alternate Universe where the Acts of Union in 1707 never happened, Scotland and England remain independent and tensions between the 2 remain very high.

A journalist has been killed in a hotel in London near a political rally, his room was ransacked, as if their murderers were looking for something. It was believed that he held important documents containing plans by the English to invade Scotland. Fearing that this is the case, The Scottish Secret Service (The SSS) assign their best agent, Ken Maxwell, to obtain the stolen documents, and find out exactly what they’re planning.

Traverse through 15 levels of high-octane spy action, with music from the composer of Planet X3, and FMV cutscenes filmed in Scots!


  • Relive memories of ’90s era shooters without the annoying bits

  • Faithful old-school graphics

  • Multiple language support, including Scots and Gaelic!

  • Customisable mechanics and controls!

  • Music from the composer of Planet X3 and Half-Life: Dark Matter

Operation: Pinkeye on Steam