Internet Court
I have to admit I found Internet Court really funny. It does have a lot of silly moments that make you go what but I loved it from beginning to end. You can beat this within 2 hours but it is really fun to get through. I love the acting being silly but worth it to make a good comedy. The Judge always makes me laugh at every turn. I love the silly ending that connects all 4 cases and my favourite case was the first one. I may not be a fan of the music in the game but love the credits song at the end.
– Real player with 3.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Cinematic Comedy Games.
Great writing, including fun dialogue when you make bad decisions (intentionally or otherwise). Clear video and audio with acting by Gamecola staff emeritus.
The judge once said, “I’m going to let you try again, but first I’m going to give you a strike!” giving me my third strike and ejecting me from the courtroom. I might have gotten carried away exploring dialogue options.
– Real player with 3.1 hrs in game
The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]
Read my full review at
In the indie game scene, a lot of games take inspiration from the games of the past. Typically this comes in the form of tributes to oldschool consoles like the NES, SNES and Mega Drive. But it’s not often you see games that pay homage to the graphics of old IBM PC’s. The Eternal Castle, a supposed remake of a lost 1987 PC game, is such a game. And much in the vein of the game MURI, it acts as a tribute to old school PC games from the late 80’s and early 90’s. In this review we’ll be taking a look at this game and also discuss its legitimacy as a remaster. So strap in, it’s time to explore the CGA glory of The Eternal Castle.
– Real player with 12.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best Cinematic Atmospheric Games.
The Eternal Castle is a tribute to the cinematic platformers from the past, such as Prince of Persia or Another World . This genre does not get a lot of representation these days, so I want to support developers that make games for a limited audience. Let’s be honest, this game is made for people with nostalgia for those clunky platformers. I really enjoy the gameplay because it’s very faithful, and any subjective criticism that I have does not take away anything from its artistry (which is something really special). As far as I know, the original game that is being remastered was “lost”, but I do know that this remaster imitates animation cycle from Prince of Persia . I wish the developers would give the credit for the sources of inspiration, instead of just claiming that it’s a remaster of a classic masterpiece that nobody played. But let’s make something very clear, this game combines the features from several titles, and could not exists in its current form if it wasn’t for them.
– Real player with 9.3 hrs in game
How does it work!?
Though it may be inspired by “The Incredible Machine,” this physics-based puzzler is nothing but incredibly lazy. Besides unpredictable behavior, inability to move placed parts, and the lack of any sort of written explanations, the developer clearly didn’t even bother to test his own game: Stages 15 & 17 have offscreen areas that are mandatory for completion, yet there’s no way to reach them. The game cannot be completed in its current state.
From the beginning, you have access to all of the game’s twenty-something stages, each with a certain task to perform. It might be getting a ball to a checkered zone, popping a balloon, or breaking a box. The tools you’re given have a significant variety, like planks, fans, batteries, power strips, motors, and spinners. It’s all pretty simple, and even without explanation it’s possible to work out what needs to be done.
– Real player with 2.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Cinematic Family Friendly Games.
This is one of those games where the title is entirely appropriate-just not in the way the developers intended. You will find yourself yelling at the screen, “OKAY! HOW THE F__K DOES IT WORK???” Not because the puzzle is hard per se, but because there is ZERO explanation of how the various components work, leaving you to figure that out through trial and error. Here’s a hint: holding down the ‘ctrl’ key is usually what you’re looking for. The next HUGELY ANNOYING feature is that once a component is placed IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MOVE IT! Violators will be shipped off to a Gulag in Siberia where they are unaware that the USSR no longer exists. I’m kidding (I hope). It isn’t forbidden, it’s just impossible. Which means that, having spent ten minutes setting up an elaborate device and placing all the components you place the very last of 37 different parts-and discover it’s just a bit shy of where it needs to be. Which means that, since it can’t be moved, you have to START ALL THE F__K OVER AGAIN! AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, ad infinitum.
– Real player with 0.9 hrs in game
Squadron 51
Warning! Extraterrestrials from outer space arrived in our planet bringing promises of a bright new future for the earthlings. However, this intergalactic partnership soon reveals its darker side as the VEGA CORPORATION, the alien enterprise led by the hideous DIRECTOR ZAROG, is imposing its predatory politics on the human kind. In the midst of this oppression, the rebel group Squadron 51 rises as a response against the violent acts spread by these inhuman beings. Will the brave pilots of Squadron 51 and their aircrafts stand a chance against the Zarog’s diabolic fleet of flying saucers?
Join the rebel cause as LIEUTENANT KAYA, facing flying saucers, alien fighters and monsters in the skies of the 1950’s! Remember: the future of the Earth is in your hands!
Classic gameplay
Squadron 51 is a SHOOT ‘EM UP! game with four different aircrafts to play and set up with special weapons.
Cinematic experience
Glorious black-and-white aesthetics, live-action FMV sequences and dubbed voices will tell the story of the battle between the Squadron 51 and Director Zarog’s alien supremacy.
11 levels
Fight against enemy ships and bosses in many different environments - snowy mountains, forests, cityscapes and many others.
Dynamic difficulty
No matter you are a rookie or a veteran shooting star, Squadron 51 supports dynamic difficulty which allows every pilot to enjoy.
Feeling lonely against Aliens? Invite a friend! A second player can enter a level any time. Earn points with your friend and unlock together new special weapons and upgrades.
Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition
Click here for the full review (Steam’s character limit doesn’t allow me to post the full thing here), and if you’ve played the game, please check out my Another World survey !
In 1991 I first played Another World (also known as Outer World and Out of This World in some regions), a game that would have a greater and more lasting impact on me than any other.
– Real player with 40.0 hrs in game
Jordan Mechner, Steve Meretzky, Roberta Williams…Eric Chahi.
If you don’t know who Eric Chahi is, or why I breathe his name with a palpable aura of reverence, buy this game immediately. This is an enduring piece of computer game history that remains as beautiful, stark, striking and unique today as it was when it burst onto the scene in 1991. This is a landmark computer game.
So what, you say? So was Doom, and very few of us are still playing it today. So was DONKEY.BAS, the famous early IBM game with the racecar switching lanes to avoid burros in the road. So was the Crowther and Woods Adventure. The history of computer games is littered with significant milestones, making for a very cluttered highway to the past. Right. I understand. But when you find one that’s still fresh and avant-garde exactly as it is, today? You could drop Another World into the indie game market anew, and it’d still turn heads and inspire conversations. The adjective “timeless” is overused, but this game is truly timeless.
– Real player with 24.2 hrs in game
Murder House
From start to finish I knew I was going to love this game. At first it was just the pure novelty of a game that looked like something I’d watch an older family member play through while hiding behind a blanket as a kid. It only took a few minutes into actually playing the game to realize it would in fact make me FEEL like that kid too. The primitive textures and models give off such a familiar yet uncanny feeling. There’s so many horror games that look “conventionally” better than this, so why am I so off put by the appearance of the polygonal bunny man? Beyond the ps1 era influence, the atmosphere is just spot on. I was seriously impressed by the prologue because it was such a good representation of some vague nightmare I’m sure we’ve all had at some point in our life. After that, the main chunk of the game is where Puppet Combo’s love for Old School horror becomes so much more evident. News Reporters. VHS tapes. A Creepy House. A Psycho Killer. What more do you need? Even more terrifying than the visuals and set up though is the audio. Sometimes a sudden spike in distorted sound will be used as a mere jump scare (which I have nothing against), but what really gets you will be the distant drips and drops in the basement or the wind blowing against the trees outside as you cautiously avoid your predator. The lofi nature of these sounds just really get at your nerves, like nails on a chalkboard, but for some reason it just sounds so damn cool.
– Real player with 5.4 hrs in game
If you’re about to read this, let me first state that I actually did have fun with this game. I played it with 2 of my friends and we took turns controlling the player character,
! Emma, and we did enjoy the experience. The game also greatly captures exactly what it was going for in terms of ‘scary VHS 80s horror’ and it really does look like an old video game. It also had some genuinely scary moments that caught me off guard, and it was a fresh breath of air as compared to the typical indie titles that emerge.
– Real player with 5.4 hrs in game
Operation: Pinkeye
Operation: Pinkeye is a first-person shooter throwing back to shooters from the 90s by the likes of Rareware and Free Radical Design.
Set in an alternate Universe where the Acts of Union in 1707 never happened, Scotland and England remain independent and tensions between the 2 remain very high.
A journalist has been killed in a hotel in London near a political rally, his room was ransacked, as if their murderers were looking for something. It was believed that he held important documents containing plans by the English to invade Scotland. Fearing that this is the case, The Scottish Secret Service (The SSS) assign their best agent, Ken Maxwell, to obtain the stolen documents, and find out exactly what they’re planning.
Traverse through 15 levels of high-octane spy action, with music from the composer of Planet X3, and FMV cutscenes filmed in Scots!
Relive memories of ’90s era shooters without the annoying bits
Faithful old-school graphics
Multiple language support, including Scots and Gaelic!
Customisable mechanics and controls!
Music from the composer of Planet X3 and Half-Life: Dark Matter
Codename Nemesis
Codename Nemesis is an indie, top down, action/stealth RPG set in a 70’s Noir themed world with story rich movie styled cinematics and retro low poly, comic book styled graphics.
Follow Sam, a goofball hitman through a dark city filled with scum as he tries to find his friend, Neil, who’s in the wind after the alleged assassination of their boss, a powerful crime lord. With every goon in the city wanting Sam and Neil dead, our hero takes off into the dead of night in search of his brother while eventually coming face to face with his ultimate nemesis.
Key Features:
Immersive story-line and movie styled in-game cinematics.
Choice of gameplay between Action & Stealth.
Striking, stylized comic book and retro low poly graphical extravaganza.
70’s era urban themed characters and RPG environment.
The Night is Grey
Graham is alone in a forest filled with strange wolves. While he’s fleeing for his life he finds a lost girl in an abandoned lodge that won’t survive without his help. Try to find their way to safety in this game filled with puzzles, engaging dialogue and innovative storyline.
But watch out: not everything is what it seems.
A cinematic thriller told through the classic perspective of point & click adventure games,
The Night is Grey is about modern storytelling fused together with hand-drawn animated characters, fully animated backgrounds and an original studio recorded music score.
More than 70 unique character animations drawn in painstakingly 12 frames per second.
Over 50 different locations with fully animated panoramic backgrounds
Original music score recorded in studio with real instruments
A cinematic thriller told through the classic perspective of point & click adventure games with puzzles solved through creativity and the exploration of sceneries and characters.
A modern approach to a vintage game style with well written character dialogues, dark humour and a plot filled with unexpected twists.
COP BASTARD is a old-school classic first-person shooter inspired by action movies from the 90s
Japan, Osaka, early 90s.
Detective Katasha B. has a very bad reputation as a cruel, rude and unprincipled police officer, just a bastard.
Local residents and small bandyugans try to stay away from him, because of his not the cleanest and most obvious solutions to problems. Among local boys, he is known as “Uncle Berry”, due to the fact that he does not part with his beloved pistol Beretta, the only love in his life that has never let him down.
However, even such a character, who avoids any serious business, manages to get into a story that he tried to avoid all his life …
Key features of the game:
A bunch of crazy action:
Lots of intense gunfights - make yourself be remembered in this city. Shoot, shoot, shoot…
An exciting story:
Immerse yourself in the game and until the very end it will not be clear how the amazing story of a cop from Osaka will end.
Nice graphics and sounds:
The graphics and sounds in the game are made in such a way that the player fully feels like a character and plunges into the story.