The Advisor - Episode 1: Royal Pain

The Advisor - Episode 1: Royal Pain

My secret word is ‘Blessing’.

I knew to expect quality and a fun time. This surpassed expectations! It got me really thinking about what I know in terms of army logistics and self-sufficiency. I know, that may seem redundant these days but, in my humble opinion, striving for self-sufficiency and knowing how to work together as a group is always good idea. Growing food, purifying water, basic medicine and basic repairs on everyday objects, all that can be very useful. I still need to know more but that only means I’m excited to replay this in a few years and see how my ideas and capabilities have grown!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Choices Matter Games.

My Secret Word: Bard

My apparent skill as an adviser: Magnificent

Overall, I found this to be a very intriguing game. Like all other games by this developer I found myself having to face very difficult ethical questions. However, unlike the others there was also a lot of questions regarding leadership and tactics (personal interests of mine). Overall, I loved the opportunity the story provided me and the story itself. As for the main character, I find him to be painfully pragmatic somewhat in contrast to my values. However, not as much as I would like to admit. Aside from his quick leaps to pyromania I do not think Magnus is an entirely evil person. Perhaps this is due to my own propensity for witticism that endears him to me. In addition, I am sure he is smart enough to recognize benevolent leadership is better for the leader and their people as well. I like to think of it as enlightened self interest that benefits others. Along with the previously mentioned shared traits Magnus and I both have a nigh obsessive love of magic. Regarding the choice of kingdom, I find myself conflicted. I value loyalty above all else, yet know too little of this magical staff to be certain of the value. Gun to my head, I say stay with the current king. Given how well I turned things around I see no reason that the king and the Magnus can’t barter for the staff from a position of increased strength.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

The Advisor - Episode 1: Royal Pain on Steam



Diabolical is an interesting game. The first time i played i found it very amusing. The reason i can’t recomend it is because the game makes you think that your choices matter when they really don’t. In all “Choice of Games” games there is a certain level of railroading, in some instances it’s almost unnoticable and not to much of a problem. However in Diabolical it goes way too far.

Now i will be discussing some SPOILERS from this point onwards so read at your own risk.

Most main character will survive untill the final act no matter what you do, making your choice irrelevant. There’s a chapter in which your character has the option to kill another character, Even if you choose to kill him, you won’t since your character got a change of heart suddenly. the worst offender is the ending, now i won’t go into too much spoilers but let’s just say that what ending you get is dependant only on your last choice, a.k.a. no choice up untill this one matters. And there are a lot of options for the ending so you better be reay to replay the game at leadt 8 times to get them all, even though you already know how everything will turn out regardless of your choices.

Real player with 34.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Indie Games.

There is a very blurry line between “Choose your own adventure” games and “interactive light novel”. At this point you probably are a bit confused, so let me dissect the issue; In a “Choose your own adventure” game you are the main character, your choices make your personal out comes and paint a picture with the brush of your psyche: the game is a sandy beach and you the castle building child, each castle is different, yet all are clearly castle inspired by medieval architecture. In “interactive light novels” however, this is not the case; these games are more of showing you a(n) (almost) linear story, yet allowing you to be a part of the story, getting you attached to characters based on your actions, not to mention letting you feel the impact of the story first hand instead of the second hand method of traditional novella. Yet these two are not completely isolated from each other, rather they represent a spectrum of possibilities for games to exist in. Examples of games that heavily focus on only one side are: “Long Live The Queen” and “Monster Loves You!” for “Choose your own adventure” and “Zombie High” by Delight games llc for “interactive light novels”.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Diabolical on Steam

Fallen Hero: Rebirth

Fallen Hero: Rebirth

Where to even begin? Well, the simplest way to go is with a list, but much of what I could say/commend is already covered in the product’s description. So I’ll be foregoing that in favor of a wordy paragraph[or two].

Still, what a story! Maybe it isn’t the “perfect book” for everyone, and there are probably a fair number of people who’ve never considered if they would enjoy playing a CYOA game that could make you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle even as you successfully accomplish what you set out to do without a hitch. This book gives that feeling. Oh boy does it ever!

Real player with 317.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Indie Games.

So, I never, ever, did a review on any game I have ever played. But this one… This deserves it.

For those people who just wanna know if its good: Yes. It is the best cyoa game I have ever played. Go buy it.

And for those who want to know more…


In a world where Superheroes are real, you were a member of the Justice League Avengers Titans Rangers, a team of heroes to protect the innocent. But after a failed mission that left you assumed dead, you return seven years later to become the greatest villain Los Diabolos has ever known.

Real player with 70.3 hrs in game

Fallen Hero: Rebirth on Steam



Let us consult the stars.

Astrologaster was one of those games that I almost passed up on. I don’t remember exactly when I first came across Astrologaster, but it didn’t click with me at first. I was just sleepily browsing the upcoming games section around midnight, as you do, and it popped up. Finding the name interesting, I clicked, looked at the screenshots, and thought “hmm, I don’t know”. I saw it a couple more times, but when it got closer to the release date I finally watched the trailer. Why I didn’t watch it before, I can only blame it on being way too tired that night. With the combination of finding the trailer and the real life element behind Astrologaster intriguing, as well as peeking at a gameplay video, I thought “Hey, why not take the chance?”. Spoiler alert, I’m glad that I did.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this Letter of Recommendation for the General Public, as such that it is publicly displayed for All to fashion and be notified of the most excellent Occurence that has blessed our Water Vapour Storefront.

I feel obligated with great Duty to inform the good People of this Community that the very Heavens have brought down a veritable Angel of scientific Inquiry and medical Expertise. Why, I am, of course, referring to Doctor Simon Forman, an extraordinary Gentleman of grand Intellect and greater Empathy for the common Man. Through the Science of the Stars, Doctor Foreman instills a Sense of Security and Safety towards his Querents, many of which are notable Members of the higher Echelon, for good Reason! It is clear Doctor Forman’s medical Practice is of such immaculate Degree that God himself speaks directly to him via the starry Sky above!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Astrologaster on Steam

Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire

Ring of Fire is a detective noir puzzler set in the solarpunk utopia of New London.

You play as Detective Grosvenor, a jaded, middle-aged woman hunting through the still-dark corners of the city in pursuit of a radicalised serial killer.

Using your powers of deduction you must solve the brutally gruesome murders of the Ring of Fire killer. Examine clues, interrogate key suspects, and cross-reference your findings in the police database to uncover the mystery.


Solve the case using text entry, meaning you can’t brute force the puzzle.


Push your suspects to the brink through branching cinematic conversations with meaningful consequences.


Explore the 3D crime scene to examine evidence both visually and textually.

Ring of Fire on Steam

Blind Men

Blind Men

I would rate this game as a cute and short adventure that’s worth the price. Even with the occasional error, I’ve honestly paid more for that same amount of quality. My play time is a little high because I was playing this at the same time as another game with a lot of wait time.

Hunter was my first, but Sergei ended up as my favorite. I feel like a lot of these types games try and force the romance, but the fact that you could ignore it entirely was actually made the game feel more natural to me. I would love to see these characters expanded on later. Possibly even just in print form.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

A Cute And Funny VN For A Great Price!

I’m a big fan of dating sims and I was super happy to find this cute little BxB game! The art for all the characters was very nice, both the love interests were very handsome! The art for the backgrounds and cgs were also very nice, as was the music. I played and got all of the achievements, was very happy with the stories! I did enjoy the Sergei routes much more than Hunters, but that’s personal preference! If I were to put one critique it would be that there were a few spelling and grammar errors I noticed, but other than that I would say that this game is well worth the price tag, especially if it’s on sale! I’m excited to see more from these devs in the future!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Blind Men on Steam



(Note: This review was written after chapter 4’s release. If the final fifth chapter impacts this review, I will update it accordingly. I am also a man.)

Female-driven visual novels have become increasingly common among western audiences. Unfortunately, these games are also peppered with groan-inducing young boys seeking to win the hearts of adolescent girls through affection. Where are the games with dark storytelling and evil men, and why is it taboo for women to fantasize about them? Demonheart wisely accommodates this void with a cast of evil love interests and a thought-provoking dark narrative.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Demonheart is a dark fantasy tale about a young woman, who has her life taken completely out of her own hands, in the most unusual circumstances. Follow this aberrant tale as she is lead down a dark path of no return.

Plot: Step into the role of Bright, a young red-headed maiden as she goes about her everyday life. She lives with her parents in a tiny house as the three of them try to scrape together to simply put food in their stomachs. That is, until one fateful day, an unexpected job offer reaches her. The town’s famous healer wishes to extend an invite to Bright to work alongside her in her shop as her assistant. This could be the break Bright and her family so desperately need, but is it too good to be true? Well, of course, it is or the story would end pretty quickly, wouldn’t it?

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Demonheart on Steam

Grand Academy for Future Villains

Grand Academy for Future Villains

Seriously…27 hours on a text-based choice-driven story about being an evil student in a school for villains. Need I really say more? I LOVE this game. You can really be the kind of villain you want to be, of the genre you want to be in. My Omen is a force to be feared, with unrivaled style and a shear love for being bad. Couple that with his growing obsession for fellow classmate Aurion, his one-sided rivalry with his mother, and his support for evil just being evil for the sake of evil…and bam! I love this game so much. Its sequel is awesome to! =D

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

The idea that different styles of villainy are incompatible was the worst possible thing to base the mechanics on, especially since which is incompatible with which is not at all clear and completely inconsistent. I’ve been through this around 100 times to try and map out the choices to get consistently good result and have been entirely unable to make sense of the stats system. I’m not sure if it’s even possible to “succeed” in this game, and the achievements that hint otherwise seem to be unobtainable.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Grand Academy for Future Villains on Steam