FiberTales: DummyKart
Very cute game! I like the campaign approach of the game, going through the story in the form of levels was pretty fun!
There was that one level in the campaign that I really really enjoyed and caught me off guard, not gonna spoil what was it, but you’ll know which one I’m referring to when you get to it!
I think the price is about right for the amount of content the game has right now; crossing fingers the rest of the story will be released in a future update.
– Real player with 1.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Cinematic Racing Games.
Nice game, enjoyed it a lot.
The colors are amazing and the overall feeling of the game is pretty nice.
Didn’t manage to finish the game yet, cause the bots keep shooting me with rockets, guess I’m the noob here ¯_(ツ)_/¯
– Real player with 1.1 hrs in game
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
To be honest I heard bad things about this game a lot but to be fair I actually prefer it over House of Ashes.
Good things.
-I really liked how it based it off a real ww2 boat and how it really followed the myth of the Ourang Medan and how 22 crew mates died with no explanation to this day. (search up the name of the boat for more details)
-Setting, I enjoyed the idea of being isolated from land and the feeling of not being able to get out of this trapped nightmare.
-I know a lot people didn’t like the idea of the monsters being in their heads but I did as it was something quite different from being killed by monsters or humans.
– Real player with 39.1 hrs in game
Read More: Best Cinematic Choices Matter Games.
Following the release of House of Ashes one can observe a steady increase in quality with each game starting with Man of Medan. While Little Hope and House of Ashes progressively improve the series' mechanics, gameplay, and storytelling, Man of Medan still stands as a fun time to share with friends. I love this game, and even if it could stand to be updated by Supermassive to compete with its sister games, it’s a successfully lays the groundworks and dives into the world the Dark Pictures Anthology seeks to build with each story.
– Real player with 30.6 hrs in game
its a new game but is a ton of fun. very simple yet enjoyable style with fast play and a variety of weapons and features. very promising for a first time game
– Real player with 6.4 hrs in game
Read More: Best Cinematic Action Games.
Have some fun with friends! Enter a race full of adrenaline and fast turns. Hitting and pushing are allowed!
There are tracks in the open air or the halls. There is the opportunity to play against the computer in a single-player against skilled AI players for individual racers.
Compare your success with the other players!
■ Fast and contact racing, bumping and pushing opponents out are allowed!
■ Indoor and outdoor tracks
■ Each track can be played in the opposite direction
■ Tracks with daylight and also a nightlight
■ Several difficulties, from beginners to experienced racers
■ Option to set the maximum opponents
■ Physics of go-kart wheels
■ You can play with friends online
■ Support for Online multiplayer for 8 players
■ Option to race against computer-controlled players in both local and online games
■ Animated body of the racer
■ View from the driver’s perspective or a different person
■ VR support Oculus
Bee Simulator
Bee Simulator, a cute game that helps you understand just what a bee goes through, an insect that helps to pollinate so many flowers and plant life so well, better than any other insect out there and how the world around them affects their livelyhood and natural habitat. This game has a decent take on the world of bees with a nice couple of mini games that flesh it out for you.
Just a quick disclaimer: I rarely swear in a review, but this game deserves it. I’ve got a lot of patience for games as I try almost all the games out there, but fuck man, this game got me upset at stages.
– Real player with 12.8 hrs in game
The game is mostly minigames. The main story and side quests have variation from the minigames, so it’s not just those. But most of your time in the game will be minigames. I gave this a negative review, but it wasn’t too bad of a “time waster” game.
Races you fly through blue rings to follow/catch another flying insect. There are speed boost pickups to slightly fill your speed boost gauge, and slowdown pickups to avoid. If you miss a ring you lose a failure token, but you must go through the next ring or lose. There are also obstacles throughout the “courses”. The “Easy” difficulty is super easy and short. The “Hard” version is much longer and needs more skill.
– Real player with 9.6 hrs in game
What The Dub?!
Overall, my gaming group loves it as an addition to the Jackbox stuff.
It is very well done and fun! You can make it as clean or as dirty as you like which means everyone can play. The clips are weird and esoteric enough that most people won’t know where they’re from and that is perfect. I hope they add more.
I do have some minor suggestions, though.
Something more for the audience to do. Maybe they could throw out suggestions on screen or something. Just a thought. Being in the audience can be boring at times. I know more players would mean more repeating clips, but maybe have the game know when there are more than 6 and only use short clips for that game so it doesn’t get too monotonous.
– Real player with 8.8 hrs in game
As an English teacher during this seemingly never-ending pandemic, thank you for this game! It’s so simple to set up and incorporate What the Dub into online lessons via Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc that I’d recommend it to any and all ESL teachers.
The included video clips manage to be both humorous in their dubbing potential whilst also being relatively simple in terms of their language that it allows students who are A2 level and above to reliably produce clever, funny or appropriately wacky sentences. Moreover, the simplicity of the game makes it suitable for everyone over the age of 10 and the price is very fair for what’s offered.
– Real player with 8.3 hrs in game
Zero Tolerance
bring back memories
– Real player with 34.3 hrs in game
This is a dream come true. Being 10 years old I did not have a PC and I was obsessed With DOOM this game was the next best thing on sega. I really hope this game gets remade ultra violent in the future. I would stay up really late and complete this game start to finish and I plan to do it again :)
– Real player with 7.5 hrs in game
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions
In short - Fully licensed soundtrack gets the hairs up when you getting battered, for sure. Overpriced, but great fun. Its polished. (Yep Eye of the Tiger)
In Summary - Still think launch price is high but More depth than you think as all secondary boxers have some attention with dialogue and story. Playing as Luke O’Grady the limited Irish scrapper is very enjoyable and the over the hill ‘El Tigre’ with debt to the REAL Canon Rocky businessmen Gazzo are particularly good fun.
Legends Rocky, Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang and Ivan Drago get their due attentions too, so learn that Guard and Dodge button.
– Real player with 23.0 hrs in game
Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions:
Who could forget the sensational scene of Apollo Creed dancing in front of a packed house at the Grand Hotel to the iconic song from James Brown, "Living in America", while the boxing ring rises from beneath the stage with Ivan Drago in the middle in Rocky IV? A film franchise with 8 movies and the upcoming Creed III (2022), which has sold over 1.7 billion at the box office worldwide. A musical and 9 video games, including the Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions. So, who would you fight with to become the next boxing champion? Rocky, Apollo, Ivan or Adonis! Can you hear the theme? Can you? It's time to get them, tiger!
*– [Real player with 11.9 hrs in game](*

## F1® 2021
Jednocześnie chcę powiedzieć że gra jest super dla osób które chcą pojeździć w singlu. Jednak dla jakiegokolwiek ścigania multiplayerowego:
-co wyścig ktoś ma z kimś desynchro, to znaczy widzi go w kompletnie innym miejscu na torze niż rzeczywiście jest,
-rozsypująca się delta czyli różnice czasowe między zawodnikami, nie wiadomo kto ile do kogo traci,
-przy wyjściu hosta sesja się kompletnie wysypuje,
-ludzie z dobrym internetem potrafią dostać lagi z dupy, gdzie w innych grach wszystko działa perfect,
*– [Real player with 126.5 hrs in game](*
The cream of the crop for racing games and the best (once again) in the F1 series. After my glowing review of 20 i actually lost interest pretty quickly so i've held off reviewing this. After 70 odd hours this is by far my go to game whenever i fancy some action, the new story mode "Braking Point" is great, though i don't think it's one you can replay more than once or twice.
My Team has taken yet another huge step and is starting to slowly feel more and more like a true authentic management style mode but there is still a way to go. Saying that what we currently have is absolutely fantastic.
*– [Real player with 81.4 hrs in game](*

## FIFA 22
First FIFA game i've played for a while. Full of little bugs in career mode, like academy players who have been in my team for 3 years acting like they just got on the team, or not having shirt numbers etc. But the killer for me is how terrible my other players are once you play in the higher difficulties. The other team will have 6 in my box while my midfielders stand still around the outside leaving my defenders to 4v6\. If i want a player to make a tackle I have to be controlling it, which is massively infuriating when for some reason 3 of my players surround the ball carrier and I miss my tackle and they just run through the other two unchallenged. Essentially its hard for the wrong reasons, and its full of little bugs that just come off as lazy.
*– [Real player with 428.3 hrs in game](*
Now, let me first say that I will probably still play this for another week or two and then I will uninstall it and move on.
This game is horrible. Please, don't waste your time or money here. Go play anything else, it is not worth it.
Let me explain:
- Computer matches are super boring. Higher difficulty just means AI keeps passing the ball around for a long time and you won't ever take it until they get close to your box where they will make mistakes. Easier difficulty is just way too easy since AI takes forever to react.
*– [Real player with 393.6 hrs in game](*