The Yawhg

The Yawhg

Initially, when I first heard of this game, I just figured, “hey, this looks kinda neat but I’m not paying $10 for it becuase I’m a lousy cheap-ass.” It looked like a cool concept to me and if it looks like a cool concept to you, then you’re perhaps in for something of a treat.

Now, when I first played it on my own, I wasn’t particularly entertained. I mean, yes, the different story paths were somewhat interesting and the various different endings were kinda cool but I wasn’t really absorbed into it. It was just something I used to make a good 45 minutes pass by one day when I was feeling bored. Then, while with some friends the other night, I decided to pull it out because we all needed a game to play and this just so happened to be multiplayer and seemed like a nice change of pace from the usual stuff we always tend to play (e.g. Genital Jousting, Jackbox Party Pack, etc.) What I didn’t expect was for us to keep playing over and over again for several more hours, as we found ourselves unusually entertained by this strange little game.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Indie Games.

The Yawhg

The Yawhg is a quaint little game. The premise is simple, you control up to four characters in the weeks leading up to a great disaster known as The Yawhg. Nobody knows the Yawhg is coming, and you can only command your characters so far in that you pick an activity for them to complete each week.

Your characters will gain stat points for the activity you choose. For example, chopping wood increases strength. But random events will also happen, so while chopping wood you might meet a dryad, and they’ll ask you to dance. If your character has a high finesse score, you can impress the dryad with your dancing and receive a reward.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

The Yawhg on Steam

Motion Of The Heart

Motion Of The Heart

Good visual novel, but very short. This is a cautionary story about workaholic.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Visual Novel Games.

Completed this game 4 times for better endings lol.

Good story but really short

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Motion Of The Heart on Steam

My Bones Remastered

My Bones Remastered

I got this game on sale for 75% off (.49 cents USD) and it’s honestly worth about that. Even with the major update made days before my purchase, there is just not much to do in this game. Which is a shame as it’s beautiful in it’s own surreal sort of way and what is here shows promise.

You do get to break some boards, fetch some keys and read some notes, but the dev wasn’t kidding about it being a walking sim. There is one puzzle, but the jump scares are audio and the promised horror of the beast never comes for you. It honestly feels like the final level of a much bigger game.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Indie Games.

Well, it certainly looks a lot better than the original version…which I see I gave a measly 3.5 out of 10. So how does it compare in regard to gameplay?

I’d be lying if I said that I’ve played the original so many times as to know it inside-out, but…I’m pretty sure it’s much the same.

My character awakens in an admittedly atmospheric cemetery, and heads straight for a boarded-up crypt in front of me. I enter the crypt and find…nothing. At least nothing I can interact with: my character has no use for axes, it seems, and I have no idea why the cute bunny statue is sat beside the axe in question. A homicidal hare in waiting, perhaps? So far, so perplexing…

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

My Bones Remastered on Steam



Ishmael was a weird experience, I’m still not sure how to feel about it.

First of all, I didn’t like writing, it wasn’t immersive for me at all. Tho English is very good, I didn’t notice any typos. The whole atmosphere seemed so distant, so alien. But then I actually thought that maybe it’s how it should be ‘cause the world described in the game really IS so foreign to me.

It’s the shortest novel I’ve ever played, just about 15 minutes long. We learn the story of a young Palestinian boy. The way children spend their free time playing outdoor games with just stones and sand wasn’t one bit gloomy for me. That’s practically how I spent my childhood growing in a Siberian village—playing snowballs, making snowmen, snow huts in winter, hopscotch or a great number of other games in summer. I actually believe, that time was great fun without computers, internet… But in the game the boy is bored. I didn’t feel related. Of course, when it’s war, occupation, death nearby it changes everything significantly.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

a boring game with a very bautiful purpose.

i’d like to reward the purpose, ‘cause there is a deep meaning in this game, unfortunally, it’s not touching as it should be.

it’s actually pretty dull(even if short), it ’s just a glimpse of daily life for a child, used by the developer to make you understand how people see war, and how people are raised up to bacame soldier in middle easth.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Ishmael on Steam

Impossible Quest

Impossible Quest

This is a simplistic text-based game. The game offers four different stories. Each story has various endings that you can unlock. I do like that the game has a setting to delete the save file, although I’m not sure how much of a replay value this game might have (unless someone else in your house would like to play the game).

The biggest issue I had with the game is that there was quite a bit of grammatical errors. Some of the sentences needed a bit of work, not to mention some words were either misspelled or missing a letter. I didn’t see many bugs in the game, but the one I did spot had me going through a loop. It would make the biggest difference if the devs double checked the entire game for errors!

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I must admit that I thought “Dull!” after the first few seconds of watching the trailer video. Then I saw that the game has more to offer than just clicking text boxes, like ‘Racing’; I ended up buying this game, which I didn’t regret: the game is inspired by the Impossible Quiz (series), has a lot of fine humour and at least knows some (great) references to

! (my favourite) series Lost: 4-8-15-16-23-42 ((un)lucky numbers), dynamite, which was found on the Black Rock (boat) etc. and HP and the Philosopher’s Stone; Chessboard Chamber ;-) It’s a Memory Game (remember what you chose towards an ending!), it’s fun and challenging; it also requires some out-of-the-box thinking if you want to make it to at least the most endings. Speaking of which, I considered a few endings unfair, especially because I’m not Russian.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Impossible Quest on Steam

Silent Earth

Silent Earth

The situation, characters and call for action are all set up well for the beginning of a great story. There are lots of nice themes being built that could take this game in so many different directions. An ambitious adventure for the characters and ambitious plot for the writers. Although, I only came to one of the endings. I hope they all sound as interesting as the one I ended with.

I hope the developers aren’t finished yet. This free game doesn’t feel like a full game but rather a test or set-up for a future, more detailed game. I think the plot and characters are interesting enough to go all the way. Please continue the story! A Mass Effect-like world would be fun if you have the budget! :D A point n click would work too. And, again, if it remains text-based (cuz text-based is cool, too), need to bring the readers further into the world and make the user experience nicer. The black screen does have a feeling of reading in a void. And I turned off the music half way through. I thought that the progression of the game, as it is, already does the same things as a point n click game such as being able to hover over words/objects to get more detail. Just needs more development and encouragement to keep going.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Silent Earth is a delightful and short text-based trip. The setting and overall tone felt novel to me, even in the generally overcrowded sci-fi space genre. The narrative is well-written in conveying each character’s motivations and connections with little reading necessary, while still allowing the characters to feel compelling in each interaction. In my first run, going at a slow pace to explore everywhere I could, it took me about 45 minutes to reach its conclusion. This game successfully left me thinking about it well after I had beaten it. Highly recommend.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Silent Earth on Steam

Sword Daughter

Sword Daughter

I guess this is one where I wished steam had a number or star rating rather than a good/bad option. I bought it some time ago, didn’t particularly like it so put it down for a while and picked it up again recently but found more of the same. Overall I’m coming down on the negative side of neutral with regards to it being a game book written in the 80’s. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen but it has some significant problems with the story.

Firstly some of the graphics are nice. They’re in a consistant style that suits the game book. I didn’t find the music that intrusive (although I turned it right down after a while and it got repetative) and the sound effects are ok.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

The first line of this story really should have been: Once Upon a Time. Had it started this way I doubt there would have been so many comments/complaints about character development and short storylines. Truthfully what fairy tale really does have in-depth character development or that much of a plot?

Storyline: Tyrna, a young woman (a maiden) has been trained by her father all her life to be a warrior. On the way to the Warrior Games (a tournament to basically earn the right to be called a warrior) the caravan is attacked by orcs. She is knocked unconscious fighting orcs and because of this is the only remaining survivor of the massacre her father dies in. Gavin, a half-elf/half-human ranger (on patrol) comes upon the carnage and revives her before the orcs return or wild animals find her. Of course it is love at first sight, what fairy tale does not have love at first sight. The adventure and mild romance (mostly of the happily ever type) begins here.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Sword Daughter on Steam

Drinks With Abbey

Drinks With Abbey

All of the awkwardness of a first date without the price tag or the time wasted (that almost sounds like a reason to recommend this game…)

Unfortunately it’s not much of a game. It’s a 5 minute long choose-your-own-adventure graphic novel where you answer anywhere from 5 to 20 questions to get one of 9 different endings. I suppose if you’ve never had a date before this all might seem novel and interesting, but it’s just a cliché summary of stereotypical first-date night-at-a-bar tropes that ends long before it bothers to be unique or interesting.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Game emphasizes being honest

I say that the waitress isn’t that hot since she looked kinda “meh” to me

Abbey accuses me of being a lying bitch who’s just trying to impress her/not make her jealous

That’s when I learned that when a lot of people say “I like someone who is honest”, what they really mean is “I prefer someone who gives answers that I like”

Observe how she’s alright with throwing the wool over your eyes (the waitress, gives false idea of pool skills, etc.), yet if you tried to mislead her in any way, she’s all “dude wtf!?”.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Drinks With Abbey on Steam

Over The Phone

Over The Phone

it’s a short-lived game, but pretty enjoyable to play, the tone clue are quite helpful to not make the wrong move. made me quite emotional since i can somewhat relate to the story. waiting for more similar games from dev

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

This is a pretty short game but its pretty well made and I enjoyed what was there, it took me some time but I did finally get all three endings. My favorite ending I think was 2a, it made me smile, but 2b hurt my heart. Thanks to the devs for creating this, I really hope they do more like it, I’d like to see a game like this with a few more outcomes and a bit more length

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Over The Phone on Steam

Who Are You, Mr. Cooper?

Who Are You, Mr. Cooper?

Update Nothing new. Dev abandonment. Game is short as heck. If you’re bored and want a game ONLY worth $1, buy it. But it won’t entertain you for that long. Otherwise, DO NOT BUY. Not a lot of content.

Update 1 Review Better. But stillvery repetitive. Dev fixed the robbing issue constantly happening as well as improving the minigames. Try Your Luck Money game still fails me more than anything.

It’s still work work work sleep get robbed work work shop sleep work work sleep buys an item work sleep work work, repeat with an occasional time of going to the Inventors area.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

More frustrating than fun. The minigames are chaotic, way too fast, and tediously repetitive. Constantly being robbed, blocked, and attacked is both boring and tiresome. I guess the story is interesting enough, but for a primarily text-based game, the quality of the writing is very poor – an editor would be a great investment here.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Who Are You, Mr. Cooper? on Steam