URUZ “Return of The Er Kishi”

URUZ “Return of The Er Kishi”

I just finished the game after 5.6 hours of playtime. I must say that this game consist of great pixel art and amazing soundtrack. Other than those, game is needed to be improved at some points such as sound effects, combat mechanics and level design. Sound effects and fight mechanics should include more feeling, otherwise its empty. I do not want to compare with Dead Cells but when you fight you feel you fight, you feel you did combo or etc. Combat systematics are quite nice and simple, developer did not want to make it more complicated and way more nonsense. It is as it’s supposed to be. Quest systematic can be enhanced by adding more useful map and in-game indicators. And lastly, user interface can be made more polished and solid like Minecraft’s. I loved the way game operate the Turkish mythology. Also, this game is the only one of its kind if we consider the story and origin. Thank you for your effort. I enjoyed while playing. Waiting for your future projects.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Action Games.

Hikaye konusunda: Gayet güzel düşünülmüş, Türk mitolojisiyle alakalı olması ise ayrı bir heyecan verici olmasına rağmen oyunun ortasında biraz tekdüze olmuş aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar yapıyoruz, hikaye de bu nedenle biraz kopuk geliyor. Başlangıç ve bitiş ise harika.

Müzikler: Çok bir şey demeye gerek yok, oyuna çok iyi uyuyor ve gerçekten güzel yapılmış.

Oynanış: 0, direkt ve net olarak 0, her 3 saniyede bir görebileceğiniz savaş animasyonuna takılıp uçan karakterler mi dersiniz, görevlerin buga girip otağlara girip çıkmadan kabul edilmemesi mi dersiniz, canınız ne ara gidiyor, siz karşıdakine vurdunuz mu vurmadınız mı belli değil, zaten karakteri kontrol etmesi çok zor iken düşmanların bu kadar fazla vurması da sürekli can basma spamlemenize neden oluyor, yaylar başlı başına bi saçmalık, hasar vurmuyor, kontrol efektleri dışında kullanmaya değmiyor, ama en azından düşmanlar güzel yapılmış, sürekli aynı şeyle savaşıp bıkmıyorsunuz.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

URUZ Return of The Er Kishi on Steam

Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition)

Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition)

I really like this series. After ‘The Highway’, this game is another Twilight zone inspired point ‘n click game. It’s very short, but don’t let that stop you from playing this. The artwork, music, story is great and it really plays as a twilight zone episode. I hope the developer makes more of these games… and maybe in the future he can bundle them in one game with a overarching storyline like tales from the crypt.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Atmospheric Games.

I had played this one last night and I saw major improvements on the developers part, what started off as a sad story quickly takes a turn for the worst for our character. I truely had fun with this one and was looking forward to playing the next one

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition) on Steam

Hisato no Saku

Hisato no Saku

A quick, fun, and replayable experience.

I failed pretty quickly on my first playthrough, but on my second I made it all the way to the end and did fairly well with my food stores and my village survived the winter.

Thinking I had it all figured out, I played again a couple days later and was not able to achieve the same success again, failing a number of times, and making it to the end once but without enough food stored for my whole village.

There are a lot of little details to pick up on for strategy, and then of course there is some luck involved as well. I hope to eventually make it to the end with a village population that is actually happy but I have a feeling that will take some time.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic RPG Games.

I was looking forward to this based on cool art style and hoped for a chill game similar to “papers, please”

So far it’s delivering on my expectations. The gameloop is somewhat random, and there aren’t so many ‘stranger’ types I’ve encountered, so it seems fun to replay but not infinitely so (and FWIW the slow text scroll to end each night can’t be skipped).

Update: I’ve had no issues since the developer’s first update. It runs as expected and is a fun 20-40 minute challenge I still haven’t beat. Recommended.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Hisato no Saku on Steam



A well written experience full of interesting character and setting.

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I loved the demo of this game and was HYPED to play the full version.

Without saying too much, I will say you should take your expectations of what you think the game is and throw them out the window and enjoy the ride! I fully enjoyed this very odd story. You can see the amount of love that went into this.

10 Bi Raccoons out of 10.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Backbone on Steam



In Incaved you explore ever expanding- and changing cave systems, building an underground community of survivors, making gut wrenching decisions, and fending off carnivorous mutated animals and other survivors, doing the same as you. With your trusty gear, your gas mask, grappling hook and hefty arsenal of improvised weapons, you’ll constantly have to adapt to come out on top in whichever situation this wretched world throws at you.


With the cave systems changing after every death, you’ll have to improvise to survive any possible situation with equipment you manage to find, in this roguelite experience. Interconnected levels and progressive unlocking of new weapons, items and story events keeps you motivated to explore your surroundings. Every death propels time, bringing your comrades closer to their potential death and changing up how the levels look and play out.


  • The high replayability value a roguelite offers, with a big emphasis on exploring an interconnected world, including the thrill of permadeath, making each move count even more.

  • An enormous cast of interesting characters, each with their own backstory and motives.

  • Expanding platforming manoeuvres, including wall jumps, vaults and a grappling hook.

  • Hand drawn pixel art, combined with a realistic atmosphere.

  • Perform combo’s, dodge, block and parry in 2D Souls-like action.


After nukes were dropped by the mistakes of higher men, lower class people need to find shelter in the cave systems nearby. Quickly scavenging anything they can on their way there. You play as one of many, who’ve lost their all and only want one thing: to survive for long enough to see their loved ones again. Chances of survival drastically start decreasing, as food and water supplies start running dry, mutated animals and infections start plaguing the caves, and survivors start turning on each other. Who can be trusted? How much longer can the aggressive mutates animals be contained? Is it even worth staying in these wretched dark caves, or is making your way to the wasteland above a safer option, as impossible as it sounds?

Incaved on Steam

Lighthouse Keeper

Lighthouse Keeper

This is not a game but rather a narrated story from the life of a lonely lighthouse keeper. You get to follow his actions, thoughts and obsessions. The narrator’s voice expresses how it feels to be stuck in constant solitude quite well. You can also feel the nervous tension and a slight bit of insanity caused by the endless loop of mundane tasks. The music and the sounds complete the unsettling atmosphere, the writing is good, and the visuals are unique. It’s short, takes about 10 minutes to finish, but still offers an interesting experience. I really like it. :)

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A short, narrative-driven title with a pretty cool art style.

This is more of a visual novel than a game, as there are only two simple interactive moments mixed in with the narration. What you do or don’t do in those moments is what lands you one of two different endings.

The voice acting is really good, in my opinion. The actor successfully conveys a feeling of obsession, mental exhaustion, and a touch of madness. Music and sound effects are also good, and add to the bleak, lonely atmosphere.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Lighthouse Keeper on Steam



This game describes itself as an atmospheric first-person horror adventure, and let me tell you, you’re in for a hell of a ride!

Buckle up, and let your mind wander in this liminal universe where dreams are real and reality is nothing but a distant mirage.

Or is it, really?

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

I have played the first dream so far and it is fun. Very surreal. Had a bit of trouble with the mechanics at first but it got easier as time went on. The pixel graphics are nicely done. It wasn’t as spooky as I hoped but there are still other dreams to explore so perhaps it will get scarier. Take a look at my dream 1 playthrough here: https://youtu.be/XsLn5o5aDdk

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game


Arrest of a stone Buddha

Arrest of a stone Buddha

Надежна лишь смерть, жизнь — нет.

К сожалению, простая и тривиальная игра Arrest of a stone Buddha пытается быть чем-то особенным и претенциозным, а зря. Обычный шут-эм-ап с практически никакой историей прямо таки наровит выставить себя каким-то глубоким произведением искусства, а ты просто не понимаешь…зачем. В игре присутствовал бы интересный сюжет, если бы ему уделили чуть больше внимания и продумки, в игре уже есть неплохие пострелушки, которые могли бы быть чуть лучше, если бы не постоянные багулины и не очень продуманное….да вообще что-либо.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

another incredible effort from Yeo. easily my favorite developer in the indie space.

[ TLDR: the game is awesome; the aesthetic is on point; the story is minimalist but effective; the gunplay, even with occasional quirks and bugs, is tight and exciting as Hell; the look and the sound (graphics and music) are beautiful - even my wife, while listening to me play, said, “i really love the music in your game”. buy this, and Yeo’s other game, Friends of Ringo Ishikawa, immediately. /TLDR]


Arrest of a Stone Buddha is lighter, somewhat less “meaty” title than the previous game in the developer’s catalog, The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa (a surprisingly poignant and emotionally deep exploration of a Japanese high school gang leader delinquent’s last year of high school, and all that entails). where Ringo Ishikawa was a melancholic treatise on growing up (and what it means for those who cannot or will not try), Arrest of a Stone Buddha is the next logical step in that emotional journey - the existential and monotonous routine of day to day life, where sometimes those days seem to run together, from one to another, and you find yourself just passing time until the Next Thing you have to do, never really engaging with anything in the present moment - just drifting, the world whirling by with your feet barely on the ground.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Arrest of a stone Buddha on Steam

Weird Cinema

Weird Cinema

This game is extremely interesting it is inspired by lakeview cabin but it has its own twist. i played it here if you would like to see. https://youtu.be/geS8ggDlDR4

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Weird Cinema on Steam

Arelite Core

Arelite Core

Arelite Core. My review!

Story: Traditional RPG with terrifyingly powerful supervillain who wants to bring about utter destruction of the world. You play a blacksmith who has made up his mind to journey across the world seeking out all other Master Blacksmiths to learn from - you want to become the greatest Blacksmith who ever lived. Oh, and it just so happens the most powerful sword in history is needed to kill the supervillain and guess what Blacksmiths do? CREATE SWORDS! Along the way cities are razed, friends die, levels are gained, and fun is had.

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Arelite Core is the story of a humble blacksmith named Karden, who over the course of a journey to learn more becomes a hero. Very much like Die Hard, Karden does not set out to be a hero but takes up the mantle when no one else will. The story is very robust with many twists and turns.

The gameplay harkens back to jrpg’s of yore while fixing some of the old mistakes. There are generous skills to invest points in and weapons to forge. The relics you find can set off an eureka moments and totally change how you configure your party and their approach to battle.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Arelite Core on Steam