Run TavernQuest

Run TavernQuest

This is a game you won’t be playing. Instead, you will be behind the scenes, overseeing the inner workings of the game for another player named STEVE. Can you shepherd STEVE away from his poor decisions and towards the goal of saving the princess?

Run TavernQuest is the endeavor of one sole developer named Collin Eddings, whose other work includes contributions to The Stanley Parable. The game is styled after old school text adventure games, but doesn’t require any typing. Instead, STEVE is the player and he types commands to you. Your job is to interpret his words and choose how the adventure proceeds based off of his input. When STEVE types go door, what lies behind the door? The choices you make can lead him down drastically different paths, but ultimately it’s up to STEVE to win the game.

  • Choose how the environment and NPCs respond to STEVE’s stupid commands!

  • Full voiceover from a very talented voice actor (announcements soon to come)!

  • Engage in text-based combat where your goal is to lose every time!

  • Experience frustration as STEVE ignores every single one of your plot hooks!

  • Go blind staring at green text for several hours!*

    *Or, you know, just configure the game’s settings to make things easier to read

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Indie Games.

Run TavernQuest on Steam

Class of ‘09

Class of ‘09

I had great fun with this game. voice acting was amazing. I felt bad for all the men who had to voice the pedophile teachers. It was dark with out feeling like someone was punching/looking down on others. Its a tight rope to walk but it does so wonderfully, some errors here and there but other wise I enjoyed my 8 hours. I know the dramatic edginess of it would put some people off which I understand. Some shit not for everyone, but this game does not take itself serious in the least. We have DDLC, Hunie Pop, various games taking different angels and pot shot at the VN/Dating sims genre. Sometimes you need shit that just different.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure 2D Games.

I thought this was going to be light like a bag filled with 628 pissing calvin stickers but then got sauce with a Papa John’s Piledriver when i made the wrong choice for the character.

SBN3 has been doing voice acting, writing, and other nerd magazine stuff on youtube for quite a bit. From batman beyond ill, to taste closed, to even the feature length movie dubbed over called Operation Backpackers and another one called Taste Closed Heaven aint hard to find. As soon as i heard this project dropped on steam i had to buy it.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Class of '09 on Steam

Imagine Lifetimes

Imagine Lifetimes

I personally really enjoyed this game. I first played it from before it’s Steam release (thanks to GrayStillPlays) so I somewhat knew what to do. The Steam release added a few features that I was glad to see like achievements and scene skips.

I love games like this one. Simple, but deep. Deep, but also doesn’t take itself too seriously. It makes you think about things but never shoves it in your face. I quite enjoyed all the references too. Some of the endings were a bit out there, but that’s part of the fun.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Choose Your Own Adventure Multiple Endings Games.

There are certain cruelties this game that presents you with that prevent me from classifying it as fun.

Within the game there are advertisements for the developers other games, and I had to reset the game (the intro sequence is waaay too long.) to escape them. The options for this game are super limited. I get there’s only so much you can do with a game like this. It just feels dull and monotonous. Playing through multiple times is not rewarding at all, and this game does NOT respect your time or intellect.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Imagine Lifetimes on Steam

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything


-Is the game is on sale?

-Do you like Point and Click Adventure Games?

-You are in the mindset for something different?

IF YOU SAID YES TO MOST: Then try the demo before buying it anyway. It’s a surreal PnC-AG that needs to be tried.

IF YOU SAID NO TO MOST: Play the demo anyway. Even if you bought the game, the demo is right in the full game and is worth a play.

Crunched Review:

–Developer Front Page BS: None (Well, the joke about white blood cells was closer to a simile, but that’s nitpicking)

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

I kind of loved this game, I think this game must be one of my guilty pleasures! I enjoy point and click adventures and I hadn’t played a point and click game for a while. So maybe that is why I really loved this one so much.

I think this game is original and unique with an equally unique and really effective art style. The story is fun and satirical, but in an intelligent way. It feels very well written and crafted and not just random silly ideas thrown together in a rush.

Point and click games can get very frustrating as it is very slow to walk from one area to another and to another to try different things. As this game is short, it does not get too frustrating.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

The Preposterous Awesomeness of Everything on Steam

How to Win: Season One

How to Win: Season One

Incredibly funny, and then actually really emotional in places.

I absolutely loved this game. The characters are great, it’s really funny and interesting seeing what suggestions people have given, and while the game uses more player suggestions that I was expecting, it still managed to keep some order in the chaos to deliver great characters and a really satisfying narrative.

I finished the main story in around 3 hours, but then kept replaying to see different pathways and unlock achievements/bonus scenes.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

There is so much I could say about this game. It’s beautifully done for starters. It touches on a lot of extremely serious issues, some subtly, some much less so. All of them done with wit and charm one has come to expect from the genius of Cael, Elliot and the Hidden Track team. This game will put you through every emotion imaginable. I laughed, I cried, I felt afraid and everything in between. The art style was simplistic, yet unique and beautiful. Once again, to be expected as a Hidden Track project. The sounds were spot on. And DO NOT get me started on the plot twists. I genuinely did not see them coming. It was so easy to lose myself in the worlds they created. And the characters… There were a couple I will love forever, and a couple I will loathe forever, yet another feeling not oft invoked in me. Honestly, I could go on and on, but you’re probably tired of my rambling praise at this point. Needless to say, though I was cautiously optimistic when they gave it to me to try, I fell hard and fast and will be purchasing copies for friends as soon as I’m able. 10 of 10 a must play.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

How to Win: Season One on Steam

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

I went into this game expecting 45 minutes-1 hour’s worth of silly little content that would give me, someone who’s worked in food and retail, a good laugh.

What I got was 3 hours of organ rupturing good humored, nail on the head scenarios that were so scarily familiar but also insanely ridiculous.

Without spoiling anything (yes, yes, there is a plot, and it is delicious), you go through a good handful of incredibly unique, inconvenient situations that could truly happen to anybody. No level feels like a repeat, no joke feels overused or like low-hanging fruit (unless you count the entire premise of the game as low hanging fruit). If you play on Normal mode, you have to figure out how to manipulate different characters to get what you want purely through intuition and guess work, WITHOUT you (Karen) becoming outraged and making a disaster of the place.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Similar to other reviews, I thought this game would be shorter…offering maybe an hour of content. I ended up streaming it for over 3 hours.

I played this with a couple of other friends and we all took turns voice-acting Karen and the other characters. We spent so much time laughing our sides were sore!

I’ve also worked 7 years in retail and, again like other reviewers, have encountered my fair share of “Karens” and this game accurately depicts the stereotypical Karen in her natural habitat.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Karen: An Outrage Simulator on Steam

tERRORbane: an INTRODUCTION, mostly

tERRORbane: an INTRODUCTION, mostly

I 100% it, and i thought it was pretty fun. It’s a good and cheesy adventure that is really nice looking and has a bunch of twists i had a good chuckle for.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

really cool idea but its not a bug if it has to be done for the story to progress

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

tERRORbane: an INTRODUCTION, mostly on Steam

More. The Eternal Utopia

More. The Eternal Utopia

To tell the truth, this feels like a fan fiction someone plastered with supersaturated colors and one image of Thomas More. All the images seem extracted from somewhere in the internet and I can’t help but squint my eyes at the color overflow. The story is a bit random, starting in Thomas Mores’ study room, but some incident throws him in the present world. There are some philosophical ideas hidden in the conversations, but I felt like being put on rails. Everything passed and after half an hour of reading dialogues and monologues, I reached an end.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

More. The Eternal Utopia on Steam



In tERRORbane, you’d expect to save a generic fantasy RPG world from evil, right? Instead, the Developer who created the game keeps on commenting on everything you do, funny bugs and glitches keep on popping up everywhere you go and nothing seems to work the way it should?! What’s a good Player to do, but dish out his trusty BUG LIST and use bugs to his advantage to get to the ending credits sequence?

There’s nothing that could go hilariously wrong, right?

Become the TERRORBANE, saviour of the world!

tERRORbane is a comedic adventure where bugs are your FRIENDS!

Enjoy exploring a crazy and outlandish world, full of unique, quirky characters and homages to the media of videogaming and its celebrated history, challenge the Developer with your creativity as you exploit and cheat your way through his sloppy design to try to get to the heart of what is truly needed to make the best games work.

Explore a wild wild WORLD!

Saving the realm from evil anthropomorphic villains is hardly a novel concept in the wild world of videogames, but don’t go expecting this adventure to stay run-of-the-mill fantasy for long! Castles, temples, starships and vaults! Travel from the digital depths of a dungeon to the surface of the moon with barely any cohesive plot holding it together! The Developer created a world so full of strange lore and wonderful locales, you’ll start to question your own sanity!

Challenge the Developer and find all BUGS you can!

The Developer swears the game he has created is the best one ever made, but the sorry state of his code begs for a much needed reassessment of his claims! Hunt for bugs and glitches, fill your BUG LIST and exploit every loop-hole you can! Only this way you’ll defy all videogaming norms and prove your rights as the ultimate Player, worthy of changing the world of tERRORbane forever.

Make your CHOICES and venture beyond!

Did you really think finishing the game would be enough to finish tERROrbane’s story? Think again! Your choices shape your journey across the world, delivering you to wildly different sections and environments, going back and choosing differently will usher you to completely different stories and characters, adding new bugs to your collection! Who’s to say you won’t find a way to explore even beyond the ending credit scene?


This game is perfect, there are no glitches here.

tERRORbane on Steam

Welcome To The Untitled Game

Welcome To The Untitled Game

Welcome To The Untitled Game - pretty hard and crazy first person game. One mistake and you have lot, all you have to do is to reach an exit. But no matter how easy it may seem, you will lose. Reach till the end and don’t die from bunny with minigun, from falling piano or from flying jetpack cow.

You need to play around 1319325+ times in order to complete this game.

If you always wanted to destroy your pc with your bare hands, then Welcome To The Untitled Game !

Welcome To The Untitled Game - is a completely stupid and hard game. We advice to put your hammer, chainsaw and lasergun somewhere distant from your pc, but you probably don’t have any laserguns pew-pew-pew .

Welcome To The Untitled Game on Steam