

My honestly review on Sumire

You have one day, one life.

Sumire is a adventure game with colorful anime were you control a young girl who meet a mysterious flower who want to fulfill her most desired wish. To achieve the wish come true, she have to fulfill all task of other soul before night falls.

As I have play this game, I have a wonderful day to see some relaxing and colorful day of this game. I love the colorful art and music when you travel into the Japanese village or a rice field, as it feel relax and sometime is nice than adventure in the big city because sometime you (might) always travel on important cities and landmarks, but never see the countryside.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Exploration Games.


Sumire tells the story of a little girl with a lot on her plate.

You will follow her journey, make lots of small and big decisions

and you will witness how these decisions impact the people around her and herself.

You can help those around her or focus on her goal alone.

Will you seek revenge or go the path of forgiving?

Will you be a helpful, kind-hearted spirit or isolate yourself and be self centered?

Will you be able to face the darkness inside you?


The controls are very simple and intuitive.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Sumire on Steam

Faerie’s Bargain: The Price of Business

Faerie’s Bargain: The Price of Business

Where to begin.

Ultimately, I wish I could give them a meh review, rather then a straight thumbs up or down. I really wanted to love and enjoy this title, being a fan of magic, folklore, fantasy, etc. But in the end, I’ve had more bad then good.

To begin with, the story at times is very dense with unfamiliar terms and strange convoluted choices. Halfway through the first chapter, it was so hard to really understand exactly what was going on and what my choice options would do that I resorted to reading the coding just to get a better idea. But even that became a convoluted mess, as the labeling for choice stats and their effects is so odd that even with the code guiding me, I never really knew what outcome I would get. A seemingly obvious devious decision (even using the term devious in its text) would fail despite my devious stat being higher then my forthright! And a choice you think would obviously boost a stat (like being compassionate), at times instead boosted ambition. Making it really hard to know what the heck result you could expect to get. Couple that with very convoluted writing at times, and by the end of the faerie merchant council, I was so tired of the story that I had to quit just to give my brain a break after realizing the story was STILL going.

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Interactive Fiction Games.

Steam forces us to select a positive recommendation or a negative judgement : there is no option to be neutral, hesitant. Consequently, I do not wish to be a nuisance to a developer’s sales by selecting a thumb-down option. This game is an example of a product I am hesitant to recommend, but also, hesitant to reject. I may only give my very personal, subjective feedback – opinions not applicable to all types of players.

I am mostly an emotional role-player, so, to enjoy a game, I must feel immersed into my game persona – as soon as possible.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Faerie's Bargain: The Price of Business on Steam

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is a FMV comedy-thriller game, where the player intervene in radio hosts' adventures in six episode. The game is playing in the same universe like The Shapeshifting Detective from the same developer.

I bought the game at the first place, because I really liked The Shapeshifting Detective.

Sound and music is most likely the brightest part of the game. Especially the main menu theme, but all of the songs are really good. Other sound and voices are really good in the game, has good quality in my opinion. In the last episodes, one of the actress voice was low, but that’s all really.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure FMV Games.

The Infectious, Shapeshifting Madness of D’Avekki Studios!

(The infectious madness I’m currently enduring is that of COVID symptomatology, so please forgive anything that doesn’t quite make sense!)

I think I love it.

The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker had a huge impact on me. A fact poor D’Avekki Studios will have already been well exposed to if they caught any glimpse of my Shapeshifting Detective review. Where it really separated itself from all other FMV games then and since is that it was effectively one-on-one campfire storytelling. Patients were constricted to lounging on a central sofa as they beguiled you with outlandish stories against a superbly crafted atmosphere. Your imagination was put to work, but with the FMV visuals lending it all more credibility. Nothing else is quite like it and thus quite matches it (the closest perhaps being Her Story). I’ve been eargerly awaiting anything D’Avekki ever since.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro on Steam

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

This game is amazing. I dont know if this is a step up from Love at First Bite but it is extremely good. figuring out the solution while getting brutally murdered by best boy is fun. You really get a feel for characters and there personality. If your on the fence for this game. PLEASE DO, its cheap and amazing. ALSO BUY THE FIRST GAME

patches best boy 3

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Hello I’m still stuck in this basement the dev has trapped under. I haven’t seen the light of day since the year 2008. This is a cry for help. Will anybody see this ? Time is a lost concept to me and the only drive that keeps me alive here is the possible hope I have for a chance at freedom

The basement door is heavy but someone please come help me

(P.S Sparky still p cool)

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road

Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road

Before I say anything else, I wanna full disclosure the fact that my total playtime should be taken with a grain of salt as I’ve more than a few times found myself getting distracted by discord blinking, thoughts wandering or even getting lost in links while looking something up while the game stayed up in the background accumulating gametime. That said, the TL;DR is that if this is what we can expect of the future CoG WoD games, then I think the future looks bright and I recommend Night Road. All in all a nice and fun game.

Real player with 71.9 hrs in game

Vampire the Masquerade: Night Road is a text-based RPG set in the Dark World universe and modern nights period, when Sabbat is destroyed, and Camarilla is weakened by the Second Inquisition. It’s a story about Cainites (vampires) looking for re-establishing themselves in the modern world of everpresent surveillance that not only endangers the Masquerade (the secret code of conduct that dictates hiding the existence of supernatural from mortals), but also their very own survival. The player character is thrown in the tumultuous events that take place in Arizona and Texas around 2020. And, in all this turmoil, the player, a vampire, has to make choices about his loyalties, goals, beliefs, personality, survival and the very future of his kind.

Real player with 53.4 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road on Steam

Wraiths of SENTINEL

Wraiths of SENTINEL

A very solid CoG - better than most. I really only have two criticisms for the story:

1. The romance wasn’t handled that well in my opinion. It’s very abrupt, especially with the Sorcerer, and with the limited character exploration of the romance optinos it feels empty.

2. I didn’t like the inclusion of the non-Wraith entities. Magicians, demons, etc. To me it makes the whole thing feel smaller. I get that the author is building a shared universe with MetaHuman Inc. (which is a good game), but… meh

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

I liked MC’s base wraith superpower, I think it was unique and cool. I don’t think it counts as spoilers since you’re introduced to this power at the very beginning of the game: you can walk through walls and other solid stuff (including people) like a ghost, and you are invisible to the human eyes which makes you the perfect spy. It’s cool to see that MC wonders about the extents of this superpower, like can you somehow pass through earth and so on.

There are a number of major choices (at least it looks like it) and different endings (I’ve explored 2 endings, at least). I felt like most of the choices I’ve made had some effect at later stages of the game which is good.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Wraiths of SENTINEL on Steam

Man of the World

Man of the World

It is possible to become a famous musician, take part in medieval battles, earn a fortune from trade, become a thief of women’s hearts or an avid duelist. The game allows you to do all this.

Man of the World on Steam

The Dream Libra had

The Dream Libra had

It was a fun little game… my only complaint is not about the game but that I earned all the achievements and then discovered what “Profile Features Limited” means. I’ve never noticed this note on any other games but now I know this game doesn’t appear in my “Perfect Games”… why Steam???

Otherwise, good luck figuring out the trash can… you can do it… and the Elixir mission… lol. They were tough but doable. Nice touch by the game dev to make those a challenge.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The Dream Libra had

This game is a really simple adventure indie game. I really enjoyed playing this game, I like the genre and games with strange atmosphere and funny and weird quest. Sure the story might be mind shocking to genre savvy people but I liked the twist anyways. Plus I am a big fan of how the quest tied in with the story/message of the game. The game does have issues with it inventory and picking up items. It was really annoying trying to get an item off the floor and no way to toggle to it. Also the way way you shoot your gun. Sometimes I am clicking directly at the enemy but it doesn’t connect and takes a few tries before they die. Also there is some game mechanic that felt useless like the heart v body stats? I am not sure if the affects the ending. There is some spelling and grammar errors but this guy is doing everything himself and it is way better than other translations it brings charm anyways.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

The Dream Libra had on Steam

The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening

The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening

Secret Word: Arson

I know this isn’t really a game…. but like it’s a really fun thing to play with your friends. To get your money worth go ahead and stream this on discord with a group of friends. Serious lovely discussion came from this. I would say its a fun time for emotional development within a group of close friends. We learned about each other and the way I did it was through democratic vote but rolled a d20 to break ties. asked a random person to pick high or low.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

My Secret Word was Dirt (TW : Non Consensual)

I’ve had a lot of fun doing all these previous games but my death including r*** wasintense and extremely uncomfortable for me. As much as I like this series and would love to be considered in the future development of this game. This one was not it for me.

Although there are warnings on this page there are no warnings during the game about the r*** scene and felt completely unnecessary and felt like a cop out for making a horror game more “scary”.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

The Horrorscope: Fatal Awakening on Steam

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse Love at Furst Bite (palfb) is a short visual novel which focuses mostly on the interactions between the characters.

The game isn’t very long but worth the five bucks or the equivalent amount of other currency.

While the writing isn’t the strongest its fairly decent and kept me entertained during my playthrough.

The interactions between the characters are both cute and sometimes horrifying and at times made me cringe because of what was happening on the screen.

The cute artstyle is one of the games strongest points and while it may not be to everyones tastes it fits the game well, making the games deathscenes (and there’s a lot of them) more shocking.

Real player with 1361.5 hrs in game

Going to go right out of the gate and say that this is definitely not your standard kind of game, and if you can’t handle gore - even if it’s cartoonish - then you shouldn’t play the game out of respect for your eyes. However, if you can handle that…

Welcome to Purrfect Apawcalypse! We have:

  • clifford the nonbinary dog

  • suicidal maniac who’s also funny as shit


  • bitch who died on a fucking toilet seat (very important, not ironic)

  • witch who will probably step on you (and not apologize (trust me it’s cool ok))

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite on Steam