Anatomy of Fear

Anatomy of Fear

Lobby function: Broken

Gameplay: Broken

Main Menu: Broken

Cant see

First person: Broken

There is so much wrong with this game it doesnt make sense even as an early access title its way to broken

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Indie Games.

I bought and played with bias because your trailer looked pretty cheap besides not giving any serious information about the game. Three friends just finished the game, my first impressions are:

1-The graphics are really nice. (1920x1080-medium)

2-The cinematic in the beginning is very good.

3-The sound got stuck in the final cinematic.

4-Artificial intelligence can be developed. (There were occasional hang-ups between my friend and me)

5-The stormy weather was nice.

6- The price is suitable for the game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Anatomy of Fear on Steam

FiberTales: DummyKart

FiberTales: DummyKart

Very cute game! I like the campaign approach of the game, going through the story in the form of levels was pretty fun!

There was that one level in the campaign that I really really enjoyed and caught me off guard, not gonna spoil what was it, but you’ll know which one I’m referring to when you get to it!

I think the price is about right for the amount of content the game has right now; crossing fingers the rest of the story will be released in a future update.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Racing Games.

Nice game, enjoyed it a lot.

The colors are amazing and the overall feeling of the game is pretty nice.

Didn’t manage to finish the game yet, cause the bots keep shooting me with rockets, guess I’m the noob here ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

FiberTales: DummyKart on Steam



My dream Dragon Ball Z game as an 8 year old. Nerf Hazel, broken character.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Cinematic Action Games.

Azrael on Steam



I adore this game. I grew up playing Metal Warriors and Assault Suits Valken with my older brother, and have had a soft spot for the 2d mecha platformer genre ever since as a result. The asking price is reasonable for the single player content alone, in that it rivals Valken, Leynos, Gunhound etc, and may possibly be my favorite thus.

There are some hidden weapons blueprints in the levels, and sidequest type achievements to bring completionists back for a second playthrough. I was at first worried a bit by the lack of difficulty settings, but the game provides an adequate challenge and feeling of badassery on the first run worthy of its spiritual predecessors. You’ll be OP in the earlier stages of a second run by retaining your end game stats/equipment, but more significantly by having mastered the skills necessary to beat the game at all..

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Time for a review after finishing the game! I do a Single and Multi Part. Not too long though. Oh and how it feels.

People who say it feels clunky and such. They just can’t handle high mobility games. Hardcore Mecha gives you a lot of movement options which can be used to dodge or go in close for melee attacks. It feels fluid to me and a great experience controlling the Thunderbolt S. The rest comes in the Multi part.

Single Mode:

The Story is the usual Mecha? Not really when thought about it. There is the usual Fight against the other Organization but you belong to a team of Mercenarys. Which already changes a lot. You only do your Mission and help others if you want to. Or want them Credits… The Bosses are great even if sometimes underwhemling… Like the Final Boss. Should have been way more space and fighting room. And kinda anti-climatic. But still fun to fight! Like against the Crimson Flame which is difficult for a first timer for sure. It’s Melee focus and speed. The rest of the Single mode, when Arcade and such is missing for now. Is still a great experience. I still didn’t find every blueprint either! Gotta get to that. Everthing else. Great. Enemies are never cheaply placed. Even if it feels like that at once. They are never.

Real player with 32.5 hrs in game