Madden NFL 22

Madden NFL 22

Do you like NFL Football? This game is for you. The blown calls by refs, the absence of gritty plays, the suspicion that it is all rigged. This game has it all. What’s that? Derrick Henry’s knee was down 10 yards ago and remained down but somehow the game doesn’t recognize it? BOOM WE CALL THAT A FEATURE HERE. Oh you don’t like that the guy you’re playing only runs exploited quick slants every down and spends all but 5 seconds of the play clock doing fake audibles? SORRY I GUESS YOU HATE REAL FOOTBALL. Oh you like the Chicago Bears and are excited about the new rookie QB (IDK HIS NAME AND NEITHER DOES MADDEN)? THAT’S COOL HERE IS A RANDOM COMMENT ABOUT THE 4TH STRING WR BEING AN OLYMPIC ATHLETE THAT’S THE ONLY RESEARCH WE DID FOR THAT TEAM. If all this isn’t enough to perk up your pricker then maybe try the uninspiring original soundtrack for the game! GONE IS GREENDAY, CHEVELLE, ANY GOOD ROCK OR CERTIFIED GANGSTER BEATS. WE GOT SOFT, FORCED FOOTBALL RELATED ORIGINAL BEATS. WE DON’T EVEN HAVE SAM SPENCE TRACKS.

Real player with 162.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Realistic Games.

I enjoy Madden, I play the franchise mode specifically a lot. That being said after 20+ hours I’ve yet to be capable of playing more then one game at a time before the game freezes indefinitely, either as a head coach or a player. The only issue I’ve come across is the game freezing on me. Whether it be after choosing the first play of the game, while i’m loading into the game, setting up my weekly game plan or just navigating the menu. I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone trying to maintain sanity until a solution to my predicament and to the other disabling issues other customers are facing is presented and put in place.

Real player with 126.3 hrs in game

Madden NFL 22 on Steam

Data Dream

Data Dream

Very fun puzzle/strategy and movement game. Unique way of moving and navigating makes gameplay entertaining and interesting. Lots of color and detail in the environments and levels, truly makes you feel like you are in some sort of digital world. Reminds me a lot of Legend of Zelda games…

I really enjoyed how the game characters were components of a computer, and all the small little details connect the game to the computer you are playing it on!

The artistry done on characters and bosses is beautiful, unique, and even eerie at some points. You can tell the developer put in a lot of time creating their own little world with all original concepts and characters. Looks great! Plays great! Very fun for busy people who can jump in and out of the game whenever they have time.

Real player with 17.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

Ohhh, so this is what happens when I use my anti-virus. Well I would never have guessed a tiny little hero does all the work. Highly enjoyable adventure.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Data Dream on Steam

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition

TL:DNR: A noble, but much flawed effort. Buy it very cheap ( us$1), or="" for="" the="" achievement="" 100%="" ( us$1.50) br="" Okay - so this is one of those games that the “comedians” of Steam just go on about either with brutal comments about it giving them cancer, or racist/sectist crap, or they do the lame sarcasm.

This isn’t one of those.

What I like about this game, is their intent. To make a Arabic/Northern African themed game of adventure and discovery. I like the characters most of the time, and would really like to see more games coming from Arab countries make it into the mainstream (Semaphore is a Saudi game studio), as I am intrigued to hear their cultural voice applied to gaming. The graphics are generally pretty good, though the ATV escape ‘chapter’ had some odd graphics quality, I think to mimic a sandstorm, but looked like a bug. The brother and sister team is a great idea too. /us$1),

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Mystery Games.

“Oh look guys, it’s Timothy writing a review for that one game everyone on youtube makes fun of! I can’t wait until he tears it a new arsehole, because he’s a cynical bastard and that’s what cynical people do!”

If this was your reaction when you noticed this review, then I’m sorry to tell you that I will not write a funny 9/11 Allahu Akbar type of review. I respect the dev team, who put a lot of work and effort in this game, too much for that. Well yeah, this game is inspired by Uncharted, Tomb Raider, what not, they won’t deny that. But at least they are enthusiastic about it. What’s the last time you saw people this happy about making a game? Even if the game is buggy (and oh, trust me, it is, I’ll elaborate) I still had fun playing it simply because I know the devs had fun making it. They really want to make an amazing adventure series where you explore the arabic world and its many fascinating places (which it truly has, no doubt about that). The dev team knows that they’re not making GOTYAY material and doesn’t say they are. They try to stay positive while everyone on the internet’s too busy making fun of them and their “worst game ever” (a title that many other games I’ve played deserve more). They respond nicely to often assholish or ‘funny’ behaviour and criticism, which I think is something most developers can learn from. So yeah, kuddos for that, guys.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition on Steam



There is a range of unique heroes at your disposal. Each character can boost one’s reflexes beyond limits with the help of Spine technology.

Choose the one you like the most and dive into the adrenaline-filled fights with the enemy team to decide the fate of the dystopian world.

There you are, our action hero!

Make yourself comfortable as we have prepared a collection of unique characters capable of using Spine technology. Fight for freedom or become a warden of the almighty system - you are the one to decide what’s this world gonna become.

Camera, Action, Shoot!

Every fight in Spine is a combination of breathtaking scenes where you become a hero beating up some bad guys. Feel the tension of each in-game moment thanks to the unique camera-work. We have exceptional cinematographic experience you’ll find nowhere else in the multiplayer games.

Cold steel, hot guns

Find out what the real gun-fu is! Switch between cold weapons and firearms in close and long range combat. Shoot with two hands while jumping, block bullets with katanas, and do wall-runs. Even in the mayhem of battle, Spine will show the precision and grace of your actions in the best way possible.

Brave? New? World?

Have you read the news about an AI that has transformed a city into the heaven on Earth? Or you’d rather listen to the whispers of the opposition?

Join the fights in the city streets and pick a side in the global conflict of two powerful factions. The arenas you’ll meet your enemies on are inspired by iconic action movies.

Share the fates, stories, and the combat styles of the heroes. And their life paths, of course.


Ready to prove others your Gun-fu is the coolest?

Use the best combat techniques to defeat real players. And don’t worry, friends got you covered! Together you will be victorious.

Spine on Steam

Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition

Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition

Click here for the full review (Steam’s character limit doesn’t allow me to post the full thing here), and if you’ve played the game, please check out my Another World survey !

In 1991 I first played Another World (also known as Outer World and Out of This World in some regions), a game that would have a greater and more lasting impact on me than any other.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Jordan Mechner, Steve Meretzky, Roberta Williams…Eric Chahi.

If you don’t know who Eric Chahi is, or why I breathe his name with a palpable aura of reverence, buy this game immediately. This is an enduring piece of computer game history that remains as beautiful, stark, striking and unique today as it was when it burst onto the scene in 1991. This is a landmark computer game.

So what, you say? So was Doom, and very few of us are still playing it today. So was DONKEY.BAS, the famous early IBM game with the racecar switching lanes to avoid burros in the road. So was the Crowther and Woods Adventure. The history of computer games is littered with significant milestones, making for a very cluttered highway to the past. Right. I understand. But when you find one that’s still fresh and avant-garde exactly as it is, today? You could drop Another World into the indie game market anew, and it’d still turn heads and inspire conversations. The adjective “timeless” is overused, but this game is truly timeless.

Real player with 24.2 hrs in game

Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition on Steam

Car Tuning Simulator

Car Tuning Simulator

So far so neat. It’s the perfect game for me to chill with some phonk music on the background. I highly expect this to become a full playable and interactive game in the future, so far they’ve caught our attention!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

First off… The game is absolutely worth the 99 cents. So one can go ahead and get it if they are curious.

The game itself is VERY limited. you can change body parts, rims, tires and steering wheel. on 4 models of cars.

Then take it to one of 2 maps. That is basically it.

NOW here’s some problems…. while running the night map, there are invisible object in the middle of the road. you can’t see them, but you will crash into them and eff up your car.

The day map in suburbia, cars seem to appear from no where as well.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Car Tuning Simulator on Steam

Phantom Hysteria

Phantom Hysteria

Phantom Hysteria is a 1-4 player, online co-op paranormal investigation and banishment game. Take on ghost-hunting contracts with your taped-together equipment as one of four playable P.I.N.E characters. Hone your skills for your designated class, utilize an array of equipment to decipher your clues, and use that to identify your contracted apparition.

Choosing from a variety of thrilling maps, you and your team will be required to do everything you can to document, and then eliminate the entity from this plane; if you manage to banish it, you’ll have a satisfied customer and a job well done. Afterward, it’s on to the next contract. But, if you are unsuccessful, something from beyond the mortal coil may be waiting to enter this world…

Phantom Hysteria’s Early Access will have four playable characters, four maps, and four entities available at launch.

“The Paranormal Investigation and Neutralization Experts guarantee results in no less than one night. With state-of-the-art equipment and field agents with expertise in lore, UrbanEx, technology, and show business, P.I.N.E will deliver a cohesive report on the ghost and its activities upon payment. All additional services will cost extra.”-CEO Michael Evans

It was supposed to be a simple job. Get in, get footage, get results. But the things we call paranormal, these ‘entities’, are lingering manifestations of fear, sorrow, and fury. The reason they linger is the same reason they are hard to exterminate. Whatever happens, be sure you keep the red light of your camera on. The camera should be live, even if you aren’t.

The entities in this game are influenced by the events of American history. The entities you hunt as P.I.N.E agents are connected to the fabric of who we are as a nation; it’s up to you to unbury the worst horrors of the American south, even if it means giving up your life in the process. From antebellum houses to abandoned sanatoriums, investigators are guaranteed a road trip of a lifetime.

Minds without bodies, feelings without souls. Entities linger on the edge of our reality, reaching over from the other side to manipulate the physical world in terrifying and lethal ways. To properly approach hunting these entities, certain clues will reveal how these entities manipulate the world; and you.

Phantom Hysteria’s missions put four P.I.N.E field agents into your control. Each agent has multiple customization options and dialogue that are unlocked through play. Agents of P.I.N.E have backgrounds and aspirations that fuel how they interact with every mission; but much like the ghosts, they have secrets that bleed into the world. Everyone is running from something.

P.I.N.E doesn’t mess around; but if they did, it would be within their southern United States headquarters. P.I.N.E’s warehouse is available for agents to access their accolades, outfits, and career information. Agents can pinpoint their next move, train using the warehouse’s Paranormal Investigation Training Center, and purchase their consumables.


Regardless of who you choose to play as, agents of P.I.N.E will be offered a selection of careers to choose from at the start of the game. More missions lead to further experience in that career, but investigators are free to change careers between missions for any reason.

*** Engineer

  • Media Specialist

  • Communicator

  • Investigator

  • (Soloable) Jack of All Trades**

Careers will not only assist in your exploration of haunts but allow you to further capitalize on the entities you find lurking within.

When every crucial detail of the entity is recorded, the real mission begins. Consisting of multiple phases, haunts will task you with challenging objectives that bring out the survivalist of you and your team. These objectives will assist in your attempt to banish entities from this mortal plane; but missteps in doing so could risk releasing something more dangerous onto the world…

Phantom Hysteria on Steam

F1® 2021

F1® 2021

Jednocześnie chcę powiedzieć że gra jest super dla osób które chcą pojeździć w singlu. Jednak dla jakiegokolwiek ścigania multiplayerowego:

-co wyścig ktoś ma z kimś desynchro, to znaczy widzi go w kompletnie innym miejscu na torze niż rzeczywiście jest,

-rozsypująca się delta czyli różnice czasowe między zawodnikami, nie wiadomo kto ile do kogo traci,

-przy wyjściu hosta sesja się kompletnie wysypuje,

-ludzie z dobrym internetem potrafią dostać lagi z dupy, gdzie w innych grach wszystko działa perfect,

Real player with 126.5 hrs in game

The cream of the crop for racing games and the best (once again) in the F1 series. After my glowing review of 20 i actually lost interest pretty quickly so i’ve held off reviewing this. After 70 odd hours this is by far my go to game whenever i fancy some action, the new story mode “Braking Point” is great, though i don’t think it’s one you can replay more than once or twice.

My Team has taken yet another huge step and is starting to slowly feel more and more like a true authentic management style mode but there is still a way to go. Saying that what we currently have is absolutely fantastic.

Real player with 81.4 hrs in game

F1® 2021 on Steam

A Forever Solitude

A Forever Solitude

An emotional and psychological story of survival, fear, solitude, love, life and purpose. Solve puzzles, unlock mysteries, and determine your fate. Played in the Third Person in a Zero-G environment. With a cinematic score. High quality voice acting. A story over 10 years in the making. From solo developer, David Fazzio.

This game builds upon the success of David’s debut game, The Companion . This game has a strong focus on Story and Narrative and is accompanied with striking visuals and artistic style. This follow-up game will layer in more gameplay components such as puzzles, mystery and survival. Play in a brutal, yet beautiful, sci-fi environment.

  • A game of survival, and the will to survive.

  • A branching storyline that can change based on previous decisions.

  • Solve puzzles and unravel mysteries.

  • A Punishing environment with numerous death scenarios.

  • Featuring a beautiful soundtrack and high quality voice acting

  • Zero-G movement.

In search for the next hospitable planet, a group of humans embark on a 200 year voyage to another galaxy. Their bodies rest in stasis as the AI controlled vessel makes its long journey. During the voyage the vessel is struck by debris.

There is catastrophic damage to the vessel. The areas hit are sealed off and the vessel continues onward. However, the full effects of the devastation have not yet been fully realized.

Years later your cryo-chamber succumbs and you are jolted awake from your stasis. You are injured, cold, and alone. You have been awakened… A lifetime too soon.

Can you survive? Will you?

The content and trailer currently displayed have been through 5 months of solo development. This story was conjured up over 10 years ago as a potential short film project. Transitioning this story into a game only made sense and will allow for much more freedom. I am excited to explore Zero-G movement, the sci-fi genre, and space environments.

With the recent advances in technology, now independent and solo developers have so much more resources and power at their disposal. I feel confident I can output a very high quality product to accompany this story. In the past year we’ve been introduced to Unreal Engine 5 and Metahumans, both technologies I intend to take full advantage of.

My first game, The Companion, took 10 months of development. I intend for this project to take a bit longer to develop. This project has many more demands that will elongate development. I will strive to release development updates throughout the duration of this project. Stay updated by joining my Discord and following my other social media channels.

If you made it this far, Thank you 3

A Forever Solitude on Steam

Quantum Break

Quantum Break

Quantum Break is yet another wonderful addition to Remedy Entertainment’s roster of amazing, story-driven action romps with fantastic plot points & wonderful action. If Max Payne, Alan Wake, & Control are in your “must plays” then this is a guaranteed home-run for ya… So, why aren’t you playing it??

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Quantum Break is a great game from start to finish, and playing it with all the benefits of being on PC just make it that much better. I’m able to 100% the game in just 34 hours, not too bad.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Quantum Break on Steam