I accidentally restarted the USSR

I accidentally restarted the USSR

My English is very bad. I don’t read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland.

Few people understand the magnitude of the catastrophe that happened late in the 1980s when the Communist Party had failed to modernize the Soviet Union.

Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.

It is necessary to suppress any extremist actions, on all sides, regardless of their origin.

I am not prejudiced in any way.

In some of the states in the U.S., homosexuality remains a felony.

Real player with 88.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Action Games.

In a wolrd full of poopy tripple A titles, bad ubisoft servers, and pay to win EA Games, a smal vladinov or whatever his name was, and his loyale Lada take on the basic human phillosphical question of how putin meme is funny,

conclusion putin meme is gut,

i accidentelyu start usr game very fun,


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I accidentally restarted the USSR on Steam



best game, espacially to chill after a long day at work

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

nice simple game to chill playing!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Yellowlooper on Steam



I honestly didn’t think there would be a game that I’d hate more than Crying is not Enough , but The Quiet Man did it. It broke me. It broke me as a gamer and as a human being. I just…I can’t even understand how a game this bad got made. Who greenlit this? How did thousands of dollars get poured into something so incredibly insulting to deaf people and gamers alike? Almost every single design decision that went into this absolute dumpster fire of a brawler was BAD. There’s absolutely nothing redeeming about any of it. ANY OF IT!!

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Action Games.

I get what they were trying to do but it’s… not quite there.

The game is essentially a late night B-movie with some playable scenes. Then they want you to experience the feeling of being deaf while this goes on because the main character is deaf. The thing is: these two things aren’t mixed very well. First off, the main character (Dane) seems capable of communicating, so he can at least hear a little or read lips. In fact, he even speaks and the other characters understand him. Several times already I watched him have a back and forth dialogue. However, we are not given subtitles even during these scenes. Everyone that knows him talks to him casually and he seems to be picking it all up, so we’re not experiencing the world through him… he’s doing a much better job than we are. Also, there are cut scenes we are given to watch without Dane around, so why can’t we even hear those? So it’s not so much experiencing a deaf main character but more so that we as the observing audience are deaf and trying to watch a movie not intended for deaf people. If such was actually the case, we’d do what I imagine any deaf person watching a movie would do… turn the subtitles on. I tried to do this and was even prompted at the beginning that they would provide subtitles when necessary, but I haven’t seen a single one since the first guy ranting in the first scene and no combination of making little neon signs light up in the settings menu has changed that. So apparently the only dialogue I needed to hear was some lowlife describing how a non-story female was once catcalled.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game


Russian Reality

Russian Reality

On the whole, it’s not a bad game. Good combat system, there are four main characters to play as. The presence of bosses is nice. And the cherry on the cake is a very rich storyline, with side quests that depend on your choice. Recommended for purchase !

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Cool game in which you need to fight drunks, complete tasks and complete the story. The game has many locations, skill leveling of the character and many different chips.

A very decent game for a sane price. Recommend.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Russian Reality on Steam

Balconing Simulator 2020

Balconing Simulator 2020

Overall it’s not terrible for what it is; a quick and silly little time-waster.

One thing I could point out is that you have very little control over the direction of your jump, which doesn’t really leave you with much influence on whether or not you land in the water.

This means that there isn’t much of a skill ceiling to this game, and you end up just jumping repeatedly until you get a good result.

It was entertaining enough for the time I spent with it, but I can’t imagine getting much more out of it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

An utterly ridiculous concept for a game, but a highly amusing one nonetheless!

Get drunk (or don’t, but then you don’t get multiplier points!), jump off a balcony and do your best to nail your very best landing in to the pool, assuming you even make it in the pool. If you want to do it with real style then aim to land in the rubber ring (I managed it in this video, eventually - https://youtu.be/gNOK_Q2LCiI )

Be prepared for some painful landings, some face plants and more. Trust me, after playing this game you’ll definitely NEVER consider doing this in real life. Hopefully you never were in the first place!

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Balconing Simulator 2020 on Steam

Autumn Dream

Autumn Dream


This is the 4th game I’ve played by GDNomad and the 6th one that he has developed. I hate repeating myself, but this game is following a similar pattern with his other titles, it’s the best one so far but unlike Nomad’s other titles, this one is actually not all that bad.


Gameplay in Autumn Dream is virtually the same as GDNomad’s other titles. The game plays primarily as a horror game along with some puzzles added in different sections, even if they’re pretty unnecessary, they’re still rammed into sections of the game.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Autumn Dream is another indie horror asset flip from GDnomad.


You play as a man who inherits an old house, but with a small catch, you have to stay for a few days so you can fully inherit the house. But also the document states that you can’t leave the house at night or go to the basement.

If you read my previous reviews for GDnomads games or played one yourself you already know that the game will have broken English making it impossible to follow the storyline as the character speaks nonsense all the time. For example when you first go to the house the main character says ‘This place looks wonderfully’. So imagine reading a bunch of lore building documents with the same type of English.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Autumn Dream on Steam

Orange Cast: Sci-Fi Space Action Game

Orange Cast: Sci-Fi Space Action Game

More reviews on our Curator Page

Developed by the Russian studio Team Renzy, Orange Cast is a long-awaited third-person action game, across a universe filled with lore, mysteries, and of course, lots of alien dangers. It is considerably more linear than what I expected but still manages to deliver quite the impressive content.

When I first heard of Orange Cast, my expectations were high, as with many others waiting for another horror space action game that could very well take inspiration from Dead Space, in a Mass Effect universe. Obviously fans took over this cross between titles as a gesture of hope, wishing for it to actually be true, sooner or later.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game


(Spoiler-Free Review)

Orange Cast (OCA) is a third-person shooter set in a sci-fi universe far in the future. Thanks to the discovery of a new fuel source, humanity managed to colonize multiple solar systems. Players impersonate a “Uber-Unit”, one of the most advanced Human prototype soldiers that merge cutting edge military tech with supernatural abilities. After waking up from stasis and being contacted by a mysterious entity, the protagonist will embark in a journey into the heart of a galaxy-wide conflict.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Orange Cast: Sci-Fi Space Action Game on Steam

Rock Simulator

Rock Simulator

I finished the Dark Souls Series late last year and quit World of Warcraft after about 11 years of playing shortly after. Since then I have sort of been drifting between games for a bit, never really settling on anything.

One Night whilst speaking with some mates on Discord, I found this game in the Memes category and figured “why not?” so I bought it and played it. Something about the game got my inner autist raging. The game and it’s puzzles consumed me, I spent every hour that I was not working or sleeping figuring out puzzles.

Real player with 1311.0 hrs in game


Föhr, German Island

Searching the Steam Shop for a new Gaming Experience.


Learned THE START and also learned PATIENCE IS KEY.

Fort he first Time i BECOME THE ROCK and got later at night DREAM OF THE ROCK.



Föhr, German Island



Bielefeld, Germany

After so many Hours i FEEL THE ROCK and i HUG THE ROCK.


Wiesbaden, Germany

It was hard but i began to UNDERSTAND THE ROCK.

Real player with 218.2 hrs in game

Rock Simulator on Steam



you just wanted to hang with your crush!

so how’d you end up stuck between them and your friends in your tiny dorm room watching a campy horror film?

And what happens when the movie comes to life?

This is not what you signed up for.

COME ALIVE! is a first person 2.5d mystery visual novel about a group of friends, where you play from several of their perspectives. Can you get to the bottom of why this movie has come alive? Or should you just roll with it and have fun?

  • A regular cast of normal characters

  • Definitely nobody dies ahaha

  • ~1 hour playtime

  • Original, dream-like art and music

  • Gamepad + keyboard/mouse support

  • For MacOS / Windows / Linux

COME ALIVE! on Steam



DEKONSTRUKT is an interactive movie, with elements of first-person gameplay. You will be immersed in the inglorious story of a game developer with plenty of destructive black humor. The game responds to never-before-seen creative challenges. Help the protagonist deal with his inner demons. Or not really.

As you can see, the game tries with all its might to seem like it’s not just another triviality. In other words, my mother grew a vegetable, even though she is not a gardener.

✔ A story that will stay in your memory for a long time.