Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human

Have you ever watched a TV series and thought to yourself, man, this character is dumb. Why would they go in there? Why would they do that? It is so stupid. For me, it happens more often than I would care to experience. But now, YOU can be in charge of your own TV series. That’s right, you can make the characters do dumb things and then know that you made them do it. Much more satisfying lol. So much power.

That is only half a joke, because that is what this game is. It is essentially a high budget TV production where you have some sprinkled ‘game-play’. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I quite enjoyed the ride and if you don’t want to read past this point, just know that if you want to experience a fascinating setting with a compelling narrative then this game is for you.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Futuristic Games.

So, most of the reviews I see are pretty positive or negative, but not super descriptive? And it really doesn’t do it justice, because this game… Well, it has a lot to say but also nothing at all. I want to preface with that I actually really enjoyed the game. I liked most of the characters, I like that there are so many branching paths in every scene, I LOVED the graphics, and I did actually like the gameplay. Overall, I don’t think you’ll be wasting money if you decide to purchase. It has a high replayability as well, which is just a lot of value.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Detroit: Become Human on Steam



DEKONSTRUKT is an interactive movie, with elements of first-person gameplay. You will be immersed in the inglorious story of a game developer with plenty of destructive black humor. The game responds to never-before-seen creative challenges. Help the protagonist deal with his inner demons. Or not really.

As you can see, the game tries with all its might to seem like it’s not just another triviality. In other words, my mother grew a vegetable, even though she is not a gardener.

✔ A story that will stay in your memory for a long time.

Read More: Best Cinematic Dark Comedy Games.


Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game, my judgment, and the rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler-free, so you don’t need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Interaction (16 out of 20)

So, as far as the gameplay is concerned this game is the interactivity festival in a good way. Since Beyond: Two Souls is mainly focused around the actual delivery of the story, it is expected for the number of interactive elements to be higher than what you’d usually see. One thing that might surprise a few people is that everything you interact with has a purpose, and there’s no single object that you interact with being there just to fill the space up. Unlike other similar story-based games, there are no interactive components that are wasting your time for the sake of prolonging the playtime - everything is pretty much associated with the story itself. The only thing on the interactive side which doesn’t make sense is that the game is (in certain sequences) almost unplayable without a controller. Considering that this game was a console release at first, without any plans for a PC release does help me look past some of the decisions that were made for the PC release. The only frustrating thing is that the developers did not even try to alter the originally designed mechanics and make them at least a little bit easier to cope with on the PC. Let’s be honest, the PC is the platform where most of the players do not own a controller, to begin with.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Female Protagonist Games.

I burned the house because she said rock music sucks

I am Quantic Dream fan since Fahrenheit, after I played it I fell in love with narrative games and couldn’t wait for more similar games. Heavy Rain came out after some time and again I enjoyed it very much but it had flaws. And then Beyond Two Souls have been released. Wow I loved everything about this game, it’s hard to find to say anything bad about it.

Beyond Two Souls tells a story of Jodie and her entity Aiden. Don’t expect realism here, it’s kinda similar to Life is Strange 2 in some way or Fahrenheit. A girl with supernatural power. Aiden is always with her, he doesn’t leave her, he protects her and even lets her see souls and past events. In her childhood Jodie was taken by the scientists to do tests and experiments and her life has been a real roller coaster. No need to talk about the story much because of spoilers on every step so you need to experience it yourself.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Beyond: Two Souls on Steam

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is a FMV comedy-thriller game, where the player intervene in radio hosts' adventures in six episode. The game is playing in the same universe like The Shapeshifting Detective from the same developer.

I bought the game at the first place, because I really liked The Shapeshifting Detective.

Sound and music is most likely the brightest part of the game. Especially the main menu theme, but all of the songs are really good. Other sound and voices are really good in the game, has good quality in my opinion. In the last episodes, one of the actress voice was low, but that’s all really.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The Infectious, Shapeshifting Madness of D’Avekki Studios!

(The infectious madness I’m currently enduring is that of COVID symptomatology, so please forgive anything that doesn’t quite make sense!)

I think I love it.

The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker had a huge impact on me. A fact poor D’Avekki Studios will have already been well exposed to if they caught any glimpse of my Shapeshifting Detective review. Where it really separated itself from all other FMV games then and since is that it was effectively one-on-one campfire storytelling. Patients were constricted to lounging on a central sofa as they beguiled you with outlandish stories against a superbly crafted atmosphere. Your imagination was put to work, but with the FMV visuals lending it all more credibility. Nothing else is quite like it and thus quite matches it (the closest perhaps being Her Story). I’ve been eargerly awaiting anything D’Avekki ever since.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro on Steam

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐅𝐚𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐧?

I can’t believe it’s been almost 11 years since this game’s been released. I love this game from the bottom of my heart. I always had interest in story driven games, the moment I saw this game’s trailer I knew it was meant for me. It’s one of those games that defined my personality through my teenage years. How can you not love a game like this. It’s the game that took motion capture to the next level back in those days. Tragic drama thriller movie like game where your choices do actually MATTER. Main characters can die or get injured during their encounters. Every choice you make feels like it will have an impact on your experience. It offers a lot of content and replayability. The action scenes are very intense and gets you locked onto the screen. You can listen to your character’s thoughts that gives you more insight and adds depth about the situation the person’s going through. Which I have missed a lot of them when I was playing 10 years ago even though I’ve played this game more than like 500 hours now I’m discovering new things. To me, Quantic Dream games are really good in terms of creating and establishing scenes as well as writing story with characters and multiple different possibilities. And not to mention the unforgettable magnificent score. It sends shivers down my spine when I hear that Ethan Mars' Theme. Lastly, I believe Quantic Dream company really cares about the content that they’re making at least as I’ve seen from the behind the scenes and artworks.

Real player with 72.8 hrs in game

-How many cliches do you want mr. Cage?


I love narrative games so my opinion in this might be a little biased and I obviously recommend this game. It doesn’t come without flaws but we get so little of such games that i’m happy even if it’s not perfect.

Heavy Rain is an interactive-drama thriller. The Origami killer is kidnapping children and drowning them. One of the main character’s son disappears and father who’s name is Ethan gets a message from killer demanding him to take tasks in order to save his son. Killer is testing Ethan’s courage and Ethan must decide how far he will go in order to save his son.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

Heavy Rain on Steam

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

To be honest I heard bad things about this game a lot but to be fair I actually prefer it over House of Ashes.

Good things.

-I really liked how it based it off a real ww2 boat and how it really followed the myth of the Ourang Medan and how 22 crew mates died with no explanation to this day. (search up the name of the boat for more details)

-Setting, I enjoyed the idea of being isolated from land and the feeling of not being able to get out of this trapped nightmare.

-I know a lot people didn’t like the idea of the monsters being in their heads but I did as it was something quite different from being killed by monsters or humans.

Real player with 39.1 hrs in game

Following the release of House of Ashes one can observe a steady increase in quality with each game starting with Man of Medan. While Little Hope and House of Ashes progressively improve the series' mechanics, gameplay, and storytelling, Man of Medan still stands as a fun time to share with friends. I love this game, and even if it could stand to be updated by Supermassive to compete with its sister games, it’s a successfully lays the groundworks and dives into the world the Dark Pictures Anthology seeks to build with each story.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan on Steam

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie

I liked Late Shift and I bought this game as it’s similar to that game, I finished my first play within 45 minutes and got a good ending don’t know if it’s best, this game has various choices to select like Late Shift but it’s shorter than Late Shift, when I started my play the game mentioned to play it twice to reveal more of the story.

As for the story it’s so fast players will be confused when they start the game as it progress they will get to know what is happening and what was this all about. There are around 15 achievements and I only managed to get 5 on my first time playing the game.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

“She Sees Red” is a short, well-produced interactive movie that can take radically different turns depending on your choices.

The story is standard thriller material with murders in a nightclub, drugs, two detectives on an investigation, and some allusions to organized crime. The narrative is interesting and mysterious, particularly because you play both the detective and the killer. While you take moment-to-moment decisions like “fight or flee”, the motives of these characters remain unknown at first. But as you replay the game and discover more endings, secrets about each main character are revealed, until you understand the full picture.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie on Steam

Love Shore

Love Shore

Welcome to Love Shore, a city that transforms at night. The futuristic metropolis just happens to also be populated with cyborgs, old gods hidden in the depths of a criminal underground, and humans eager to crawl their way to the top, no matter what the cost.

After a fertility crisis changed the landscape of the city for good, a single company stepped in to help the residents: Life S. Incorporated, a biotech firm that claimed to be able to build life out of raw DNA, creating a fully formed human with thoughts, feelings, and morality of their own.

Their minds, physical appearance, and personality would be drawn from their parents’ DNA, but the children would be ‘born’ using artificial bodies. This new generation would be called the S.Humans: a non-aging, tough form of new life.

Love Shore features two playable protagonists with four storylines and romanceable options, each with their own storylines. Sam and Farah are two completely different characters suffering from the same circumstances: they’re S.Humans, one of the 100 cyborgs created by Life.S. before the company vanished.


LOVE SHORE features 25+ possible endings, 8 different storylines, multiple complex weaving routes and an awesome soundtrack! The game’s UI fluctuates between day and night, depending on the time in Love Shore.


LOVE SHORE has hidden rpg mechanics, including a stat system for three different abilities that you can develop based on the decisions you make. All companions have a hidden approval system as well, allowing you to develop your relationships to be challenging, platonic or romantic.

Love Shore has dating sim mechanics, including unlocking romantic scenes but can also be played entirely without any romantic interactions.


Sam and Farah’s lives are a web of messy relationships, contacts and enemies. Who will you help? Who will you lose?

Love Shore on Steam

Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why

Title is an Overrated Backstreet Boys Song But The Game Is Not!

We all had that moment when we saw the title of this game and sang that song in our heads. It deserves a better title imo and I stand by that. So this game is the pinnacle of pride month for June 2021. So I am extremely thankful for the Devs for providing like literally the whole game for free. Short story goes that the game is very atmospheric, not much puzzle invested and emotionally can be terrifying. It is by the devs of Life is Strange, so I did compare or was going to compare as soon as I installed the game. The two are very different in terms of atmosphere and the creativity. I feel like this game is more of a statement than an actual game. Common factor on both games is that protagonists in both games share an abnormal power of no origin.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Tell me why the music is no good in this game?

Tell Me Why is a new game from DontNod studio behind such masterpiece as Life is Strange and other good games such as Vampyr or Remember Me. Well this is not Life is Strange. I loved both LiS games they made and I liked this one. It’s a good game, just not as good as both LiS games.

The game is about twins and the mystery behind their mother. One of the siblings killed the mother and other one took the blame. After years of separation they finally meet again and go to the old house wanting to tidy up it up a bit and get some stuff before selling it. But suddenly they’re start finding puzzles and secrets their mother left and they start wondering about her past and who their father was.

Real player with 15.7 hrs in game

Tell Me Why on Steam

Break Bounds: Exile 越界:流放者

Break Bounds: Exile 越界:流放者

Game Introduction:

This is an Early Access game. It’s kind of interactive story game. Players will take on the role of a legendary character in a near-realistic sci-fi-set world, learning about himself and others, and about their relationship to the world, through dialogue with other characters, psychological analysis, environmental exploration and combat; unlocking the great mysteries hidden about the world, and the character himself. In Break Bounds: Exile we have experimented with different artistic approaches to presenting different scenarios in the game to give the product a more dramatic effect. For example, we used 3D scenes to suggest a stage and 2D characters to suggest that the characters were actors on a stage, and we also used different art forms, both figurative and abstract, to show the difference between the real world and the dream world.

Version Introduction:

The game is currently 1.5 to 2.5 hours of gameplay, which consists of basic worldview background disclosure, basic plot construction, basic environment exploration and puzzle solving, basic psychological puzzle solving, basic interaction with scenes and characters, and basic action and combat. The pacing of the game starts with a soothing storyline and ends with a very first battle, combining psychological puzzle solving, interaction and basic combat elements, allowing players to immerse themselves in the world created by the game relatively quickly.

In the future, the full version of the game will further upgrade the environmental exploration and puzzle solving as the plot progresses, increase the level and complexity of the psychological puzzle solving, improve the complexity of the game’s action and combat gameplay, open up regional map exploration, open up item collection, open up prop synthesis and more.

Game Features and Pricing:

The biggest highlights of the game at this stage are the immersive game design, multiple gameplay styles and unique narrative, including the seamless connection between cinematic footage and actual game play, the musical atmosphere, and the enhanced immersion of the plot. The Early Access stage of this game is priced at around 30% to 40% of the full version, aiming to provide the best purchase price for those who have supported us since the early days of the game’s promotion, and we sincerely thank you for your support.

Follow-up Game Version Introduction:

The full version of the game is designed to be around 20 hours in length, and the gameplay will be heavily expanded from the existing one. The full version of the game will feature around 50 characters, all of whom will have their own stories, performances, interactions, and more. There will be over a hundred background characters.

The full version of the game will have 8 to 10 chapters, guided by multiple main storylines interspersed, each chapter will be represented by a unique style and different expressions, and the tasks to be completed in each chapter will be relatively independent.

We will do our best to bring you an emotional and playful experience with laughter and tears, sadness and joy, which takes place in a virtual world but is nevertheless engraved in your heart.

Break Bounds: Exile 越界:流放者 on Steam