Conscious Existence - A Journey Within

Conscious Existence - A Journey Within

This is something that I honestly think everyone should see - pick a reason. But a few suggestions: 1. This thing is VERY system intensive. I have a 9900K system with 32gb RAM, a RTX2080Ti Founders ed., and m.2 nvme primary drives. I didn’t install this on a primary drive, I put it on a slower external as I do for new things. Well, the slow drive alone was enough to make this experience clip and stall on me, badly enough that I stopped it part of the way in as it ruins the experience utterly. (@dev, I sure hope there is some additional work that can be done on the buffering?) This means if you have an SSD, put it there or risk stutter and stalls, which ruin it frankly. 2. Put away the bitter sarcasms and stresses of the day before you experience this, and commit to just be open and present. The author is clearly trying to make a statement, but that statement may not be for everyone. Nor does it need to be. This is a beautiful experience in imagery, message, and sound (I am not sure what kind of headphones some reviewers are using, but my audio was extremely clear and full spectrum) I certainly would have a hard time thinking of a better way to practice being present, listening, and letting go of the cynical side for a few minutes than this. 3. I would suggest that you watch this while alone, and only so that you can react open and honestly to it and not react how others might expect of you. @Dev as others have suggested tweaks for replayability would be a nice add. I can think of several guided meditations that would fit beautifully and it should be relatively inexpensive to sound-engineer someone in to read. That is, If you are open to increasing your target objectives a bit (but I think, in doing so you would be promoting the spirit of the intent anyway)

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

I’m rather PISSED OFF I did not experience this on the index. The audio alone would of tested the index spatial performance to the max.

Imagine dying and coming back to life and then appreciating your room. YOUR ROOM! A feeling enhanced by Infinity! That feeling! The production crew managed to pull that out of me. I appreciated life, looking at the sky, the sun, the ground, the trees. Even an ANT I observed under a magnifying glass. It’s like all your senses melted into one neural pulse. This is how I felt after I came back from death. And after the high, I am now feeling normalized and I validated my existence now and for ever more.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Conscious Existence - A Journey Within on Steam



Um dos meus jogos favoritos!

Death Stranding é um jogo realmente especial, não há nada parecido com ele. Obviamente não é perfeito, mas as qualidades são tão grandes, que quase fazem esquecer os problemas.

O gameplay não vai agradar todo mundo, especialmente quem só gosta de jogos de alta ação, mas eu amei. Achei muito divertido e satisfatório ficar andando pelo mundo com um monte de tralha nas costas, enquanto tentava superar os obstáculos do terreno.

Se engana quem pensa que esse jogo é só andar. Há uma grande abundância de sistemas e mecânicas que deixam a experiência mais interessante. Você tem que gerenciar bem sua carga, manter o balanço do personagem, saber quais equipamentos levar, quais rotas tomar, se deve levar um veículo,, e o que fazer diante de certas adversidades.

Real player with 228.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Open World Games.

I just can’t do a simple summary of the good and bad things in this game, so it’s going to be a messy, lengthy account of my impressions.

I had never played a Kojima game before, nor did I follow Death Stranding release, and I didn’t know what to really expect. All I had, from just enough previews to not spoil myself, was the impression of a contemplative game with quite an intriguing sci-fi background to it, which was enough for me.

Honestly, I was confused for the first hour and a half, not knowing what the point of the game was, struggling to grasp its concepts and the “why” of everything, wasn’t sure if I would ask for a refund, but my curiosity kept me going. A good book usually involves the reader constantly wondering “and then what happened?”. In retrospect, that’s a feeling I quickly got, and I was hooked to the story (and the gameplay) until the end.

Real player with 202.7 hrs in game


Zero Days VR

Zero Days VR

Nice documentary about virus and the new way of wars

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

It’s an interesting story , esp if you have any interest in IT tech. As a VR experience fell completely flat I’m afraid. Paid £5.50 but felt lik eit’s a £1.50 product (if you have that tech interest). All of what;s covered and more you can gleam from wikipedia if its the story you want. If it’s the VR experience that’s drawing you in there are soo many more that will wow you for the same or less money.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Zero Days VR on Steam



One of the best open world stealth games i’ve ever played solid mechanics and motions the game is just a blast to play gameplay is fun and tense the ai is really smart and are pretty accurate but also not to hard besides a few missions, this is deffi one of the best metal gears gameplay wise, but yes it leaves a phantom pain since the game is not completly finished but is still a long game the story is great what there is of one and although other metal gears in the series outshine it in that sense none compare to the gameplay/graphics and lack of bugs this game has, this game has one of the best ports u will EVER see the optimization is crazy even if u are below the minimum requirements u should be able to run this game and well.

Real player with 332.4 hrs in game

This game, in my opinion, is fantastic.

The open-world stealth, and flexibility to handle situations how you want is very refreshing.

It does feel incomplete, and that seems to be somewhat controversial to the playerbase. Its pretty obvious that Konami rushed Kojima to box this up and ship it out for that holiday season, while demanding to split the game into two games (Ground Zero’s as the “prequel”).

Metal Gear Online is DOA, dont even bother.

The singleplayer is where you will get the quality from the purchase.

Real player with 238.9 hrs in game


D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die -Season One-

D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die -Season One-

D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die is a true hidden gem. I consider it to be a masterpiece. It is among my favourite games, and one of the finest examples of the interactive movie subgenre. It’s also among the most immersive games, both overall and specifically due to how great it is with giving you a lot of different emotions. It’s sad, mysterious, weird, funny, and somewhat scary. It has a great balance of brightness and darkness, and not because it only plays on contrasts, but because it has bright, dark, and in-between moments, and they are placed appropriately, as well as equally good at what their purposes are. While some might claim the game is unfinished, it’s not exactly so, it’s more of a somewhat unfinished game, but worth it without a doubt. You can see it this way - even if a truly beautiful painting is unfinished to some degree, it still remains beautiful. Now let’s talk about the essential video game aspects.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game


My likes include 100% de Agave tequila. My dislikes are mainly drugs… And chewing gum.


D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die -Season one- is the first part of a planned episodic adventure games series developed by Access Games in the same vein as Telltale’s cinematic titles. D4 is a crazy story filled with wacky characters and ridiculous situations somehow fittingly wrapped into a serious, moody detective crime story.


D4 follows the tale of David Young, middle-aged ex-cop and widower turned private detective in order to find D, a mysterious individual whose only known initial was Little Peggy’s (Young’s wife) dying breath.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die -Season One- on Steam



From what I have gathered, this game is somewhat controversial. I have 3 playthroughs now, looking forward to a 4th, and I would like to bring up a few points and offer my opinions, that potential players might have a better perspective on the game beforehand. This review will be quite lengthy, for there is a lot to cover, even scratching the surface as I am. I assure you there are no story spoilers.

Journey - The game is very linear. The first 80% of the story takes you on a singular path from one locale to the next, with little deviation, before it opens up into the main side-questing hub. (Firsttime players: at this point, I strongly advise following the map and pressing on with the main story for the best experience; there will be plenty of time later to complete this content, and you will be much better prepared.) Those of you looking for a cohesive, story-driven rpg that will keep you glued to your controller for 40 hours before you even get to the endgame, look no further.

Real player with 956.1 hrs in game

God have mercy on my soul

This is without a doubt the most difficult review I’ve ever written, but this game is so fascinating from multiple perspectives; I’ve challenged myself to throw my hat into the ring and explain why I resonate with it despite the overt shortcomings.

It’s my Focus, really.

FFXIII is a game that was fraught with a lot opposing views amongst Square Enix’s devs on how to create a “perfect hybrid” between inputting command-based strategies for party members whilst being simultaneously cinematic akin to the battles found in FFVII: Advent Children, an animated film adaption of the highly adulated FFVII.

Real player with 134.8 hrs in game


Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human

Have you ever watched a TV series and thought to yourself, man, this character is dumb. Why would they go in there? Why would they do that? It is so stupid. For me, it happens more often than I would care to experience. But now, YOU can be in charge of your own TV series. That’s right, you can make the characters do dumb things and then know that you made them do it. Much more satisfying lol. So much power.

That is only half a joke, because that is what this game is. It is essentially a high budget TV production where you have some sprinkled ‘game-play’. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I quite enjoyed the ride and if you don’t want to read past this point, just know that if you want to experience a fascinating setting with a compelling narrative then this game is for you.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

So, most of the reviews I see are pretty positive or negative, but not super descriptive? And it really doesn’t do it justice, because this game… Well, it has a lot to say but also nothing at all. I want to preface with that I actually really enjoyed the game. I liked most of the characters, I like that there are so many branching paths in every scene, I LOVED the graphics, and I did actually like the gameplay. Overall, I don’t think you’ll be wasting money if you decide to purchase. It has a high replayability as well, which is just a lot of value.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Detroit: Become Human on Steam

Last Day of June

Last Day of June

Full Review Curator Site

I don’t know how I keep finding my way into “walking simulators”. I suppose it’s because I have a desire to see extremely compelling stories, and walking simulators have to contain a better than average stories as that’s what keeps drawing people in. In this Last Day of June succeeds at an unprecedented level.

There was some trouble in my life when I played this game and when I looked at my list of games, I saw this was coming up next I had a feeling I was going to have an issue. I didn’t want a depressing game, I didn’t want to feel sad. Yet this was next on my playlist, so I hunkered down and prepared for a short session after which I would put it aside for later. Instead, I spent over an hour and a half watching this brilliant story unfolding, trying to do a let’s play for it and constantly being distracted by the way it delivers its story. You can see it in the youtube video linked below.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Although visually and audibly an enjoyable game to play, Last Day of June has a few issues that caused me to not be able to recommend it overall. The first has to do with the story itself. The story portrays a tragic car accident very early on in the game (which can be seen in the trailer that was released,) and involves the protagonist survivor Carl going back in time to try to prevent June from dying. During the game, glimpses of their past is shown that reveal how their relationship was in the years prior to the accident. Memories of several of the other characters can also be collected as an optional part of gameplay that give additional background on them as well as for Carl and June. The problem is the lack of most of this background before the accident occurs, apart from a short flashback that briefly introduces the characters and explains why Carl and June decided to go to the dock. The player knows almost nothing about these characters when June dies, and it’s difficult (in my opinion, though some may disagree) to have an emotional response about her death. Later on in the game, after discovering how their relationship had been before she passed, it’s much easier to sympathize with Carl’s loss. However, in my opinion, this occurs too late. Had the player been able to either see sequences of them interacting in the past in the prologue of the game, or better yet to actually play through scenes that highlight the love that they had for each other, the car accident would have been far more impactful, and the urgency of trying to save her would make the story much more enjoyable to experience. As it stands, however, the story felt a bit mediocre.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Last Day of June on Steam

Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

“Anyone can make what I have built

And better now

Anyone can find the same white pills

It takes my pain away” 🎶

~Jimmy Eat World, Pain

OMG, that’s not Max Payne! #NotMyMax” Remember such topics from back in 2012? It was pretty fun. Surprisingly, though, quite a lot of people (yours truly included) kinda… didn’t even feel like playing this game back then. And not because they were triggered or something like that, but because… you know. I mean, look at the screenshots. Another random bald guy shooting some generic gangsters. In Brazil. There’s literally nothing that screams “Play me right now!!!” in that. Especially since we already had one popular series that went down the drain since the moment the main character shaved his head (hello, Sam…). Even though I bought Max Payne 3 ages ago, I was like “meh…”. A lot of people I know felt the same. And that’s the funniest (saddest?) thing about this game. See, Max Payne 3? It was supposed to be a shiny big present to the old-school fans.

Real player with 98.8 hrs in game

One of the best 3rd person shooters you’ll ever play. The story is amazing, I keep coming back to it time and time again and it never gets old. The multiplayer can be fun, if you can find anyone to play with. The action is amazing and gore is just the same. Recommend that you play on harder difficulties for a fun challenge, the only problem I have is that its a bit too hard and in the later levels you’ll be wielding 2 pistols while your enemies will have grenade launchers, machine guns and much more. Overall a great game.

Real player with 68.2 hrs in game

Max Payne 3 on Steam

Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game, my judgment, and the rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler-free, so you don’t need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Interaction (16 out of 20)

So, as far as the gameplay is concerned this game is the interactivity festival in a good way. Since Beyond: Two Souls is mainly focused around the actual delivery of the story, it is expected for the number of interactive elements to be higher than what you’d usually see. One thing that might surprise a few people is that everything you interact with has a purpose, and there’s no single object that you interact with being there just to fill the space up. Unlike other similar story-based games, there are no interactive components that are wasting your time for the sake of prolonging the playtime - everything is pretty much associated with the story itself. The only thing on the interactive side which doesn’t make sense is that the game is (in certain sequences) almost unplayable without a controller. Considering that this game was a console release at first, without any plans for a PC release does help me look past some of the decisions that were made for the PC release. The only frustrating thing is that the developers did not even try to alter the originally designed mechanics and make them at least a little bit easier to cope with on the PC. Let’s be honest, the PC is the platform where most of the players do not own a controller, to begin with.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

I burned the house because she said rock music sucks

I am Quantic Dream fan since Fahrenheit, after I played it I fell in love with narrative games and couldn’t wait for more similar games. Heavy Rain came out after some time and again I enjoyed it very much but it had flaws. And then Beyond Two Souls have been released. Wow I loved everything about this game, it’s hard to find to say anything bad about it.

Beyond Two Souls tells a story of Jodie and her entity Aiden. Don’t expect realism here, it’s kinda similar to Life is Strange 2 in some way or Fahrenheit. A girl with supernatural power. Aiden is always with her, he doesn’t leave her, he protects her and even lets her see souls and past events. In her childhood Jodie was taken by the scientists to do tests and experiments and her life has been a real roller coaster. No need to talk about the story much because of spoilers on every step so you need to experience it yourself.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Beyond: Two Souls on Steam